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The Explosives skill determines the ease of disarming any hostile mines and the effectiveness of any explosive weapon (all mines, all grenades, Missile Launcher, Fat Man, etc.).— In-game description

Explosives is a skill in Fallout: New Vegas whose initial level is governed by the primary statistics SPECIAL attribute Perception. It replaces the Traps and Throwing skills from previous games.

This skill determines the player's combat effectiveness with explosive weapons, disarming explosive traps and mines, and crafting explosives.

Initial level[]

Example: A starting Perception of 5 and Luck of 5.


In Fallout: New Vegas, many more types of weapons fall into the Explosives category, including placed, thrown, and projectile explosives. Any weapon that was originally a big gun in Fallout 3 and used explosion type ammunition (such as the Fat Man, or missile launcher) was moved to this category when the Big Guns skill was removed.

The level of the Explosives skill determines the player character's accuracy and combat damage with every kind of explosive, including the distance of thrown explosives. As this skill increases, so does the damage inflicted, both in and out of V.A.T.S. mode. At the highest level of 100, an explosive's damage is double the damage with 0 skill. This is linear, meaning each point in Explosives gives increasingly higher damage.

The Explosives skill also determines how close the player can get to a mine before detection, as well as how long the mine will take before it explodes. The minimum skill necessary to disarm a mine is 1, meaning any player can disarm them so long as the player can run up and activate it fast enough, however some explosive traps do require a minimum skill level. With the perk Light Step, the player does not set off enemy mines or floor-based traps, although companions and other non-player characters can still set them off.

This skill allows for crafting explosives from various junk items utilizing workbenches found throughout the Mojave. Some items require schematics in order to craft, but most are based only on the Explosives skill level. Some additionally require the perk Hand Loader or Mad Bomber in order to craft.

Perks that require Explosives skill[]

Perk Explosives Level Additional Requirements
Heave, Ho! 30 2 Strength 5
Demolition Expert 50 6
Mad Bomber Gun Runners' Arsenal 45 6 Repair 45
Grunt Honest Hearts 20 8 Guns 45
Pyromaniac 60 12
Hit the Deck 70 12
Splash Damage 70 12

There are many other perks that do not require the Explosives skill to take the perk, but do affect things such as damage done by dynamite, setting off floor traps or mines, and perks that affect Perception and weapons or combat in general.

Ways to increase Explosives[]


Interactions that require Explosives skill[]


  • 1 Explosives to disarm hostile placed explosives: bottlecap mine, frag mine, powder charge, Lonesome Road (add-on) satchel charge (5 XP, collect mine)
  • 28 Explosives to disarm trap rigged mailbox (5 XP)
  • 28 Explosives to disarm trap concealed mine (5 XP, 1 frag mine)
  • 30 Explosives to disarm trap grenade bouquet (5 XP, 3 frag grenades)
  • 45 Explosives to disarm trap trapped terminal (5 XP, 1 frag grenade)

Skill Checks[]

With a few exceptions, the XP earned for a skill check is equal to the Explosives skill required to pass the check.

Affected weapons[]

Most explosive weapon stats have damage listed as "1 (or 2) + some number." The 1 (or 2) is the damage that the projectile (like a thrown grenade) or placed explosive (like a mine) does upon a direct hit, pretty much just from physics. As such, that number can generally be ignored for most intents and purposes (and damage calculations for grenades and mines in the Pip-Boy 3000 appear to do so).


  • Player-placed land mines are not triggered by the player themself, companions, or NPCs of a faction the player character is currently disguised as.
  • Explosives placed prior to temporary boosts wearing off will still retain the boosted damage bonus from the higher Explosives skill when they were placed. In other words, a frag mine placed prior to a Patriot's Cookbook wearing off will inflict the same damage after those items have worn off.
  • As with all weapons, the player character can use and fire any weapon regardless of skill level. The "skill requirement" indicated by the number next to the explosives symbol in the Pip-Boy menus, and the STR requirement, are simply recommendations to ensure the weapon has higher accuracy and decent damage.
  • Tremble can be applied to any unarmed or melee weapon (including thrown weapons) to negatively affect non-player characters' use of explosives against the Courier.