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This is a transcript for dialogue with Curie III.


DLC03AboutApostles Why are you doing all of this? Happy 50 Why, to offer Enlightenment to all those who suffer, of course. No more, no less. {Sweet and honestly meaning well} 1
Happy 50 Atom came to me with a vision: the starving, the ill, the weak, all being made whole and well by receiving the sacrament of Atom's Glow. {Sweet and honestly meaning well} 2
Neutral 50 And so, with our holy water, we can make this vision a reality. When exposed to Atom's supreme Glow, the ill are reborn in his glowing visage. 3
Neutral 50 Those reborn never hunger, never suffer, and never age. All our Enlightened brethren need is to know Atom's Glow, and they are happy. 4
DLC03AboutApostles2A Turning people into Ghouls? But that requires an amazing amount of radiation! Happy 50 That's correct, it does. But we can work miracles with our holy water. Free of impurities, this "Aqua Pura" is perfect for carrying Atom's blessing. 5
Sad 25 Sadly, only a small number of supplicants truly achieve Eternal Light. The rest must be satisfied with Enlightenment and an end to their suffering. 6
You mean, you turn people into Ghouls? Happy 25 That's a vulgar term, used only by those who are jealous of their gifts. We recognize them for the Enlightened beings they are. {A little scolding, as a sweet old grandmother might be} 7
Happy 50 But to receive such Enlightenment, people need to be exposed to a tremendous dose of Atom's Glow. That's why our holy water is so important! 8
Sad 25 Sadly, only a small number of supplicants truly achieve Eternal Light. The rest must be satisfied with Enlightenment and an end to their suffering. 9
DLC03AboutApostles2B Enough cultist crap. This is sick. Sad 25 You are welcome to your own beliefs, of course. But I would ask you not to profane in our monastery. {A little scolding, as a sweet old grandmother might be} 10
DLC03AboutHolyWater How do you make your "holy water"? Happy 50 It was a gift from Atom. I was meditating right here in Springvale, when four of His armored angels came to me. 11
Happy 25 When I said I was from Megaton, they gave me barrels of "Aqua Pura," and said I should share it with my people. They were very clear on that. 12
Fear 25 But when I shared some with my Enlightened brethren, it made them terribly ill. I questioned why Atom had brought a pestilence upon us. 13
Happy 50 That's when I thought to consecrate it with Atom's Light. And lo and behold, it removed the pestilence and made the finest holy water imaginable! 14
How do you make your "holy water"? Happy 50 It was a gift from Atom. I was meditating right here in Springvale, when four of His armored angels came to me. 15
Happy 25 When I said I was from Megaton, they gave me barrels of "Aqua Pura," and said I should share it with my people. They were very clear on that. 16
Happy 50 Naturally, I understood Atom's message. And so, I've been busy blessing this holy water and sharing it with the world. 17
DLC03CurieMeeting1A Luminescent Mother, I need to speak with you about your holy water. Happy 50 Yes? If you wanted some, I'm sure that Brother Gerard would have gladly given you a bottle or two. We don't charge for charity, you know. 18
DLC03CurieMeeting1C I'm putting an end to your twisted cult, right now. Sad 25 Ah. We are accustomed to this sort of religious persecution. However, I refuse to respond to violence with violence. {Disappointed in the player} 19
DLC03StopApostles You need to stop contaminating the Aqua Pura for your holy water. Surprise 25 Don't be silly! How else will we spread the word to the unenlightened? 20
Sad 25 So many misunderstand Atom, and fear the Glow of his Light as a thing of destruction, rather than humanity's next step towards perfection. 21
Happy 50 With this marvelous holy water, they drink without fear, and by the time the Glow consumes them, they have no need to fear ever again. 22
Isn't there some way I can convince you to stop? Sad 10 We're doing holy work here, tending to the suffering and hopeless. Our holy water gives warmth to those who would only die unsaved, otherwise. 23
DLC03StopApostles2A You can't trick people into enlightenment. They have to accept it knowingly. Sad 25 Hmm... You have a point, one cannot be forced into salvation against one's will. To do so would be unjust, even in Atom's name. 24
Sad 50 Perhaps you're right. We must not use deception to spread the word of Atom's Light. To do so would be to make a mockery of salvation itself. 25
Happy 50 We will stop using the Aqua Pura for our holy water. We will save our ministrations for those who seek us out. 26
Please, you're endangering innocent people who think your water is safe. Surprise 25 Is that truly what it looks like to others? We only mean to tend to the ill and offer them salvation before they pass - we're saviors, not murderers! 27
Sad 50 We offer salvation, not death! We must not give the world another reason to fear Atom's Light. If that means no more holy water, then so be it. 28
Happy 50 We will leave the clean Aqua Pura for the residents of Megaton. We will save our ministrations for those who seek us out. 29
DLC03StopApostles2B If you don't stop, I'll have to make you stop. Forcibly if I have to. Sad 25 If you feel you must resort to violence, then you will do so. I will not fight you. 30
Anger 15 But I cannot say that my disciples share my commitment to peace. {Hinting at potential repercussions for violence.} 31
DLC03StopApostles2C There must be something I can do to convince you. Sad 50 Give it time, child. Soon Atom will enlighten your eyes and you will come to realize the truth for yourself. 32
DLC03StopApostles3A I don't want to have to fight you. Anger 25 You never need to fight, my dear. But I'm afraid you simply aren't going to convince us to stop our holy work just because you disapprove. {Slightly chiding} 33
DLC03StopApostles3B This has gone on too long. Time to die. Sad 75 Such a shame it had to come to this... {Disappointed in the player resorting to violence.} 34
DLC03StopApostles3C What makes you so sure you're right, anyway? Who are you to speak for Atom? Sad 50 I suppose it's a fair question... Ever since I was a girl, I knew I was destined for something special. I always resisted the feeling. Me? Special? {heart to heart} 35
Happy 50 But one day I fell asleep during one of the Confessor's sermons. And I had a dream. {heart to heart} 36
Neutral 50 A dream of the Prophet of Atom. Ablaze with Holy Light! He told me of my destiny. Of my mission. I was called to service, and I answered. {recalling a moment of ecstasy} 37
Neutral 50 The only being able to convince me I was wrong, would be the Prophet of Atom himself. 38
What makes you so sure you're right, anyway? Who are you to speak for Atom? Sad 50 I suppose it's a fair question... Ever since I was a girl, I knew I was destined for something special. I always resisted the feeling. Me? Special? {heart to heart} 39
Happy 50 But one day I fell asleep during one of the Confessor's sermons. And I had a dream. {heart to heart} 40
Neutral 50 A dream of the Prophet of Atom. Ablaze with Holy Light! She told me of my destiny. Of my mission. I was called to service, and I answered. {recalling a moment of ecstasy} 41
Neutral 50 The only being able to convince me I was wrong, would be the Prophet of Atom herself. 42
DLC03WQ03Megaton You'll see the true power of Atom when I detonate that bomb in Megaton. Surprise 50 No! No you mustn't! We left Cromwell's church precisely because we DON'T believe in the Great Division. {shocked and appalled} 43
Happy 50 Atom calls us to reach Enlightenment through becoming one with his Glow. We believe in transformation - not destruction. {asserting a basic truth} 44
Happy 100 Please, leave the Great Symbol of Atom alone. Let the Confessor preach his misguided message to the heathens. Join us here. Gain enlightenment. {pleading for wisdom} 45
DLC03WQ03Prophet I am the Prophet of Atom. Stop irradiating water. Surprise 100 Why... you ARE the Prophet of Atom! I didn't recognize you until now... Your eyes are aglow, your very skin radiates with Atom's Heat! {in religious fervor} 46
Sad 50 I didn't realize... My Lord, now that you have revealed yourself to me, I do... I see the errors of my ways. 47
Sad 100 Forgive me, for I knew not what I was doing... we will spread your word without the use of the holy water... we will return the Aqua Pura to Megaton. {contrite} 48
Surprise 100 It shall be a test: the worthy will seek us out, and finding us they will find the Message of Atom, drinking the Waters of Light in their souls. Yes! {with sudden understanding} 49
Sad 50 I leave you now, Lord. I can not bear to look upon your shining face any longer. 50
I am the Prophet of Atom. Stop irradiating water. Sad 50 You may not agree with us, but you need not mock our beliefs. {chiding} 51
Sad 50 The Prophet of Atom would be so aglow as to outshine the sun. You are not he. 52
I am the Prophet of Atom. Stop irradiating water. Sad 50 You may not agree with us, but you need not mock our beliefs. {chiding} 53
Sad 50 The Prophet of Atom would be so aglow as to outshine the sun. You are not she. 54
GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 Oh, my! I wasn't expecting a pilgrim to our shrine! We're hardly prepared for casual visitors, I'm afraid. 55
Happy 20 You must have made quite an impression on Brother Gerard. He's a lovely boy, but rather strident. I hope he wasn't a bother. 56
Happy 50 But where are my manners? I'm Mother Curie the Third, and I lead the Apostles of the Eternal Light. What can I do for you, my dear? 57
GREETING Surprise 50 Oh, my! I wasn't expecting a pilgrim to our shrine! We're hardly prepared for visitors, I'm afraid. 58
Sad 30 And you didn't come here with peaceful intentions, did you? Oh, poor Brother Gerard. He was rather too strident, but he deserved better than that. 59
Anger 25 But that's no excuse for rudeness, now is it? I'm Mother Curie the Third, and I lead the Apostles of the Eternal Light. Why have you come to us? 60
GREETING Sad 50 My Lord. I can not bear to look upon your shining face... I am unworthy... {humbled} 61
GREETING Happy 50 We will spread our word without this holy water. The Light of Atom need not be spread through deceit. 62
GREETING Happy 50 Yes, my child? 63
GREETING Happy 50 Do you have something you wish to say? 64
GREETING Happy 50 Are you well, dear? 65


DLC03WQ03Sermon DLC03WQ03Sermon Happy 50 Children of the Light, hear my words and feel Atom's warmth! {giving a sermon} 66
DLC03WQ03Sermon Sad 50 For too long, our world has been barren, and our people have become empty. {giving a sermon} 67
DLC03WQ03Sermon Disgust 50 Their hearts have become dry and cold, and thirst consumes the weak and the strong alike. {giving a sermon} 68
DLC03WQ03Sermon Surprise 100 But we can save them! For Atom's bounty has granted us the gifts of mercy and compassion! {giving a sermon} 69
DLC03WQ03Sermon Happy 100 Oh, my brethren, let us share with them the Waters of Light! {giving a sermon} 70
DLC03WQ03Sermon Surprise 50 Let them be fulfilled by Atom! Let them know his glow and be truly Enlightened! {giving a sermon} 71
DLC03WQ03Sermon Happy 100 And let them live forever, and walk with us in the grace of Atom's Glow, and never be empty again! {giving a sermon} 72
GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 50 Thank you for choosing wisdom over violence. 73
I have to go now. Happy 50 May you know Eternal Light. 74
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Be at peace, dear. 75
HELLO Happy 50 Strive for the Eternal Light. 76
HELLO Happy 50 May Atom be with you, always. 77
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey there. 78
HELLO Neutral 50 Yes? 79