Del's journal is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Nuka-World on Tour update. It is written by Del Walsh.
The note can be found at Nuka-World on Tour, on a coffee table inside of Del Walsh's staff trailer to the south. It is the one with a tinker's workbench outside. The note cannot be taken.
July 15 2077
Honestly if Claire and Derek leave their food out one more time I'll collect all their dirty rubbish and scatter it all over their office desks. This is a medical facility and hygiene should be of utmost importance!
But that's not even the worst - the rides and attractions here are so poorly engineered we keep having accidents and injuries. There is not a day that goes past where I don't have a crying kid sat in the infirmary with a laceration. We already had 2 fatalities too, and I guarantee it won't take long for a third.
But nobody in my department seems to care that much about it so I have left a holotape for Bradberton directly. Let's see what he's got to say...
The only thing keeping me sane at the moment is my small allotment, at least there I can take simple actions if something is growing out of control.
July 18 2077
So Bradberton never got back to me directly but Nuka World has offered me a new exciting role for their new Nuka World on Tour.
I would have to leave my allotment behind and travel the country but I would be in charge of all things health and safety - wouldn't that be something?
I could finally tell my parents I've made it to a high ranking position. The pay wouldn't be the best but they don't need to know that.
August 01 2077
I'm now the Physician in charge of Nuka World on Tour! Although my parents were still not very impressed with it... said that being in charge of a tent in a theme park wasn't a real medical profession.
Maybe I should have just ignored them and pursued what truly makes me happy, but I guess it's a little too late now.
I'll be setting off tomorrow and already got to meet some of the people who will be traveling with me. Randall and Muriel are the couple in charge of the main carnival and they seem alright, hopefully we won't be dealing with as many injuries as Nuka World with me in charge of health and safety.
February 03 2083
The world is a dreadful place... just death and destruction. Guess this carnival needs me more than ever now with the world being such a dangerous place, they're lucky they got a professional medic in their group.
Randall and Muriel didn't make it. I pity their kids, but there wasn't much I could do for their parents.
My old allotment sounds like heaven now...
July 19 2094
What a lost soul Pete is. He can't cope without my prescriptions. Pat doesn't understand that it is me who is keeping her brother alive. Keeps sending me threats but I won't listen.
That boy needs his meds or he will be a threat not only to himself but also others. Pat should really leave the medical stuff to me. I'm the doctor around here after all and she has no idea how it all works.