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This is a transcript for dialogue with Thomas Morgan.


DLC02OA3MorganStart01 Very funny, Lieutenant. Disgust 90 Hey, all I got to keep me warm out here in this freezebox is my sense of humor. 1
Neutral 50 Anyway, I'm here to give you a hand with Intelligence and Logistics. Whatever you need, I'm your guy. 2
DLC02OA3MorganStart02 Suicide Squad? Why do they call it that? Disgust 70 Do I really have to answer that? You aren't going after civilian targets you know... this is the big leagues. 3
Neutral 50 Anyway, I'm here to give you a hand with Intelligence and Logistics. Whatever you need, I'm your guy. 4
DLC02OA3MorganStart03 Hey, I didn't sign up for this. Neutral 50 None of us did. We all just end up doing what we're supposed to do and hopefully make the enemy die in the process. 5
Neutral 50 Anyway, I'm here to give you a hand with Intelligence and Logistics. Whatever you need, I'm your guy. 6
DLC02OA3MorganStart04 This Strike Team... I've never led troops like that before. Happy 90 Don't worry about it. Sergeant Montgomery will be your squad commander and he knows all the in's and out's of the team. 7
Neutral 50 If you need anything, like reinforcements or status reports, just speak to him. 8
Happy 80 So, what else can I do for you before you hit the field? 9
DLC02OA3MorganStart05 I hope you know more about this Strike Team, cause I sure don't. Happy 90 Don't worry about it. Sergeant Montgomery will be your squad commander and he knows all the in's and out's of the team. 10
Neutral 50 If you need anything, like reinforcements or status reports, just speak to him. 11
Happy 80 So, what else can I do for you before you hit the field? 12
DLC02OA3MorganStart06 You can tell General Chase I don't need a Strike Team... I work alone. Happy 100 Ha ha! Cocky bastard, aren't ya? You planning on taking on the whole Red Army alone? 13
Disgust 80 Just stick with Sergeant Montgomery. He'll be your squad commander and he knows all the in's and out's of the team. 14
Neutral 50 If you need anything, like reinforcements or status reports, just speak to him. 15
Happy 70 So, what else can I do for you before you hit the field? 16
DLC02OA3TLIntel I'm looking for your latest intel reports. Neutral 50 That's my specialty. What target did you need a report on? 17
DLC02OA3TLIntel01 Give me the latest on the Chimera Depot. Neutral 50 You've got two fuel tanks to destroy. One in the central courtyard of the facility and one near the rear gate. 18
Disgust 80 This place is one tough nut to crack. Not only do you have the Chimeras to contend with, but the place is heavily populated by infantry. 19
DLC02OA3TLIntel02 Give me the latest on the Listening Post. Disgust 90 Oh, this place is a honey pot, lemme tell you. {sarcasm} 20
Disgust 70 Not only is it swarming with regular ground troops, but they've put their best guys in there as well, the Crimson Dragoons. 21
Disgust 100 I hear those guys start training as soldiers right from the womb, so watch yourself in there. {sarcasm} 22
DLC02OA3TLIntel03 Give me the latest on the Pulse Field. Disgust 90 The problem out there isn't the Field itself... I mean, you wouldn't be foolish enough to drag robots out there with you. 23
Disgust 70 The place is crawling with their stealth units... the Crimson Dragoons. 24
Neutral 50 If you spot something out of the corner of your eye, shoot first and ask questions later or it's the last thing you'll ever see. 25
DLC02OA3TLQuartermaster I need some new gear. Can you set me up? Sad 90 Sorry, that's all Uncle Sam is going to issue ya. Maybe you could find some more stuff out there in the field. 26
I need some new gear. Can you set me up? Happy 60 Can do. Just use the Requisition Terminal here in the Command Tent. 27
Neutral 50 Pick whatever loadout you need and the terminal will dispense a Requisition Tape. Bring it to the Quartermaster Officer and you're all set. 28
Disgust 70 The government sure loves its paperwork, doesn't it? {semi-sarcastic} 29
DLC02OA3TLStrikeTeam I need to discuss my Strike Team. Neutral 50 Okay, that's what I'm here for. 30
DLC02OA3TLStrikeTeam01 How do I put together my Strike Team? Happy 70 Uncle Sam's made it really easy for you. All you have to do is use Patterson's Terminal here in the Command Tent. 31
Neutral 50 Use the Recruitment Markers I gave you and choose your team members any way you see fit. 32
Neutral 50 Then head outside to the Barracks and your units will be ready to go. 33
DLC02OA3TLStrikeTeam02 Can't I just take a whole bunch of guys with me? Fear 70 No way. The bigger your Strike Team, the bigger your footprint on all of the Chinese sensing devices. You need to think small. 34
Happy 50 The Recruitment Markers I gave you will recommend what size you keep your team in order to maintain the smallest footprint possible. 35
Neutral 50 So to put it simply, you pick a big clunky robot, and you won't have much room left in the team for many other units. You decide. 36
DLC02OA3TLStrikeTeam03 What if I lose a Strike Team member? Sad 60 You can always speak to your Strike Team squad leader and requisition a new unit if you've lost one. 37
DLC02OA3TLTargets I need some more information about my objectives. Neutral 50 Sure, what did you need to know? 38
DLC02OA3TLTargets01 About the Chimera Depot... Happy 70 Yes? 39
DLC02OA3TLTargets01A What exactly IS a Chimera? Neutral 50 Put simply, it's a co-opted mining rig that's been changed into an armored vehicle -- bigger and tougher than any tank we have in our arsenal. 40
Neutral 50 The Chinese fitted the vehicle with multiple weapons, reinforced the armor and outfitted them for long range. 41
DLC02OA3TLTargets01B How do I take out the Fuel Tanks? Happy 90 Take the Explosive Charges I gave you and locate both of the fuel tanks. Just stick 'em on and boom. Couldn't be easier. 42
Disgust 90 I wouldn't stand too close to admire your handiwork, though. The fireball will likely take your head off. 43
DLC02OA3TLTargets01C What's the point of taking out the Chimera Depot? Disgust 70 Well, I don't know about you, but if I was running across the main battlefield I'd like a few less of those monstrosities shooting at me. 44
Neutral 50 Take out the Depot and they have nowhere to rearm and refuel their armor. Otherwise, they'll blast your team to bits. 45
DLC02OA3TLTargets01D Let me ask you about another target. Neutral 50 Absolutely. 46
DLC02OA3TLTargets02 About that Listening Post... Neutral 50 Go on. 47
DLC02OA3TLTargets02A How exactly do I "secure" the Listening Post? Neutral 50 Basically, you need to clear it of all personnel and make it safe for occupation by our troops. 48
Disgust 50 It's a little bit of a rat hunt though, since you'll have to poke around inside the facility and root them out one-by-one. 49
DLC02OA3TLTargets02B What can I expect to find inside the post? Neutral 50 The Chinese have a team of commandos they call their Crimson Dragoons. They're pretty much the best soldiers they've got. 50
Neutral 50 That Listening Post is filled with those units. I'd be extra careful in there if I were you -- they aren't about to give that place up lightly. 51
DLC02OA3TLTargets02C What's the urgency in securing this facility? Neutral 50 Well the Chinese Army not only uses the Listening Post to spot our forces and relay battle information, they also use it for air traffic control. 52
Neutral 50 If we can get a hold of that facility, we can stop them from bombing the living hell out of us any chance they get. 53
DLC02OA3TLTargets03 About the Pulse Field... Neutral 50 What did you need to know? 54
DLC02OA3TLTargets03A What does the Pulse Field do? Disgust 80 Well, it generates a grid-based, localized electromagnetic pulse. Anything mechanical that goes through there gets all its circuits fried. 55
Disgust 70 The only thing that can punch through their defenses there are the T-51b's, so you can see the problem. 56
DLC02OA3TLTargets03B How am I going to destroy the Pulse Field? Neutral 50 There's a bunker the Chinese have set up to monitor the area somewhere beyond the emitters. 57
Neutral 50 An operator in the bunker can deactivate the field to allow their own guys to pass through unharmed. 58
Neutral 50 If you can get to the bunker, you could set the field to overload and blow it out permanently. 59
DLC02OA3TLTargets03C This is the last objective? Neutral 50 Yup. If you take down the Pulse Field, we'll send the T-51b shock troops in to blast through their defenses, and then it's on to the Headquarters. 60
DLC02OA3TLTargets04 Let me change the subject. Happy 70 Okay, whatever you need. 61
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You've hit the targets, now the only thing left is the refinery. Good luck. 62
GREETING Happy 90 So... you're in charge of Patterson's Suicide Squad, huh? 63
GREETING Neutral 50 So... what can the Intelligence Corps do for you? 64
GREETING Neutral 50 Questions? 65
GREETING Neutral 50 Hope the operation is going well. 66
GREETING Disgust 50 I'd get over to the map and listen to the General's briefing if I were you. 67
GREETING Neutral 50 The General is waiting to speak to you... and he hates waiting. 68


DLC02VoicesTalkMorgan01 DLC02VoicesTalkMorgan01 Fear 70 I'd say about 20 percent, sir. But that number significantly decreases if we can get the tin cans in there. 69
DLC02VoicesTalkMorgan02 DLC02VoicesTalkMorgan02 Neutral 50 The T-51b units are at 95 percent readiness level. We've had a bit of trouble adapting them to the cold. 70
DLC02VoicesTalkMorgan03 DLC02VoicesTalkMorgan03 Fear 90 Sorry sir, they said the technicians are still dragging their heels a bit on the fusion power plant issues. 71
GOODBYE I have to go now. Fear 100 Remember that your Strike Team members got families too you know. Let's send 'em home alive instead of in a pine box, got it? 72
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Stock up on ammo at the Quartermaster's tent. You're gonna need it. 73
I have to go now. Disgust 100 Take out some of those Commies for Patterson and all the other guys we lost. 74
I have to go now. Happy 100 Better dead than Red, right? 75
I have to go now. Disgust 100 You watch yourself out there... the Chinese Army is one of the best fighting forces on Earth. 76
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Affirmative, sir. I'll inform them of your, ummm, displeasure at their progress. 77
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Absolutely sir. I'll make sure they're ready. 78
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Sir, yes sir! 79
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 The General is very anxious to speak with you. 80
HELLO Happy 100 Lieutenant Thomas Morgan, Intelligence and Logistics at your service. I point, you shoot. 81
HELLO Happy 100 Next stop, Chinese H.Q. Keep it going! 82
HELLO Happy 100 Just got the confirmation that the Listening Post is ours. Now that's what I'm talking about! 83
HELLO Happy 100 Radar confirms that the Chinese Bombers are flying in circles now that we have the Listening Post. Nice one! 84
HELLO Happy 100 Boom! Scratch one Chimera Depot. Nice work! 85
HELLO Happy 100 Good work on the Chimera fuel tanks. Half of their division is dead in the water. 86
HELLO Happy 100 The rest of the Operation should make the Artillery Guns feel like a walk in the park. 87
HELLO Happy 100 Welcome back to H.Q. 88
HELLO Happy 100 Anything else that I&L can help with? 89