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Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty is a quest in Fallout 2.


Speak to Miss Kitty in the New Reno brothel with a Cat's Paw magazine in your inventory. She will express an interest in acquiring more and will ask you to retrieve ten issues of Cat's Paw magazine for a reward.


There are many locations where issues of Cat's Paw can be found:

  1. Klamath Downtown
    • found on bookcase in the locked room at the Duntons' house
    • found in northwest toilet,
    • purchased from the Dunton brothers,
    • stolen from one of the bath house women,
  2. The Den
    • Business District - purchased from Flick
  3. Vault City
    • Courtyard - found in bookcase in Cassidy's bar
    • Vault 8 Level 1 - given by Phyllis during sperm donation
    • Vault 8 Level 2 - found in Dr. Troy's footlocker
  4. Gecko
    • the Harp - stolen from one of the ghouls
    • Reactor - two can be stolen from the ghouls
  5. Vault 15
    • Level 2 - found in desk in northwest living quarters
  6. Raiders Barracks
    • found in floor safe,
    • found in one of the footlockers near a bunk bed
  7. Broken Hills
    • Downtown - found in pot outside the hotel
  8. New Reno
  9. Sierra Army Depot
    • second floor desk near computer terminal
  10. Navarro
    • Maintenance - found in locker


When you have ten, speak to Miss Kitty again, and she will give you a copy of Cat's Paw Issue No.5, which contains an interesting article about Energy Weapons, and $500.

You can receive an extra $250 if you pass a barter check, but doing so will forfeit your copy of the special edition Cat's Paw magazine.
