The dead end houses are an unmarked location in the exterior of Nuka-World in 2287.
Located directly north of the back entrance to the Nuka-Cola bottling plant and northwest of the Nuka-World Red Rocket, the dead end houses consist of three ruined houses along a dirt road.
The eastern house is mostly buried in the ground, with its walls almost entirely destroyed. A dryer and a doghouse are found here.
The western house has a rusted Pick-R-Up partly sunken into the ground near the porch. Behind some bushes beneath the staircase is a Master-locked safe.
The northern house at the end of the dirt road features a porch with a patio table and the remains of an open fire in the chimney. The backyard holds three corn plants and a picnic table with a lunch pail, and may be the site of a random encounter, such as a small herd of brahmiluffs, or a settler and pack brahmin fighting off bloodworms.
The dead end houses appear only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.