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This is a transcript for dialogue with MacCready.


1-{Walking through an abandoned parking lot. / Nervous} Something isn't right here...
2{Walking through tunnels leading to the Institute. / Neutral} If the Institute was smart, they would have sealed this off a long time ago.
3{Staring at an enormous bomb depot. / Surprised} There are enough bombs in this place to start another apocalypse.
4{Looking at four missiles. Profanity cut off / Surprised} Holy sh... holy crap... are those... missiles?
5{Looking at a massive metal pyramid. / Surprised} What the hell? Is that a... pyramid?
6{Walking through an underground car park. / Stern} Reminder. Cars and bullets don't mix.
7{Walking through a large penthouse. / Neutral} Railroad kind of painted themselves into a corner up here, didn't they?
8{Walking through the crypt under a nice church. - first part is a shout / Amused} Tunnel snakes rule! *Laugh* Sorry, heard that a long time ago.
9{Walking through a crumbling church. / Neutral} I wonder how many people came here seeking absolution when the bombs started falling.
10{Standing on top of a very tall building. / Amused} Commonwealth almost looks peaceful from up here.
11{Staring up at a very tall building. / Neutral} I can't believe this building hasn't toppled over by now.
12{Walking through a comic store. / Neutral} If I could only find the issue where Mastadonald and Skullpocalypse teamed up to fight Grognak, I'd have a complete set.
13{Walking through a TV studio with cheesy cardboard cutouts. / Neutral} So this is where they used to film the old Silver Shroud shows. I wish I could have seen them.
14{Submarine engine turned on. / Irritated} Damn, that's a lot louder than I thought it would be.
15{Walking into a massive engine room. / Neutral} Unless you want to start glowing, you might want to hang back.
16{Walking through the bridge of a submarine. Quietly to the player. / Happy} This is great... I've always wanted to ride on one of these.
17{Looking out a high window. / Irritated} This would be the perfect sniper's position if it wasn't for that stupid screen blocking the view.
18{Looking at a drive-in movie screen. / Sarcastic} You think they'll kick us off the lot if we didn't buy a ticket?
19{Walking into a perfectly pristine office. / Surprised} Looks like the war bypassed this place.
20{Looking at a mechanical pony that way nearly crushed by a collapsed roof. / Surprised} Oh, it's one of those toy ponies. "Get Up Buttercake" or something like that.
21{Walking through a large cemetery. / Neutral} They say leaving a cap on the gravestone of a friend or relative can bring you good luck. I say it's just a waste of a cap.
22{Walking through an old water treatment plant that's sprung a leak. / Disgust} If I step on something brown and squishy, you're cleaning my boots.
23{Walking into a small underground bunker. / Sarcastic} Well, this is cozy.
24{Walking into a town overrun by Super Mutants. / Disgust} More Super Mutants? Agh. I'm getting sick of these green lunatics.
25{Searching Henry David Thoreau's cabin. / Amused} Make sure you search the entire cabin Thoreau-ly. *Laughs* No?
26{Walking into an old morgue. Smells awful. / Disgust} Welp, there goes my appetite.
27{Walking through a very large hospital waiting room. / Amused} This looks cozy. How about I hang out here while you explore the building? No?
28{Walking into a room with a support group-style ring of chairs. / Question} What was this place for... storytime or something?
29{Walking into a large reactor room. / Nervous} You'll let me know if your Geiger starts clicking, right?
30{Just saw a corpse get dragged through a hole in the ceiling. / Nervous} Uh, you saw that, right?
31{Heard something large walking overhead. / Concerned} That would be a deathclaw, which means we should get the hell out of here.
32{Walking through a training ground designed to look like the nuked world outside. / Sarcastic} The only thing missing from this playground is the radiation.
33{Stumbled upon the entrance to a vault in a school basement. / Surprised} In the basement of a school? Vault-Tec was running out of ideas.
34{Walking through a room full of excavation machinery. / Surprised} Wow, they must have been building this vault all the way up to the last second.
35{Rare moment of tenderness. Falter at end / Somber} Hey, I'm really sorry. We don't have to be here if you don't want to... I... I'll leave you alone.
36{Looking at the entrance to a massive vault. / Neutral} Never imagined we'd find a vault down here. Let's check it out.
37{Walking through a church attic filled with theatrical set pieces. "Peer'-uh-muhs and thiz'-bee" / Amused} This reminds me of the time we tried to perform "Pyramus and Thisbe" in Little Lamplight. Yeah... that didn't really go over too well
38{Walking through a ruined children's nursery. - saddened / Somber} *Sniff* It's nothing... just got something in my eye.
39{Looking into a massive water-filled quarry. - rhetorical / Amused} I wonder how many years of rainfall it took to fill this quarry.
40{Talking to a robot the player just released from captivity. / Sarcastic} Brewing robot, huh? Maybe we could just borrow it for a little while.
41{Looking at some very sorry old beer brewing equipment. / Disgust} Ugh, gross. This place smells horrible. This might put me off drinking beer for a while.
42{Spotting a massive beer barrel. - puzzled / Puzzled} Gwinnett... Gwinnett... why is that name so familiar? I heard it back in the Capital Wasteland, but I can't remember why.
43{Looking at lifts leading into a care fighting ring. / Irritated} Tommy tried to get me to fight in the ring once. Almost took him up on it, too. Guess I missed my chance.
44{Looking at a cage fighting ring. / Amused} Oh man, I used to come here all time. I can't even tell you how many caps this dive sucked out of my pockets.
45{Pleased after emptying a massive quarry of all its water. / Sarcastic} Now all we do is wait a few decades for the rain to refill the quarry, come back and start the process all over again.
46{Observing the clean-up efforts done to make an old fortress habitable. / Amused} Nice. Very nice. All you need is a few throw pillows and some drapes and it'll be as good as new.
47{Walking through the basement of an old fortress. / Irritated} It'll be a miracle if this whole building don't collapse right on top of us.
48{Entering an area where it is readily obvious Mirelurks are present. / Disgust} Mirelurks are like the mole rats of the sea. Look what they did to this place.
49{Finding a corpse eaten by bugs. / Amused} Raiders check in, but they don't check out.
50{Approaching a very dangerous area. / Nervous} Wait, this the Common. We need to get the hell out of here... unless you like being killed.
51{Noticing some well maintained barricades. - sarcasm / Sarcastic} Oh great, the Brotherhood of Steel. As if the day couldn't get any better.
52{Hearing an old military warning broadcast stuck on repeat. / Surprised} I bet that thing's been broadcasting the same message for the last two hundred years.
53{Walking through the largely intact remains of an airplane. / Disgust} I can't believe this airliner was stupid enough to be flying during the war.
54{Walking through a ruined warehouse. / Irritated} Oh come on. We have to pick through all this scrap? It's going to take all day.
55{Walking past areas of molten metal. - sarcasm / Sarcastic} Can someone crack a window? It's hot as hell in here.
56{Encountering a raider with power armor. / Amused} Hey look, it's the Brotherhood of Squeal! *Laughs*
57{Walking through a convalescence home, looking at all the folks dead in their beds. - somber / Somber} Wonder if these folks died of old age or baked when the rads hit.
58{Joking while walking through a playground. / Amused} I'd call the slide first, but my tetanus shots are way out of date.
59{Walking into a crumbling Ranger's cabin. / Neutral} When the bombs starting falling, I bet the last thing on this ranger's mind was forest fires.
60{Spotting a power down military bot. / Concerned} Careful. These military 'bots have a mean temper when you tamper with "government property." I have the scars to prove it.
61{Standing on a boardwalk. / Amused} All I want to know is where I can find some saltwater taffy.
62{Having sighted a collection of Raiders. / Amused} Raiders sure know how to keep you on your toes, don't you think?
63{Entering a building where pre-war folks were in the process of making an exit. / Neutral} These guys were sure in a hurry to get out of this building.
64{Staring at the skeleton of a little girl. / Somber} I... I can't look at this. Reminds me too much of the people I left behind.
65{Walking across a crumbling freeway. / Neutral} Great sniping position from up here.
66{Noticing that Quincy is overrun with Gunners. / Concerned} We're entering Gunners territory so we need to be careful. If I'm recognized they'll be going after me with a vengeance.
67{Aftermath of a food riot / Neutral} People still fight over food like this. I guess nothing's changed.
68{Walking inside a turbine. / Concerned} You sure it's safe to walk around in this turbine?
69{Standing in a room full of generators. / Neutral} Just one of these generators could power a settlement. Too bad they're out of commission.
70{Standing near a collection of buttons. / Amused} You think any of these buttons gets us out of here and gives us a whole bunch of caps for our trouble? Yeah, me neither.
71{Making his way through gas. / InPain} *Coughing* This can't be good. Hope this stuff isn't lethal.
72{Looking at extremely gruesome paintings. / Irritated} Oh, great. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
73{Finding the remains of an old camp. / Nervous} Maybe we should keep moving. Whatever rampaged through this campsite might come back.
74{Walking through a trailer park. / Amused} Always wanted my own trailer... it'd be midnight blue with a leopard-skin interior. Hey... it beats living in a cave.
75{Walking by a collection of old lakeside cabins. / Neutral} I'd love to see the ads for this place. "Quiet, cozy cabins with a lakeside view and in-room mirelurk service."
76{Walking through an old power station. / Surprised} I can still smell the ozone in the air. I wonder if that ever goes away.
77{Looking at a collection of houses that have been washed into the sea. / Amused} This might be a good time to invest in a boat.
78{Looking at an old robot spewing "ocean facts." - mocking the situation / Irritated} *Yawn* Yup, this is really facinating. Can we stay longer?
79{Walking through a shattered aquarium. / Nervous} I wonder if someone smashed these tanks in, or did something smash its way out?
80{Walking into a torture chamber. / Neutral} Whoever this belongs to needs to find themselves a new hobby.
81{Looking at a homemade nuclear weapon. / Nervous} Welp... that's the last thing I expected to find down here. Maybe we shouldn't touch anything.
82{Walking through an operating theater. / Sarcastic} Can't we ever stumble into somewhere nice? You know... with flowers... bright colors?
83{Inside a bank vault. / Neutral} Let's look around carefully. There has to be something valuable in here.
84{He and the player have just, or in the process of, wiping out a hostile fort. / Disgust} Damn Gunners had this place locked down pretty tight.
85{Walking through a destroyed town. / Angry} Institute turned this place into a slaughterhouse. Didn't leave a soul alive.
86{Occupying a sniper's nest after killing its occupant. / Neutral} The guy had good position, but there's no way he could have held us off.
87{Neutral} Got your rad chems handy? We're going to need them.
88{Looking at a belching radioactive geyser. / Amused} Well, that's a unique water feature.
89{Staring up at a massive lobby. / Surprised} I'd hate to fall from up there.
90{Walking through an old subway station. / Neutral} Seen pictures of old stations like this, but never been in one before.
91{Walking into an old fish processing plant. / Neutral} Let's pass on the fish. It gives me gas. You don't want that to happen.
92{Livid after being trapped. / Angry} I can't believe we fell for that.
93{Walking into a meat canning facility. / Disgust} Gross. People actually ate this stuff?
94{Upon finding a surveillance room for a vast underground facility. / Disgust} Well that's pretty damn creepy. I bet they had no idea they were being watched.
95{Entering the secret wing of a vault. / Disgust} Vault-Tec built all sorts of secret sections into their vaults. I don't even want to know what this one was for.
96{Approaching a settlement. / Question} Had a contract in Libertalia once... Raiders were so stupid, I was able to bluff my way in.
97{Looking out from the highest point over a community made of boats. / Amused} Wholesale slaughter on the high-seas. Would make a great story, wouldn't you say?
98{Approaching a highly irradiated lake. / Amused} I hope you're not thinking of swimming in that mess.
99{Standing in the lightroom of a lighthouse. / Disgust} I don't see the point. It's not like any ships are still sailing out there.
100{Walking by an old radio station. / Amused} I miss the Capital Wasteland's radio... Three Dog was a hell of a DJ.
101{Disappointed to find a rumored treasure is just an old time capsule full of junk. / Amused} So this is the treasure. *Laughs* Come on... it's almost too funny not to laugh about.
102{Walking through a highly secured basement. / Irritated} Maybe someone already found the treasure, and now they're hoarding it here.
103{Finding a cache of radioactive barrels in an old barn. / Neutral} I'm betting these were put here by those Children of Atom. They worship radiation like it was a god or something.
104{Looking at a semi-collapsed roof. / Sarcastic} Oh, of course the cookie aisle had to be the one that got crushed.
105{Walking by a body of a man eaten by Mirelurks. / Disbelief} This idiot was trying to pal around with a bunch of mirelurks?
106{Walking through a place where doctors experimented on patients. / Angry} What the hell is was wrong with these doctors? How could they just "switch off" their morality?!
107{Inside a highly irradiated crater. / Sarcastic} Oh great... a new source of ferals. It's just what the Commonwealth needed.
108{Standing atop the highest building in a flooded district. / Amused} I can see my house from here. Sorry... I always wanted to say that.
109{Walking through a school library with skylights. / Amused} All these books, and not even a single issue of Grognak?
110{Walking across a crane being used as a drawbridge. / Amused} Now how did a gang as stupid as the Gunners figure out something so clever?
111{Walking through a robot showroom. / Neutral} I don't suppose they have a spare sentinel 'bot we could pick up while we're here.
112{Coming across a group of Raiders who've been eaten by Ghouls. / Amused} Yum... looks like the ferals had themselves a little Raider feast.
113{Walking through a room filled with machine parts. / Neutral} I know a few guys who could build anything out of these parts.
114{Walking into an ambush. / Nervous} I don't like this... not one bit.
115{Entering a well-put together military command center. / Somber} All this high-tech equipment, and they still couldn't figure out how stupid it was to push the button.
116{Walking into a blood donation fridge. / Neutral} It's going to be tough finding anyone who trusts these blood packs. Who knows how long they've been sitting here?
117{Observing a group of people who have turned an old pool into a cranberry bog. / Amused} Would've been nicer if this was still a swimming pool.
118{Watching a group of greaser race suits of power armor. / Amused} This is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen.
119{Walking under a nicely domed ceiling. / Neutral} This must have been a great place to relax before everything went to hell.
120{Walking through the writer's room of a news facility. / Somber} I wonder how many of these people stayed to report the news when the bombs started falling.
121{Walking through a Mirelurk den. / Disgust} Suddenly I just lost my appetite for seafood.
122{Walking through a robot training facility. / Irritated} Looks like some kind of robot training camp or something.
123{Walking through a bowling alley. / Neutral} I've heard of this sport. You're supposed to roll a ball down these lanes and knock over those pins. Weird.
124{Looking at a giant statue of a robot. / Irritated} This must have been built by the company that made those annoying robots.
125{Walking into an armory in an abandoned club's hall. / Neutral} Take everything you can carry.
126{Looking at a pile of miniature nukes. - play with this one (have fun with it) / Happy} Oooo. MacCready like big boom.
127{Puzzled while looking at a functioning train. / Puzzled} I wonder where this train is headed? I doubt there's much track left for it to run on.
128{Walking through a flooded town. / Sarcastic} I hope all these people had flood insurance.
129{Looking down into a very large basement. / Amused} Well, well. Looks like we stumbled into an old government dirty little secret.
130{Looking at hanging sacks of meat. / Disgust} This place used to be a market before the Great War. Now I wouldn't eat in here if you paid me.
131{Walking through sewers. / Irritated} If Concord's above us, what the hell are we doing down here?
132{Can hear a Deathclaw sleeping nearby. / Amused} Never caught a Deathclaw sleeping before.
133{Finding a highly fortified house. / Neutral} I think the answers we're looking for are inside that house.
134{Walking through a surprisingly quiet neighborhood. / Nervous} Perfectly nice houses, and no one living in them. That's not a good sign.
135{Walking through a former dry dock. / Neutral} This city was in love with the water. There are boats and docks all over the Commonwealth.
136{Entering the robot "stables" at a race track. / Happy} I wonder what would happen if we tinkered with some of these things.
137{Genuinely happy. Approaching an active race track. / Happy} This is the best use of robots I've ever seen. Who knew they could be so much fun?
138{Walking through a set of torture rooms in an abandoned school. - irony / Sarcastic} I know students thought school was torture, but this is taking it a little too far.
139{Staring into a creepy water hole in a small cave. / Nervous} Something tells me that hole shouldn't be there.
140{Staring into a deep hole in a quarry. - annoyed / Irritated} Don't tell me we're going all the way down there.
141{Walking through a dead garden in an abandoned insane asylum. / Sarcastic} A creepy garden, splendid. Now the nightmare motiff is complete.
142{Walking through an abandoned high tech lab. / Puzzled} I don't like this one bit. What the hell's all this science junk doing here?
143{Walking through an abandoned insane asylum. / Sarcastic} Hey, this place doesn't look so bad. Some paint, a few throw rugs and it'll be as good as new.
144{Looking a pile of old boats. / Sarcastic} Well, this is a quaint little mess.
145{A ship that was stuck in a building is now stuck in another building. / Sarcastic} Oh yeah... that ship looks way better over there.
146{Looking at a ship stuck in the side of a building. / Amused} Welp... any landing you can walk away from...
147{Looking at an enemy wearing a mascot head. / Amused} Next thing you know, we're going to see Super Mutants wearing sailor's hats on their heads.
148{Dropping through a hole in the ceiling. / Amused} Well, this is one way to avoid paying at the turnstiles.
149{Walking into a basement where a group of Ghouls have been eating corpses. / Angry} Hope you guys saved room for dessert!
150{Observing a settlement set up in a nuke crater. - sarcasm / Sarcastic} I would love to read the real estate brochure for this place.
151{Observing a tunnel guarded by hostiles. / Amused} I wonder why those clowns are guarding the tunnel?
152{Walking through a crumbling car assembly plant. / Amused} No fuchsia with a lime green interior? Damn, they never have them in the color you want.
153{Looking at a group of Super Mutants wearing sailors hats. / Amused} Isn't that cute... the mutants think they're in the navy.
154{A tugboat stuck between the two sides of a drawbridge. - joking / Amused} Whoever hit that tugboat with the bridge needs to learn how to drive.
155{Looking at an overturned boat in the middle of a reservoir. / Concerned} I'm going to guess that we don't want to know what's under that rowboat.
156{Disgusted by smell. Walking into an old school library filled with Mutants. / Disgust} Oh... god... I think I'm going to be sick.
157{Looking at dangling sacks of meat in a school cafeteria. / Sarcastic} Hey, look! It's today's special. Yum.
158{Looking at an amphitheater. / Amused} Let's check out the t-shirt stand before we leave.
159{Walking through a destroyed laboratory. / Nervous} Something in here went "kaboom." Maybe we shouldn't touch anything...
160What the heck's with all this science junk? Something isn't right here.
161{Walking around a fastidiously maintained home. / Puzzled} Whoever lives here must have made a deal with the devil.
162{Looking at a large obelisk monument with multiple sections knocked out of it. / Amused} You think that's impressive, you should see the one in downtown Washington D.C.
163{Walking through a farm that was overrun by monsters. / Somber} This place really got worked over. I wonder if anyone managed to escape.
164{Walking through the vast Boston Public Library. - sarcasm / Sarcastic} Let's be careful. No human being would possibly pile books this way.
165{Looking at a lion statue outside the Boston public library. / Amused} Lion statues, huh? Great way to scare the kids.
166{Walking through an underground basketball court in the former mayor of Boston's bomb shelter. / Irritated} We used to have a hoop setup in Little Lamplight until Eclair broke the darn thing.
167{Walking through a very large atrium. / Neutral} Let's not stand out in the open too long. I kind of feel like a moving target.
168{body remains / Sarcastic} Looks like this one took the easy way out.
169{Walking through a brewery. / Neutral} I bet we don't even find a drop in the whole place. Damn shame.
170{Looking at a fountain decked out with a variety of lions and naked women. / Amused} Should I throw a cap in and make a wish?
171{Exploring a ruined department store - making a joke / Amused} Hurry, I heard they had a two-for-one sale in the men's department!
172{Entering an old speakeasy filled with hostile enemies. / Amused} I've been to a few dive bars in my day, but this one's got them all beat.
173{Reading a large, plaque on the floor of an abandoned spy agency. / Stern} Defense Intelligence Agency. Heck of a lot of good they did.
174{Walking into a room filled with guns and drugs. / Happy} Woah... looks like it's party time.


175AO_Companion_Bar_Cooke{a bit nervous... they don't like you at this bar / Nervous} Oh, uh... if we're stopping here, let's make it quick, okay?Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.A8a
176Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.{Nervous} Come on, give me a break. How was I supposed to know that the dealer buried his caps? I mean, who the hell does that?Bartender: If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.A8a
177Bartender: If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.{Confident} Tell you what... I'll make it up to you. Just give me some time.A7a
178myActor: Quaint little place they've got here... I like it.{nervous / Nervous} Heh... oh hey there, Henry.Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.A7a
179AO_Companion_Bar_Deezer{Irritated} Another robot drink vendor? Hope this one doesn't just sell noodles.Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!A7a
180Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!{drawn-out like "aaaand?" (waiting for more info)} And?Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!A7a
181Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!{Irritated} Sigh. Doesn't anyone program normal robot bartenders anymore?A7a
182myActor: Is that a robot... sellin' drinks?{Question} Hey there. What's on the menu?Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!A7a
183AO_Companion_Bar_GenericmyActor: I could use a little pick-me-up.{Question} Hey there. You happen to know how to make a Dirty Warhead?A6a
184{Amused} Wow, I could really use a drink.A7a
185{Amused} Start with some Nuka-Cola Quantum, add some vodka, whiskey and gin. Shake it and finish with a splash of radscorpion venom.A6a
186{Amused} No, no, no. Insane would be asking for a double.A6a
187AO_Companion_Bar_Savoldi{Surprised} Son-of-a... is that Joe Savoldi?Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.A7a
188Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.{Amused} Nah. I quit doing that a long time ago. It never paid enough, and I hated being a sitting duck.Bartender: Well... it appears I finally have a customer who wants to show a little class.A7a
189Bartender: Well... it appears I finally have a customer who wants to show a little class.{Grateful} I'll keep that in mind, Joe. Thanks.A7a
190myActor: Oh, they have a bar down here?{Happy} Joe! How the heck are you?!Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.A7a
191AO_Companion_Bar_Takahashi{Impressed} Have you ever had this guy's noodles? They're amazing.Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A7a
192myActor: Be right back, gonna grab a quick drink.{Amused} What's up, Taka? Set me up with some of your shima... uh, shimichanga... errr, whatever they're called.Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A7a
193Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?{Amused} Yeah, yeah... that's the stuff.Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A7a
194Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?{Amused} You're damn right I'll take two servings.A7a
195AO_Companion_Bar_Vadim{happy to be there / Amused} Oh man, I love this place. Vadim is a character.Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.A7a
196Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.{suddenly depressed (dead wife was asked about) / Somber} No... she didn't make it, Vadim.Bartender: Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.A7a
197Bartender: Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.{still somber, but cheering up at end / Grateful} Thanks. You were always a real stand-up kind of guy, Vadim. Let's drink.A7a
198myActor: Oh... this place looks interestin'.{warm greeting with teasing / Amused} Vadim! Still killing people with your moonshine?Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.A7a
199AO_Companion_Bar_Wellingham{Amused} I never get tired of coming to the Taphouse.Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.A6a
200Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.{Question} Aw come on, Wellingham, you remember my usual, don't you?Bartender: Madame, if you don't refrain from using that tone with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.A6a
201Bartender: Madame, if you don't refrain from using that tone with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.{with a wink / Happy} Hey, when you pour them as well as you do, I don't need to try something new.A6a
202myActor: Okay, please tell me this robot bartender knows how to pour a drink.{Question} Heya, Wellingham, how are you, buddy?Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.A6a
203AO_Companion_Bar_Whitechapel{Worried} All right, let me do all the talking in here.Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?A6a
204Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?{Nervous} Yup. A hundred caps, right? Got it all right here.Bartender: I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.A6a
205Bartender: I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.{sarcasm / Sarcastic} Yeah, yeah... you're all heart, Whitechapel.A6a
206myActor: I know this place.{Amused} Whitey! How are you?Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?A6a


207AO_Companion_LoiterSearch_Scene{Neutral} Hmm, this looks promising.A11a
208{Amused} Drumroll, please.A12a
209{Question} What do we have here?A13a
210{as in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} Yeah, I'm not getting in there.A11a
211{as in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} No way. It's locked.A12a
212{as in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} I can't... it's sealed up tight.A13a
213{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Oh good, got some armor.A37a
214{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Found some armor.A38a
215{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Can't go wrong with armor.A39a
216{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Found some Stims if you need them.A67a
217{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Oh, great! Stims are pretty useful.A68a
218{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Stims in this thing.A69a
219{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} Got some chems here.A97a
220{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} I see chems, but not much else.A98a
221{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} Chems useful to you? Got some here.A99a
222{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Found some food here.A126a
223{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Got some food for you in this thing.A127a
224{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Found some grub.A128a
225{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Just found some water in here.A156a
226{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Nothing much in here but some water.A157a
227{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} If you're thirsty, I just found some water.A158a
228{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} Heck yeah! Found some booze.A186a
229{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} Hey, there's liquor in here.A187a
230{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Happy} Hope you're ready to party... just scrounged up some liquor.A188a
231{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Got some spare ammo in this one.A215a
232{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Oh, good... we can always use more ammo.A216a
233{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} We're in luck. Found some ammo.A217a
234{Happy to find some weapons. / Happy} This weapon should come in handy.A245a
235{Happy to find some weapons. / Happy} Hey, found a weapon in here.A246a
236{Happy to find some weapons. / Happy} Got a firearm in here.A247a
237{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Hey, not a bad haul.A273a
238{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} This stuff shoud help us out.A274a
239{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Not bad. Check this out.A275a
240{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Irritated} Bah... this wasn't even worth our time.A310a
241{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Irritated} Unless you're suddenly into collecting junk, you might want to skip this.A311a
242{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Irritated} Nothing but scrap in here.A312a


243BoS100_02_SceneMainPlayer Default: I'll continue to help, but you owe me an explanation first.I don't think you want to get mixed up with these Brotherhood clowns.BoS100Danse: Very well.A7a
244Player Default: At this rate, you'll be dead within two days. And I want no part of it.Yeah, we're better off staying far away from these Brotherhood clowns.BoS100Danse: Then there's no need for you to remain here.B8a
245Player Default: That all depends. How much are you paying?I don't know... caps or no caps, I don't trust these guys.BoS100Danse: So you're a mercenary. Typical. Fine. You help us, and I'll see you're compensated for your services.X6a


246BoS101SceneStage360Player Default: I'd be honored to join.{trying to downplay / SinisterSmile} I suppose it couldn't hurt to let these guys back us up once in a while.BoS101Danse: That's what I wanted to hear.A7a
247Player Default: No, I need to move on.I don't know, I think we're missing out here. These guys have access to some serious firepower.BoS101Danse: That's a shame.B7a
248Player Default: I don't know.Hooking up with the Brotherhood has its advantages, you might want to think about it.BoS101Danse: It's a big decision, so I understand your hesitation.X7a


249BoS201_00_PrydwenArrives{a huge airship passes overhead / Surprised} Son-of-a... it's the goddamn Brotherhood of Steel. What the hell are they doing here?A7a
250BoS201_01_DanseStage20Player Default: Going to be a quick war with that thing on our side.{Concerned} I'll say... that thing must be packed with troops and enough firepower to level Diamond City if it wanted.BoS201Danse: That's the plan.A7a
251Player Default: After rolling that thing in, you've certainly started a war.{Concerned} The Commonwealth's never going to be the same, that's for sure.BoS201Danse: If history's proven anything, it's that an overwhelming show of force has a chance of halting a conflict before it begins.B7a
252BoS201_07_MaxsonStage140Player Default: I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated.{cynical / Angry} Who gives a damn about this world anymore? It's long passed done.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.A7a
253Player Default: I'm a bit surprised that you don't realize that by now.{getting frustrated / Irritated} And I'm a bit surprised you haven't forgotten what happened a few hundred years ago. That was interference by man. Didn't go well.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.B7a
254Player Default: Turning your weapons on the very same people that you're trying to save can be a bitter pill to swallow.Do whatever you want... I'll just sit back and watch the fireworks.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.X7a
255Player Default: The difference is our war won't reduce civilization to ashes.{Worried} I don't like the sound of that. Maybe we should stay out of this war.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.Y8a


256BoS202_01_MaxsonStage10Player Default: The Brotherhood cannot allow those abominations to have a nuclear arsenal at their fingertips.Wiping out anything that moves is one of my specialties.BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.A7a
257Player Default: If we leave Fort Strong unchecked, we have a potential security threat on our hands.Let's consider the Super Mutants target practice for now, okay?BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.B8a
258BoS202_02_DanseStage100Player Default: I wish all of mankind shared your sentiment.So kill them all before they kill you first? I can get behind that.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.A7a
259Player Default: Have you taken leave of your senses?Uh, last time I looked, "everyone else" wasn't huge, green and trying to smash me with boulders.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.B8a
260Player Default: Well, it's good to see you dealt with them the Brotherhood way.I just look at it as survival of the fittest. They wanted to kill us, but we were better. End of story.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.X6a


261-{Concerned} Good luck, General. I hope you find your son.


262BoS301_04_DoctorDuffBoS301Duff: I'm afraid something terrible has happened to her.{a bit flippant, you think the lady she's looking for is dead} Yyyeah... you might want to start looking for someone else to bunk with.Player Default: Don't worry, I'll find her.A7a
263BoS301_05_ScaraStage0060BoS301Scara: The whole thing's rather complicated, perhaps I'll explain it to you sometime.Ha. Someone's parents had a sick sense of humor.BoS301Scara: So, now that I've formally introduced myself, perhaps you'd care to tell me why you're here?A7a
264BoS301_06_LiStage0070Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.{Irritated} Stop using the kid gloves. If she's not gonna help us, just toss her off the ship. Literally.BoS301Li: You know, if anyone else wearing a Brotherhood of Steel uniform said something like that, I'd laugh in their face.A7a
265Player Default: If you don't work on Prime, I'll have you shot.That change your mind, doc?BoS301Li: You son of a bitch!B8a
266Player Default: If not for the Brotherhood, do it for Doctor Virgil.Why are you being so goddamn stubborn, doc?BoS301Li: What they did to Doctor Virgil was cruel... it was wrong. How could I be so blind?X7a
267BoS301_10_ChildofAtomStage0160BoS301ChildofAtom: That is why they must be safeguarded.{Irritated} Oh for gods sakes... just let me cut this guy down, will you?Player Default: I want to spread his, uhh, glory... Look, the bombs will get used, okay? Isn't that what you want?A7a


268BoS302_01_MaxsonStage010Player Default: With pleasure. I'll make him pay for lying to us.No room in the family for Judases, huh? We'll take care of him.BoS302Maxson: I appreciate your cooperation.A9a
269Player Default: I won't do it. Danse deserves a chance to explain himself.Woah, woah, woah. Didn't you hear what he said? The dude's a synth.BoS302Maxson: You will do it. This is not up for judgment or debate!B7a
270Player Default: I don't know what to say.{Irritated} How about "Yes, sir" and let's go get it done? He just told you that Danse is a synth.BoS302Maxson: This isn't a request that requires an answer, Knight. This is a direct order.X8a
271Player Default: Isn't there some other way?You're considering giving this Danse guy a pass? You need to have your head examined.BoS302Maxson: Absolutely not. My decision is final.Y7a
272BoS302_03_HaylenStage040BoS302Haylen: If you're not convinced by what he says, or somehow he's become truly lost to us, then you do what you have to do.{Irritated} And if you're wrong, and he flips his switch and starts shooting at us, don't say I didn't warn you.Player Default: All right, I'll hear him out.A7a
273BOS302_13_CompanionReactsExecuteSynths are dangerous, especially when they pretend to be your friend. I hope you know what you're doing.A7a
274{Player let commanding officer execute a synth} Don't let it bother you. Keeping him around was much too dangerous.Companion: That Maxson fella seemed like he knew what was best. Maybe you should've listened to him.A7a
275Don't let it bother you. You did the right thing.Companion: I wished you had the bollocks to do that yourself. At least it's over with.A7a


276BoS303_01_Stage10BoS303Ingram: That's where we're headed. Hope you don't mind a little company, because I'm coming with you.We don't need her. She'll just get in the way.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A8a
277BoS303_01_Stage10PostPrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.We don't need her. She'll just get in the way.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A8a
278BoS303_01_Stage10PrePrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.We don't need her. She'll just get in the way.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A7a
279BoS303_03_RoofBoS303Ingram: All right, let's head into the lab. Can't wait to get a look at the place.{deadpan sarcasm / Suspicious} Oh yeah, it's going to be a blast. Wish I brought a camera.A7a
280BoS303_04_MissingAgitatorBoS303Ingram: It must have been moved. Let's check out that terminal over there.{wry joke / SinisterSmile} Well, at least we're starting at the top.A7a
281BoS303_07_PowerLossBoS303Ingram: Damn it! They've knocked out the power to the elevators.If I have to walk down more than a few flights of stairs, I'm going to be pissed.A7a
282BoS303_09_ViewReactorBoS303Ingram: There it is... Mass Fusion's reactor. Don't make them like that anymore.I don't see the big deal. It's just a machine.A7a
283BoS303_10_BeforeEnteringChamberBoS303Ingram: I'll communicate with you though their intercom system while I monitor everything from out here.{player entering radiation area} Yeah, uh... I think I'll wait out here.A7a
284BoS303_14_ElevatorToLobbyBoS303Ingram: The Institute must have sent reinforcements.Yeah, I didn't think we were just walking out of here with the Agitator.BoS303Ingram: I'll help hold them off, just make sure you get the Agitator out of here!A8a


285BoSM01_CompanionStage060_Commentary1This isn't pre-war damage. Something was detonated here within the last few years or so.A7a
286BoSM01_CompanionStage070_Commentary1Goddamn ferals pushed their way in here. She never stood a chance.A7a
287BoSM01_CompanionStage080_Commentary1Hm, sniper's nest. I used to set these up myself when I wanted to take my targets out at long range. Looks like they found him though.A7a


288-Haven't been to Diamond City in years, but I'll tell you... nothing's changed.
289Ugh. Nothing says welcome like the stench of urine-soaked garbage.
290{Sarcastic} Damn Raiders. Ruined a perfectly good cage fighting arena. What's the world coming to anyway?
291It's not the flying that would make me nervous, it's the crashing part.
292I've got a very bad feeling about this place.
293I heard that this place was an insane asylum. Maybe we should skip it.
294Oh come on, we're here? Don't tell me you actually believe that buried treasure nonsense.
295{thinking about the past / Depressed} I spent my childhood living right next to a Vault. Those are some seriously bad memories I wish I could forget.
296{sarcasm / Sarcastic} Nothing sounds safer to me than riding in a metal coffin with thousands of gallons of water above your head.
297Libertalia, huh? Well, if you ever wanted to throw a party for a few dozen Raiders, this would be the place.
298{Irritated} Sigh. You're going to make us climb all the way to the top of this deathtrap, aren't you.
299{telling awful joke, playing it off} I could tell you what's inside this building, but what would be the point? Ha ha... cause it's a pyramid... never mind.
300{looking around at an abandoned ruin} This must have been one heck of a circus when the Minutemen were in town.
301The only thing I'm looking for while we're here is one of those funny-looking hats. Always wanted one of them.
302If paranoia started to fall like rain, this place would need to build an ark.
303Pfff. The monument here is a joke compared to the one in downtown Washington D.C.


304COMCurie_PickUpScenePlayer Default: Then let us get under way.Well Curie, I guess you're up. Have fun out there.Curie: So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. Until we meet again.A5a
305COMDeacon_PickUpScenePlayer Default: I'm all ready to go.All right, Deacon... I guess it's your turn. Stay safe.Deacon: Always am, Codsworth. That's one thing you can count on.A6a
1701DogmeatPickupScenePlayer Default: (playful bark){half serious - half kidding - have fun with it / Amused} Oh come on, you're replacing me with a dog? Now that's just insulting.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A7a
306COMHancockPickUpScenePlayer Default: Done.{Friendly} Hancock! How's the coolest Ghoul in the Commonwealth?Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A4a
1622COMNickPickupScenePlayer Default: Well alright.{joking / Amused} Damn, I forgot to pick up that motor oil for you, Valentine.Dogmeat: (pained whimper)A12a
1623COMPiperPickupScenePlayer Default: Will do.{flirting / Flirting} So when are we going to have that one-on-one interview, Piper?Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A5a
1624COMPrestonFollowStartScenePreston: Take care, Codsworth.I'll head for home, then. Good luck.A1a
1677COMStrongPickUpScenePlayer Default: Strong learn secret of humans.{Amused} All right, Strong... Looks like it's your turn, my massive, mutated friend.Strong: Robot stop squawking. Strong smash.A4a
1678COMX688_PickupScenePlayer Default: Right behind you, sir.{Stern} Your turn, X6. I'm tapped out.X688: He couldn't be in better hands.A5a



1411COMMacCreadyGoodneighborStartCOMMacAWinlock: It ain't like that. I'm just here to deliver a message.{Irritated} In case you forgot, I left the Gunners for good.COMMacAWinlock: Yeah, I heard.A1a
1412COMMacAWinlock: But you're still taking jobs in the Commonwealth. That isn't going to work for us.{re-record please (changed line) / Angry} I don't take orders from you... not anymore. So why don't you take your girlfriend and walk out of here while you still can.COMMacABarnes: What?! Winlock, tell me we don't have to listen to this shit...A1a
1413COMMacAWinlock: Can't say I'm surprised to find you in a dump like this, MacCready.{Irritated} I was wondering how long it would take your bloodhounds to track me down, Winlock.A1a
1414{Sarcastic} It's been almost three months... don't tell me you're getting rusty.A1b
1415{Question} Should we take this outside?COMMacAWinlock: It ain't like that. I'm just here to deliver a message.A1c
1416COMMacAWinlock: See, we respect other people's boundaries... we know how to play the game. It's something you never learned.{Sarcastic} Glad to have disappointed you.COMMacAWinlock: You can play the tough guy all you want. But if we hear you're still operating inside Gunner territory, all bets are off. You got that?A1a
1417COMMacAWinlock: You can play the tough guy all you want. But if we hear you're still operating inside Gunner territory, all bets are off. You got that?{Sarcastic} You finished?COMMacAWinlock: Yeah... we're finished.A1a
1418COMMacCreadyHoldScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: You still looking for work, MacCready?{Question} That depends. You ready to fork over 250 caps?A1a
1419COMMacCreadyMeetScene{Confident} Look, pal. If you're preaching about the Atom, or looking for a friend, you've got the wrong guy. If you need a hired gun... then maybe we can talk.Player Default: I'm interested... if you think you've got what it takes.A
1420{Confident} Look, lady. If you're preaching about the Atom, or looking for a friend, you've got the wrong guy. If you need a hired gun... then maybe we can talk.Player Default: I'm interested... if you think you've got what it takes.A
1421Player Default: Sounds like you can handle yourself, but I worry about those guys throwing a wrench in the works.{Amused} If you're worried about Winlock and Barnes, don't be. They couldn't kill a squirrel with a rocket launcher.MacCready: Now, what about you? How do I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?A1a
1422Player Default: Extra baggage like that can get you killed.{Confident} Look, I need the money, and I'm not about to let Winlock and Barnes scare a client away.B1a
1423{Amused} You have nothing to worry about. Those two are weaker than a housefly, and about half as smart.MacCready: Now, what about you? How do I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?B1b
1424Player Default: You're acting like I'm supposed to know what you're talking about.{re-record for line change / Confident} Maybe it's better that you don't.X1a
1425{Irritated} I don't want the stink of Winlock and Barnes rubbing off on me and scaring away my business.MacCready: Now, what about you? How do I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?X1b
1426Player Default: Never heard of the Gunners. Who are they?{Confident} They're one of biggest gangs in the Commonwealth.Y1a
1427{Irritated} Got a rep for being crazy... you know, so tightly wound, you'd think they were a cult or something.Y1b
1428{Confident} Stuck with them for a while cause the money was good, but I never fit in. That's why I made a clean break and started flying solo.MacCready: Now, what about you? How do I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?Y1c
1429Player Default: All I can give you is my word... and a bunch of caps.{Amused} Bunch of caps, huh? Okay, hotshot.A1a
1430{re-record / Confident} Price is 250 caps... up front. And there's no room for bargaining.Player Default: You've got a deal.A1b
1431Player Default: If my caps aren't good enough to answer that question, I can take them somewhere else.{Irritated} All right, all right. No need to get your panties in a bunch.B1a
1432{Confident} Tell you what, price is 250 caps... up front and non-negotiable.Player Default: You've got a deal.B1b
1433Player Default: You don't. That's part of the risk, right?{Confident} Can't argue with that.X1a
1434{Confident} I'll tell you what. Price is 250 caps... up front. And there's no room for bargaining.X1b
1435{Question} What do you say?Player Default: You've got a deal.X1c
1436Player Default: Are you always this suspicious?{Irritated} Hey, you approached me.Y1a
1437{Irritated} And frankly, I'm taking a huge risk being out here in the Commonwealth in the first place... so I'm not about to leave anything to chance.Y1b
1438{Question} Which brings me back to my original question... can I trust you?Player Default: All I can give you is my word... and a bunch of caps.Y1c
1439Player Default: Are you always this suspicious?{Irritated} Already told you way too much... I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut.Y2a
1440{Confident} Look, I'm tired of playing twenty questions so I'll cut you a deal right now.Y2b
1441{Question} 250 caps... up front. And there's no room for bargaining. What do you say?Player Default: You've got a deal.Y2c
1442Player Default: I'm interested... if you think you've got what it takes.{Amused} You're joking right? I've been doing this since I was a kid. I know my way around.A1a
1443{Confident} I used to run with the Gunners, for god's sake.Player Default: Sounds like you can handle yourself, but I worry about those guys throwing a wrench in the works.A1b
1444Player Default: From what I just heard, that might be a bad idea.{Irritated} Don't tell me you're siding with those idiots. Look, if you've got the caps, I'm not gonna let you down.B1a
1445{Confident} I used to run with the Gunners, for god's sake.Player Default: Sounds like you can handle yourself, but I worry about those guys throwing a wrench in the works.B1b
1446Player Default: Maybe. Why don't you tell me who those guys were first.{Irritated} A couple of morons looking to climb the ladder of success by stepping on everyone else on the way up.Y1a
1447{Confident} You shouldn't be surprised though, that's how it goes when you run with the Gunners.Player Default: Sounds like you can handle yourself, but I worry about those guys throwing a wrench in the works.Y1b
1448Player Default: If you're worried about Winlock and Barnes, don't be. They couldn't kill a squirrel with a rocket launcher.{re-record / Question} Now, what about you? How do I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?Player Default: All I can give you is my word... and a bunch of caps.A1a
1449Player Default: You've got a deal.{Friendly} Now you're speaking my language.A1a
1450{Confident} All right, boss... you got yourself an extra gun. Lead on.Player Default: I'd pay you, but I don't have that many caps to spend.A1b
1451Player Default: No way. I don't trust you.{Amused} Sticks and stones, pal.B1a
1452{Confident} You change your mind, you know where to find me.Player Default: I'd pay you, but I don't have that many caps to spend.B1b
1453Player Default: No way. I don't trust you.{Amused} Sticks and stones, lady.B2a
1454{Confident} You change your mind, you know where to find me.Player Default: I'd pay you, but I don't have that many caps to spend.B2b
1455Player Default: Let me think about it.{Confident} It's not like the meter's running. Take your time... I got plenty.Player Default: I'd pay you, but I don't have that many caps to spend.X1a
1456Player Default: Everything's negotiable. Would you take 200?{Impressed} You drive a hard bargain, but you just bought yourself an extra gun.Y1a
1457{Friendly} All right, boss... let's get out of here.Player Default: I'd pay you, but I don't have that many caps to spend.Y1b
1458Player Default: Everything's negotiable. Would you take 200?{Irritated} Something wrong with your hearing? I just told you I'm not going to negotiate.Y2a
1459{Irritated} So are you in, or should I get back to my drink?Player Default: You've got a deal.Y2b
1460Player Default: I'd pay you, but I don't have that many caps to spend.{Sarcastic} Tough break.A1a
1461{Confident} If your luck changes, I'll be here. Until then, adios.A1b
1462Player Default: You know what, forget it. You're not worth the trouble.{shrug / Confident} Suit yourself.B1a
1463{Confident} Guess this is goodbye then. When you come to your senses, I'll be here.B1b
1464Player Default: I don't suppose you'll take a check?{Sarcastic} Unless a "check" is how you say "250 caps" around your neck of the woods, I'm afraid you're out of luck.X1a
1465{Confident} Maybe next time.X1b
1466Player Default: How about a hundred?{reluctant / Irritated} Well, I'm not making more than that sitting here and getting drunk. You've got a deal.Y1a
1467Player Default: How about a hundred?{Irritated} Sorry, I don't do charity work.Y2a
1468{Irritated} Come back when you've got the caps, and maybe we can make a deal.Y2b
1469Player Default: How about a hundred?{Confident} No... I don't like doing business that way.Y3a
1470{Confident} Look, come back when you have the caps and maybe we can make a deal.Y3b
1471Player Default: From what I just heard, sounds like you're out of business.{Irritated} Are you kidding me? I'm not about to let a couple of Gunner rejects stand between me and a solid payday.Player Default: Sounds like you can handle yourself, but I worry about those guys throwing a wrench in the works.X1a
1472COMMacCreadyQuestAScene01{Confident} All right, Winlock and Barnes should be here. Let's take them down.A1a
1473COMMacCreadyQuestAScene02Player Default: I'm sure they heard you loud and clear.{SinisterSmile} Definitely.MacCready: For the Gunners, it's always about the bottom line. They just lost this entire waystation and that cost them big.A1a
1474Player Default: Seems to me like you've made them angrier at you.{SinisterSmile} Trust me, I know them well.MacCready: For the Gunners, it's always about the bottom line. They just lost this entire waystation and that cost them big.B1a
1475Player Default: I don't know, they just lost two of their best men.{Confident} There's nothing to worry about.MacCready: For the Gunners, it's always about the bottom line. They just lost this entire waystation and that cost them big.X1a
1476Player Default: You aren't afraid the Gunners will retaliate?{Amused} The way these lunatics act, you'd think they would... but I know better.MacCready: For the Gunners, it's always about the bottom line. They just lost this entire waystation and that cost them big.Y1a
1477Player Default: Definitely.{SinisterSmile} For the Gunners, it's always about the bottom line. They just lost this entire waystation and that cost them big.A1a
1478{Friendly} Besides, they have no way of knowing I was involved.A1b
1479{Friendly} Anyway, I guess I owe you a favor now. After all, you hired me but I'm the one that dragged you out here.Player Default: You don't owe me, you clearly needed the help.A1c
1480Player Default: You don't owe me, you clearly needed the help.{Friendly} Sure, but I like everything to remain nice and even... and you're one up on me.MacCready: Tell you what. I'm going to give you back the caps you paid me in Goodneighbor.A1a
1481Player Default: Hm. You could give me back those caps I paid you.{Confident} I guess that's fair. After all, you took some of the risk.B1a
1482{Friendly} And don't worry, I'll still stick with you because that was part of the original deal. Now we're even.MacCready: There you go.B1b
1483Player Default: Well, I wasn't about to let you have all this fun alone.{Amused} *Laughs* Glad you enjoyed it.MacCready: Tell you what. I'm going to give you back the caps you paid me in Goodneighbor.X1a
1484Player Default: A favor, huh. Can I decide later?{Thinking} Well, I don't like these things hanging over my head.MacCready: Tell you what. I'm going to give you back the caps you paid me in Goodneighbor.Y1a
1485Player Default: Sure, but I like everything to remain nice and even... and you're one up on me.{Friendly} Tell you what. I'm going to give you back the caps you paid me in Goodneighbor.A1a
1486{Friendly} I'll still stick with you because that was part of the original deal, but now we're even.MacCready: There you go.A1b
1487MacCready: I'll still stick with you because that was part of the original deal, but now we're even.{Friendly} There you go.A1a
1488{Friendly} I guess we're done here. Lead on, boss.A1b
1489{Friendly} This should send a message to the Gunners to stay off my back.Player Default: I'm sure they heard you loud and clear.A
1490COMMacCreadyQuestBScene01{InPain} Med-Tek Research. I hope Sinclair's information pays off.A1a
1491{Confident} Let's head inside and grab that cure.A1b
1492COMMacCreadyQuestBScene02{Confident} All right, let's find that executive terminal.A1a
1493{Confident} Sinclair said that's the only way we can override the facility's lockdown.A1b
1494COMMacCreadyQuestBScene03{Concerned} Check the terminal on the desk over there. Sinclair's passcode better work, or we're screwed.A1a
1495COMMacCreadyQuestBScene04{Grateful} Thank god that worked.A1a
1496{Concerned} Let's find our way down to the Sub-Level. That's where Med-Tek should be storing the cure.A1b
1497COMMacCreadyQuestBScene05{Disgust} Ugh... smells horrible. I think we're the first ones down here in a long time.A1a
1498{Disgust} The sooner we find that cure, the sooner we can get the heck out of here.A1b
1499COMMacCreadyQuestBScene06PlayerVoiceFemale01: Here you go, MacCready.{Impressed} We did it... holy crap, we actually did it! We just gave Duncan a fighting chance to live.A1a
1500{Grateful} I don't know how I'll ever be able to pay you back for this... I owe you big time.Player Default: All I care about is curing your son.A1b
1501Player Default: All I care about is curing your son.{Friendly} I know you do.A1a
1502{Grateful} I'm just getting tired of taking instead of giving. Maybe one day I'll learn to get my priorities straight.MacCready: Anyway, the last step ahead of us is getting the cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor.A1b
1503Player Default: This is a friendship, not a business contract.{Friendly} Yeah, you're right.B1a
1504{Grateful} I'm just used to people taking rather than giving. Maybe one day I'll realize that you're different.MacCready: Anyway, the last step ahead of us is getting the cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor.B1b
1505Player Default: I don't know, you're already running quite a tab.{Chuckle before line. / Apologetic} I know I am. I've always been better at taking than giving. Maybe one day I'll learn to get my priorities straight.MacCready: Anyway, the last step ahead of us is getting the cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor.X1a
1506Player Default: You still worried about balancing the books?{Amused} Always.Y1a
1507{Friendly} I'm just used to people taking rather than giving. Maybe one day I'll realize that you're different.MacCready: Anyway, the last step ahead of us is getting the cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor.Y1b
1508Player Default: I'm just getting tired of taking instead of giving. Maybe one day I'll learn to get my priorities straight.{Concerned} Anyway, the last step ahead of us is getting the cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor.A1a
1509{Concerned} With her caravan contacts, she's the only one I trust to get this to Duncan on time.A1b
1510{Friendly} This is the last favor I'm going to ask, I promise.A1c
1511{Friendly} Let's go.A1d
1512COMMacCreadyQuestBScene07NPCFDaisy: MacCready! I haven't seen you in a while. You haven't been avoiding me, have you?{playful, friendly / Friendly} Now how could I stay away from someone as cute as you, Daisy?COMMacBDaisy: You're a lousy liar, but I'll just play stupid and pretend I don't know that.A1a
1513COMMacBDaisy: So, what did you need?{getting serious / Confident} I got it, Daisy. I found the cure to Duncan's disease.COMMacBDaisy: Oh my god! That's wonderful news.A1a
1514COMMacBDaisy: How did you do it? Last time you tried, the ferals almost chewed you to bits.{Friendly} I didn't do it alone. My friend here got me through Med-Tek.MacCready: Now all I need to do is get the cure into Duncan's hands. Can you help me?A1a
1515MacCready: I didn't do it alone. My friend here got me through Med-Tek.{Question} Now all I need to do is get the cure into Duncan's hands. Can you help me?COMMacBDaisy: Of course, MacCready. You've saved my behind more than once, it's the least I can do.A1a
1516COMMacBDaisy: It will arrive at your homestead in no time, MacCready.{Grateful} Thanks, you're a doll.COMMacBDaisy: Hey, do me a favor.A1a
1517-Back again? Thought I told you I didn't have time for this nonsense.A
1518So this is it? What a dump.A
1519Let's get this show on the road.
1520Standing here talking ain't making us any caps you know.
1521Man, I could use a cigarette.
1522The Commonwealth's got the Capital Wasteland beat... that's for sure.
1523This beats sitting around and drinking myself to death.
1524This sure beats hanging with the Gunners.
1525Raking in the caps... don't get much better than this.
1526Brothers gotta stick together, you know?
1527Gotta tell you, getting pretty sick of this gig.
1528Yeah, yeah... more bright ideas from the braintrust.
1529This isn't a merc outfit, it's like being back in the scouts.
1530Cocked, locked and ready to rock, boss.
1531That bar in Goodneighbor's starting to look good again.
1532Still waiting on that transmitter. Quit taking your sweet time.
1533Still waiting on that transmitter. Without it, we're dead in the water.
1534Could still use that transmitter if you find it, boss.
1535I'll be damned... you found a transmitter. Gotta say I didn't expect you to come through.
1536First thing I'm gonna need is a military grade transmitter. I've got some contacts out there that'll join us. I just need to give the word.
1537Can you handle that?
1538You've got a point there.
1539All right, what the fuck... sorry, I promised I wouldn't say it like that. Ah, forget it... let's just get going.
1540Sooner we leave this place behind, the better.


1541COMMacCreadyTalk_RelationshipScene{Talking to your best friend. / Happy} You saved my son's life. That makes us pretty damn close in my book.A2a
1542{Talking to your best friend. / Happy} I'd say putting that cure for Duncan's disease in my hands pretty much guarantees that I'll be your friend for life.A3a
1543{Talking to your best friend. / Happy} We're doing great. Heck, I'd say we're best friends.A4a
1544{Talking to your best friend. / Happy} I couldn't ask for anyone better to watch my back. Trust like that doesn't come easy.A5a
1545{Talking to your best friend. / Happy} I could never ask for a better partner, or a better friend than you.A6a
1546{Talking to a good friend. / Happy} I feel like I've made the right choice sticking with you.A2a
1547{Talking to a good friend. / Friendly} I like the way you've been handling things lately. Let's hope it stays that way.A3a
1548{Talking to a good friend. / Friendly} I'd say we're making a heck of a team right now.A4a
1549{Talking to a good friend. / Friendly} When it comes down to it, I like having you in my corner. Let's try and keep it that way.A5a
1550{Talking to a good friend. / Friendly} We're doing pretty good... starting to see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. Hope it lasts.A6a
1551{Talking to someone you've got mixed feelings for. / Neutral} I don't really know how we're doing. I guess I need more time to decide.A2a
1552{Talking to someone you've got mixed feelings for. / Neutral} So far there's nothing to complain about. Nothing to get excited about either.A3a
1553{Talking to someone you've got mixed feelings for. / Neutral} Well, partnering up with you sure beats drinking myself blind in Goodneighbor.A4a
1554{Talking to someone you've got mixed feelings for. / Neutral} I don't know. I haven't killed you yet. That good enough?A5a
1555{Talking to someone you've got mixed feelings for. / Neutral} I think we'd get along better if you started listening to me once in a while.A6a
1556{Talking to someone you're not pleased with. / Irritated} To be honest, I'm kind of ticked off with you right now.A2a
1557{Talking to someone you're not pleased with. / Irritated} Why do you care? It seems like you're doing everything you can to make me angry.A3a
1558{Talking to someone you're not pleased with. / Irritated} I don't discuss relationships with my partners. I like to keep things professional.A4a
1559{Talking to someone you're not pleased with. / Irritated} You have to ask, huh? Well, I got news for you. Things could be a lot better.A5a
1560{Talking to someone you're not pleased with. / Irritated} Oh, now it's important to you. Since when did you start caring?A6a
1561{Talking to someone you loathe. / Angry} Are you freaking kidding me? That's the stupidest thing you've ever asked.A2a
1562{Talking to someone you loathe. / Angry} Oh, so now you suddenly care how I feel? It's a little late for that, don't you think?A3a
1563{Talking to someone you loathe. / Angry} Stop pretending you care. It's insulting my intelligence.A4a
1564{Talking to someone you loathe. / Angry} Are you trying to piss me off? Because you're doing a hell of a job by asking me that.A5a
1565{Talking to someone you loathe. / Angry} Yeah, I can't believe you have the nerve to even ask me that right now. Maybe we should talk about something else.A6a
1566{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} I plan on walking this earth with you until the day I die. That give you enough of a clue?A2a
1567{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} Having you this close to me has made me happier than I've ever been before.A3a
1568{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} You already know things are the best they've ever been between us.A4a
1569{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} The day you told me that you loved me was the greatest day of my life.A5a
1570{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} With you at my side, I feel like I can take on the world. There's no bond stronger than that.A6a
1571COMMacCreadyTalk_TalkScenePlayer Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.No problem.A1a
1572Player Default: That's all for now.Sure.B1a
1573Player Default: That's all for now.All right.B2a
1574Player Default: That's all for now.Fine by me.B3a
1575Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Player just dismissed you. / Friendly} Well, if you think that's best, I suppose it's okay.X1a
1576{Concerned} Just be careful. I don't think I could stand losing someone I care about for the second time.X1b
1577Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Player just dismissed you. / Friendly} All right, I guess I'll head back and wait for you.X2a
1578{Concerned} Just be careful, the Commonwealth isn't the safest place to wander alone.X2b
1579Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Player just dismissed you. / Friendly} Okay. I'll head back and wait for you.X3a
1580{Concerned} Take care of yourself.X3b
1581Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Player just dismissed you. / Irritated} I think you're making a huge mistake, but hey... it's your funeral.X4a
1582{Confident} If you change your mind, you know where to find me.X4b
1583Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Player just dismissed you. / Irritated} Getting sick of my company, huh? Harsh. See you later.X5a
1584Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Player just dismissed you. / Irritated} That's the best idea you've ever had.X6a
1585{Irritated} See you around. Maybe.X6b
1586Here's that ammo.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1587Here you go.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1588Here, this should help keep you alive.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1589Hope this helps.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1590Take this... you're going to need it.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1591{Angry} What the heck do you want?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1592{Angry} What are you bothering me about now?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1593{Angry} This better be good.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1594{Angry} What the heck is your problem now?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1595{Angry} What's so important?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1596{Irritated} Yeah? What do you want?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1597{Irritated} Yeah, what?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1598{Irritated} You need something in particular or are you just bored?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1599{Irritated} This going to take long?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1600{Irritated} Well, what is it now?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1601{Question} Need something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1602{Question} What's on your mind?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1603{Question} Yeah?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1604{Question} What's up?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1605{Question} What do you want?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1606{Friendly} You need to talk?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1607{Friendly} You wanted to ask me something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1608{Friendly} Anything wrong?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1609{Concerned} What's the matter?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1610{Friendly} Can I help?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1611{Friendly} Is something bothering you?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1612{Friendly} I sure hope nothing's wrong...Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1613{Friendly} Always up for a little chat.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1614{Friendly} Anything you need?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1615{Friendly} Just ask, and I'll try to help.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1616{Friendly} Hey, is something the matter?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1617{Friendly} If you need something, just say the word.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1618{Friendly} If you want to talk, I'm here for you.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1619{Friendly} If somethin's on your mind, I'd love to hear about it.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1620{Flirting} Well... hello, handsome.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1621{Flirting} Well... hello, beautiful.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A


1625-{Irritated} I don't know about this Freedom Trail thing. We should be out here trying to make some caps, but instead, we're out here sightseeing.
1626{Sarcastic} You really think Valentine has what it takes to find your kid? He's literally falling apart.
1627{reassuring and committed / Confident} If Kellogg's out there, we'll find him. I promise.
1628{You and Player killed Kellogg / Confident} Well, that's the end of that. Looks like Kellogg won't be kidnapping anyone... ever again.
1629{punch "that's" / Impressed} Did you see the size of that airship? Now that's how you make an entrance.
1630{Irritated} Ugh. Is she really going to poke around Kellogg's brain like that? Gross. I hope this Doctor Amari knows what she's doing.
1631{Impressed} That little trip down Kellogg's memory lane really worked, eh? Must have been something else.
1632{the last part say wryly / Concerned} If Doctor Virgil really turned himself into a Super Mutant, we need to find him before he completely loses his mind... and decides to kill us.
1633{amused sarcasm / Amused} Well, I'll be damned. I never knew that those Coursers came with a free prize.
1634{ready for the next adventure / Question} So what's our next move? Find someone that can read that chip?
1635{Amused} Now let me get this straight. You're trusting a machine to safely take you apart, then put you back together.
1636{Sarcastic} Well, I'll tell you what, if you make it back... I'll be the first to shake your hand. If you still have one.
1637{Amused} Well, you still look like you, so I guess the machine didn't turn you into a pile of mush.
1638{Suspicious} Now all you need to explain is how the heck you managed to get out of the Institute alive.
1639{Nervous} Watching that airship go down in flames... yeah... remind me never to piss you off.
1640{Amused} I'll be honest with you. As long as the Railroad pays us caps, I don't care if we rescue synths or Santa Claus.
1641{Confident} Decided to fly the Railroad's flag, eh? Fine by me, I just hope they're paying us back for putting our necks on the line.
1642{Impressed} The Railroad had themselves a heck of a headquarters before the Institute decided to kick in the front doors.
1643{Concerned} The Brotherhood I remember wouldn't have let us off so easy. Good thing they're being distracted by the Institute.
1644{Concerned} We're taking a lot of risk using the Trojan Horse method. Let's hope the Brotherhood's rusty on their Ancient Greek History.
1645{Reassuring / Friendly} Hang in there. We'll make the Institute pay for what they did to you and your family.
1646{Thinking} I don't know... playing soldier isn't exactly one of my life's ambitions.
1647{Confident} But if it gets you closer to whatever you're looking for, you might want to stick around.
1648{Nervous} I'm not sure if we just helped a few stranded soldiers or pulled the trigger on an invasion of the Commonwealth.
1649{Worried} I really hope you know what you're doing. The Brotherhood guys... they aren't playing cards with a full deck.
1650{Worried} Get in the way of their technological crusade, and they'll knock you down without even blinking.
1651{with a wink / Amused} You didn't happen to... "borrow" any of those Fat Man shells while you were at Fort Strong, did you?
1652{Confident} When I was a kid, I heard stories about Liberty Prime Junior stomping around the Captial Wasteland.
1653{Worried} By helping the Brotherhood bring it back, you're unleashing a mechanical monster into the Commonwealth.
1654{Amused} Don't tell me you were shocked when you found out Danse is a synth. The guy has about as much emotion as a bag of hammers.
1655{Surprised} Letting Danse die after he went to bat for you with the Brotherhood was pretty low. How could you do that to someone who trusted you?
1656{Friendly} The way you stuck your neck out for Danse... well, it says a lot about you.
1657{Friendly} Makes it easier to stick around when I know I won't end up getting stabbed in the back.
1658{Irritated} I know you were just following orders, but did you really have to kill all these people just because Maxson said so?
1659{Berylli-hooga-whatever is MacCready not bothering to say name of fancy device / SinisterSmile} I don't care what the Berylli-hooga-whatever is for. If you get to take down some synths in the process, then it sounds like it's worth going aft
1660{Nervous} Well, there's no going back now. I only hope Liberty Prime finds the way into the Institute, or this is going to be a short war.
1661{SinisterSmile} Only Raiders would be stupid enough to let a synth order them around. Let's go and help them sort things out.
1662{punch "want" / Confident} Did you ever stop and think that those synths at Bunker Hill might not want to be found? Maybe we should just look the other way this time.
1663{Confident} I don't care what the Berylli-hooga-whatever is for. If you want to help the Institute get that thing, they better be paying us well.
1664{Irritated} I can't believe you talked someone into working with the Institute. As if things out here aren't bad enough already.
1665{Nervous} I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not sure if your little announcement about the reactor going online is making me feel better... or worse.
1666{Irritated} I know you were just following orders, but did you really have to kill all these people just because the Institute said so?
1667{Confident} Institute... one, Commonwealth... zero. Not exactly the outcome I would have bet on, but as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
1668{whistle like "wow!" / Impressed} It takes a lot to impress me, but watching you kill that Deathclaw... *whistles* ... that was something else.
1669{Confident} So, the Minutemen need a new home, and we get to kill a bunch of Mirelurks? Count me in.
1670{SinisterSmile} Well, I might be covered in a bunch of mirelurk slime, but I'm hanging in there. Where to now?
1671{Sarcastic} Well that Mirelurk Queen was, uh... horrifying. I don't think I'm ever going near the ocean again.
1672{Confident} If Ronnie's right, this armory could be like a goldmine. I'd say we follow her lead for now.
1673{Confident} With all those weapons in the armory, the Minutemen should have plenty of protection. I hope they appreciate everything we've done for them.
1674{Impressed} That artillery should give the Minutemen the edge they need to take on anyone... including the Brotherhood of Steel.
1675{Surprised} Welp, that closes the book on the Institute. I can't believe you actually did it.
1676{Amused} Looks like I picked the right traveling partner to hang around with. Now what do you say we head off and look for some more trouble?


1679DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeScenePlayer Default: There's nothing worse than losing a child. Believe me, I know.{thinking about your sick son / Somber} I hope I never have to experience that feeling...Blake: I'm sorry to hear you say so.A7a
1680Player Default: If your daughter was that stupid, she got what she deserved.{first line sarcasm / Surprised} Well, that was charming. What's gotten into you?Blake: You're a real son of a bitch, aren't you?B8a


1681MoeGreetSceneBaseball02Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.That sounds pretty damn boring... well, except the part about being with your family.Moe: ... I like my version better.A11a
1682Player Default: The teams would also beat the spectators to death. That's how the term "spectator sport" got started.Yeah, something tells me you're making all this up.Moe: ... I like my version better.B12a
1683Player Default: There were balls, strikes, three bases, and home runs. You kept score by how many runners made it to home plate.Oh my god, that sounds boring.Moe: ... I like my version better.X11a
168408MayorIntroScene2aPlayer Default: Always believed in freedom of the press.That's a pretty outdated concept if you ask me. Who even cares anymore?Mayor: Oh, I didn't mean to bring you into this argument, good sir. No no no... You look like Diamond City material.A6a
1685Player Default: Newspapers just like to stir up trouble.{agreeing with the player} Yeah, the world's already filled with bad news... what good does it do to broadcast that to everybody?Mayor: Oh, I didn't mean to bring you into this argument, good sir. No no no... You look like Diamond City material.B7a


1686MagnoliaGreetScenePlayer Default: I loved the song. It was perfect.{referring to the jazz singer} She's one of the reasons why this is such a great place to lie low.Magnolia: Oh, thank you! A girl tries her best. *chuckle*A3a
1687Player Default: I'm not a big fan of jazz.Jazz is all right, but nothing beats good old-fashioned rock and roll.Magnolia: Shame... but that's all I ever sing here. Goodneighbor inspires a certain kind of music.B4a


1688DialogueGraygardenIntroPlayer Default: That's pretty ingenious. I bet you can work around the clock.Robots working on a farm, huh? Now I've seen it all.SupervisorWhite: Of course, darling. Our unique hierarchy allows for constant operation.A7a
1689Player Default: Robots can do simple tasks, sure, but you need a human being to make the big decisions.Makes sense to me. I mean, someone has to program these things.SupervisorWhite: Ah, but that's where Graygarden is unique, darling.B8a
1690SupervisorWhite: Perhaps you've noticed that I possess a rather singular personality, as do the other supervisors.Ugh. Every single time it's calling you "darling" it gives me the creeps.Player Default: Well, it's definitely unique. Sort of hard to miss.A7a


1691DialogueTheSlogSceneIntroPlayer Default: It's pretty clever, making a tarberry bog out of an old swimming pool.{unsure of what to make of something / Puzzled} Well, it's certainly... something all right.Wiseman: I appreciate your saying so.A7a
1692Player Default: The first word that comes to my mind is "ugly."Yeah, it looks like a huge mess to me.Wiseman: Hey, do I look like a guy who puts a premium on beauty?B8a


1693DialogueWarwickHomesteadIntroPlayer Default: No wonder your crops are doing so well.Oh god... I feel like I'm going to throw up.Roger: Yeah, they really are.A7a
1694Player Default: I don't care how fertile the soil is, this place reeks.{retch a bit / Disgust} Oh god... I think I'm going to be sick.Roger: Yeah, but you get used to it.B6a


1695DN019JoinCultEmogenePlayer Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.Blah, blah, blah... why are you even talking to these morons?CultLeader: Look... truth is, we had a little, uh, disagreement about her joining the movement. She got kind of violent.A7a
1696Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{threatening rhetorical question / SinisterSmile} Maybe they'd rather spend the last few seconds of their lives with a gaping hole in their chest?CultLeader: Uh, good to know. Let me just unlock the door for you, okay?B8a
1697DN019JoinCultEmogeneBribeWhat a waste of good caps... and a good fight.CultLeader: Well, that's different.A8a
1698DN019JoinCultOfficeGaveItems{amused / Amused} Is this going to be one of those tricks where they make you moo like a brahmin?Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A8a
1699DN019JoinCultOfficeSceneCultLeader: Just go ahead and give me everything you own, and I'll initiate you as a first level Pillar of the Community.{Angry} Yeah right, buddy. You know where you can shove that pillar.Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.A8a


1700DN036_MainPlayer Default: They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.{Worried} You gonna take that risk? If she's really a synth...Phyllis: Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM.A11a


1702FFDiamondCity08GiveNukaScenePlayer Default: Here you go.Addicted to Nuka Cola? Now I've heard it all.Sheffield: *gasp* Oh thank you! Thank you!A8a
1703Player Default: I'm... gonna go...Yeah, I think that's a good idea. This guy's weird.Sheffield: *whimpering*B8a
1704Player Default: Drink. Some. Water.{amused by the Player / Amused} Yeah, I think he's getting the message.Sheffield: Nuka-Cola...So thirsty...*whimpering*X8a
1705FFDiamondCity10_021_CompanionYeah, I never liked that guy. There was always something a little bit off about him.Companion: Next time you're thinkin' of lettin' someone off the hook, ask them to pay up first. You missed a golden opportunity.A8a
1706You let him go after all that? I'd have put a bullet in his head the moment I had the chance.Companion: Well, scratch one wolf in sheep's clothin'. I guess we're done here.A7a
1707Well, that solves that problem. At least we didn't let him walk.A7a


1708Inst301BranchBossExtortPlayer Default: You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.At least we'll all walk away in one piece, I guess.SynthBoss: The password to get into the stash is "Mad Orca".A8a
1709Player Default: Hell no. I'll think just take what I want.{locked and loaded / SinisterSmile} Sounds like it's go time.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.B7a
1710Player Default: On second thought, nah.{Irritated} I thought that guy would never shut up.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.X8a
1711Player Default: And if I refuse?Or we could kill them and take the loot anyway. Just saying.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.Y6a
1712Inst301SceneX6GivesResetCodePlayer Default: Good, I'd like to avoid any unnecessary violence.{Disgust} Bah, to hell with all this code nonsense. Let's just take it down the old fashioned way.X6: Well, he might not be alone up there. Violence might be inevitable.A8a
1713Player Default: I'm not going to destroy this man's identity and free will. Killing him would be more humane.And a lot easier than depending on a code that might not even work.X6: He's not a man, sir, he's a synth. A synth that's confused and dangerous.B8a
1714Inst301SceneX6IntroX6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.{Mimicking the line you just heard (in quotes) / Disbelief} Neutralized the perimeter guard? Who the hell talks like that?Player Default: Alright, let's go.A8a


1715Inst302Stage40CourserScenePlayer Default: Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.{sarcasm / Sarcastic} So who put the toy robot in charge?X418: Here are the recall codes. Follow me.A7a


1716Inst306Stage20DesdemonaPlayer Default: Of course I'm not going to go through with it. So how do I deal with it?You're just going to let everyone go? Man, what a letdown.Desdemona: We'll deal with that later. We need to prepare for a Brotherhood assault.A8a
1717Player Default: I'm afraid you all have to die.Guess this is goodbye, sweetheart.Desdemona: Deacon vouched for you. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Or you. We're not going down without a fight.B8a
1718Player Default: You're alive, so what do you think?I thought we were here to wipe you out, so count your blessings, sweetheart.Desdemona: I don't have time for guessing games. And the Brotherhood could be here at any moment.X8a


1719InstM01CedricScenePlayer Default: A man's life is at stake, and you're fishing for a bribe? You're pathetic.Let's just drop this guy and be done with it.Cedric: Then I guess this conversation's over.B7a
1720InstM01RogerSceneSuspectRoger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.I don't care if you're metal or flesh... no one should split apart your family.Player Default: They just need to be convinced Bill's wrong. That won't be hard.A7a


1721InstMassFusion_10_RoofAllieFilmore: Well, you were right. The Brotherhood sure is here. Guess we'll have to go through them.{SinisterSmile} Man, oh man... this is going to be fun.AllieFilmore: Oh... my. Well, I wasn't expecting this. I... guess it's nice to see some of our... older models... have been useful to you.A7a
1722InstMassFusion_11_AgitatorMissingAllieFilmore: No sign of the Agitator... We'll have to search the rest of the building.Well, at least we're starting at the top.A7a
1723InstMassFusion_13_PowerLossAllieFilmore: They cut the power to the elevators... It's clever, I'll give them that.Yeah, these Brotherhood guys are pretty resourceful.A7a
1724InstMassFusion_15_ViewReactorAllieFilmore: There's the reactor. Not a bad piece of work, for its time.{sarcasm on "breathtaking" / Irritated} Breathtaking. Now can we get a move on before the Brotherhood decides they want to use us for target practice again?A7a
1725InstMassFusion_20_ElevatorToLobbyAllieFilmore: These guys just don't know when they're beaten, do they?{smirk... locking and loading for a fight / SinisterSmile} Well, let's all give them a nice, warm welcome.AllieFilmore: I'll help the synths buy some time. Make sure you get back to the Institute with the Agitator!A7a


1726Min01PrestonOutroFinalPreston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{playful / Amused} Hey, you already have me as follower... look how well you're doing already.Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.A8a
1727Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.I think you made the right choice... now we've got allies watching our back.Preston: Good. Good! Welcome aboard. I feel like this is a whole new start for the Minutemen, and the Commonwealth, too.A8a
1728Player Default: No. I'm not your savior. I have my own problems to deal with.Yeah, we got plenty of trouble on our plate already.Preston: I get it. You can't take care of other people's problems when you're still overwhelmed by your own.B8a
1729Min01SturgesIntroOh, darn... look at the time. You go ahead and build... I got, uh, stuff to do.Player Default: I'd be glad to help.A7a


1730Min02PrestonCastlePrebattle2Player Default: Let's not over-complicate this. Just get in there and hit them with everything we've got.I'm right there with you, boss. Lead the way.PrestonGarvey: If you say so.A8a
1731Player Default: I'm not ready to make a call yet.Damn it, I hate waiting.PrestonGarvey: Sure, take another look around. If you get into trouble we've got your back, but it's better if we go in with a plan.B9a
1732Player Default: Let's hit them from both sides.{getting a little frustrated} Who cares if we come in from the side, from the front... from the sky. Let's just get in there and blow them away.PrestonGarvey: We'll split up and you can join which ever side you think needs the extra support.X8a
1733Player Default: Set up a firing line and I'll draw them out.Sure, whatever. Better you than me.PrestonGarvey: Sounds good. We'll hold back and wait for them to come to us. Just don't get yourself trapped in there.Y8a
1734Min02PrestonCourtyardPrestonGarvey: Let's do this, General.{mirelurks are shelled creatures / Confident} All right. Let's go kick some... err, shell.A7a


1735Min03RonnieIntroBrawlPlayer Default: Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.{disappointed, missing a fight / Disgust} Awww, come on. Don't let her off the hook like that.RonnieShaw: Yeah, I did take a pretty long vacation after Joe died. Not surprised you never heard of me.A7a
1736Player Default: I'd like to see you try.{SinisterSmile} All right, grandma. Put up or shut up.RonnieShaw: This is going to be fun.B7a
1737Player Default: I don't have time for a dick-measuring contest. What do you actually want?{disgusted in a joking way / Disgust} Yyyyeah... it's going to be a while before I get that image out of my head.RonnieShaw: You kiss your mother with that mouth? At least you're finally ready to get down to business.X8a
1738Player Default: If you're a Minuteman, how come Preston never told me about you?{sarcasm / Sarcastic} Maybe Preston was making a point. Like to avoid this old biddy at all costs.RonnieShaw: Garvey? Oh yeah, I heard of him. Took over Hollis's group after the Quincy Massacre. One of the good ones.Y6a


1739MinDestBoSFiringPrestonGarvey: Good lord above. Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards.Whew! That thing's going down faster than I thought. Nice shooting.RonnieShaw: They had it coming. Should've never tried to lord it over the Commonwealth. That never ends well.A7a


1740MinVsInstMinutemenStage30CitizenQuestionPlayer Default: The Institute wants the same things you do. We can find a way to work together.The Institute's been kidnapping people from the Commonwealth, and now you think the Minutemen can work with them? You're crazy.MinutemenContact: I don't know about that, but... Look, if nothin' else, you'd best get in there and make sure that man's okay.A7a
1741Player Default: I know for a fact they won't hurt that man, and if you get in the way, I'm going to have to take you down.Yeah, give us an excuse to open fire... please.MinutemenContact: Woah, look... I'm not trying to get everyone here killed, okay?B8a
1742Player Default: You don't have all the information. I do, and I'm telling you this isn't what it looks like. That man's not in danger.Sigh. These idiots never learn.MinutemenContact: You'd better be right. If you're not, that man's life is on your head.X7a
1743MinVsInstStage50EnricoScenePlayer Default: You're right, I suppose.This is a goddamn waste of time. Just point us in the right direction.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.A7a
1744Player Default: Look, I had the same intelligence reports as everyone else. No one saw this coming.Probably because you were too stupid to look. Now tell us where the heck we're going already.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.B7a


1745MQ106_CompanionDogmeatScene{Confident} Well, well... Dogmeat must be part bloodhound. Why don't you give him a break while we pay Kellogg a visit?A6a
1746DogmeatLostTrailPretty clever mutt you have there.Companion: This Kellogg bloke certainly isn't makin' this easy, is he.A8a
1747Smart pooch. I could have used a dog like that when I was making my way up here from the Capital Wasteland.Companion: I'm gonna kill this Kellogg fella meself for makin' us walk all to hell and back lookin' for him...A7a
1748Where to next?Companion: I'm gonna hear that damn dog barkin' in me sleep.A7a
1749Kellogg's pretty smart... he's doing everything he can to keep people off his trail.Companion: This better be the place. Getting' tired of playin' cat and mouse with Kellogg.A7a
1750{Irritated} Are we finally closing in on this guy or what?A8a


1751MS01BillyOutOfFridgePlayer Default: Then let's go find your home.{a little bit snide} There better be some gold at the end of this rainbow, if you catch my meaning.Billy: Thanks. I live in Quincy. Or at least I used to. But I don't know how to get there.A7a
1752Player Default: You'll have to figure out your own life.Yeah, sorry kid... no excess baggage on this flight.Billy: I guess I'll just sit here until some monster comes and eats me.B8a
1753Player Default: I hate to tell you this, but your parents are probably dead.Losing family's never easy, but you'll pull through... hang in there, buddy.Billy: Dead? You really think so?X8a


1754MS04_0100_IntroPlayer Default: Good on you for trying to make the world better.{stunned at crazy notion / Surprised} This has to be a joke. Tell me this is a joke.Kent: I just have to do something, you know?A6a
1755Player Default: You know you're completely nuts, right?Yeah, that about says it all.Kent: Sadly, that's not the first time I've heard that.B2a
1756MS04_0500_2_AJPlayer Default: Hand over the caps.Good call. Best to step out of the way.AJ: Here. And don't show your face around here again.A6a
1757Player Default: Stop selling to children, miscreant. Or face my wrath.If my boss says you're out of business, then I'm taking you down.AJ: Screw you. Waste the freak.B7a
1758MS04_1300_SinjinConfrontationPlayer Default: Looks like it's my lucky day. Because I'm getting both of you.{to enemy / Angry} Oh, shut up!A7a
1759Player Default: Stop talking like that.{unsure at beginning, then threatening / Angry} Uh, yeah! We're coming for you!SinjinRightHand: It is the Shroud. It really is. Screw this.B3a
1760Kent: He'd... He'd. Episode 23.{congratulating someone / Happy} Nice one!Sinjin: *laugh* Enjoy the show, Kent. After I'm done with the Shroud, you're next.X7a
1761MS04_Comp_ActingLikeShroudYou know what? That wasn't half bad.A8a
1762MS04_Comp_PCisAssassinNice work. So, are done here?A8a
1763MS04_Comp_PCKilledHostage{surprised, but not angry / Surprised} Holy crap... that guy went down like a sack of tatoes.A8a


1764MS05B_ReturnEggToNest{Disbelief} I've done some crazy stunts in my day, but helping out a deathclaw? That takes the cake.A8a


1765004_MS07aCrockerScene02Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.There's no going back from what this guy did.DocCrocker: You're...you're right. There's one thing I can do. Only one thing's going to make this all better.A6a
1766Player Default: You've killed a man, doctor. You're going to pay for it. Put the gun down, and come with me.You're arresting this nutcase? The hell with that.DocCrocker: I... I did it, didn't I? I killed a man. Oh god. There's so much blood. So much blood all over me!X6a
1767004b_MS07aCompanionInterjectsGood god... what a loser.Companion: Crocker got exactly what was comin' to him.A6a
1768An eye for an eye. Code of the road.A6a


1769MS09CabotHouseIntroJackPlayer Default: That's really interesting.{nervous / Nervous} Look, I know I talk a lot of crap... but this alien stuff kind of freaks me out.Jack: I'm glad to hear you say that. It's become my life's work.A7a
1770Player Default: You can believe whatever wacko theories you want, as long as I get paid.{nervous / Nervous} Look, don't make fun of this stuff... you never know.Jack: Well if that's how you feel, I'll leave you to Edward. He'll be your immediate supervisor.B8a
1771Player Default: I'm really just here about the job.{nervous / Nervous} Yeah, what's the job? It'll help me take my mind off of all the alien crap this guy's talking about.Jack: I'm sorry if I'm rattling on. I sometimes forget not everyone finds these things as compelling as I do.X6a
1772Player Default: You think aliens created human civilization?{nervous / Nervous} Of course he does. Shouldn't everyone? I mean, how do you know they aren't?Jack: Yes, if by "alien" you mean a non-human precursor to the commonly understood founding cultures -- Sumer, Egypt, Assyria.Y6a
1773MS09Mission2EmogeneAgeKnowPlayer Default: I have a vial of that serum with me. Here, looks like you need it.Oh come on. After all we went through, you're just giving it away?Emogene: How did you get that? Never mind, I'd rather not know. Thank you so very much.A9a
1774MS09ParsonsBossRoomLorenzoEscapesJack: You fool! Why didn't you do as I asked?{Worried} This was a bad idea. You should have left that guy in there.A8a
1775MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1Player Default: Thanks for your help.I guess we know our next stop.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Sure thing.A6a
1776Player Default: So you've just been waiting for me to show up to do something about those assholes?Screw them... let's just do the job.ParsonsGuardCaptain: As far as I remember, I don't answer to you. And yeah, we were waiting for you.B6a
1777Player Default: That's all I needed to know.Come on, we've got a job to finish.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well then, I guess we're done.X6a
1778MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1APlayer Default: Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.{Irritated} There's no reason to apologize. They should be glad we were here.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Was that an apology? Now I've seen everything.A8a
1779Player Default: Lucky for you I'm not afraid of a few raiders.Are you kidding? Raiders are a joke.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well, then, why don't you get out of my face and go kill them?B8a
1780Player Default: That's true. Edward wouldn't have hired me if he thought you could have done the job.I couldn't have said that better myself.ParsonsGuardCaptain: You're throwing a lot of attitude for the new guy. I guess we'll see soon enough if you're just blowing smoke or not.X8a


1781MS11_0080_Constitution_Scene_3Player Default: Whoa, whoa. Easy there.{stuff in quotes in a fakey pirate voice / Amused} Yarrrr matey! Hoist the sail... weigh anchor! *chuckle* Is this for real?FirstMate: Unable to comply.A8a
1782Player Default: Try that and you'll be nothing but scrap metal, pal.{stuff in quotes in a fakey pirate voice / Amused} Give the word cap'n and I'll send them to Davy Jones' Locker! *chuckle* Is this for real?FirstMate: Threats detected. Awaiting permission to terminate target.B8a
1783Player Default: This must be a misunderstanding. You invited me aboard.{stuff in quotes in a fakey pirate voice} Let's parley with 'em cap'n! Yo-ho-ho! *chuckle* Is this for real?FirstMate: No records found.X7a
1784Player Default: What, you're going to kill me?{stuff in quotes in a fakey pirate voice / Amused} Shiver me timbers! Let me run a shot across their bow! *chuckle* Is this for real?FirstMate: Affirmative.Y7a
1785MS11_0100_Meet_IronsidesPlayer Default: You should just abandon the ship.Yeah, I don't see the point. You're sitting on the Commonwealth's most obvious target.Ironsides: It is not in my character, sir, to retreat simply because the odds are great. I will persevere.B8a
1786Player Default: That's quite a predicament.I don't know... I'm kind of having fun watching them scurry around like a bunch of amusement park pirate 'bots.Ironsides: What vexes me most is my inability to assist in the war effort. My gun decks have naught but mole rats and ne'er-do-wells as targets.X6a
1787Player Default: How did it even get up here?{ready to hear amusing tale / Amused} Oh, this should be good.Ironsides: A harrowing tale, of that there can be no doubt. Or I should say, I assume it is.Y7a
1788MS11_0350_Meet_MandyPlayer Default: Yeah, I'm in. What's the plan?Yeah, that ship is basically the last train to crazytown.Mandy: That's the right call.A9a
1789Player Default: No deal. I'm with Ironsides.{Surprised} You're siding with that robot? Did you hit your head on the way down here?Mandy: Then screw you, asshole. You're lucky we don't gun you down.B8a
1790Player Default: I need to think about this.{a bit angry / Irritated} These are human beings... why would you even think about helping an insane robot instead?Mandy: Don't take too long, or we'll crack the Constitution open ourselves. And then you'll get nothing.X7a
1791MS11_Comp_SabotageAnyone have any popcorn? I'm going to enjoy the show.A8a


1792MS13BAfterConfrontationViolenceWell, that's one way to handle it.A8a
1793MS13BConfrontCookePaulPembroke: Keep talking.This is hopeless.HenryCooke: Look, I'll, uh, I'll stay away from Darcy from now on. It's over. You have my word on that.A7a
1794Player Default: Paul, put the gun away. Nobody needs to get shot here.Shooting doesn't seem like your best option here.PaulPembroke: Screw that.A7a
1795Player Default: Better just shoot him, Paul.Just get it done so we can all get out of here.PaulPembroke: Keep talking.B7a
1796Player Default: Put the guns away before this gets out of hand.If they want to gun each other down, let them do it... who cares.PaulPembroke: Too late.X7a
1797MS13BConfrontCookeAlonePlayer Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.If I was in your shoes, I'd do it... but this is your show.HenryCooke: You know what? You're right.A7a
1798Player Default: I'm counting to three. One... two...We're not bluffing.HenryCooke: Hold up. Don't get crazy on me. We can talk this out.B7a
1799Player Default: I told you what you need to do. The next move is up to you.MacCready interjectsHenryCooke: This is how I deal with assholes like you.X6a
1800MS13EDivideSpoilsPlayer Default: No. I'm taking all of it as the rest of my payment.Woah, you might have a some mercenary in your blood after all.PaulPembroke: That was never part of the deal!B7a
1801Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{flippant/teasing / Amused} Make it 71-29 so we can buy some extra drinks later.PaulPembroke: Yeah, whatever. Screw me over one more time. I guess I should be used to it by now.X8a
1802MS13PaulIntroScenePlayer Default: Still not interested.Good. The last time I got in the middle of one these situations, it ended up with two people dead.PaulPembroke: I don't know why I expected you to help me.B7a
1803Player Default: You're going to have to make it worth my while.Caps or not, this is not going to end well.PaulPembroke: Uh. Well... okay. I can only pay you 80 caps right now, but I'll scrape together more after we take care of Cooke.X7a


1804-We're not going to earn a good reputation in the merc trade if we keeping passing up contracts like this.
1805Our unique skills are certainly worth the extra caps. Don't let them off cheap.
1806That's a pretty decent payout for two contract hits.


1807MS14BobrovOpeningScenePlayer Default: All right! Now, it has to be quietly, with no fuss. Maybe lead him out of town...All right... I'm going to stop you there. We're not amateurs you know.Yefim: All right, that's enough!A8a
1808Player Default: I tell you, it would be easier than you think. You just talk him into following you out of town...All right... I'm going to stop you there. We're not amateurs you know.Yefim: All right, that's enough!B7a
1809Player Default: It would be quick, and probably mostly painless. You just first lead him out of town...All right... I'm going to stop you there. We're not amateurs you know.Yefim: All right, that's enough!X7a
1810Player Default: Did we not just agree this is serious problem? Calls for serious solution. First, you get him to follow you out of town...All right... I'm going to stop you there. We're not amateurs you know.Yefim: All right, that's enough!Y6a
1811MS14TravisBarPreFightSceneTravis: Well, if you think it would work...{irritated with NPC / Irritated} Of course it will. Stop whining already.A7a
1812Travis: I'm not a coward!{sarcasm / Sarcastic} You could have fooled me.B7a
1813Player Default: Nothing will change unless you make it happen.You need to grow a pair, buddy.X7a
1814MS14TravisStage65ScenePlayer Default: But if I hadn't gotten into that fight with them, maybe this wouldn't have happened.Okay fine, you win... it's your fault. Now help us fix it, dummy.Travis: Look... I don't really... I mean, I don't have a lot of friends.A7a
1815Player Default: Oh, man. I can't believe this.Yeah, you screwed this one up good, Travis.Travis: Look... I don't really... I mean, I don't have a lot of friends.B7a
1816Player Default: You're right. We've got to get him back.It's about freaking time you showed some backbone.Travis: Look... I don't really... I mean, I don't have a lot of friends.X6a
1817MS14TravisStage70ScenePlayer Default: Okay, okay. Good. I mean, I can do this. Totally.{annoyed / Disgust} We're going to regret bringing this guy, aren't we.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.A7a
1818Player Default: Oh. Okay... Not, uhh, not exactly the pep-talk I was looking for...{messing with a scared person / Amused} Don't lie to the guy. Sheesh. The truth is... we'll probably all be killed.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.B7a
1819Player Default: Okay, right. Sure. Yeah.This isn't going to end well.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.X7a
1820MS14TravisStage90ScenePlayer Default: Thanks.I don't know how you pulled that off, buddy.Travis: After all this, I think about the things that had me worried so much, and it just seems... silly, you know?A7a
1821Player Default: Yeah, yeah. I know.If you know, then do something about it. Act like a man for god's sake.Travis: After all this, I think about the things that had me worried so much, and it just seems... silly, you know?B8a
1822MS14VadimStage10ScenePlayer Default: Haven't met a man I couldn't lay out.I can believe it.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A7a
1823Player Default: I can hold my own, if that's what you mean.He's telling you the truth.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.X6a


1824MS17_300_Dan_FollowsPlayer Default: No deal.Want to go it alone? All right, I just hope we've got enough firepower between the two of us to get the job done.HonestDan: We'll see who finds those caravan hands first, then.B8a
1825MS17_300_JacobWarningPlayer Default: Give me the caps and I'll drop the whole thing.Well, I was hoping for a fight... but I wouldn't mind walking away with the caps instead.JacobOrden: Here you go. Come back anytime.A4a
1826Player Default: You can keep your caps.If you want to fight them instead, I've got your back.JacobOrden: Please, just leave well enough alone. There's more going on then you realize.B6a
1827Player Default: Surely, there's room for compromise? I get Stockton's survivors and we stay... friends. I'd have to know more, though.We're not going to wheel and deal with you. Take the damn offer, or we drop you.JacobOrden: That's a tall order. A deal like that, well, that's above my pay grade.X7a
1828MS17_400_ChambersPlayer Default: Continue your work, then.I guess we have to let her go.HonestDan: I wish you hadn't said that.A8a
1829Player Default: That's a deal I won't accept.You should have offered more, lady. Oh well, too late.DoctorChambers: Then you'll just have to kill me.B5a
1830Player Default: Don't kill the girl. Spare her.Come on, doc. Think about what you're up against.DoctorChambers: Impossible. The odds are too great she's an Institute infiltrator.X4a
1831MS17_Comp_KilledChambersJudges and juries are a thing of the past. Swift justice is the only way to solve the problems ruining our world.A8a


1832RR102_100_Deacon_IntroPlayer Default: Your leader was just being cautious.{annoyed / Disgust} You call that cautious? She's lucky she didn't start a full-on firefight.Deacon: Exactly. Kind of killed our chance at a friendy first impression, though.A7a
1833Player Default: If you greet all newcomers like that no one's ever going to help you.{sarcasm / Sarcastic} When I need help, I usually keep my guns lowered. Tends to get a better response.Deacon: Don't be too hard on the old girl. She's just looking after her wayward children.B7a
1834Player Default: What's done is done.Well, you're letting them off pretty easy.Deacon: A healthy attitude.X6a
1835Player Default: Do you really have to be so cagey?{irritated / Irritated} Cagey? Hell, that was downright hostile.Deacon: The precautions are necessary. In our business, if we underestimate our enemy's capabilities it's game over.Y6a
1836RR102_Comp_PCisAntiSlaveFrankly, I could care less about the synths. They sure don't care about us.A7a
1837RR102_Comp_RickySuicideWelp, that's the last we're going to see of Mr. Dalton there. Way to get rid of him.A8a
1838RR102_Comp_SynthsAreMachinesMachines... humans... I don't care what you think they are. If I'm paid to kill them, they're going down.A7a


1839RR302_0700_AtPoliceStationPlayer Default: Relax, Tom, you'll be all right.Come on, Tom... keep it together. We need you on this one.TinkerTom: Right, the whole breathing in and out. OK.A5a


1840RR303_0300b_GloryDeathPlayer Default: I don't have time for this.Just leave her... we have to go, now.Glory: Isn't there... supposed to be a light?B7a
1841Player Default: I promise.Fine, fine... now let's get moving before the Brotherhood finds us.Glory: If anyone... *cough*X6a
1842Player Default: How bad is it?Yeah, uh... I don't think she's going to make it.Glory: No escape... this time. *cough*Y5a


1843RRM01_0100_StartPlayer Default: So, is there anyone you like?Or, more to the point, is there anyone that likes you?DrCarrington: Oh, I wasn't aware we were competing for Congeniality awards. I thought we were rescuing synths. My mistake.B6a
1844Player Default: What's a dead drop?{flippant, making fun of terminology / Amused} I had one of those once after I ate a bad batch of Cram. Spent eight hours on the can.DrCarrington: Oh, dear lord. A dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.Y3a


1845UFOCrashQuestFlybyReaction{Surprised} Woah! Did you catch that? What was it?A7a
1846UFOCrashQuestImpactReaction{Surprised} Wow... that sounded like quite a crash. Maybe we should head over there and check it out.A7a