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Gary (clone)

Gary clones attacking

Cloning in biotechnology refers to the processes used to create a copy of an existing organism, whether that copy is made from DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or separate organisms (reproductive cloning). There have been several instances of cloning found in the Fallout series.


Botanical cloning[]

A creation of Big MT, the GS-2000 Biological Research Station is used to clone plant life for research purposes. Little evidence is given about how this particular cloning process occurs other than it requires dried seeds from pre-existing flora, but the research efforts into botanical cloning did lead to the creation of Salient Green, a molecular paste that, when heated, can be used to create cloned samples of any kind of plant life the user desires.

Therapeutic cloning[]

Therapeutic cloning involves cloning cells from a human for use in medicine, in particular organ transplants. Such procedures are a routine part of life in Vault City.[1][2]

Reproductive cloning[]

Reproductive cloning involves making an entire separate organism. This was the case with the experiment incorporated into Vault 108. The vault dwellers there successfully created a series of 54 clones from a single genetic template, a man named Gary, but imperfections in the process resulted in each new clone becoming progressively more insane and violent toward non-clones. When the observation rooms became filled to capacity, the scientists in charge decided to dispose of the clones, but they never got the chance as the clones turned on their makers, wiping out the population and forcing the survivors out. The victims included Doctor Peterson, one of the first doctors to be injured by a violent clone.[3][4]

After purging the Vault, the clones were left to fend for themselves, with the sole exception of Gary 23, who was abducted by Defender Morrill of the Brotherhood Outcasts for their excavation efforts at the Virtual Strategic Solutions facility, but ended up dying from hypovolemic shock after they attempted to sever his arm to acquire his Pip-Boy, which was rendered non-functional without a living user.[5]

The Nuka-Cola Corporation also operated a cloning facility underneath the Welcome Center in Nuka-World, to the protests of the animal activist group A.F.A.D. due to concerns of animal torture.[6] The species of animals cloned by their Nuka-Gen replicator ranged from polar bears, which unfortunately exploded shortly after creation due to segmentation issues,[7] to cows, to anteaters with a numerous amount of genetic mutations from other creatures.[8] Following the Great War, Dr. McDermot, one of the scientists that become ghoulified, realized that the replicator's application could serve as a way to repopulate the world with animals and stabilize the post-War ecosystem ravaged by radiation.[9] While foraging, McDermot encountered a deceased super mutant, and decided to utilize its genetics to create the basis of a creature that would serve to protect the facility.[10] After experimentation with the samples of Jackson's chameleon and the American alligator with the super mutant brain cells, despite lacking the means to tame or control their creation, they decided to test the results.[11] Very soon after its creation, the new species of gatorclaw overran the facility, driving McDermot out which resulted in the replicator operating unchecked and creating an entire population of gatorclaws inhabiting the Safari Adventure park.

Cloning in culture[]

Cloning was pervasive in pre-War American culture. It was to the point that not only do the observant of Vault City know that they do not want to be like one,[12] but the idea of a clone is also known even by the under educated of New Reno.[13][14]



  1. The Chosen One: "{290}{}{You mentioned before you were a doctor... I'm something of a doctor myself.}"
    Troy: "{124}{}{You are? It's a pleasure to meet you. If you have the time, perhaps we could compare notes? It is not often that I get the chance to speak to another physician.}"
    The Chosen One: "{125}{}{Absolutely. I'd love to learn some of the medical techniques you Citizens use.}"
    Troy: "{128}{}{Excellent! Well, first, let me take you on a tour. Over here, we have the monitoring systems...}"
    "{130}{}{... and that is how we can clone cells to make replacement limbs. We have to be careful that the tissue cultures don't get contaminated, but... in any event, I think I've talked enough... hope it was informative.}"
    The Chosen One: "{132}{}{Thanks for the tour, Doctor Troy. It's been very educational.}"
  2. Troy: "{108}{}{Maybe we can clone that spleen from those cells taken this afternoon.}"
  3. Cloning log
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 73: "Gary (clone)
    Part of a grand cloning experiment that led to a horrific end for the instigators, 54 clones of "Gary" were created, but each began to exhibit psychotic tendencies to the scientists who created them. Eventually they rebelled and took over the Vault completely, and have evolved a complex and subtle series of ways to say "Gary" to convey their emotions. They are deranged and attack anyone that isn't Gary."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.73-74: "Gary 23 (deceased)
    In charge of Vault 108's vacuum-cleaning maintenance program, Gary 23 (or "Gary" to his brothers) was recently kidnapped in a daring raid by Defender Morrill. He was drugged and dragged back to the Bailey's Crossroads Outpost in the D.C. Metro Ruins. As Gary 23 utilized a Pip-Boy, Specialist Olin attempted to remove the device to gain access to a Simulation Pod inside the Outpost. The operation was deemed a complete failure."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  6. Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. Hein's terminal, Journal Entry 02-27-2077
  7. Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. Hein's terminal, Journal Entry 06-02-2077
  8. Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. Hein's terminal, Journal Entry 01-01-2077
  9. Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. McDermot's terminal, Journal Entry XX-17-999 (Date Out of Range)
  10. Dr. McDermot's journals
  11. Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. McDermot's terminal, Journal Entry XX-32-999 (Date Out of Range)
  12. The Chosen One: "{173}{}{Can you tell me about Vault City?}"
    Phyllis: "{199}{}{Vault City? Well, actually, there's not much to say. I mean, I've been a Citizen all my life... but there's not much to do in Vault City. At all.}"
    The Chosen One: "{201}{}{Nothing at all? Come on.}"
    Phyllis: "{204}{}{Look, I know you're a new Citizen and all, and I don't mean to throw a damper on your Citizenship, but this City can be VERY dull at times.}"
    The Chosen One: "{205}{}{Dull? How so?}"
    Phyllis: "{208}{}{I mean, have you noticed how similar everyone is? And OLD? Most of the seminars and extracurricular activities are geared towards octogenarians. I'm barely twenty-five, and this city makes me feel like I'm fifty.}"
    The Chosen One: "{211}{}{I DID notice the similarity of Citizens.}"
    Phyllis: "{258}{}{It's like they're all... clones. They all dress alike, act alike, and the worst part is that everybody seems happy with it. I... well, sometimes I worry that I'll end up being just like them. That probably sounds silly, huh?}"
    The Chosen One: "{259}{}{Not at all. Pressure to conform must be pretty rough around here, especially considering how insular a community Vault City is.}"
    Phyllis: "{261}{}{Yeah, it can get kind of overwhelming at times. But here I am, bringing down your opinion of Vault City. Don't misunderstand me. It's a great place to live.}"
    The Chosen One: "{262}{}{Just a suggestion, but you might want to travel a little outside of Vault City. Even speak to some of the merchants in the Courtyard. They might be able to broaden your horizons a little.}"
    Phyllis: "{265}{}{Well, I've been tempted to go outside the gate, but the other Citizens have warned me against it...}"
    The Chosen One: "{266}{}{That's just another reason to do it. You don't want to do what the OTHER Citizens do, do you? They're all set in their ways.}"
    Phyllis: "{269}{}{You know, you're right. Maybe I will step outside the gate when I get the chance. I'd like to know more about the outside world.}"
  13. The Chosen One: "{360}{}{What does Lloyd look like?}"
    Mason: "{400}{}{Lloyd? Hell…he's 'bout average height, white, brown hair. Last I saw him, he had a tan shirt, and dark brown scarf. He probably ain't changed his clothes since I saw him last.}"
    The Chosen One: "{401}{}{You know, oddly enough, that describes a LOT of people I've seen since I left Arroyo.}"
    Mason: "{410}{}{Haw! You're telling me. Names are about the only way to tell people apart nowadays. You'd think there's only ten kinds of people in the world. (Leans in.) Way I figure it, there was some big cloning accident in the past.}"
  14. New Reno prostitutes: "{542}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}"
    "{705}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}"
    "{938}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}"
    "{1112}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}"
    "{1285}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}"