Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Cullen Pagliarulo is the son of Bethesda Game Studios lead designer Emil Pagliarulo.[1] He voiced Timmy Neusbaum in Fallout 3, voiced Latchkey Kenny in the add-on Point Lookout, was credited with special thanks on Fallout 4 and provided quality assurance on Fallout 76.


Fallout series[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2008Fallout 3Timmy Neusbaum
2009Point LookoutLatchkey Kenny (uncredited)
2015Fallout 4Special Thanks
Voice Actor (uncredited)
2018Fallout 76Additional Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Tester

Other work[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2011The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimSpecial Thanks
2019Rage 2Quality Assurance Tester
2020Doom EternalAdditional Quality Assurance

Behind the scenes[]

According to Emil Pagliarulo, each of his four children voiced a character in Fallout 4, including the student announcer in D.B. Technical High School, Sheng Kawolski, Nat Wright and Billy Peabody.[2] Although Cullen Pagliarulo was credited for the role of Timmy Neusbaum in Fallout 3, the same is not true for Fallout 4, and it is unknown which character Cullen voiced in it.


  1. Fallout trivia - 28 little-known facts from after the end of the world
  2. Emil Pagliarulo on Twitter: "I'm getting a kick out of these little trivia breaks! Here's another. In Fallout 4, each of my 4 kids voices a character - the student announcer in DB Tech, Sheng Kowalski in Diamond City, Piper's little sister Nat, and Billy, the ghoul "Kid in the Fridge.""