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Fallout Wiki

Electrified is a weapon mod for several melee weapons in Fallout 76.


Learn chance[]

Weapon Plans Learn chance
Baton Learned from scrapping Medium (20%)
Revolutionary sword
Assaultron blade Plan: Electrified Assaultron blade
Mr. Handy buzz blade Plan: Electrified Mr. Handy buzz blade
Sheepsquatch club Plan: Electrified Sheepsquatch club
Sheepsquatch staff Plan: Electrified Sheepsquatch staff
Shepherd's crook Plan: Electrified shepherd's crook


Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted. For modifications unlocked through scrapping, the corresponding weapon must be scrapped in order to learn how to craft it.

Assaultron blade
Mr. Handy buzz blade
Revolutionary sword
Sheepsquatch club
Sheepsquatch staff
Shepherd's crook

ID Table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
Assaultron blade dlc01_mod_melee_assaultronblade_Shock 0010F3F3 miscmod_dlc01_mod_melee_assaultronblade_Shock 0010FB8D
Baton mod_melee_Baton_Shock 0017BBC5 miscmod_mod_melee_Baton_Shock 00185D1C
Mr. Handy buzz blade DLC01_mod_melee_MrHandyBuzzBlade_Shock 0010EC98 miscmod_DLC01_mod_melee_MrHandyBuzzBlade_Shock 0010FB8B
Revolutionary sword mod_melee_RevolutionarySword_Shock 0013B01F miscmod_mod_melee_RevolutionarySword_Shock 0013B020
Sheepsquatch club mod_melee_SheepSquatchClub_Shock 00455844 miscmod_mod_melee_SheepsquatchClub_Shock 0045EC45
Sheepsquatch staff mod_melee_SheepSquatchStaff_Shock 0045584D miscmod_mod_melee_SheepsquatchStaff_Shock 0045EC50
Shepherd's crook mod_melee_ShepherdsCrook_Shock 00455830 miscmod_mod_melee_ShepherdsCrook_Shock 0045EC36

