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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ezra Parker.


1DLC03DialogueV118_EzraFinalAh, you've got everything. Marvelous.Julianna: I'll take those, thank you. And here is your cut. Been a pleasure working with you, Detective. I hope we never meet again.A
2DLC03MaleEzraParker: Ah, you've got everything. Marvelous.I'll take those, thank you. And here is your cut. Been a pleasure working with you, Detective. I hope we never meet again.A1a
3DLC03DialogueV118_EzraRevealAh, it appears the jig, as they say, is up.Julianna: It's a shame, I thought I could keep the ruse going a little longer. Ah well, had to end eventually I suppose.A
4Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.Well, I'm glad you've decided to be reasonable. I would've hated for this to come to more bloodshed.Julianna: Alright Detective. Tell Maxwell that it's over and get your reward. Then I'll make my way out when things have died down.A1a
5Player Default: Not a chance. Your murder spree stops here.Then let us end this.Julianna: Alright Detective. Tell Maxwell that it's over and get your reward. Then I'll make my way out when things have died down.B1a
6Player Default: If I'm going to let you go, I want a cut of what you've stolen.Not a chance, Detective. I've invested far too much time into this. If I'm leaving, I'm taking everything with me.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?X1a
7Player Default: If I'm going to let you go, I want a cut of what you've stolen.Ah, so it's like that, eh? Fine, I'll grease your palm a bit, Detective. Now, am I free to go?Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.X2a
8Player Default: If I'm going to let you go, I want a cut of what you've stolen.I'm sorry Detective, but I really do need and answer now.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?X3a
9Player Default: Ezra? You're alive?I hadn't planned on it, but Julianna figured out what I was doing and had to be dealt with swiftly.Y2a
10I thought I could get a bit more money out of this place before making my escape.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?Y2b
11What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.A1a
12Player Default: Well, I'm glad you've decided to be reasonable. I would've hated for this to come to more bloodshed.Alright Detective. Tell Maxwell that it's over and get your reward. Then I'll make my way out when things have died down.A1a
13Player Default: Well, I'm glad you've decided to be reasonable. I would've hated for this to come to more bloodshed.Give me some time to make my way out and then you can tell Maxwell and get your reward.A2a
14DLC03MaleEzraParker: Ah, it appears the jig, as they say, is up.{With a sigh. you expected it eventually} It's a shame, I thought I could keep the ruse going a little longer. Ah well, had to end eventually I suppose.A1a
15This doesn't have to end in more violence, Detective. Just, walk away. I'll leave and you can tell them I escaped.Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.A1b
16DLC03DialogueV118_EzraWarnJulianna: If you try to leave, I'll have to assume you are going to report me, and then this turns ugly.I warned you Detective!A1a
17If you try to leave, I'll have to assume you are going to report me, and then this turns ugly.Julianna: I warned you Detective!A1a
18-I see your point. A good con man has to know when the game has run its course.