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Brotherhood Clerics are characters in the Fallout TV series.


Main article: Clerics

Clerics are the religious leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel chapter operating from a pre-War Air Force base. Aside from various unnamed clerics, they include Elder Cleric Quintus and Cleric Felix.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

Cleric Felix and another Cleric are shown teaching the Aspirants their duties when they finally become Squires. A cleric oversees a Brotherhood technician copy down the picture of a target.

The next day, Elder Cleric Quintis interrogates aspirant Maximus for injuring the newly anointed Dane. After he exonerates him and anoints him as a Squire to Knight Titus.

Eventually, an anointment ceremony is held, which is conducted by Felix, whereas Elder Cleric Quintis and an unnamed Elder Cleric are there too.

Soon afterward, Elder Cleric Quintis gives a speech about a denizen of the Enclave who has escaped with a dangerous device. Standing beside him was one Cleric Felix and the other unnamed Elder Cleric.

The Beginning[]

At the Brotherhood usurped Filly, Elder Cleric Quintis with some Clerics close by to him. He forces Maximus to confess that the head he has is a fake one. This, in turn, forces Dane to confess that they lied about who injured them.

Later, Elder Cleric Quintis has a private talk with Maximus, and learning of Titus' cowardice forces him to fight in the front lines of the raid at the Griffith Observatory.


The unnamed clerics appear in the Fallout TV series episodes "The End" and "The Beginning".

Behind the scenes[]

One of the unnamed clerics in "The Beginning" is played by actor Collin Ware (credited as "chanting cleric"). Others are portrayed by uncredited extras.


Fallout TV series characters