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The Circuit Breaker is a unique legendary 10mm pistol in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise. It takes fusion cells, rather than 10mm rounds, and thus deals energy damage instead of ballistic. It also has a special "Last Shot" mod that causes an explosion that deals damage and stuns nearby enemies on the last shot in a magazine.


The Circuit Breaker has the following special abilities:

  • Anti-Armor - Ignores 50% of your target's armor
  • Swift - 15% faster reload speed
  • Special Last Shot:
    • The last shot in a magazine will deal extra energy damage[note 1]
    • Produces an explosion that deals energy damage[note 2]
    • Stuns enemies within 50 feet

The gun does not have a secondary effect, and it may not be legendary-crafted.

The Circuit Breaker uses different mods than the 10mm pistol, most notably lacking the suppressor and automatic receiver mods.


Weapon modifications[]

ModDescriptionEffectsDamage changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeAP cost changeRequirementsResources
Calibrated receiver
+100% Critical Damage
+10% Hip-Fire Accuracy
Adhesive x5
Aluminum x2
Gear x3
Oil x2
Screw x3
Steel x8
Fierce receiver
+50% Critical Damage
+5% Hip-Fire Accuracy
Gunsmith 2 to craft
Adhesive x3
Oil x3
Screw x4
Spring x4
Steel x10
Hair trigger receiver
(Hair Trigger)
Adhesive x3
Oil x3
Screw x4
Spring x4
Steel x10
Standard receiver
Adhesive x5
Aluminum x2
Gear x3
Oil x2
Screw x3
Steel x8
Steadfast receiver
+1% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+5% Sighted Accuracy
Gunsmith 2 to craft
Adhesive x3
Oil x3
Screw x4
Spring x4
Steel x10
True receiver
+3% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+10% Sighted Accuracy
Adhesive x2
Gear x3
Oil x2
Rubber x3
Screw x3
Steel x11

ModDescriptionRange changeAccuracy changeAP cost changeRequirementsResources
Stabilized long barrel
+25% Sighted Accuracy
+25% Recoil
Adhesive x2
Screw x1
Spring x1
Steel x6
Stabilized short barrel+20% Sighted Accuracy
-35% Recoil
Adhesive x2
Screw x1
Spring x1
Steel x6
Stabilized stub barrel
+10% Sighted Accuracy-36+2
Adhesive x1
Screw x1
Spring x1
Steel x3
Standard long barrel
+25% Sighted Accuracy
+50% Recoil
Adhesive x2
Screw x1
Steel x6
Standard short barrel+20% Sighted Accuracy
-10% Recoil
Adhesive x1
Screw x2
Steel x3
Stub barrel
+10% Sighted Accuracy
+25% Recoil
Adhesive x1
Screw x1
Steel x3
True long barrel
+3% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+35% Sighted Accuracy
+50% Recoil
Adhesive x2
Gear x1
Rubber x3
Screw x1
Steel x6
True short barrel+3% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+30% Sighted Accuracy
-10% Recoil
Adhesive x1
Gear x1
Rubber x1
Screw x2
Steel x4
True stub barrel
+3% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+20% Sighted Accuracy
+25% Recoil
Adhesive x1
Gear x1
Rubber x1
Screw x1
Steel x3

ModDescriptionAccuracy changeAP cost changeRequirementsResources
Aligned grip
(Comfort Grip)
+1% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+5% Sighted Accuracy
-12% Recoil
Gunsmith 2 to craft
Adhesive x2
Gear x1
Rubber x4
Screw x1
Spring x1
Steel x6
Forceful grip-12% Recoil
+25% Melee Damage
Gunsmith 2 to craft
Acid x1
Adhesive x2
Rubber x2
Screw x1
Spring x1
Steel x6
Stabilized grip
-25% Recoil+2
Adhesive x2
Rubber x2
Screw x1
Spring x1
Steel x6
Standard grip
Adhesive x1
Screw x1
Steel x3
True grip+3% Aim Speed
+25% Hip-Fire Accuracy
+10% Sighted Accuracy
Adhesive x2
Gear x1
Rubber x5
Screw x1
Steel x6

ModDescriptionEffectsAmmo capacity changeAP cost changeRequirementsResources
Large magazine
(High Capacity)
-3% Aim Speed
-20% Reload Speed
+50% Ammo Capacity
Adhesive x2
Aluminum x1
Oil x1
Screw x1
Spring x3
Standard magazine
Adhesive x1
Aluminum x1
Oil x1
Screw x1
Spring x3

ModDescriptionAccuracy changeAP cost changeRequirementsResources
Reflex sight (circle)
+10% Aim Speed
+15% Sighted Accuracy
Adhesive x1
Aluminum x1
Glass x1
Nuclear material x2
Screw x1
Silver x1
Reflex sight (dot)
+10% Aim Speed
+15% Sighted Accuracy
Adhesive x1
Aluminum x2
Glass x2
Nuclear material x2
Screw x1
Standard glow sights
+5% Aim Speed
+10% Sighted Accuracy
Adhesive x1
Nuclear material x1
Steel x1
Standard sights
Adhesive x1
Steel x1

ModDescriptionEffectsRange changeAccuracy changeRequirementsResources
Energy muzzle
Adhesive x3
Aluminum x4
Plastic x5
Screw x2

SCORE S15 Skin WeaponSkin CircuitBreaker BlackPaint L
Blackout PaintDim their lights with this Blackout Paint for the Circuit Breaker!Rank 54 reward in The Big Score
season S.C.O.R.E.
Oil x1
SCORE S14 Weapons CircuitBreaker L
Default AppearanceKnown by defaultNone
SCORE S15 Skin WeaponSkin CircuitBreaker WhitePaint L
Diamond PaintDiane Yung's signature Diamond Paint for the Circuit Breaker!Rank 40 reward in The Big Score
season S.C.O.R.E.
Oil x1
SCORE S15 Skin WeaponSkin CircuitBreaker PokerPaint L
Poker PaintShow that you know how to use the hand you've been dealt with this Poker Paint for the Circuit Breaker!Rank 43 reward in The Big Score
season S.C.O.R.E.
Oil x1



The Circuit Breaker is unlocked at rank 35 of The Big Score, the fifteenth in-game season.

The Circuit Breaker can be bought from Giuseppe at the White Springs Refuge for 500 stamps


Last Shot Damage
  1. Energy damage scales with level
    Level 10 = 25
    Level 20 = 40
    Level 30 = 60
    Level 40 = 75
    Level 50 = 100
  2. Area damage scales with level
    Level 10 = 5Energy
    Level 20 = 7.5Energy
    Level 30 = 10Energy
    Level 40 = 15Energy
    Level 50 = 20Energy
  • Grenadier increases the size of the last shot's explosion visually, but does not increase the effect's radius from 50 feet.[1]
  • Demolition expert does not increase the last shot's area damage.[1]
  • The Circuit Breaker has a unique lightning disintegration crit effect.
  • Paints for the 10mm pistol cannot be applied to the Circuit Breaker.

Behind the scenes[]

The Circuit Breaker was originally implemented and slated to be a reward for the fourteenth season, Fight for Freedom, but this was changed prior to release, and did not become a season reward until The Big Score.


  • PCPC Xbox OneXbox One Playstation 4Playstation 4 The +15% reload speed description does not match the +5% reload speed the circuit breaker's custom mod actually adds.[2][patched]
  • PCPC Xbox OneXbox One Playstation 4Playstation 4 The aligned grip mod requires scrapping 10mm pistols to learn, instead of unlocking with the weapon.[3][patched]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The last shot's damage and effect radius are driven by 006EBCD7 <CircuitbreakerImpactSpell>, which is separate from the explosion 006EBCD8 <CircuitbreakerExplosionSpell>.
  2. Prior to patch 50, 006DC8DD <mod_Custom_CircuitBreaker> added +0.05 to ReloadSpeed.
  3. 006E12FE <co_mod_CircuitBreaker_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil>'s GNAM - Learn Recipe from is 10mm "10mm" [WEAP:00004822], and the LRNC - Learn Chance is Learn_Scrap_Weapon_Mod_Chance_Low_ECON [GLOB:0051856C].