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Fallout Wiki

Skill books can be used to permanently increase the Chosen One's skill in Small Guns, First Aid, Science, Repair and Outdoorsman.

General information[]

This section is transcluded from Fallout skill books. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

The amount of skill points gained from reading a skill book is equal to . Therefore, a skill can not be raised above 91% with skill books.

Reading books takes time and its duration is based on intelligence. Specifically, it takes hours to read a book. Therefore, it takes 1 hour to read a book at INT 10 and 10 hours to read a book at INT 1. If a book is used inside the inventory screen, rather than used in weapon slots, time will not pass until the inventory screen is exited.

Using a book removes it from inventory.

Maximizing skill point gain[]

Passive skills are lowered by 10 (%) when the difficulty is changed from Normal to Hard. SPECIAL stats (Strength, Perception, etc) modify skills with a considerable bonus. The game keeps track of this bonus throughout the game, in real time. Any changes to stats, (e.g. chem effects) during the game add to or subtract from this modifier. It is thus possible to reduce any combination of stats to zero, significantly lowering skill values.

It is possible to raise Small Guns, First Aid and Science to 127%, Repair to 118% and Outdoorsman to 115%, in the case of a player whose Perception, Intelligence and Agility are at 10 (possibly more if the player's stats are lower), Endurance is above three, with the listed skills at 91%. To lose Agility and/or Endurance, use Buffout or Monument Chunks, then wait. To lose intelligence, use Mentats and wait, or Psycho. To lose Perception, drink beer, booze, rotgut, etc. If books are used from inventory (by left clicking and dragging) rather than from a weapon slot, any amount of books can be read while under the influence. Time still passes, as can be seen by the day/night cycle playing out, but drug-altered stats will not change, nor will anything of consequence happen in the game, until after the inventory is closed.

Big Book of Science[]

Big Book of Science

The Big Book of Science can permanently increase Science.

This section is transcluded from Big Book of Science (Fallout). To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
World location Closest map marker Location description Image
Vault City Information office Chief Librarian Kohl

(given if the player professes a love of books)

Fo2 Kohl
Amenities office Merchant: Randal

(75% chance to restock 1-2 books after 14 days)[1]

Fo2 Randal
Vault 8 Locker in the southeastern room of Level Two BBoS Vault 8
Gecko Manager's office Bookshelves in the bedroom BBoS Gecko
Gecko's nuclear power plant Shelves in the supply cabinet BBoS Gecko's nuclear power plant
Broken Hills Liz's general store Merchant: Liz

(10% chance to restock 1 book after 7-14 days)[2]

Fo2 Liz
Stables Stables underground Bookshelves in Myron's workroom Cat's Paw Stables
Sierra Army Depot Level 3, robotics Desk in the Commanding Officer's quarters

(Quantity: 2 books)

Skill books Sierra Army Depot
Level 4, bio storage and research Skeleton in the westmost medical subject holding cell BBoS Sierra Army Depot skeleton
New California Republic NCR Bazaar Bookshelf in the Guard captain's guard post Fo2 NCR guard captain
New California Republic power plant Quest reward from Dorothy if the Chosen One successfully talked officer Jack out of blowing up the power plant Fo2 Dorothy
San Francisco Flying Dragon 8 Merchant: Lao Chou

(40% chance to restock 1-2 books after 2-4 days)[3]

Fo2 Lao Chao
Jenna's general store Merchant: Jenna

(40% chance to restock 1-2 books after 2-4 days)[4]

Fo2 Jenna
Navarro Navarro underground Bookshelves in Navarro base commander's office Skill books Navarro
Navarro Main Base Workbench next to Quincy in the maintenance building Fo2 Quincy
Enclave Oil Rig Barracks Crates in a storage room with kitchen supplies BBoS Enclave oil rig barracks
Reactor level Enclave scientist in the mainframe room Skill books Enclave oil rig

Dean's Electronics[]

Dean's Electronics

Dean's Electronics can permanently increase Repair.

This section is transcluded from Dean's Electronics (Fallout). To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
World location Closest map marker Location description Image
Ghost Farm Main cavern of Ghost Farm Skinless Slag in the bookshelves room DE Slag Ghost Farm
Vault City Maintenance center Bookcase behind Valerie Fo2 Valerie
Information office Chief Librarian Kohl

(given if the player professes a love of books)

Fo2 Kohl
Amenities office Merchant: Randal

(75% chance to restock 1 book after 14 days)[5]

Fo2 Randal
Gecko Gecko junkyard Bookcase inside the machine shop storage room (adjacent to Skeeter's room) DE Gecko junkyard
Broken Hills Liz's general store Merchant: Liz

(10% chance to restock 1 book after 7-14 days)[6]

Fo2 Liz
New Reno Salvatore's Bar Bookshelves behind Louis Salvatore Fo2 Louis Salvatore
New Reno Arms Workbench in the back room accessible from the street DE New Reno Arms
Sierra Army Depot Level 3, robotics Desk in the Commanding Officer's quarters Skill books Sierra Army Depot
In the Robotics lab (near Assemble body for Skynet) Fo2 DeansElectronics SAD
New California Republic NCR Bazaar Bookshelf in the Guard captain's guard post Fo2 NCR guard captain
New California Republic power plant Quest reward from Dorothy if the Chosen One successfully talked officer Jack out of blowing up the power plant Fo2 Dorothy
Mariposa Military Base Surface of Mariposa Military Base Footlocker in the northern tent

On the ground (next to the bed) in the southern tent

(Quantity: 2 books)

Dean's Electronics MMB
San Francisco Flying Dragon 8 Merchant: Lao Chou

(30% chance to restock 2-3 books after 2-4 days)[7]

Fo2 Lao Chao
Jenna's general store Merchant: Jenna

(30% chance to restock 2-3 books after 2-4 days)[8]

Fo2 Jenna
Navarro Navarro Main Base Middle workbench in the vertibird hangar Cat's Paw Navarro
Enclave Oil Rig Barracks Crates in the storage room connected to the Commanding Officer's living quarters

(Quantity: 2 books)

DE 2 Enclave oil rig barracks
Detention and research level Bookshelves in the Enclave scientist's office

(Quantity: 2 books)

DE 1 Enclave oil rig detention level
Reactor level Enclave scientist in the mainframe room Skill books Enclave oil rig

First Aid Book[]

First Aid Book

The First Aid Book can permanently increase First Aid.

This section is transcluded from First Aid Book (Fallout). To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
World location Closest map marker Location description Image
Modoc Grisham's house Bookshelf behind Grisham Fo2 Grisham
Vault City Sub-amenities office B Merchant: Holden

(25% chance to restock 1 book every 3-7 days)[9]

Fo2 Holden
Parlor Room Bookcase FAB Parlor Room
Amenities office Merchant: Randal

(75% chance to restock 1 book after 14 days)[10]

Fo2 Randal
Vault 8 Locker in the store room on Level 3 FAB Vault 8 Level 3
Gecko Gecko junkyard Bookcase in a small building next to the exit grid FAB Gecko junkyard
Redding Painless Doc Johnson's Bookcase Painless Doc Johnsons inside
Great Wanamingo Mine Bookshelf on level 1 of the underground Great wanamingo mine level 1 First Aid book
Broken Hills Liz's general store Merchant: Liz

(10% chance to restock 1 book after 7-14 days)[11]

Fo2 Liz
New Reno Renesco's Pharmacy Merchant: Renesco

(25% chance to restock 1 book every 2-5 days)[12]

Fo2 Renesco
Mercenaries' cave Cave base Locker FAB mercenaries cave
Sierra Army Depot Level 1, personnel Wall locker in the infirmary Fo2 safe level 1 SAD
Level 3, robotics Desk in the Commanding Officer's quarters Skill books Sierra Army Depot
New California Republic New California Republic Hospital Bookcase NCRHospitalInterior
New California Republic power plant Quest reward from Dorothy if the Chosen One successfully talked officer Jack out of blowing up the power plant Fo2 Dorothy
Mariposa Military Base Stronghold Level 2 Rusty wall locker in the medical section

(Quantity: 2 books)

FAB MMB medical
San Francisco Flying Dragon 8 Merchant: Lao Chou

(40% chance to restock 2-3 books after 2-4 days)[13]

Fo2 Lao Chao
Jenna's general store Merchant: Jenna

(40% chance to restock 2-3 books after 2-4 days)[14]

Fo2 Jenna
Navarro Navarro Main Base Workbench next to Quincy in the maintenance building Fo2 Quincy
Enclave Oil Rig Barracks Crates in the storage room connected to the Commanding Officer's living quarters

(Quantity: 2 books)

FAB Enclave oil rig barracks
Detention and research level Wall locker inside the experimentation lab FAB Enclave oil rig experiment lab
Bookshelves in the Enclave scientist's office

(Quantity: 2 books)

DE 1 Enclave oil rig detention level
Trap room Locker in the "Survival Gear Locker" room

(Quantity: 3 books)

FAB Enclave oil rig trap level

Guns and Bullets[]

Guns and Bullets

Guns and Bullets can permanently increase Small Guns.

This section is transcluded from the respective item articles. To change it, please edit the transcluded pages.
NameClosest map markerLocation description
Guns and BulletsKlamathKlamath Downtown, in a bookcase in the building near the transfer grid to the Trapping grounds.
Guns and BulletsToxic cavesDesk inside the storage bunker.
Guns and BulletsThe DenMerchant: Flick's in Den West Side
(10% chance to restock 1 book after 7-14 days)[15]
Guns and BulletsThe DenLara's gang hideout in Den West Side, in a bookcase.
Guns and BulletsThe DenSlaver's Guild, bookshelf in Metzger's personal room
Guns and BulletsModocGrisham's house, on the ground of the outhouse.
Guns and BulletsGhost FarmOn one of the skinless Slags.
Guns and BulletsGhost FarmOn the skinless Slag just outside Vegeir's room
Guns and BulletsVault CitySpittoon, in a bookcase inside John Cassidy's room.
Guns and BulletsVault CityCorrections Center, inside a locked desk next to Stark. Become Captain of the Guard to get this book without violence.
Guns and BulletsNew RenoSecond floor of the Shark Club, in the lefthand room second from the bottom, on the upper righthand shelves. Use alcohol to lower the bald thug's perception by 9, then use Sneak to get the book.
Guns and BulletsNew RenoFirst floor of Desperado, in a desk in a small room next to bathrooms.
Guns and BulletsNew RenoNew Reno Arms, in the collapsed shelves in Eldridge's quarters. The player needs to injure the dog enough to cause it to flee, or kill the dog, to get to it.
Guns and BulletsNew RenoMerchant: Eldridge at New Reno Arms (25% chance to restock)
Guns and BulletsMercenaries' caveIn Angel-Eyes' safe.
Guns and BulletsReddingAscorti's Ace and City Hall, in Ascorti's office. Either lockpick the door, or go down the outside well, then come up in the back room.
Guns and BulletsSierra Army DepotIn the locker in the barracks, level one.
Guns and BulletsNew California RepublicMerchant: Buster at Buster's Fine Emporium of Armament (30% chance to restock)
Guns and BulletsNew California RepublicIn the locker to the right, western room of Roger Westin's house in Westin Ranch
Guns and BulletsSan FranciscoMerchant: Lao Chou at Flying Dragon 8 (30% chance to restock)
Guns and BulletsSan FranciscoMerchant: Jenna at her general store on the PMV Valdez (30% chance to restock)
Guns and BulletsNavarro Main BaseIn the middle locker in the Vertibird hangar.
Guns and BulletsNavarro undergroundOn the shelves in the Commander's office
Guns and BulletsEnclave Oil RigIn the desk at the security checkpoint, Detention level.
Guns and BulletsEnclave Oil RigIn the desk in the storage room, Barracks level.

Scout Handbook[]

Scout Handbook

The Scout Handbook can permanently increase Outdoorsman.

This section is transcluded from Scout Handbook (Fallout). To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
World location Closest map marker Location description Image
Klamath Trapper Town Klamath child standing between a Deuce coupe and a Corvega Coupe Scout Handbook Trapper Town
Vault City Vault 8 Footlocker on Level Two Scout Handbook Vault 8 LQ
Redding Malamute Saloon Bookshelves in the middle room Scout Handbook Malamute Saloon
Redding mining camp Bookshelves next to Marge LeBarge Fo2 Marge LeBarge
Great Wanamingo Mine Bookshelves in the ruined building in the above-ground area Scout Handbook Redding WM
Broken Hills Liz's general store Merchant: Liz
(10% chance to restock 1 book after 7-14 days)[16]
Fo2 Liz
New Reno Salvatore's Bar Bookshelves behind Louis Salvatore Fo2 Louis Salvatore
New California Republic New California Republic power plant Quest reward from Dorothy if the Chosen One successfully talked officer Jack out of blowing up the power plant Fo2 Dorothy
Vault 15 Living quarters Desk in the northwest room Cat's Paw Vault 15
Random encounter World map

(see images)

Merchant: "New California Republic caravan"

(Quantity: 2-6 books)[17]

San Francisco Flying Dragon 8 Merchant: Lao Chou
(40% chance to restock 2-4 books after 2-4 days)[18]
Fo2 Lao Chao
Jenna's general store Merchant: Jenna
(40% chance to restock 2-4 books after 2-4 days)[19]
Fo2 Jenna
Enclave Oil Rig Barracks Crates in the storage room connected to the Commanding Officer's living quarters

(Quantity: 2 books)

Scout Handbook EOR barracks
Trap room Locker in the "Survival Gear Locker" room

(Quantity: 3 books)

FAB Enclave oil rig trap level

Cat's Paw issue no.5[]

Cat's Paw Issue nr

Cat's Paw issue no.5 can permanently increase Energy Weapons.

This section is transcluded from the respective item articles. To change it, please edit the transcluded pages.
NameClosest map markerLocation description
Cat's Paw issue no.5Cat's Paw brothelFrom Miss Kitty after Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty.

Fallout 2 Hintbook[]

Fallout 2 Hintbook

The Fallout 2 Hintbook permanently increases all skills to 300%.

This section is transcluded from the respective item articles. To change it, please edit the transcluded pages.
NameClosest map markerLocation description
Fallout 2 HintbookDrunk Cupid ChapelGiven by Father Tully after destroying the Enclave Oil Rig.

See also[]


Skill books in Fallout 2