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SCRIPTS.LST comment Tanker Gun Merchant's Table
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        Copyright 1998-2003 Interplay Entertainment Corp. All rights reserved.
        Item: Tanker Gun Merchants table
           Please note any changes that have been made to the file in Updated. Then comment
           the code which you have changed/altered/commented out. Please, do not delete any
           code which was written.
           Created: September 26, 1997
/* Include Files */
#include "..\headers\define.h"
#include "..\headers\command.h"
#include "..\headers\sanfran.h"
/* Standard Script Procedures */
procedure start;
procedure use_p_proc;
procedure look_at_p_proc;
procedure description_p_proc;
procedure use_skill_on_p_proc;
procedure use_obj_on_p_proc;
procedure damage_p_proc;
procedure map_enter_p_proc;
procedure map_update_p_proc;
procedure validHandle(variable handle);
   Local Variables which are saved. All Local Variables need to be
   prepended by LVAR_
#define LVAR_Restock_Time (0)
   Imported variables from the Map scripts. These should only be
   pointers and variables that need not be saved. If a variable
   Needs to be saved, make it a map variable (MVAR_)
import variable i_tgun_table_swap;
import variable i_tgun_merchant;
#define SETSWAPTABLE(x) i_tgun_table_swap := x
#define MERCHANTOBJ i_tgun_merchant
   Local variables which do not need to be saved between map changes.
******* PROCEDURES *******
#define TABLE_1 16293
   The start procedure is the first procedure called when the map is
   first entered. Any initial information that needs to be set up
   should be placed in here.
procedure start begin
procedure timed_event_p_proc begin
procedure use_p_proc begin
   if (validHandle(MERCHANTOBJ)) then begin
      add_timer_event(MERCHANTOBJ, 0, TIMER_USE_TABLE);
   This is cursory glance description that the player will receive should
   he just pass the Action Cursor over. Examines which give more information
   need to be in the description_p_proc procedure.
procedure look_at_p_proc begin
procedure description_p_proc begin
   Make sure the door is working.
procedure use_skill_on_p_proc begin
   if (validHandle(MERCHANTOBJ)) then begin
      call use_p_proc;
   This is called when the player is using an object on the door. When the check is
   made to find out what is being used, obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) will need to
   be checked against a prototype.
procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin
   if (validHandle(MERCHANTOBJ)) then begin
      call use_p_proc;
   IF it gets damaged it breaks
procedure damage_p_proc begin
   Whenever the map is first entered, this procedure will be called.
procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
   if (validHandle(MERCHANTOBJ)) then begin
      if (local_var(LVAR_Restock_Time) < game_time) then begin
         if (self_tile == TABLE_1) then begin
            check_restock_item(PID_BOTTLE_CAPS, 300, 436, 80)
            check_restock_item(PID_SPIKED_KNUCKLES, 1, 3, 80)
            check_restock_item(PID_MEGA_POWER_FIST, 1, 1, 100)
            check_restock_item(PID_CROWBAR, 1, 1, 100)
            check_restock_item(PID_SHIV, 1, 2, 80)
            check_restock_item(PID_WRENCH, 1, 2, 50)
            check_restock_item(PID_STIMPAK, 3, 7, 80)
            check_restock_item(PID_FIRST_AID_KIT, 1, 2, 60)
            check_restock_item(PID_RADAWAY, 3, 7, 60)
            check_restock_item(PID_MENTATS, 4, 8, 50)
            check_restock_item(PID_MUTATED_FRUIT, 4, 8, 60)
            check_restock_item(PID_BUFFOUT, 4, 8, 50)
            check_restock_item(PID_PSYCHO, 4, 8, 50)
            check_restock_item(PID_SUPER_STIMPAK, 6, 7, 30)
            check_restock_item(PID_JET_ANTIDOTE, 1, 3, 30)
            check_restock_item(PID_MEAT_JERKY, 4, 5, 45)
         set_local_Var(LVAR_Restock_Time, game_time + (ONE_GAME_WEEK * Random(1, 2)));
   This procedure gets called roughly every 30 seconds of real time.
procedure map_update_p_proc begin
procedure validHandle(variable handle) begin
   if (handle != 0 and handle != -1) then begin
      return 1;
   return 0;
