This is a transcript for dialogue with Chris Haversam. |
ChrisHavIntercomGoodbye | Got it. | Neutral 50 | Let's hope you do. | 1 |
Sure. | Neutral 50 | Stop wasting time. | 2 | |
All right. | Neutral 50 | Get moving. | 3 | |
ChrisHavIntercomUpstairsGoodbye | Okay. | Neutral 50 | Hurry up. | 4 |
ChrisHavIntercomWhere | Where are you located? | Neutral 50 | Like I said, find the metal staircase in the big room on the east side of the building. It's where they used to make rockets. | 5 |
Tell me again how to find you. | Neutral 50 | Big room. Metal staircase. East side of the building. Is that too many syllables for you? | 6 | |
ChrisHavIntercomWho | Who are you? | Neutral 50 | Who I am doesn't matter, smoothskin. Stop wasting time and get up here. | 7 |
ChrisHavLabBetraySabotageNo The PC talks Chris out of sabotage |
That'd be murder, Chris. And you're no murderer. | Neutral 50 | What, you think I'm too stupid to pull it off? I know enough to get their rockets working, don't I? So I can make them fail, too! | 8 |
It's not a matter of smarts. You'd never forgive yourself. | Pained 100 | Like I could forgive myself for getting duped like this? They used me! And now they'll throw me away! | 9 | |
They'd take you if they could, Chris, but you'd die. | Neutral 50 | And dying would be worse than this? Used up and thrown away like garbage? | 10 | |
They're going to revere you as a Saint, Chris! | Anger 90 | Oh, so I've redeemed the human race, is that it? What a crock! The human race can't stand me! | 11 | |
That's not true, Chris. You're all right. | Disgust 80 | So you want me to accompany you on your adventures across the wasteland, is that it? | 12 | |
There's a little town called Novac down the road. | Anger 60 | Life among humans again, that's what you're suggesting? | 13 | |
Sad 80 | I guess... I guess it's the only chance I've got. | 14 | ||
Neutral 50 | I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I'll give it a try. I'll get Jason and his flock on their way, and then I'll head for Novac. | 15 | ||
There's a little town called Novac down the road. | Anger 60 | Life among humans again, that's what you're suggesting? | 16 | |
Sad 80 | I guess... I guess it's the only chance I've got. Maybe it'll be different this time. I was never a Saint before. | 17 | ||
Neutral 50 | I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I'll give it a try. You go launch the rockets. I'm on my way to Novac. | 18 | ||
ChrisHavLabBetraySabotageYes | Come to think of it, sabotage is a great idea. | Neutral 50 | Then bring me Sugar Bombs. Three boxes should do the trick. Add those to the fuel mixture and "Boom!" | 19 |
Neutral 50 | I'll show those rotten ghouls! And they'll know exactly who did them in! | 20 | ||
Come to think of it, sabotage is a great idea. | Neutral 50 | Then bring me Sugar Bombs. Three boxes should do the trick. Add those to the fuel mixture and "Boom!" | 21 | |
Neutral 50 | I'll show those rotten ghouls! And they'll know exactly who did them in! | 22 | ||
ChrisHavLabBetraySugarBombs | I've got some Sugar Bombs. | Neutral 50 | I said I need three boxes of Sugar Bombs, not less than three. | 23 |
I've got some Sugar Bombs. | Neutral 50 | I'll mix the Sugar Bombs into the fuel mixture before they launch. They'll never suspect a thing... until it's too late. | 24 | |
I've got some Sugar Bombs. | Neutral 50 | I'll mix the Sugar Bombs into the fuel mixture before they launch. They'll never suspect a thing... until it's too late. | 25 | |
Neutral 50 | But first I'll need the other parts we talked about. | 26 | ||
ChrisHavLabGetFuel PC offers to find fuel for rockets |
I'll track down the igniting agent. | Neutral 50 | Very well. We don't need a huge amount. Two to three liters should be enough. | 27 |
ChrisHavLabGetParts I'll try to find the parts you need. |
I'll track down the thrust control modules. | Neutral 50 | All right. Anything else? | 28 |
ChrisHavLabGoodbye | I need to be going. | Neutral 50 | All right. I'll be here, obviously. | 29 |
I need to be going. | Neutral 50 | Fine. Just get me those Sugar Bombs. | 30 | |
I need to be going. | Neutral 50 | Come back when you've found the igniting agent. | 31 | |
I need to be going. | Neutral 50 | Come back when you've tracked down the thrust control modules. | 32 | |
Let me get back to you. | Neutral 50 | Great, let's do everything when it's convenient for you. | 33 | |
ChrisHavLabGoodbyeSpeech | Sorry. | Neutral 50 | Quiet. | 34 |
Sorry. | Neutral 50 | Quiet! | 35 | |
ChrisHavLabHaveFuel PC Turns in jar of atomic fuel |
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. | 36 |
Neutral 50 | You already brought me the thrust control modules, so all that's needed now is three boxes of Sugar Bombs. | 37 | ||
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. | 38 | |
Neutral 50 | Now all I need is the thrust control modules and three boxes of Sugar Bombs. | 39 | ||
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. | 40 | |
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. | 41 | |
Neutral 50 | Now all I need is the thrust control modules. | 42 | ||
ChrisHavLabHaveFuelSouvenir PC hands over one or more souvenirs |
What about this rocket souvenir? The stuff inside glows. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. | 43 |
Neutral 50 | You already brought me the thrust control modules, so all I need now is three boxes of Sugar Bombs. | 44 | ||
What about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. | 45 | |
Neutral 50 | Now all I need is the thrust control modules and three boxes of Sugar Bombs. | 46 | ||
What about this rocket souvenir? The stuff inside glows. | Neutral 50 | Let me see. Yes, that's the igniting agent! But we'll need more of these souvenirs. A total of five should do it... | 47 | |
What about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. | 48 | |
What about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. | 49 | |
Neutral 50 | Now all I need is the thrust control modules. | 50 | ||
ChrisHavLabHaveParts PC turns in computer parts |
I found the thrust control modules. | Neutral 50 | Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. | 51 |
Neutral 50 | You already found the igniting agent, so all I need now is three boxes of Sugar Bombs. | 52 | ||
I found the thrust control modules. | Neutral 50 | Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. | 53 | |
Neutral 50 | I still need the igniting agent, of course. And three boxes of Sugar Bombs. | 54 | ||
I found the thrust control modules. | Neutral 50 | Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. | 55 | |
I found the thrust control modules. | Neutral 50 | Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. | 56 | |
Neutral 50 | All I need now is the igniting agent we discussed earlier. | 57 | ||
I found the thrust control modules. | Neutral 50 | Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. | 58 | |
Neutral 50 | All I need now is the igniting agent we discussed earlier. | 59 | ||
ChrisHavLabIntercom | What's the deal with all the rockets down here? | Neutral 50 | That's none of your business, smoothskin! | 60 |
Neutral 50 | I already told you how to get up here. Big room on the east side of the first floor. Take the stairs up. Got it? | 61 | ||
What's the deal with all the rockets down here? | Neutral 50 | That's none of your business, smoothskin! | 62 | |
Neutral 50 | Jason was very clear. Get rid of the demons, then report back. He didn't tell you to poke around down there. Got it? | 63 | ||
ChrisHavLabKeepTalking | I still have questions. | Neutral 50 | All right. Go on. | 64 |
ChrisHavLabPathetic | You're pathetic. No wonder they're leaving you behind. | Neutral 50 | Leave me alone! Everyone else does! | 65 |
ChrisHavLabReadyToHelp PC says he wants to help |
What else do you need? | Neutral 50 | To sabotage the rockets, I'll still need a quantity of the igniting agent. | 66 |
What else do you need? | Neutral 50 | To sabotage the rockets, I'll still need the thrust control modules. | 67 | |
What else do you need? | Neutral 50 | To sabotage the rockets, I'll still need to get them ready for launch. I still need a quantity of the igniting agent and the thrust control modules. | 68 | |
Neutral 50 | For the fuel source, any shielded nuclear waste should do the trick. That's why we can't use the waste on the launch pad. Too much decay. | 69 | ||
Neutral 50 | As for the computer parts, the thruster control systems aren't complicated, so any good mix of components is all I need. | 70 | ||
How can I help? | Neutral 50 | I was close to completing work on the rockets before we were driven into hiding on the top floor. | 71 | |
Neutral 50 | Two components were missing: a quantity of Isotope-239 igniting agent, and a set of thrust control modules. | 72 | ||
Neutral 50 | The igniting agent is highly radioactive, and decays quickly. That's why we can't use the drums that leaked down on the launch pad. | 73 | ||
Neutral 50 | It's no longer potent enough. I need you to find an intact, shielded container of the igniting agent. | 74 | ||
Neutral 50 | As for the thrust control modules, they were custom-built for these rockets. They won't even launch without them. | 75 | ||
How can I help? | Neutral 50 | As I said before, I need an intact, shielded container of Isotope-239 igniting agent, and a set of thrust control modules. | 76 | |
ChrisHavLabRocketsReady <Play Jason's Speech.> |
That's everything, right? Let the "Great Journey" begin. | Neutral 50 | Yes, that's everything. I'll tell Jason the rockets are ready. It's time to get this over with. | 77 |
The rockets are set to go, right? | Neutral 50 | Yes. I'll tell Jason that the Great Journey can begin. | 78 | |
ChrisHavLabTaskChange PC asks for help with different task |
Actually, I'd like to help with something else. | Neutral 50 | All right. What would you rather be doing? | 79 |
Actually, I'd like to help with something else. | Neutral 50 | All right. What would you rather be doing? | 80 | |
ChrisHavLabTaskHints PC asks for task tips |
Can you give me any tips for my current task? | Neutral 50 | REPCONN has been ransacked so many times by scavengers, it's hard to know where the components might turn up. IF they turn up. | 81 |
Neutral 50 | Jason has mentioned some industrial ruins to the east that are supposed to be highly radioactive. | 82 | ||
Can you give me any tips for my current task? | Neutral 50 | I'd start by visiting local junk merchants or traders and see if that turns anything up. | 83 | |
Can you give me any tips for my current task? | Neutral 50 | Scavengers wouldn't know the value of the modules just by looking at them. If you know any junk dealers in the area, I'd start there. | 84 | |
ChrisHavLabTaskSame PC will keep working on current task |
I'll stick with my current task. | Neutral 50 | All right. Carry on. | 85 |
ChrisHavLabWhatIsThisPlace | So the "Great Journey" will use those rockets? | Neutral 50 | Obviously. It's taken months, but I've nearly got them in working order. Soon they'll take us to the Far Beyond. | 86 |
Neutral 50 | I was skeptical at first, of course - being a man of science - but Jason is certain, and I believe in Jason. | 87 | ||
ChrisHavLabYoureNoGhoul ChrisHavLabWhatDoYouDo |
What do you do here? | Neutral 50 | I'm the flock's resident engineer. I've always been good with machines. Jason says the Great Journey would've been impossible without me. | 88 |
Neutral 50 | Of course, my skills aren't much use unless I have the right materials. That's where you come in. | 89 | ||
Why don't they let you work down on the launch pad? | Neutral 50 | When I joined the flock, Jason made it clear that he wanted me to supervise the repairs, not do them myself. | 90 | |
Neutral 50 | It would be a waste of my gifts to work on just one system at a time. From up here, I've been able to supervise the entire project. | 91 | ||
The radiation down there would kill you, Chris. Because you're human. | Neutral 50 | I thought we were past all that, smoothskin. But you just can't resist the chance to mess with me. Typical human. | 92 | |
Neutral 50 | I was human once, you know. Grew up in Vault 34, northeast of here. | 93 | ||
Neutral 50 | Nice upbringing, if you like assault rifles and target practice. But oh, you prefer machines that don't shoot people? Not so nice then. | 94 | ||
Neutral 50 | Who should maintain the Vault's reactor? Houser? Mitchell? No - make it Haversam. He likes machines! | 95 | ||
Neutral 50 | Haversam won't mind getting irradiated! Haversam won't mind mutating! He's already ugly as it is! | 96 | ||
Neutral 50 | Haversam won't mind when his hair starts falling out after a few years. There's no connection, Haversam! You're neurotic! | 97 | ||
You left your Vault because you were going bald? | Neutral 50 | Bald? You call this bald, smoothskin? I'm a monster! A monster! | 98 | |
Honey, you're no monster. You're cute! Why, I could just about eat you up! | Neutral 50 | Stop making fun of me! But you're telling the truth, aren't you? | 99 | |
Neutral 50 | Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! | 100 | ||
Neutral 50 | Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke! | 101 | ||
Jason told me himself. The Great Journey is for ghouls only. You're not going. | Pained 100 | [SUCCEEDED] Oh god! You're telling me the truth, aren't you...? | 102 | |
Pained 100 | Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! | 103 | ||
Neutral 50 | Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke! | 104 | ||
You wouldn't trust a ghoul, would you? | Anger 60 | [FAILED] I see your ploy, smoothskin. I won't fall for your trap. You can plainly see that I'm a ghoul myself. You can't turn me against my flock. | 105 | |
ChrisHavNovacConfessSabotage | I sabotaged the rockets. | Anger 50 | You bastard! Those ghouls declared me a Saint! | 106 |
ChrisHavNovacMechFailure | It was some sort of mechanical failure. | Sad 50 | I suppose there was always that risk. It's just that Jason was so certain... | 107 |
ChrisHavTalksDuringSpeech | ChrisHavTalksDuringSpeech | Neutral 50 | What? {shocked to hear Jason call him human} | 108 |
Neutral 50 | No. No, no, no! {anguished} | 109 | ||
Neutral 50 | How could I... Stupid! Oh god... | 110 | ||
ChrisHavTellsJasonReady | ChrisHavTellsJasonReady | Neutral 50 | The rockets are ready, Jason. The Great Journey can begin. Good luck, I guess. | 111 |
ChrisHavTellsJasonReady | Neutral 50 | The rockets are ready, Jason... ready to carry you and your little clan on the "Great Journey." Bon voyage. {Malicious sarcasm} | 112 | |
ChrisHavTellsJasonReady | Neutral 50 | We have everything we need to launch the rockets, Jason! The Great Journey can begin! | 113 | |
ChrisHavUpsGoodbye | I guess I'll be going. | Anger 60 | Stay away from me. | 114 |
I guess I'll be going. | Anger 60 | Good riddance. | 115 | |
I guess I'll be going. | Anger 60 | Good idea. | 116 | |
ChrisHavUpsHello | Hey, you're not a ghoul! | Anger 60 | Your pranks won't work on me, smoothskin. They won't work on Jason, either. | 117 |
Smoothskin? Your skin looks pretty smooth to me. | Anger 70 | Stop wasting my time, smoothskin. Go waste Jason's. | 118 | |
ChrisHavUpsWhoIsJason | Who is Jason? | Anger 50 | Jason is the prophet. The only reason you're up here is because he wants to talk to you. | 119 |
Anger 50 | I guess he had visions that a smoothskin would stop by. | 120 | ||
GREETING | GREETING | Neutral 50 | Welcome to Novac. It's not very exciting here, but the people are friendly enough. | 121 |
Neutral 50 | You saw the rockets explode, right? It turns out I was lucky they couldn't take me on the Great Journey. | 122 | ||
Neutral 50 | Do you have any idea what went wrong? | 123 | ||
GREETING | Neutral 50 | I'm going to make my way to that little town we talked about. | 124 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Welcome to Novac. It's not very exciting here, but the people are friendly enough. | 125 | |
Neutral 50 | My engineering skills have been coming in handy, too. I've got plenty to do. Thanks for telling me about this place. | 126 | ||
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Hey! Over here! Are you listening? | 127 | |
Neutral 50 | Go to the big room on the east side of this building and take the metal staircase all the way up. And hurry. | 128 | ||
GREETING | Neutral 50 | All right, Smoothskin, I'm letting you in. You better watch yourself. I'll sure as hell be watching you. | 129 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | What's the problem, smoothskin? Lost your way? | 130 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Hello? Who's down there? | 131 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Stop messing around with the intercom, smoothskin. | 132 | |
GREETING | Disgust 50 | God, but are you ugly! Get upstairs and talk to Jason before I throw up just from looking at you. | 133 | |
GREETING | Disgust 50 | Go bother Jason, smoothskin. I don't like having you around. | 134 | |
GREETING | Disgust 50 | Have you found the components we discussed? | 135 | |
GREETING | Disgust 50 | Have you found the components we discussed? | 136 | |
GREETING | Happy 50 | Have you found the components we discussed? The sooner we get this over with, the better. | 137 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Jason says that I am to cooperate with you on the final tasks necessary to launch the Great Journey. | 138 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Are you ready to get started? Those rockets aren't going to launch themselves. | 139 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | It is almost time for the great Journey! | 140 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Not now! It is almost time for the Great Journey! | 141 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | It is almost time for the great Journey! | 142 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Nice enough speech, I guess. | 143 | |
Neutral 50 | Well, it's up to you to go launch the rockets. There's a small mission control room all the way back upstairs. Should be as easy as pressin a button. | 144 | ||
Neutral 50 | It seems my work here is done, so I'll be on my way to Novac. We'll see how that works out. | 145 | ||
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Did you hear him? As though some fancy speech can make what they did to me less of a crime? | 146 | |
Neutral 50 | Go launch the rockets! There's a cramped little "mission control" room all the way back upstairs. Should be as easy as pushing a button. | 147 | ||
Neutral 50 | Enjoy the view. I hear the "Great Journey" is going to be shorter than they expected. Sweeter, too. | 148 | ||
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Did you hear him? My god, you were right all along. I'm no ghoul! They were just using me... | 149 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Go launch the rockets. Don't worry about me. | 150 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Leave me alone. | 151 | |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | Did you bring the items we discussed? The sooner I send them on their way, the sooner I can head to Novac. | 152 | |
SpeechChallengeFailure | SpeechChallengeFailure | Anger 75 | Do you think that men go bald normally? I am sick, and I have embraced my change. Leave me be. | 153 |
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic000 | Where can I find Jason? | Neutral 50 | The great one can be found upstairs. Don't think about wasting his time. He's very important. You should feel lucky to be granted some of his time. | 154 |
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic001 | Nevermind, I'll go looking for your components. | Neutral 50 | Hurry back. Never have we been so close. | 155 |
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic002 | Can the launch wait a few minutes? | Neutral 50 | Very few. Time is wasting. Hurry back so we can begin. | 156 |
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic003 | Goodbye. | Neutral 50 | Goodbye, thank you. | 157 |
ChrisHavTellsJasonGoodToGo | ChrisHavTellsJasonGoodToGo | Neutral 50 | Hey Jason, your rockets are ready! | 158 |