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Fallout Wiki

Discarded letter is a paper note in the Fallout 76 update Steel Reign.


The note can be found on the second floor of the Blue Ridge office, near a trash can.




I'm afraid I've got to decline your request. I know Aries is a strange fellow, but we don't have enough guards to accommodate personal preference. Think what your mamas would say if they knew you was struggling like this. (Oh, and tell Deb and Shell hi for me, would you?)

That said, I can speak to your concern, darlin'... No, Aries does not hate you, or think you're a "weakling loser." While this is the first time I've heard a complaint about him being overbearing, I wouldn't let it bother you. I'm sure it's just another layer of his... eccentricities. I know for a fact he's very fond of you, and has even asked to be paired up more in the future... If anything I'd be worried he's a little TOO interested in you --

where the hell am I going with this?? trying to scare the poor boy? TRASH!

