Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Damage per shot - Damage: This information comes straight from the G.E.C.K. and shows the damage caused by a single click of the mouse/trigger. For most handguns and rifles, that's a single bullet, but for shotguns it's a single shell (containing several small pellets), and for the Gatling laser it's a single beam. This stat is most useful for comparing semi-automatic weapons like rifles, where you can see the full damage caused by a single shot, regardless of how long it takes to load and fire the next one.
Damage per second - Damage per second: The maximum cyclic damage dealt in one second, expressed as rate of fire times damage. Weapons that require a reload every shot have damage per second shown including reload times, all others show sustained rates without reloads.
Rate lof fire l- Rate of fire: The maximum cyclic number of shots/attacks per second, without considering reloading.
Weapon Spread - Spread: This is the Min Spread stat from the G.E.C.K. (the Spread stat is not used). It refers to the accuracy of a ranged weapon. 0 means the weapon can potentially fire perfectly straight, if stance, weapon skill, and weapon condition are optimal. Anything above 0 means the shots may deviate from center by that many degrees regardless of stance, skill, or condition.
Critical chance multiplier - Critical chance multiplier: The multiplier applied to your character's critical hit chance. This modifier applies to each individual attack you make (e.g. each 5mm bullet fired from your minigun). For example, if your character has a critical hit chance of 5%, and the weapon you're using has a CRIT % MULT of x2, then each shot has a 5% x 2 =10% chance to critically hit. For automatic weapons (assault rifles, SMGs, miniguns, etc.) the Crit % Mult stat in the G.E.C.K. is divided by the G.E.C.K.'s Fire Rate stat, hence the very small multiplier for automatic weapons. This is done to compensate for the sheer number of bullets being fired. Note that single V.A.T.S. attack, with automatic weapons, only checks for critical hit once, applying damage bonus for all bullets in such attack if critical hit is done.
Critical hit Damage - Critical hit Damage: The amount of damage that is added when you score a critical strike. The more specialized Sneak Attack Critical deals twice the damage of a common critical strike.
Action point cost - Action Point cost: The amount of Action Points used per shot in V.A.T.S.
Area of Effect - Area of effect: The blast radius of the explosion in units of measurement displayed in the G.E.C.K.
Weapon durability in shots until broken - Durability: This is the maximum number of times a weapon can attack/fire from full health before completely breaking.
Ammunition used - Ammunition used: The type of ammunition the weapon uses.
Magazine capacity (shots per reload) - Magazine capacity: The maximum ammunition capacity of the weapon. Shots per reload: The maximum number of shots possible from a full magazine.
Weapon weight - Weapon weight: Weight value of the weapon that applies to encumbrance.
Weapon value in caps - Weapon value in caps: Base value of the weapon in caps. Resale value is effected by Barter skill.
Value to weight ratio - Value to weight ratio: The ratio of the base weapon value in caps to the weapon weight.

Small Guns[]


Pistol name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
32snub v2 .32 pistol 6 18 3 x1 6 20 0.3 0.5 .32 caliber 5 556 2 110 55 0000080A
32snub v2 Wild Bill's Sidearm The Pitt (add-on) 10 30 3 x1 15 20 0.5 0.5 .32 caliber 5 833 2 250 125 xx00A7CB
10mm pistol 10mm pistol 9 54 6 x1 9 17 0.53 0.5 10mm round 12 556 3 225 75 0000434F
10mm pistol (Gamebryo) Colonel Autumn's 10mm pistol 13 78 6 x1 13 17 0.77 0.5 10mm round 12 577 3 325 108 0006B531
10mm pistol with silencer Silenced 10mm pistol¹ 8 48 6 x2 5 21 0.38 0.5 10mm round 12 333 3 250 83 00004350
ChinesePistolv2 Chinese pistol 4 24 6 x1 4 17 0.24 1.0 10mm round 10 1250 2 190 95 00004325
ChinesePistolv2 Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese pistol 4 +2
20 4.5 x2 4 17 0.24 1 10mm round 10 1667 2 290 145 00060C2C
Dart gun Dart gun¹ 6
+8 Poison/8s
44 6 x2.5 12 25 0.24 0 Dart 1 883 3 500 167 0000432A
.44 magnum revolver with scope Scoped .44 Magnum² 35 78.8 2.25 x2 35 32 1.09 0.3 .44 Magnum round 6 229 4 300 75 0000434D
.44 magnum revolver with scope Blackhawk² 55 123.8 2.25 x2 45 32 1.72 0.3 .44 Magnum round 6 218 4 500 125 000303A2
.44 magnum revolver with scope Callahan's Magnum² Broken Steel 65 146.3 2.25 x2 50 25 2.6 0.3 .44 Magnum round 6 205 4 750 188 xx00B806
.44 magnum revolver (Fallout 3) Paulson's revolver Mothership Zeta (add-on) 45
101.3 2.25 x2 315
32 1.4 3 .44 Magnum round 6 178 4 300 75 xx00829F

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Pistols are affected by Gunslinger.
  • ¹ Weapon is silenced.
  • ² Weapon is scoped.


Rifle name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Assault rifle Assault rifle 8 64 8 x0.125 8 23 1.04 1.5 5.56mm round 24 1250 7 300 43 0001FFEC
Infiltrator Infiltrator¹ ² The Pitt (add-on) 7 56 8 x0.125 10 23 0.91 1.5 5.56mm round 24 1429 7 400 57 xx00737C
Infiltrator (weapon) Perforator¹ ² The Pitt (add-on) 10 60 6 x0.33 14 27 0.86 0.5 5.56mm round 24 1000 7 600 86 xx00B512
BB gun BB gun¹ 4 3 0.8 x1 4 28 0.14 0.5 BB 100 417 2 36 18 00004323
Chinese assault rifle Chinese assault rifle 11 88 8 x0.125 10 23 1.44 1.5 5.56mm round 24 1212 7 500 71 0000080B
Chinese assault rifle Xuanlong assault rifle 12 96 8 x0.125 12 23 1.57 1.5 5.56mm round 36 1111 7 400 57 000C800E
Hunting rifle Hunting rifle 25 18.75 0.75 x1 25 25 1 0.3 .32 caliber 5 667 6 150 25 00004333
HuntingRifleFO3 Ol' Painless 30 33.75 1.12 x1 30 23 1.3 0 .32 caliber 5 556 6 250 42 00066C76
Lever Rifle Lever-action rifle Point Lookout (add-on) 40 30 0.75 x5 40 30 1.33 0.25 10mm round 10 250 8 200 25 xx0088DE
Lever Rifle Backwater rifle Point Lookout (add-on) 45 33.75 0.75 x5 45 30 1.5 0.25 10mm round 10 519 7 250 36 xx00ED14
LINCOLNSREPEATER Lincoln's repeater 50 37.5 0.75 x2 50 25 2 0 .44 Magnum round 15 400 5 500 100 0003C07A
RAILWAYRIFLE Railway rifle 30 60 2.0 x3 30 24 1.25 0.75 Railway spikes 8 222 9 200 22 00004348
Sniper rifle Sniper rifle² 40 42.85 1.07 x5 40 38 1.05 0 .308 caliber 5 83 10 300 30 00004353
Sniper rifle Reservist's rifle² 40 64.28 1.61 x5 40 32 1.25 0 .308 caliber 3 125 10 500 50 00092966
Sniper rifle Victory rifle² 40 42.85 1.07 x3 40 38 1.05 0 .308 caliber 5 250 10 450 45 000CB548

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Rifles are affected by Commando.
  • ¹ Weapon is silenced.
  • ² Weapon is scoped.


Shotgun name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
COMBATSHOTGUN Combat shotgun 55
82.5 1.5 x1 243
27 2.04 3 12 gauge 12 145 7 200 29 00004327
COMBATSHOTGUN The Terrible Shotgun 80
120 1.5 x1 360
27 2.96 6 12 gauge 12 146 10 250 25 0006B534
DoubleBarrelShotgun Double-barrel shotgun Point Lookout (add-on) 85
191.3 2.25 x1 270
35 2.43 5 12 gauge 2 (1) 118 6 175 29 xx007473
SAWEDOFFSHOTGUN Sawed-off shotgun 50
112.5 2.25 x0 0 37 1.35 7 12 gauge 2 167 6 190 32 0000434C
140.62 1.88 x0 0 37 2.03 4 12 gauge 2 111 5 350 70 0006B53A

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Sawed-off shotguns are affected by Gunslinger.
  • All other shotguns are affected by Commando.

Submachine guns[]

Submachine gun name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
10mm SMG 10mm SMG 7 70 10 x0.1 7 20 1.4 1.5 10mm round 30 1190 5 330 66 00004321
10mm SMG Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG 9 90 10 x0.1 9 20 1.8 1.5 10mm round 50 926 5 430 86 0006E7CC

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • SMGs are affected by Gunslinger.

Big Guns[]


Direct fire Big Gun name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Drone cannon Drone cannon
Mothership Zeta (add-on)
466.7 3.33 x1 50 30 4.67 0.5 Alien power module 1 417 18 1999 111 xx000845
Drone cannon Drone cannon Ex-B
Mothership Zeta (add-on)
466.7 3.33 x1 50 30 4.67 0.5 Alien power module 1 417 18 1999 111 xx00A77D
Flamer Flamer 16
130 8 x0.5 1
50 1.6 0.5 Flamer fuel 60 208 15 500 33 0000432D
Flamer Burnmaster 24
194 8 x0.5 1
50 2.0 0.5 Flamer fuel 60 139 15 500 33 000C80BD
Flamer Rapid-torch flamer
Broken Steel
130 8 x0.5 1
50 1.6 0.5 Flamer fuel 60 208 15 500 33 xx0091B1
Flamer Slo-burn flamer
Broken Steel
152 8 x0.5 1
50 3.5 0.5 Flamer fuel 60 185 15 500 33 xx0091B3
Gatling laser Gatling laser 8 160 20 x0.05 6 30 2.13 0.5 ECP 240 3125 18 2000 111 0000432E
GatlingLaser Precision Gatling laser
Broken Steel
8 160 20 x0.2 6 30 2.13 0.5 ECP 240 3125 18 3000 167 xx008895
GatlingLaser Vengeance 11 220 20 x0.05 12 30 2.93 0.5 ECP 240 3030 18 2400 133 000CB547
Minigun Minigun 5 100 20 x0 0 30 1.33 2.0 5mm round 240 3333 18 1000 56 0000433F
Eugene Eugene 7 140 20 x0 0 30 1.87 2.0 5mm round 240 3571 18 1500 83 0006B538
Rock-It Launcher Rock-It Launcher 50 167 3.3 x1 25 32 1.56 1.0 Junk N/A 100 8 200 25 0000434B

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.


Area of effect Big Gun name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Fat Man Fat Man 10
+1600 Explosion
443.1 1.58 65 24.77 2.0 Mini nuke 1 167 30 1000 33 0000432C
Fat Man Experimental MIRV 80
+12800 Explosion
3545 1.58 65 198.15 13.0 Mini nuke 8 63 30 2498 83 0003422B
Heavy incinerator Heavy incinerator
Broken Steel
15 + 20Explosion + 40Fire(8/s, 5s) 172 4 50 2.4 0.5 Flamer fuel 24 222 15 500 33 xx001084
Missile launcher Missile launcher 20
+150 Explosion
36 1.6 55 3.09 0.5 Missile 1 83 20 500 25 00004340
+200 Explosion
47 1.58 55 4.0 0.5 Missile 1 83 15 400 27 000B2644

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Area-of-Effect weapons have a Crit % Modifier of 0, which eliminates any chance to critically hit with them. The only exception is the Heavy Incinerator, which has a standard crit chance multiplier of x1 but a relatively tiny amount of crit damage at 5.

Energy Weapons[]

Energy pistols[]

Energy pistol name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Alien atomizer Alien atomizer Mothership Zeta (add-on) 35 105 3 x1 40 20 1.75 0 Alien power module 20 714 2 500 250 xx00083F
Alien atomizer Atomic pulverizer Mothership Zeta (add-on) 37 111 3 x2 40 12 3.08 0 Alien power module 20 676 2 500 250 xx00A77F
Alien blaster Alien blaster 100 300 3 x100 100 20 5 0 Alien power cell 10 125 2 500 250 00004322
Captain's sidearm Captain's Sidearm Mothership Zeta (add-on) 35
105 3 x1 240
20 1.75 3.0 Alien power module 30 (10) 714 2 500 250 xx00A9DD
F3Firelance Firelance 80
+2 Fire/5s
242 3 x100 80 20 4.5 0 Alien power cell 10 63 2 750 375 000C80BA
Laser pistol Laser pistol 12 72 6 x1.5 12 17 0.71 0 SEC 30 729 3 320 107 00004335
Laser pistol (Gamebryo) Colonel Autumn's laser pistol 10 120 12 x0.08 22 17 1.18 0 SEC 30 1250 2 420 210 000ABBE4
Laser pistol (Gamebryo) Colonel Autumn's laser pistol (Broken Steel) Broken Steel 18 108 6 x1.5 18 17 1.1 0 SEC 30 694 3 420 140 000ABBE4
Laser pistol (Gamebryo) Protectron's Gaze 24
72 3 x1 120
17 1.41 2.5 SEC 20 521 3 320 107 000C553F
Laser pistol (Gamebryo) Smuggler's End 18 108 6 x1.5 18 17 1.06 0 SEC 30 694 2 450 225 0006B536
Mesmetron Mesmetron 1 1 1.03 x1 0 65 0.015 0 Mesmetron power cell 5 2500 2 500 250 00004339
Mesmetron Microwave emitter
Point Lookout (add-on)
60 62.1 1.03 x2 100 30 2.0 0.2 MFC 5 375 8 500 63 xx00C1C3
Plasma pistol Plasma pistol 25 75 3 x2 25 21 1.2 0.5 SEC 16 400 3 360 120 00004343
PlasmaPistol MPLX Novasurge Mothership Zeta (add-on) 80 240 3 x3 75 21 3.8 0.5 SEC 16 (8) 188 6 850 142 xx00AB86

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Energy pistols are affected by the Gunslinger perk.

Energy rifles[]

Energy rifle name Damage per shot Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in shots until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Alien disintegrator Alien disintegrator Mothership Zeta (add-on) 65 130 2 x2 50 30 2.2 1.0 Alien power module 100 385 7 300 43 xx000842
Alien disintegrator Destabilizer Mothership Zeta (add-on) 30 135 4.5 x0.44 20 25 1.2 1.5 Alien power module 100 1500 7 1200 171 xx00A77E
Gauss rifle Gauss rifle Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 100 30.6 1.1 x5 50 38 2.63 0 MFC 1 375 12 500 42 xx00C07D
Laser rifle Laser rifle 23 47 2.05 x1.5 22 17 1.35 0 MFC 24 1087 8 1000 125 00004336
AER9 laser rifle Metal Blaster The Pitt (add-on) 55
112.5 2.05 x1.5 243
17 3.24 2.5 MFC 24 455 8 1000 125 xx00B513
AER9 laser rifle Wazer Wifle 28 57.4 2.05 x1.5 28 17 1.65 0 MFC 30 1552 8 900 113 00061793
Plasma rifle Plasma rifle 45 180 4.0 x2 44 25 1.8 0.2 MFC 12 500 8 1799 225 00004344
PlasmaRifle A3-21's plasma rifle 50 200 4.0 x2.5 50 25 2.0 0.2 MFC 12 600 8 2200 275 0006B539
Tesla cannon Tesla cannon Broken Steel 40
31.6 1.6 x2 30 37 3.78 0 ECP 1 563 8 1799 225 xx006725
Tri-beam laser rifle Tri-beam laser rifle Broken Steel 75
204.5 2.73 x1.5 45
23 3.26 2.0 MFC 24 (8) 333 9 1000 111 xx005818

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • All energy rifles except the Tesla cannon are affected by the Commando perk.



Placed explosive name Damage per attack Damage per second Attacks per second AoE Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID Notes
Bottlecap mine Bottlecap mine 1
155 0.31 256 35 14.31 0.5 75 150 0000433A
CryoMine Cryo mine Mothership Zeta (add-on) 1 0.47 0.47 210 35 0.03 0.5 25 50 xx006FC0 Stun & freeze for 3s
Frag mine Frag mine 1
47 0.47 192 35 2.89 0.5 25 50 0000433C
Plasma mine Plasma mine 1
+150 Plasma
71 0.47 192 35 4.31 0.5 50 100 0000433D
Pulse mine Pulse mine 1
+10 EMP
5.17 0.47 450 35 0.31 0.5 40 80 0000433E +200 EMP to robots


Thrown explosive name Damage per attack Damage per second Attacks per second AoE Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID Notes
CryoGrenade Cryo grenade Mothership Zeta (add-on) 1 0.65 0.65 250 24 0.04 0.5 50 100 xx002A71 Stun & freeze for 3s
Frag grenade Frag grenade 1
+100 Explosion
65.6 0.65 450 24 4.21 0.5 25 50 00004330
Nuka-grenade Nuka-grenade 1
+500 Explosion
+2 Fire/5s
275 0.65 328 24 20.95 0.5 50 100 00004342 +100 Radiation
Plasma grenade Plasma grenade 1
+150 Plasma
98.5 0.65 450 24 6.29 0.5 50 100 00004332
Pulse grenade Pulse grenade 1
+10 EMP
7.17 0.65 450 24 0.46 0.5 40 80 00004331 +200 EMP to robots

Melee Weapons[]


Bladed melee weapon name Damage per attack Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon durability in strikes until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
AutoAxeRender Auto axe The Pitt (add-on) 35 35 1.0 x0 0 65 1.1 457 20 200 10 xx0032E1
AutoAxeRender Man Opener The Pitt (add-on) 35 35 1.0 x0 0 65 1.1 457 20 200 10 xx00B66C
AutoAxeRender The Mauler The Pitt (add-on) 45 45 1.0 x0 0 50 1.8 356 20 200 10 xx00B514
Axe Axe Point Lookout (add-on) 20 28.6 1.43 x2 30 30 1.7 500 6 60 10 xx00838F
Axe The Dismemberer Point Lookout (add-on) 25 35.7 1.43 x2 40 30 1.7 480 6 55 9 xx00ED0F
Chinese officer's sword Chinese officer's sword 10 23.1 2.31 x2 15 28 0.72 1000 3 75 25 0002B3CB
Jingwei's Shock Sword Jingwei's shocksword Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 35
82.8 2.31 x2 25 28 2.9 486 3 500 167 xx00C07C
Chinese officer's sword Vampire's Edge 15 34.6 2.31 x3 20 28 1.1 1000 1 100 100 00078441
Combat knife Combat knife 7 21 3 x3 13 17 0.82 1286 1 50 50 00004326
Combat knife Occam's Razor 10 30 3 x3 13 17 1.2 1200 1 65 65 000CB602
Combat knife Stabhappy 10 30 3 x4 15 17 1.2 1200 1 65 65 000C80BE
Trench knife Trench knife Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 7 21 3 x3 13 17 0.8 1286 1 50 50 xx00C07B
Knife Knife 4 12 3 x1 4 20 0.4 500 1 20 20 00004334
Knife FO3 Ant's Sting 4
+4 Poison/10s
16 3 x1 4 20 2.4 1250 1 30 30 000C553E
Knife FO3 Ritual knife Point Lookout (add-on) 6 18 3 x3 18 12 1.0 1333 1 20 20 xx01098A
Knife FO3 Slasher knife 50 115.4 2.3 x0 0 0 0 400 1 50 50 0002869C
Knife FO3 Toy knife Point Lookout (add-on) 1 3 3 x1 10 10 0.2 200 1 20 20 xx006AB7
Ripper Ripper 30 30 1.0 x0 0 65 0.92 400 6 100 17 00004349
Jack Jack 30 30 1.0 x1 15 65 0.92 533 6 200 33 000C6E5B
Katana Samurai's sword Mothership Zeta (add-on) 24 55.4 2.31 x2 40 19 2.52 833 3 75 25 xx00083B
Shishkebab Shishkebab 35
80.8 2.3 x2 24 28 3.21 429 3 200 67 0000434E
Shovel Shovel Point Lookout (add-on) 12 17.1 1.43 x3 20 20 1.2 500 3 55 18 xx0082B5
Shovel Fertilizer shovel Point Lookout (add-on) 15
25.4 1.43 x3 30 20 3.5 533 3 55 18 xx00D5A8
AutoAxeRender Steel saw The Pitt (add-on) 16 16 1.0 x0 0 65 0.5 625 20 200 10 xx00B643
Switchblade Switchblade 5 15 3 x2 9 18 0.56 400 1 35 35 000289C3
Switchblade Butch's Toothpick 10 30 3 x2.5 13 18 1.12 300 5 50 10 00078440

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Melee damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.


Bladed melee weapon name Damage per attack Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon durability in strikes until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Baseball bat Baseball bat 9 12.9 1.4 x1 9 25 0.72 889 3 55 18 0000421C
Lead pipe Lead pipe 9 20.8 2.3 x1 18 24 0.75 667 3 75 25 00004337
Nail board Nail board 8 11.4 1.43 x0 0 27 0.6 150 4 30 7.5 000A01DD
Nail board Board of Education 12 17.1 1.43 x1 12 27 0.9 250 4 60 15 000C310F
Police baton Police baton 4 9.2 2.3 x1 4 25 0.32 1250 2 25 35 00004345
Pool cue Pool cue 3 4.3 1.43 x0 0 27 0.2 333 1 15 15 00004346
Pool cue The Break 6 8.6 1.43 x1 6 27 0.4 667 1 50 50 00066C77
Repellent Stick Repellent stick 5 11.5 2.3 x0 0 40 0.25 2000 3 120 40 0002D3B7
Rolling pin Rolling pin 3 5.2 1.7 x0 0 24 0.3 667 1 10 10 000B2943
Rolling pin (simulation) Rolling pin (simulation) 20 46 2.3 x0 0 24 1.6 100 2 10 5 00029769
Shock baton Shock baton Mothership Zeta (add-on) 20
48.2 2.31 x1 4 19 2.6 250 2 70 35 xx00083D
Shock baton Electro-Suppressor Mothership Zeta (add-on) 25 57.7 2.31 x1 4 15 3.3 200 2 70 35 xx003C54
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer 20 28.6 1.43 x1 10 38 1.1 500 12 130 11 00004351
Sledgehammer The Tenderizer 30 42.9 1.43 x1 15 38 1.6 500 12 230 19 000A874B
Super sledge Super sledge 25 35.7 1.43 x1 25 38 1.3 600 20 180 9 00004352
Super sledge Fawkes' super sledge 32 45.7 1.43 x1 32 38 1.7 625 18 300 17 0007843F
Tire iron Tire iron 6 13.8 2.31 x1 6 27 0.4 667 3 40 13 00004328
Tire iron Highwayman's Friend 10 23.1 2.31 x1 10 27 0.7 1000 5 75 15 00078442

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Melee damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.


The list below is deeply misleading, as it does not incorporate the Unarmed Damage bonus (which is +1 to +6, meaning the +0 in the table below is impossible, and it also does not double in VATS; the table below correctly doubles all weapon damage when presenting damage/AP).

Unarmed weapon name Damage per attack Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon durability in strikes until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Form ID
Bare Fist 1 Unknown Unknown 1 3 22 0.09 0 0
Brass knuckles Brass knuckles 6 9.47 1.58 1 6 18 0.67 667 1 20 20 00004324
Brass knuckles Steel knuckles The Pitt (add-on) 9 14.21 1.58 1 9 14 0.86 1111 1 20 20 xx00B4B3
Deathclaw gauntlet Deathclaw gauntlet 20 31.58 1.58 5 30 26 1.54 600 10 150 15 0000432B
Power fist Power fist 20 21.82 1.09 1 20 28 1.43 500 6 100 16.67 00004347
POWERFIST Fisto! 25 27.27 1.09 1.5 25 25 2 480 6 100 16.67 000CB601
POWERFIST The Shocker 20 + 25EMP vs robots 21.82, 49.09 vs robots 1.09 1 20 25 1.6, 2.6 vs robots 400 6 150 25 000BFF62
Spiked knuckles Spiked knuckles 9 14.21 1.58 1 9 19 0.95 667 1 25 25 00004354
Plunkett's Valid Points Plunkett's Valid Points 12 18.95 1.58 2 12 15 1.6 333 1 30 30 000CAFA9

Custom-built weapons[]

Bottlecap mine Bottlecap mine Explosives 0000433A, 000BAFFB Bottle cap x10
Cherry bomb
Sensor module
Dart gun Dart gun Small Guns 0000432A, 000BAFFA Paint gun
Radscorpion poison gland
Surgical tubing
Toy car
Deathclaw gauntlet Deathclaw gauntlet Unarmed 0000432B, 000BAFFC Deathclaw hand
Leather belt
Medical brace
Nuka-grenade Nuka-grenade Explosives 00004342, 000BAFFD Abraxo cleaner
Nuka-Cola Quantum
Tin can
RAILWAYRIFLE Railway rifle Small Guns 00004348, 000BAFFE Crutch
Fission battery
Pressure cooker
Steam gauge assembly
Rock-It Launcher Rock-It Launcher Big Guns 0000434B, 000BAFFF Conductor
Firehose nozzle
Leaf blower
Vacuum cleaner
Shishkebab3 Shishkebab Melee Weapons 0000434E, 000BB000 Lawn mower blade
Motorcycle gas tank
Motorcycle handbrake
Pilot light

Unused weapons[]

Cut content/Not in game[]

Weapon name Damage per attack Damage per second Attacks per second Critical chance multiplier Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Weapon Spread Ammunition used Magazine capacity (shots per reload) Weapon durability in attacks until broken Weapon weight Weapon value in caps Value to weight ratio Related weapon skill Form ID
.22 pistol Small Guns
BBGUN Black Bart's Bane 08 6.0 0.8 x1 8 28 0.29 0.5 BB 100 417 2 60 30 Small Guns 0006B535
Nail board Breaker 12 17.1 1.4 x0 0 35 0.7 - - - 250 4 30 8 Melee Weapons 000CB546
Chinese officer's sword Clover's Cleaver 15 34.6 2.3 x1.5 27 28 1.1 - - - 666 3 100 33 Melee Weapons 000C80B8
BASEBALLBAT Curse Breaker 13 18.6 1.4 x1.5 13 25 1.04 - - - 923 3 75 25 Melee Weapons 000C80BB
SUPERSLEDGE Discharge hammer Broken Steel 25 35.7 1.4 x1 25 38 1.3 - - - 600 20 180 9 Melee Weapons xx0088BF
BASEBALLBAT Excalibat 13 18.6 1.4 x1.5 13 25 1.04 - - - 250 3 75 25 Melee Weapons 000C80BC
AER9 laser rifle Gauss rifle (Beta) Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 23 47.0 2.5 x1.5 22 17 1.4 0 MFC 5 1086 8 1000 125 Energy Weapons xx001616
Katana Katana Mothership Zeta (add-on) 15 34.6 2.3 x1 4 19 1.6 - - - 333 2 70 35 Melee Weapons xx0080B5
32snub v2 Law Dog 09 27.0 3.0 x1 9 20 0.45 0.5 .32
5 112 2 210 105 Small Guns 0006B532
Brass knuckles Love Tap 08 12.6 1.6 x2 8 15 1.1 - - - 250 1 20 20 Unarmed 000C80B9
FRAGGRENADE Mirelurk bait grenade 00
0 6.0 x1 0 0 0 - - - - 1 5 5 Explosives 00030664
Police baton O'Grady's Peacemaker 06 13.8 2.3 x1 6 45 0.26 - - - 1333 2 100 50 Melee Weapons 0007843D
DoubleBarrelShotgun Pa's Fishing Aid Point Lookout (add-on) 80 32.7 2.3 x1 40 35 2.29 1.0 12 ga 2 (1) 125 6 350 58 Small Guns xx00D5B3
FRAGGRENADE Signal flare Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 01
1.3 0.7 x1 0 24 0.08 - - - - 0.5 25 50 Explosives xx00A4DD
Smoke grenade Smoke grenade Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 01
65.87 0.7 x1 0 24 4.2 - - - - 0.5 25 50 Explosives xx008236
Spanner Spanner Mothership Zeta (add-on) 15 34.6 2.3 x1 4 19 1.6 - - - 333 2 70 35 Melee Weapons xx003C52
MISSILELAUNCHER Tesla cannon (Beta) Broken Steel 20
121.6 1.6 x0 0 55 2.6 0.5 Missile 1 (1) 83 20 500 25 Big Guns xx0026FF
10mm pistol (Gamebryo) Test gun Operation: Anchorage (add-on) 09 54.0 6.0 x1 9 17 0.53 0.5 10mm 12 556 3 225 75 Small Guns xx00A4DF
Wanda Wanda 12 96.0 8.0 x0.125 12 23 1.57 1.5 5.56mm 30 1250 7 500 71 Small Guns 0006B533

  • Unique weapons are highlighted with a blue background.
  • Melee and Unarmed damage are doubled in V.A.T.S.

Non-player weapons[]

Concept art weapons[]

From the Art of Fallout 3 but not in-game.

  • Mason jar mine
  • Piggy bank grenade
  • Air hammer gun


The base damages of these weapons, both unique and non-unique may change due to special add-on perks, such as Pitt Fighter, Superior Defender and Xenotech Expert.
