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You aren’t alone in the wilderness. You have a pet dog that serves as a friend and ally in dangerous times.Fallout: The Roleplaying Game sourcebook, p. 63

Dogmeat is a perk in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.


Dogmeat, the faithful canine companion, begins to follow the perk owner wherever they may go. The dog is treated as an allied NPC using the rules detailed on p. 338 for Followers and Companions.

If one needs to forage for food and water, Dogmeat looks after themselves.

If Dogmeat has been killed, then the perk owner may either find a new dog before the next adventure, or trade this perk for a different one after the current adventure.

Behind the scenes[]

The perk image is based on the Good Doggy perk from Fallout 76.

See also[]
