Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

General information[]

In Fallout 3, the Lone Wanderer will gain a perk every level (as opposed to every three levels in Fallout and Fallout 2, and every two in Fallout: New Vegas).

There are :

Also, unlike previous games, traits that provide both bonuses and penalties at the same time are no longer in the game. Instead, some of them (like Bloody Mess) were changed into perks.

In Fallout 3, a perk's SPECIAL requirements cannot be met by equipping items or using drugs (with the exception of the Lucky 8 ball).

Regular perks[]

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit Code
Black Widow
Lady Killer
2 1 +10% damage to the opposite sex, and unique dialogue options with certain characters 00094EB8
Daddy's Boy
Daddy's Girl
2 IN 4 3 +5 Science, +5 Medicine 00044948
Gun Nut 2 IN 4, AG 4 3 +5 Small Guns, +5 Repair 0004494E
Little Leaguer 2 ST 4 3 +5 Melee Weapons, +5 Explosives 00014B97
Thief 2 PE 4, AG 4 3 +5 Lockpick, +5 Sneak 00031DD6
Swift Learner 2 IN 4 3 +10% XP whenever XP is earned 00031DD3
Intense Training 2 10 +1 to any SPECIAL stat 00044CB1
Child at Heart 4 CH 4 1 Unlocks many unique dialogue options with children 00003142
Comprehension 4 IN 4 1 +1 additional skill point whenever a skill book is read 00031DE1
Educated 4 IN 4 1 +3 skill points per level 00031DD8
Entomologist 4 IN 4, Science 40 1 +50% damage to insects 00031DD9
Scoundrel 4 CH 4 3 +5 Speech, +5 Barter 00044CA6
Iron Fist 4 ST 4 3 +5 points of Unarmed Damage 00031DDB
Bloody Mess 6 1 +5% overall damage, more violent death animations 00094EBA
Lead Belly 6 EN 5 1 -50% radiation taken whenever drinking from a water source 00044CA9
Toughness 6 EN 5 1 +10% DR permanently 00031DE0
Fortune Finder 6 LK 5 1 Considerably more bottle caps will be found in containers 00031DE3
Gunslinger 6 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. with one-handed weapons 00094EBB
Demolition Expert 6 Explosives 50 3 +20% damage with explosives 00031DAB
Commando 8 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. with two-handed weapons 00099828
Rad Resistance 8 EN 5 1 +25% Radiation Resistance permanently 00031DA9
Scrounger 8 LK 5 1 Considerably more ammunition in containers 00031DAA
Size Matters 8 EN 5 3 +15 Big Guns 0009982E
Strong Back 8 ST 5, EN 5 1 +50 Carry Weight 00031DDE
Impartial Mediation 8 CH 5 1 +30 Speech when you have neutral Karma 00044CAD
Animal Friend 10 CH 6 2 Hostile animals become friendly (one rank), and come to your aid except against other animals (two ranks). 00031DB5
Finesse 10 1 +5% Critical Chance 00094EC1
Mister Sandman 10 Sneak 60 1 Can instantly kill a sleeping non-player character and earns bonus XP 00031DAD
Mysterious Stranger 10 LK 6 1 Chance that the Stranger will finish off a target in V.A.T.S. 00031DBC
Nerd Rage! 10 IN 5, Science 50 1 +50% DR and Strength increased to 10 whenever health is 20% or lower 00044CA7
Night Person 10 1 +2 Intelligence and +2 Perception between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. 00094EBD
Here and Now 10 1 You instantly level up again 00031DAC
Pyromaniac 12 Explosives 60 1 +50% damage with fire-based weapons 00031DB2
Cannibal 12 1 Can eat corpses to restore 25 points of health and lose 1 Karma 00094EBC
Life Giver 12 EN 6 1 +30 Hit Points 00031DB1
Robotics Expert 12 Science 50 1 +25% damage to robots, can shut down robots by sneaking up on them 00031DC2
Sniper 12 PE 6, AG 6 1 +25% to hit the target's head in V.A.T.S. 00031DB4
Silent Running 12 AG 6, Sneak 50 1 +10 Sneak, foot speed and armor weight no longer affect sneaking 00031DB3
Fast Metabolism 12 1 +20% Hit Points restored with stimpaks 00094EBF
Lawbringer 14 1 Can sell fingers to Sonora Cruz 00044CAC
Chemist 14 Medicine 60 1 Chems last twice as long 0009982D
Contract Killer 14 1 Can sell ears to Daniel Littlehorn 00044CA8
Cyborg 14 Medicine 60, Science 60 1 +10 Energy Weapons, +10% to Radiation Resistance, Poison Resistance and Damage Resistance 00044CAB
Light Step 14 PE 6, AG 6 1 Floor traps or mines will not be set off 00031DB7
Master Trader 14 CH 6, Barter 60 1 All items cost 25% less 00031DB8
Adamantium Skeleton 14 1 Damage taken by limbs reduced by 50% 00094EC4
Tag! 16 1 Fourth "tag" skill: +15 points to that skill 00031DBD
Better Criticals 16 PE 6, LK 6 1 +50% damage with critical hits 00031DBB
Action Boy/Action Girl 16 AG 6 1 +25 Action Points 00031DBA
Chem Resistant 16 Medicine 60 1 Half as likely to get addicted 00099827
Infiltrator 18 PE 7, Lockpick 70 1 Can pick a broken lock with one more bobby pin 00044CB0
Computer Whiz 18 IN 7, Science 70 1 Can hack a locked down terminal with four more chances 00031DC4
Concentrated Fire 18 Energy Weapons 60, Small Guns 60 1 +5% accuracy in V.A.T.S. with every attack queued 00044CAF
Paralyzing Palm 18 Unarmed 70 1 30% to paralyze an enemy for 30 seconds with an unarmed attack in V.A.T.S. 00044CAA
Solar Powered 20 EN 7 1 +2 Strength and +1 HP every 10 seconds while outside, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 00031DC5
Ninja 20 Melee Weapons 80, Sneak 80 1 +15% critical chance with melee and unarmed weapons, +25% damage with sneak attack criticals 00031DCC
Grim Reaper's Sprint 20 1 A kill in V.A.T.S. restores all your AP immediately 00099834
Explorer 20 1 All locations are marked on your map 00031DE5

Special perks[]

You can get these perks through special actions or interactions with other characters.

Name Found in quest Requirements Benefit Code
Dream Crusher Wasteland Survival Guide Talk Moira Brown out of writing the Wasteland Survival Guide Reduces an enemy's chance to critically hit you by 50%, 30% discount at Craterside Supply, and +30 points to Moira's Repair skill (54, 72% condition). 00030FEB
Hematophage Blood Ties Talk to Vance about learning the ways of a vampire Blood packs heal 20 Hit Points instead of 1 point 00003131
Power Armor Training None Learned from Paladin Gunny in the Citadel or by completing Operation: Anchorage! You're now able to wear any form of power armor. 00058FDF

Important note about special perk codes: Trying to add them before doing the special actions or interactions with other characters may cause the game to crash or corrupt.

Quest perks[]

You can get these perks as a reward for quests.

Name Found in quest Requirements Benefit Code
Ant Might Those! Complete Those! without eliminating the fire ant queen OR eliminating the queen and convincing Doctor Lesko it was better for mankind (speech check) +1 ST and +25% Fire Resistance 000C1A6B
Ant Sight Those! Complete Those! without eliminating the fire ant queen OR eliminating the queen and convincing Doctor Lesko it was better for mankind (speech check) +1 PE and +25% fire resistance 000C1A6C
Barkskin Oasis Destroy Harold's heart +5 DR permanently 00035E04
Rad Regeneration Wasteland Survival Guide Help Moira Brown with the Wasteland Survival Guide by gaining 600 rads when she asks With the Rad Regeneration perk, any crippled limbs will regenerate themselves when you have Advanced Rad Poisoning 0003066B
Survival Expert (Junior Survivor / Survival Guru) Wasteland Survival Guide Help Moira Brown finish the Wasteland Survival Guide by completing the final chapter Varies: You gain a +6% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance and either additional Crit %, additional DR, additional HP, or points to both Medicine and Science or Sneak and Speech. see article
Wired Reflexes The Replicated Man Side with Dr. Zimmer +10% accuracy in V.A.T.S. 00024D5C

Important note about quest perk codes: Trying to add them before doing the quest required may crash or corrupt the game.

Add-on perks[]

Perks available through add-ons.

Regular perks[]

These perks are added only in Broken Steel.

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit Code
Deep Sleep 22 1 Sleeping in any bed gives the Well Rested effect, which increases your XP by 10%, for 8 hours. xx003213
Puppies! 22 1 If Dogmeat dies, a puppy will spawn outside of Vault 101 xx003211
Quantum Chemist 22 Science 70 1 Every 10 Nuka-Colas you acquire are automatically converted into a Nuka-Cola Quantum xx004C71
Devil's Highway 24 Karma higher than Very Evil 1 Karma is instantly set to Very Evil xx004C6D
Escalator to Heaven 24 Karma lower than Very Good 1 Karma is instantly set to Very Good xx004C6F
Karmic Rebalance 24 Karma not neutral 1 Karma is instantly set to Neutral xx004C6E
No Weaknesses 24 1 All SPECIAL stats lower than 5 become 5 xx00108E
Rad Tolerance 26 EN 7 1 No effects from minor radiation poisoning (still gives alert) xx0011C1
Warmonger 26 IN 7 1 All schematics are added at V3 xx0011BE
Nerves of Steel 26 AG 7 1 +1 AP every 10 seconds xx0011C2
Party Girl/Party Boy 28 1 No chance for alcohol addiction xx0011BF
Rad Absorption 28 EN 7 1 -1 Rad every 20 seconds xx0011BD
Nuclear Anomaly 30 1 Whenever your health is reduced to 20 or less, you will erupt into a devastating nuclear explosion xx004C6C
Almost Perfect 30 1 All SPECIAL stats are raised to 9 xx004C6B

Special perks[]

Name Add-on Related quests Requirements Benefit Code
Covert Ops Operation: Anchorage Gather all 10 Intel suitcases +3 to Science, Small Guns and Lockpick xx00BF70
Auto Axpert The Pitt Unsafe Working Conditions Collect 10 steel ingots in the steelyard +25% more damage with the auto axe xx0073E8
Ghoul Ecology Point Lookout Plik's Safari Read Plik's journal +5 points of damage to all enemies (due to a glitch) xx00D1FE
Xenotech Expert Mothership Zeta This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough... Get a random number of enemies to spawn in shooting range. +20% damage with alien weapons xx00ABB0

Quest perks[]

Name Add-on Related quests Requirements Benefit Code
Booster Shot The Pitt Free Labor Complete Free Labor +10% Radiation Resistance xx007354
Pitt Fighter The Pitt Unsafe Working Conditions Complete the Hole battles +3% Radiation Resistance and +3% Damage Resistance xx0073EA
Punga Power! Point Lookout Walking with Spirits Complete Walking with Spirits -10 Rads from wild punga fruit and -15 Rads from refined punga fruit xx011097
Superior Defender Point Lookout The Local Flavor Complete The Local Flavor +5 points of damage and +10 DR when standing still xx00D1FA

Cut perks[]

Name DLC pack Description Code
Mirelurk Ecology Point Lookout +5 damage to mirelurks. xx00FC2E
Gray Matters Point Lookout 25% less damage from attacks to your head. xx00D1FD
Swing for the Fences Point Lookout +10 damage with Melee Weapons. xx00D1FB
Perks in Fallout 3