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Fallout Wiki

Consul and proconsul are titles used in Fallout series.

Vault City


At some point in the 22nd century, the inhabitants of Vault 8 began the process of recolonizing the surface, giving birth to Vault City. During the transition, it was decided that the position of overseer would be abandoned, and instead, governance would fall to an elected council. At least one of the positions on this council grants the position holder the title of "proconsul."

Proconsuls in Fallout 2

Proconsul Gregory is the only known holder of this office, and was responsible for administering the Vault City citizenship test.

Caesar's Legion


In the 23rd century in Arizona was a confederation of several barbarian tribes, headed by Caesar. He then began to structure the greater organization along Roman lines, including in some form the position of consul.[clarification needed]

Consuls in Fallout: New Vegas

Consul Licinius Crassus is mentioned in the Bill of sale; this records a transaction between Jenny Mae Crawford and the Consul Officiorum, selling Carla Boone and her unborn child into slavery by for 1000 caps.
