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Fallout Wiki

The emergency protocols are a torso power armor mod in Fallout 76.


When installed on a power armor torso, the user's speed is increased by 25% and incoming damage is reduced by 50% when below 20% health.


In order to craft the emergency protocols modification, a power armor frame with the desired torso piece attached must be installed at a power armor station. For each variant of power armor, an individual plan must be learned to unlock the mod for crafting, and all mods require the same amount of components.


  • Can be crafted and attached to a power armor torso at any power armor station after learning the corresponding plan.
  • May also randomly be found in the world, in form of a loose mod for the Excavator, raider, and T-60 power amor variants.


Loose mods for the Hellcat, T-45, T-51, T-65, ultracite, and X-01 power armor exist in the game files, but cannot be found in the game.
