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Fallout Wiki

Elder Lyons' robe is a unique piece of clothing in Fallout 3, worn by Elder Lyons of the Brotherhood of Steel. It resembles Scribe robes with a dark gray-blue tone.


A cosmetic item, with a Damage Resistance of 3. The armor is not intended to be obtained in normal gameplay, as it does not have a unique icon (uses the Vault 101 jumpsuit's) or a female version of the armor. If a female character equips it, they will appear with no right hand and wear the Vault 101 jumpsuit. Finally, the large sleeves will clip and cover the Pip-Boy screen, making it impossible to use. Hotkeying the armor first is a good way to avoid problems.


Worn by Elder Owyn Lyons at the Citadel. They can only be obtained by planting armor with a higher Damage Resistance on him. It is possible to obtain two copies, by stealing one, then finishing the game and beginning Broken Steel.


When dropped, it is identical to a Vault 101 jumpsuit in appearance.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The armor covers the Pip-Boy, making use of the Pip-Boy somewhat tricky, but in some rare cases, such as the use of a Stealth Boy, the part of the robes covering the Pip-Boy disappears while the Pip-Boy is in use. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If worn by a female, the right hand disappears in first and third-person. Brass knuckles and spiked knuckles cause visibility (see image below). [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 If a male NPC wearing this were to have his head shot off, it would then transform into an indescribable metallic object. [verified]

