![]() | The following is based on Van Buren design documents and is not canon. |
This is part 4 of the Denver design document for Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
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The following is the original document or a transcript thereof. |
Main Quests
xxx need importance/scope value for all quests
Main Quests are quests designed specifically by the designer for the area. Information on these quests should include:
Get the Elevator Cable
The ghouls in the Reservation need an elevator cable. See Damien's doc about quest states and such, and make sure there's a salvageable elevator cable in Denver they could use. See The Reservation for info.
Get the Brewery Running again
If you get the brewery running again, you can brew beer and sell it elsewhere. Or you can sell it to the salvagers for a tidy profit.
- Initiator: PC or Porter
- Normal Journal: I found the Boardwalk Brewery in Denver. With some work, it could be repaired and be making beer again.
- I fixed some of the problems with the old Boardwalk Brewery in Denver.
- I got everything working at the Denver Brewery.
- I sold the rights to the repaired brewery to the Denver salvagers.
- Dumb Journal: Me find broken beer machine in Denver.
- Me fix some of beer machine.
- Beer machine all fixed.
- Me sell beer machine to scrap guys in Denver.
- Science Boy is needed to get the brewery units working again. The salvagers can salvage the empty bottles on their own time (though there is a stash of them in the brewery).
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows there is brewery
- 2 = fixed 1 part
- 3 = fixed 2 parts
- 4 = fixed 3 parts
- 5 = fixed all parts
- 1 = know they'd be interested in running the brewery
- 2 = have sold or traded the fixed brewery to them
Repair the PA Klaxon system
You can repair the PA system klaxons to sound alarms or broadcast messages throughout town.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I've found a half-working set of public address speakers all over Denver. It looks like they were used for alarm klaxons from before the War.
- I got some of the alarm klaxons repaired.
- I've fixed all the alarm klaxons in Denver.
- Dumb Journal: Me find big electric horns in Denver. They broken.
- Me fix some Denver electric horns.
- Denver electric horns all fixed.
- Science Boy is the winner.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = spotted a klaxon
- 2 = repaired one klaxon
- 3 = repaired 2
- 4 = repaired 3
- 5 = repaired 4
Use the PA KLaxon to Get Rid of the Dogs
With the klaxons working, an ultrasonic tone (from the device you can build using the schematic from the Ciphers) can be played over them to drive out the dogs. Unfortunately, it drives off your own dogs (including Devil Dog) if you use it.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: If a high-pitch tone were sent out over these klaxon horns, it should drive the dogs out of Denver. [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- If a high-pitch tone were sent out over these klaxon horns, it should keep dogs from coming back into Denver.
- The ultrasonic tone works! The dogs are scurrying out of town. [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- As far as I can tell, the ultrasonic tone works. The dogs shouldn't want to come back into the city. [If dogs have been killed off.]
- The ultrasonic tone works, but it drove off my dog as well as these damn Denver mutts. [Generic Hangdog dog.]
- The ultrasonic tone works, but it drove off <DEVILDOG> as well as these damn Denver mutts. [Devil Dog.]
- As far as I can tell, the ultrasonic tone works. There are no native dogs to watch, but it drove off my dog so it must be working. [All dogs dead, you have Generic Hangdog dog.]
- As far as I can tell, the ultrasonic tone works. There are no native dogs to watch, but it drove off <DEVILDOG> so it must be working. [All dogs dead, you have Devil Dog]
- Dumb Journal: Me make horns do dog-ears noise, dog should run away. [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- Me make horns do dog-ears noise, dogs no come back.
- Dogs are running away from dog-ear noise! [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- Me make horns do dog noise. Me bet it works. [If dogs have been killed off.]
- Me make dogs run away with noise, but it scare off Hangdog dog too! [Generic Hangdog dog.]
- Me make dogs run away with noise, but it scare off <DEVILDOG> too! [Devil Dog.]
- Me think horn noise will keep dogs away, but it scare off Hangdog dog! [All dogs dead, you have Generic Hangdog dog.]
- Me think horn noise will keep dogs away, but it scare off Devil Dog! [All dogs dead, you have Devil Dog.]
- Any character can hook this up once everything is fixed.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows of the ultrasonic device
- 2 = has attached the ultrasonic device to the repaired klaxon control system
Defeat the CRB-S Units
They'll kill you if you don't.
- Initiator: CRB-S
- Normal Journal: These crazy giant robot dogs attacked me in Denver.
- I managed to kill three of those giant robot dogs.
- Dumb Journal: Robot dogs attacked me in Denver!
- Me kill three robot dogs.
- Science Boy can learn more about their weaknesses and tactics through the police database.
- Combat Boy has the advantage here.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = spotted the CRB-S
- 2 = killed one
- 3 = killed two
- 4 = killed all three
Reprogram CRB-S as dogcatcher
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Fix Job/Mr Handy
You can take him as a CNPC if you fix the DCPD Mr. Handy Unit.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I found a damaged inactive Mr. Handy unit—named "Job"—in the Denver City Police Department.
- I managed to repair the Mr. Handy unit in the Denver Police Departmen
- Dumb Journal: Me find Handy robot in Denver police station.
- Me fix Handy robot. Job is my friend.
- Science Boy can fix him.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = found him
- 2 = fixed him
Find Voice Module for Job
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Reprogram Job so he can leave Denver
His deep-level programming won't allow him to leave Denver (part of an antitheft program).
- Initiator: PC/Job
- Normal Journal: Job refuses to leave Denver. There must be something in his programming forbidding him to leave the city limits.
- I reprogrammed Job so he can leave Denver.
- Dumb Journal: Friend Job is afraid to leave Denver. His robot brain makes him afraid.
- Me fix Job so he isn't afraid to leave Denver any more.
- Science Boy is the only one who can do this.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows he can't leave Denver
- 2 = reprogrammed him
Break Into the Box, surface/Sewer level
Easier from the sewer level.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I discovered a huge metal "box" in Denver. It's as big as a building, and made of metal, and has a big security door.
- I managed to get through the security door to the Box.
- I found a sewer entrance to the Box in Denver.
- I managed to get through the sewer-level security door to the Box.
- Dumb Journal: Me find Box in Denver. Big and made of metal.
- Me got into the Box.
- Me find sewer entrance to the Box.
- Me got into sewer entrance to the Box.
- Stealth Boy can use e-lockpicks to pick the lock. Or use traps to blow it open, but it requires a lot of boom to do so.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows of the Box
- 2 = entered via the surface level
- 3 = entered via the sewer level
Defeat Bombay Jack at the Box
He'll attack you when you investigate the Box.
- Initiator: Jack
- Normal Journal: Bombay Jack attacked me while I was looking at the Box in Denver.
- I managed to kill Bombay Jack after he attacked me at the Box.
- Dumb Journal: Jack shot at me when me see the Box.
- Me kill Jack when he shoot at me.
- Stealth Boy can survive better by sneaking and hiding.
- Combat Boy has the best chance of defeating Jack,
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = was attacked
- 2 = defeated him
Defeat Bombay Jack in his Canyon
If you follow him or stumble across his lair you can fight him there. Much tougher!
- Initiator: Jack or PC
- Normal Journal: I found a well-trapped building in Denver, and then someone started shooting at me.
- I found Bombay Jack's building. Right after finding the place he started shooting at me.
- I found a well-trapped building in Denver.
- I found Bombay Jack's building.
- I managed to kill Bombay Jack, the crazy powder gang bomber of Denver, in his mega-trapped lair.
- I managed to kill Bombay Jack in his lair.
- Dumb Journal: Me find building with bombs. Someone is shooting at me!
- Me find Jack's house. Jack is shooting at me!
- Me find building with bombs.
- Me find Jack's house.
- Me kill Jack.
- Stealth Boy can steak past the traps more easily and might be able to sneak in without being spotted.
- Combat Boy has the best chance of killing Jack.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = was attacked
- 2 = defeated him
Defeat the Legion Slavers
If you decide to kill them, you can.
- Initiator: PC, or dialogue with Terence
- Normal Journal: I attacked the Caesar's Legion slavers camped in Denver.
- I managed to kill or drive off all of the Caesar's Legion slavers in Denver.
- After an unsuccessful dialogue with Terence of Caesar's Legion, I attacked him and his slaver minions camped in Denver.
- After an unsuccessful dialogue with Terence of Caesar's Legion, he and his slaver minions attacked me.
- Dumb Journal: Me fight Legion slavers.
- Me kill all Legion slavers.
- Me talk to Terence. He leads the Denver slavers. Talk no go good, I attack him.
- Me talk to Terence. He leads the Denver slavers. Talk no go good, He attack me.
- Stealth Boy is an option if you decide to sneak up on them and kill them.
- Combat Boy is the man for killin'.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows the Legion guys are there
- 2 = killed them all without talking
- 3 = after talking, I attacked
- 4 = after talking, they attacked
Rescue the Legion's Slaves
Check with Ciphers doc on whether or not the Ciphers slaves are here or not.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I purchased the slaves from the Caesar's Legion slavers in Denver.
- I helped the slaves of the Caesar's Legion escape captivity.
- Dumb Journal: Me buy slaves from Terrence in Denver.
- Me help slaves escape from Terrence in Denver.
- DiploBoy can negotiate freeing them or purchasing them.
- Stealth Boy can sneak them out or sneak in to kill the slavers.
- Combat Boy is better off killing the slavers then freeing the masterless slaves.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows they have slaves
- 2 = bought the slaves
- 3 = freed them
Barter with the Evil Salvagers
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Kill the Evil Salvagers
If you decide to kill them, you can. They're not willing to talk to you, so....
- Initiator: PC or Anton
- Normal Journal: I attacked the rival salvagers camped in Denver.
- I managed to kill or drive off all of the rival salvagers in Denver.
- After an unsuccessful dialogue with Anton of the rival salvagers, I attacked them.
- After an unsuccessful dialogue with Anton of the rival salvagers, they attacked me.
- Dumb Journal: Me fight rival scrappers.
- Me kill all rival scrappers.
- Me talk to Anton. He leads some Denver scrappers. Talk no go good, I attack him.
- Me talk to Anton. He leads some Denver scrappers. Talk no go good, They attack me.
- Stealth Boy is an option if you decide to sneak up on them and kill them.
- Combat Boy is the man for killin'.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows they are there
- 2 = attacked them
- 3 = kill or drove them all off
- 4 = talked, I attacked them
- 5 = talked, they attacked me
Prepare/Fix Union Station
Needs some mechanical work. You can do it yourself or have the salvagers help out.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I found Union Station, a train depot in Denver. It needs some repairs but I don't see anything serious that would keep trains from stopping here.
- I've started making repairs to Union Station.
- I've finished the repairs to Union Station.
- Dumb Journal: Me find train station in Denver. It needs some fixin.
- Me do some fixes to Denver train station.
- Denver train station all fixed.
- Science Boy is the one
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows there is the station
- 2 = made some repairs
- 3 = fixed it all
Build a Telegraph Unit
Initiator: xxx
Normal Journal:
Dumb Journal:
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Buy Or Rent A Claim from A Salvager
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Destroy/Drive Off NCR Military
These are guys who work for Presper.
- Initiator: PC or Butch
- Normal Journal: I attacked the NCR soldiers exploring Denver.
- I managed to kill or drive off all of the NCR soldiers in Denver.
- After an unsuccessful dialogue with Butch of the NCR soldiers, I attacked them.
- After an unsuccessful dialogue with Butch of the NCR soldiers, they attacked me.
- Dumb Journal: Me fight soldiers in Denver.
- Me kill all soldiers in Denver.
- Me talk to Butch. He leads soldiers in Denver. Talk no go good, I attack him.
- Me talk to Bunch. He leads soldiers in Denver. Talk no go good, They attack me.
- Stealth Boy is an option if you decide to sneak up on them and kill them.
- Combat Boy is the man for killin'.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows they exist
- 2 = attacked them
- 3 = killed or drove off all
- 4 = talk, I attacked
- 5 = talk, they attacked
Kill All the Dogs
Requires a lot of work and a lot of ammo, and you're fighting a slow respawn. Can be done over time. When # dogs alive = 0, you've done it.
- Initiator: PC or the dogs.
- Normal Journal: I think I've managed to kill all of the dogs in Denver.
- Dumb Journal: Me think me killed all dogs in Denver.
- Science Boy can use the scent repellant to deter some of the attacks
- Stealth Boy can snipe like crazy
- Combat Boy is made for death
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed all dogs
Get the Generator from the Old Camp
Drag the damn thing back from the old camp.
- Initiator: Porter or PC
- Normal Journal: I found a generator in an abandoned camp on the north side of Denver.
- I traded the generator I found to the NCR salvagers.
- Porter, leader of the NCR salvagers, asked me to bring the generator from their old camp to the new camp.
- I brought the salvagers' generator to Porter.
- Dumb Journal: Me find generator in empty camp.
- Me trade generator to NCR scrappers.
- Porter of NCR scrappers wants his generator from the old camp.
- I brought Porter his generator.
- Any character can drag this to the new camp
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = found generator
- 2 = traded generator to salvagers
- 3 = Porter asked you to bring it to them
- 4 = you brought it to them
Defuse the Mines on the Freeway to Boulder
So Galinski's truck doesn't bite it. Requires a count of the mines, when the number defused = mine count, you're done.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: The Denver road leading north to Boulder has been mined.
- I found a map at Bombay Jack's place showing mines he placed on the road north to Boulder.
- I've started dealing with the mines on the road to Boulder.
- I've taken care of all the mines on the north exit to Boulder.
- Dumb Journal: Road to Boulder has booms!
- Me find mat at Jack's house that shows booms on road to Boulder.
- Me fixing booms on road to Boulder.
- Me fix all booms on road to Boulder. No more booms.
- Science Boy is the trap-defuser.
- Stealth Boy is more likely to sneak past them.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows there are mines (by accident)
- 2 = knows there are mines (from Jack's map)
- 3 = started taking some mines out
- 4 = taken care of all mines
Recover Plague Outbreak & Riot Documents
These can be found in the police station database. Low computer skill means you can get some, higher skill means you can get a lot more.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I found some records on the pre-War riots in Denver. Looks like the conflict with China was causing some problems back home.
- I found some evidence of a plague outbreak in Denver shortly before the War.
- (Specific text relevant to riots)
- (Specific text relevant to plague)
- Dumb Journal: Police computer has old records on riots. Things were bad here.
- Me find info on old plague in Denver police computer from before Big Boom.
- (Specific text relevant to riots)
- (Specific text relevant to plague)
- Science Boy is best at getting this info, but it's not so hard that you'd need to tag it
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = found records
- 2 = found plague evidence
- 3 = found riot evidence
- 4 = found even more plague evidence pointing to the same thing you're carrying
Recover Apple Core from Box fridge
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Purify the Jerked Dog Meat
Or tell them to cook it first, for Chrissake. They think raw bloody meat is better for you. Idiots.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Use the Big Radio to Signal ARGOS
If you want to call ARGOS to your location (for example, if you want a quick trip back to ODYSSEUS), you can use the repaired radio tower to broadcast a call to him.
This might be a good way to grab Daniel even if he's unwilling.
- Initiator: PC
- Normal Journal: I used the Denver radio tower to transmit a signal to ARGOS, telling it there were escaped prisoners from ODYSSEUS here.
- ARGOS has appeared in Denver, presumably because of my radio transmission.
- Dumb Journal: Me call ARGOS with Denver radio.
- ARGOS showed up because me called him with Denver radio.
- Any character can do this
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = used radio to signal
- 2 = Argos has appeared
Convince the Salvagers to Start Washing
It'll help keep them from getting sick, and will get rid of the rashes. Also it helps if you get Jimmy T to wash his hands before treating someone.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Analyze Their Drug Stockpile
They have a lot of stuff stashed, but some of it is unlabeled, and they don't know what most of the labeled stuff does. Jimmy T asks you to help with this.
- Initiator: Jimmy T
- Normal Journal: Jimmy T in Denver asked me to look over their stockpile of drugs and figure out what's useful and what's gone bad. Since he mostly knows tribal medicine, the names of the drugs don't mean anything to him and he doesn't want to experiment with drugs that might be dangerous.
- Though I didn't know what all of it did, I was able to help Jimmy T sort out some of his drug stockpile. As a thank-you, he gave me XXX.
- I identified the salvagers' drugs for Jimmy T. As a thank you, he gave me XXX.
- Dumb Journal: Jimmy in Denver not know what drugs do. He know tribal medicine, not city medicine, so city medicine names confuse him.
- Me not know all, but me tell Jimmy what some of his drugs do. He said thank you and gave me XXX.
- Me tell Jimmy what the drugs do. He said thank you and gave me XXX.
- Science Boy is best, but any character can do some of them.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = Jimmy T asked you to look them over
- 2 = identified some
- 3 = identified all
Help Bean Up the Liquor content of his still
This also means they can make decent Molotov cocktails, instead of half-assed ones.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Make Some Explosives?
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Kill Radioactive Lizards
The guys are eating them, or just getting sick from proximity. If killed, the salvagers will stop soaking up rads. Once the lizards in their camp are killed off, they can start using Rad-Away and similar drugs to stay healthy.
- Initiator: PC (upon realizing they're radioactive)
- Normal Journal: The lizards crawling all over the salvager camp are radioactive. No wonder these guys are sick. It's bad enough they live near these things, but they sometimes eat them, too.
- I killed all of the lizards hanging around the new salvager camp. That should keep their rad count from climbing every day.
- Dumb Journal: Climbing lizards have rads. Rads keeping the scrappers sick.
- Me kill all rad-lizards in scrapper camp.
- Any character can kill the lizards, they're not too much of a threat. Avoiding their bite is the tricky part, which means....
- Stealth Boy should snipe them from concealment, or
- Combat Boy can lumber out in big armor.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows there are lizards
- 2 = know they're radioactive
- 2 = killed all the lizards living near the salvagers
Fix Salvager's wounded arm & Burns
Someone has a broken arm and burns from when BJ jumped his claim.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Fix Davis' Concussion and slight Deafness
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Get Garcia out of his coma.
It just requires more medical skill than Jimmy has, or some time.
- Initiator: Jimmy T, Porter, or PC. Once he's up and around, he'll reward you with something.
- Normal Journal: Garcia, one of the NCR salvagers, is in a coma from a bomb explosion set by Bombay Jack.
- A super-stimpack should get Garcia out of his coma, otherwise he'll probably be out of it for a couple weeks.
- Careful use of a stimpack or TRIBALREMEDY should get Garcia out of his coma, otherwise he'll probably be out of it for a couple weeks.
- I was able to get Garcia out of his coma.
- Now that he's up and around, Garcia gave me some stuff he salvaged as a thank-you for getting him out of his coma.
- Dumb Journal: Jack make boom-trap. Garcia got hurt and is in coma.
- Super-stimpack should wake up Garcia.
- Stimpack or TRIBALREMEDY should wake up Garcia.
- Me woke up Garcia!
- Garcia gave me stuff to thank for saving him from coma.
- Science Boy with good Medicine skill can just use a stimpack or tribal remedy, your average guy with a smattering of Medicine has to use a Super-Stim. Poor medicine = can't do it.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows Garcia is in a coma
- 2 = has good enough Medicine skill to use the cheapy remedy
- 3 = has mediocre, had to use the expensive remedy
- 4 = Garcia has given you stuff as a thank-you
Fix minor salvager ailments.
Stomach cramps from a couple of guys
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Get the Salvagers some fruit or Vitamins
They're getting scurvy and need fruit or some vitamins. Some of the stuff in Jimmy's drug pile count as vitamins and would help in this. You can also get vitamins from the Lowry Hospital.
- Initiator: Porter, Jimmy T
- Normal Journal: Living on a diet of nothing but meat, the salvagers are getting sick. They need fruit or vitamins to make sure they're getting all of the nutrition they need.
- I found some canned fruit for the salvagers. That'll keep them from losing their teeth.
- I brought some fruit to the salvagers. That'll keep them from losing their teeth.
- I found some vitamins. This is exactly what the salvagers need to supplement their meat-only diet.
- I brought vitamins to the salvagers. That'll keep them from losing their teeth.
- Jimmy T's assortment of drugs included some vitamins, which he can give to the salvagers to keep them healthy.
- Dumb Journal: Scrappers getting sick because they only eat meat. They need fruit or pills to not be sick all the time.
- Me find fruit in cans for scrappers. Now they get better.
- Me bring fruit to scrappers. Now they get better.
- Me find pills. Pills fix meat-only-sick that scrappers have.
- Me bing pills to scrappers to fix only-meat-sick.
- Jimmy have pills to help salvagers not be only-meat-sick.
- Science Boy can know that the vitamins would help.
- Any character can bring them fruit or canned fruit.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows they need fruit or vitamins
- 2 = found canned fruit
- 3 = brought fruit (fresh or canned)
- 4 = found vitamins
- 5 = brought vitamins
- 6 = know that Jimmy's drug stockpile includes vitamins
Fix the guy sick from Bean's Moonshine
It's crappy quality and he's apparently sensitive to it and is now slightly poisoned.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Fix the Radio Tower
It's running erratically, partly because of the generator (see below), partly because its control system is messed up.
- Initiator: Wagner, C.B., Porter
- Normal Journal: The salvagers told me their radio tower is running erratically.
- I managed to fix the Denver radio tower. Even running on a generator this thing's signal might be able to reach Boulder.
- Dumb Journal: Scrapper big radio is broken.
- I fix scrapper big radio. Now radio works all the time and goes far.
- Science Boy is needed to fix it.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows there is a radio tower
- 2 = fixed the tower
Fix the Radio Tower's Generator
It needs some repairs, but Wagner doesn't have the skill to do it.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Fix the broken Hand radios
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Fix the Battery Recharger
It has been cannibalized to keep the genny running. If the genny is fixed, then this can be fixed.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Unlock the Three Safes
They haven't been able to pick them and don't want to waste the explosives on 'em.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Fix the Salvagers' Weapons
A shotgun, a rifle, and a small pistol, all needing repair.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Show theM how to jerk the meat better
Fix the above quest about preparing the uncooked jerky.
Science Boy
Stealth Boy
Combat Boy
Get Jimmy T a Doctor's Bag
Jimmy T could use a doctor's bag to help him treat the salvagers. Over time he'll use it up and ask for another.
- Initiator: Jimmy T
- Normal Journal: Jimmy T asked me to find him a doctor's bag, since his medical skill is limited.
- I traded Jimmy T a doctor's bag. He was very grateful.
- Jimmy T has used up the supplies in the doctor's bag I traded him. He'd like another.
- I traded Jimmy T another doctor's bag. As before, he thanked me very much
- Dumb Journal: Jimmy needs doctors bag to be good doctor.
- Me trade Jimmy a doctor's bag. He say thanks.
- Jimmy needs another doctor's bag.
- Me trade Jimmy another doctor's bag. He say thanks.
- Science Boy might be able to make a doctor's bag
- Any character can find a doctor's bag elsewhere in the game
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = Jimmy asked you to get him a doctor's bag
- 2 = traded Jimmy a doctor's bag (eventually switches over to state 3)
- 3 = Jimmy needs another doctor's bag (sets it back to state 2 for a while)
Get them a Geiger Counter
This would solve the problem of the radioactive lizards, and would help them steer clear of high-rad areas in town.
- Initiator: Porter, Jimmy T
- Normal Journal: Porter asked me to track down a Geiger counter for the NCR salvagers.
- Jimmy T asked me to track down a Geiger counter for the NCR salvagers.
- I got a Geiger counter for Porter.
- I got a Geiger counter for Jimmy T.
- Dumb Journal: Porter asked me to find a "guy grrr counter." Me think he really want a rad-click box.
- Porter asked me to find a "guy grrr counter." Me think he really want a rad-click box.
- Me find rad-click box for Porter.
- Me find rad-click box for Jimmy.
- Science Boy might be able to make a Geiger counter.
- Any character can find one
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = Porter asks for one
- 2 = Jimmy T asks for one
- 3 = you gave it to Porter
- 4 = you gave it to Jimmy
Defeat Dogbody
Dogbody is holed up in the DCPD. At first he's friendly, but if you kill dogs or just after a while he'll turn on you and you'll have to kill him to stop him from using BITE-ME on your camps to attract dogs.
- Initiator: Dogbody, PC
- Normal Journal: We were attacked by Dogbody, the crazy guy from the NCR salvagers. I guess he didn't die in the attack on the old salvager camp.
- We were attacked by a crazy old man who barked like a dog.
- That crazy old man must be Dogbody, the one the NCR salvagers thought died in the dog attack on their old camp.
- I managed to kill Dogbody. Poor crazy bastard.
- Dumb Journal: Dogbody attacked me! He's crazy.
- Crazy old dog-man attacked me!
- Crazy old man is Dogbody, dead friend of scrappers. Me guess he not really dead.
- Me kill Dogbody. Dogbody dead and crazy.
- DiploBoy can talk to him at first, but eventually it's no use.
- Stealth Boy is best at sneaking around the DCPD.
- Combat Boy likes the blood
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = Dogbody attacked, you know him
- 2 = Dogbody attacked, you don't know who he is
- 3 = you don't know him but just figured out who he is
- 4 = killed Dogbody
Start Trade With NCR or New Canaan
These guys haven't heard from NCR. If you tell the leaders in Hoover Dam about them, they'd be happy to start a big resource trade for them, providing food, supplies, and money to the salvagers. In return, the salvagers would sent salvaged materials to NCR.
You could do the same thing with New Canaan.
- Initiator: Porter, NCR guy in Hoover Dam, mormon dude in New Canaan.
- Normal Journal: Porter is worried that they haven't heard from NCR in a long time.
- I talked to Dodge at Hoover Dam about the salvagers in NCR. He was surprised to hear the news – everyone though they were dead. He asked me to let them know that Hoover Dam is interested in trading for or buying their salvage, as originally intended, and wants to know what they want in return, so they can set up a trade route.
- Duplicate of above, except New Canaan guy.
- I told Porter about Hoover Dam's interest in buying the Denver salvage xxxx
- I told Porter about New Canaan's interest in buying the Denver salvage xxxx
- Reported back to Hoover Dam
- Reported back to New Canaan
- Sealed the deal with Hoover Dam
- Sealed the deal with New Canaan
- Dumb Journal: xxxx duplicate the above, but dumb
- DiploBoy is best at negotiating stuff to favor one side or the other.
- 0 = unaware
- 0 = unaware
Tell the Hangdogs About the Denver Dogs 2462
Once you know about the dogs and how the Salvagers don't want them, you can tell the Hangdogs to come get some dogs and arrange for the salvagers to leave the Hangdogs alone.
See Bares His Teeth for the task description strings for this quest.
- Initiator: Porter.
- Normal Journal:
- Dumb Journal: xxxx duplicate the above, but dumb
- DiploBoy is best at negotiating stuff to favor one side or the other.
- 1 = you know there are dogs here
- 2 = you know the salvagers don't want them around
- 3 = you've told the Salvagers that the Hangdogs are coming and don't want any trouble
- 1 = the Hangdogs are going to go get some dogs
- Initiator: qqqq
- Normal Journal: qqqq
- Dumb Journal: qqqq
- Science Boy
- DiploBoy
- Stealth Boy
- Combat Boy
- 0 = unaware
Area | Quest Name | Designer | DStatus | Script | SStatus | Log Stat | Passable | QA 100% |
Denver | ||||||||
Random, hospital, mint | Get Elevator Cable | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Boardwalk Brewing | Get Brewery Running | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp, Rival Camp, Legion Camp, Boardwalk Brewing | Repair 4 Klaxons | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
DCPD | Use Klaxons to Get Rid of Dogs | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
DCPD, random | Defeat CRB-S Units | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
DCPD | Fix Mr. Handy/Job | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
anywhere | Reprogram Job so it can leave Denver | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
The Box | Break Into Box, Surface | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
The Box | Break Into Box, Sewer | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
The Box | Defeat Bombay Jack, Box | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Bombay Jack's Canyon | Defeat Bombay Jack, Lair | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Legion Camp | Defeat Legion Slaves | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Legion Camp | Rescue Legion Slaves | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Rival Salvager Camp | Kill Rival Salvagers | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Union Station | Fix Union Station | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Xxxx | Build Telegraph? | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Random | Kill NCR Soldiers | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Random, parks | Kill All Dogs | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Old Camp | Get Generator From Old Camp | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp? | Defuse Freeway Mines | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
DCPD | Recover Plague/Riot Docs From DCPD | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Signal ARGOS With Radio Tower | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Analyze Salvager Drug Stockpile | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Kill Radioactive Lizards | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Get Garcia Out Of His Coma | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Get Salvagers Fruit/Vitamins | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Fix Radio Tower | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Get Jimmy T a Doctor's Bag | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
New Camp | Get Salvagers a Geiger Counter | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
Random, DCPD | Defeat Dogbody | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
xxxx | xxxxxx | Reynolds | xxxx | xxxx | xxx | xxxx | xxx | xxx |
comments |
Area: The area of the game and the map in the area where the quest is initiated.
Quest Name: The name of the quest.
Designer: The designer responsible for the quest so people know who to contact.
Dstatus: The status of the design.
Script: The programmer in charge of programming the location.
Dscript: The status of the coding for the quest.
LogStat: What's the status of the log for these quests? Do you get the unsolved version, do you get the solved version, and do you get a good/bad Karma and a stupid one, if appropriate?
Passable: Is the quest passable in some form?
QA 100%: Is the quest completable in ALL forms?
Merchant Quests
For some locations, there will be a merchant caravan that travels to and from the city. Make sure you describe what caravan missions are available in the location, and a note of who the caravan master(s) are for the location and where they can be found. It's usually best if they are located somewhere near the opening map of the location.
- Once the brewery is running, they can do a beer caravan, or hook up with the Wright family from New Reno (see references in New Canaan) who can use this as and end of the road to resupply their caravan on the return trip
- Once ties are set up with Hoover Dam or New Canaan, they can trade their salvage stuff to there (even bulky stuff like girders, tires, etc. if you have the big rig or the train)
- Or to Fort Abandon
- Tell Hangdogs about the dogs here
Floating Quests
This may end up being canned in the time provided, still you may want to jot down some thoughts.
Scott Warner suggested implementing a randomly-generated quest system for TORN, based on the Privateer model; basically, a number of random quests appear on a "job post" (or its equivalent) somewhere in the world, and the player can pick and choose from a number of simple quests that change over time.
These randomly generated missions make no pretensions about being cut-and-dry FedEx or Murder Quests: "Go collect bounty on five ghouls," "retrieve five chunks of gold ore," "deliver three sub-machine guns to the caravan master," and so on. Make a quick list of different kinds of quick and dirty random missions that would be appropriate for the location – several of the missions (but not necessarily all) should be tied to the random encounters that occur near the town.
Jeff suggested we add some random labor quests, too: brahmin need herding, crops need tilling, things like that.
- I need bullets
- Get me some booze
- Find me a gun
Previous: Part 3 | Up: Denver design document | Next: Part 5 |