Below is a list of names that might be recognized by Codsworth that he might be able to say in-game.[1][2]
- Note: If you find a name that works, please add it to the list below in alphabetical order. Likewise, if you find a name below that does not work please remove it from the list.
- Note: This seems to only work in the English version (As well as any other localized version based on the English version, e.g. Traditional Chinese and Russian). In the German, French and presumably other versions, the subtitles show your chosen name, but Codsworth will not say it.
- Note: Some names listed may not work.
Quick Answers
What is the significance of the names Codsworth can say in Fallout 4?
Codsworth in Fallout 4 can articulate a range of names from a specific list, including those from pop culture, Fallout 4 developers, and real-world personalities. He can also merge names if they're on his list. If a name isn't recognized, he'll use a part that is listed. Additionally, Codsworth can use inappropriate or vulgar names for the player.
Provided by: Fandom
How does the list of names that Codsworth can say affect gameplay in Fallout 4?
In Fallout 4, the list of names Codsworth can say enriches player engagement. Codsworth can identify and pronounce a range of names, addressing the player by their selected name if it's listed. If a name isn't recognized, Codsworth will utilize a part of the name that is listed. Codsworth also has the capacity to merge recognized names when spoken. The list comprises names from diverse pop culture media works and Fallout 4 developers. Codsworth can even address the player by unsuitable or crude names.
Provided by: Fandom
What are some unique names that Codsworth can say in Fallout 4?
In Fallout 4, Codsworth can articulate a range of unique names, including those related to pop culture and real-world figures. Bethesda expanded his vocabulary by 300 names on July 5, 2016. However, he cannot recognize and pronounce all names.
Provided by: Fandom
How can you add or remove names from the list of names Codsworth can say?
Adding or removing names from the list of names Codsworth can say involves finding a name that is recognized in-game and adding it alphabetically to the list. If a name is found to be unrecognizable, it should be removed. Codsworth can recognize a wide range of names, including inappropriate ones, and refers to the player by these names. He also has the ability to recognize and combine names when spoken, although there are exceptions that he cannot repeat.
Provided by: Fandom
Does Codsworth's ability to say certain names change in different language versions of Fallout 4?
In Fallout 4, Codsworth's name recognition and pronunciation abilities vary with the game's language version. He can pronounce many names in the English version and its derivatives, like Traditional Chinese and Russian. However, in versions like German and French, Codsworth doesn't vocalize the chosen name, although it appears in subtitles.
Provided by: Fandom
Known names
- Aaliyah
- Aaron
- Abigail
- Abram
- Abrams
- Adalyn
- Adam
- Adams
- Addison
- Adeline
- Adrian
- Ahn
- Aideen
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- Akira
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- Alana
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- Altman
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- Archer
- Aria
- Arianna
- Asdf
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- Asher
- Ashford
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- Asimov
- Assface
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atom
- Atomic
- Atticus
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- Audrey
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- Autumn
- Ava
- Avery
- Bacon
- Badass
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- Battosai
- Batty
- Baudoin
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- Bella
- Ben
- Benjamin
- Bennell
- Bennett
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- Bery
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- Billy
- Bilodeau
- Black
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blaze
- Bob
- Bobbi
- Bobby
- Bogdanove
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- Boob
- Boobie
- Boobies
- Boom
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- Cha
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- Cornett
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- DongJun
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- Donny
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- Dylan
- Eagle
- East
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- Eddy
- Edwards
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- Elliott
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- Emile
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- Erectus
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- Erik
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- Ernie
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- Eugene
- Eva
- Evan
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Everdeen
- Everett
- Felipe
- Ferret
- Fifi
- Finn
- Finster
- Fiona
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- Flag
- Flagg
- Flash
- Flores
- Flynn
- Foster
- Fox
- Fragile
- Francis
- Franke
- Freeman
- Frost
- Fuck
- Fucker
- Fuckface
- Furiosa
- Fury
- Gabriel
- Gabriella
- Gardiner
- Gary
- Gavin
- Gene
- Geoffrey
- George
- Georgia
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- Gianna
- Gil
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- Grant
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- Grayson
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- Green
- Greene
- Grey
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- Grognak
- Gryphon
- Gutierrez
- Guy
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- Hailey
- Hal
- Ham
- Hamilton
- Hamm
- Hammer
- Hammett
- Hamrick
- Han
- Hannah
- Hans
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- Hardi
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- Hasenbuhler
- Hastings
- Hawk
- Hawke
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- Henning
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- Holly
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- Hopgood
- Houle
- Howard
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Humongous
- Humungus
- Hyun
- Ian
- Ilya
- Imperator
- Indiana
- Indy
- Isaac
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Isaiah
- Ist
- Istvan
- J.P.
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- Jag
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- Jeremy
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- Jerusalem
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- Jessie
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- KalEl
- Kaneda
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- María
- Marie
- Marji
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- Marty
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- Nico