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This is a transcript for dialogue with Chris Haversam.


ChrisHavIntercomGoodbye Got it. Neutral 50 Let's hope you do. 1
Sure. Neutral 50 Stop wasting time. 2
All right. Neutral 50 Get moving. 3
ChrisHavIntercomUpstairsGoodbye Okay. Neutral 50 Hurry up. 4
ChrisHavIntercomWhere Where are you located? Neutral 50 Like I said, find the metal staircase in the big room on the east side of the building. It's where they used to make rockets. 5
Tell me again how to find you. Neutral 50 Big room. Metal staircase. East side of the building. Is that too many syllables for you? 6
ChrisHavIntercomWho Who are you? Neutral 50 Who I am doesn't matter, smoothskin. Stop wasting time and get up here. 7
The PC talks Chris out of sabotage
That'd be murder, Chris. And you're no murderer. Neutral 50 What, you think I'm too stupid to pull it off? I know enough to get their rockets working, don't I? So I can make them fail, too! 8
It's not a matter of smarts. You'd never forgive yourself. Pained 100 Like I could forgive myself for getting duped like this? They used me! And now they'll throw me away! 9
They'd take you if they could, Chris, but you'd die. Neutral 50 And dying would be worse than this? Used up and thrown away like garbage? 10
They're going to revere you as a Saint, Chris! Anger 90 Oh, so I've redeemed the human race, is that it? What a crock! The human race can't stand me! 11
That's not true, Chris. You're all right. Disgust 80 So you want me to accompany you on your adventures across the wasteland, is that it? 12
There's a little town called Novac down the road. Anger 60 Life among humans again, that's what you're suggesting? 13
Sad 80 I guess... I guess it's the only chance I've got. 14
Neutral 50 I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I'll give it a try. I'll get Jason and his flock on their way, and then I'll head for Novac. 15
There's a little town called Novac down the road. Anger 60 Life among humans again, that's what you're suggesting? 16
Sad 80 I guess... I guess it's the only chance I've got. Maybe it'll be different this time. I was never a Saint before. 17
Neutral 50 I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I'll give it a try. You go launch the rockets. I'm on my way to Novac. 18
ChrisHavLabBetraySabotageYes Come to think of it, sabotage is a great idea. Neutral 50 Then bring me Sugar Bombs. Three boxes should do the trick. Add those to the fuel mixture and "Boom!" 19
Neutral 50 I'll show those rotten ghouls! And they'll know exactly who did them in! 20
Come to think of it, sabotage is a great idea. Neutral 50 Then bring me Sugar Bombs. Three boxes should do the trick. Add those to the fuel mixture and "Boom!" 21
Neutral 50 I'll show those rotten ghouls! And they'll know exactly who did them in! 22
ChrisHavLabBetraySugarBombs I've got some Sugar Bombs. Neutral 50 I said I need three boxes of Sugar Bombs, not less than three. 23
I've got some Sugar Bombs. Neutral 50 I'll mix the Sugar Bombs into the fuel mixture before they launch. They'll never suspect a thing... until it's too late. 24
I've got some Sugar Bombs. Neutral 50 I'll mix the Sugar Bombs into the fuel mixture before they launch. They'll never suspect a thing... until it's too late. 25
Neutral 50 But first I'll need the other parts we talked about. 26
PC offers to find fuel for rockets
I'll track down the igniting agent. Neutral 50 Very well. We don't need a huge amount. Two to three liters should be enough. 27
I'll try to find the parts you need.
I'll track down the thrust control modules. Neutral 50 All right. Anything else? 28
ChrisHavLabGoodbye I need to be going. Neutral 50 All right. I'll be here, obviously. 29
I need to be going. Neutral 50 Fine. Just get me those Sugar Bombs. 30
I need to be going. Neutral 50 Come back when you've found the igniting agent. 31
I need to be going. Neutral 50 Come back when you've tracked down the thrust control modules. 32
Let me get back to you. Neutral 50 Great, let's do everything when it's convenient for you. 33
ChrisHavLabGoodbyeSpeech Sorry. Neutral 50 Quiet. 34
Sorry. Neutral 50 Quiet! 35
PC Turns in jar of atomic fuel
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. Neutral 50 Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. 36
Neutral 50 You already brought me the thrust control modules, so all that's needed now is three boxes of Sugar Bombs. 37
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. Neutral 50 Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. 38
Neutral 50 Now all I need is the thrust control modules and three boxes of Sugar Bombs. 39
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. Neutral 50 Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. 40
I found an entire container of the igniting agent. Neutral 50 Yes, that's the stuff. And the container's shielding must be intact, or you'd be dead by now. 41
Neutral 50 Now all I need is the thrust control modules. 42
PC hands over one or more souvenirs
What about this rocket souvenir? The stuff inside glows. Neutral 50 Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. 43
Neutral 50 You already brought me the thrust control modules, so all I need now is three boxes of Sugar Bombs. 44
What about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows. Neutral 50 Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. 45
Neutral 50 Now all I need is the thrust control modules and three boxes of Sugar Bombs. 46
What about this rocket souvenir? The stuff inside glows. Neutral 50 Let me see. Yes, that's the igniting agent! But we'll need more of these souvenirs. A total of five should do it... 47
What about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows. Neutral 50 Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. 48
What about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows. Neutral 50 Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. 49
Neutral 50 Now all I need is the thrust control modules. 50
PC turns in computer parts
I found the thrust control modules. Neutral 50 Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. 51
Neutral 50 You already found the igniting agent, so all I need now is three boxes of Sugar Bombs. 52
I found the thrust control modules. Neutral 50 Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. 53
Neutral 50 I still need the igniting agent, of course. And three boxes of Sugar Bombs. 54
I found the thrust control modules. Neutral 50 Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. 55
I found the thrust control modules. Neutral 50 Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. 56
Neutral 50 All I need now is the igniting agent we discussed earlier. 57
I found the thrust control modules. Neutral 50 Indeed you did. And they seem to be in excellent condition. 58
Neutral 50 All I need now is the igniting agent we discussed earlier. 59
ChrisHavLabIntercom What's the deal with all the rockets down here? Neutral 50 That's none of your business, smoothskin! 60
Neutral 50 I already told you how to get up here. Big room on the east side of the first floor. Take the stairs up. Got it? 61
What's the deal with all the rockets down here? Neutral 50 That's none of your business, smoothskin! 62
Neutral 50 Jason was very clear. Get rid of the demons, then report back. He didn't tell you to poke around down there. Got it? 63
ChrisHavLabKeepTalking I still have questions. Neutral 50 All right. Go on. 64
ChrisHavLabPathetic You're pathetic. No wonder they're leaving you behind. Neutral 50 Leave me alone! Everyone else does! 65
PC says he wants to help
What else do you need? Neutral 50 To sabotage the rockets, I'll still need a quantity of the igniting agent. 66
What else do you need? Neutral 50 To sabotage the rockets, I'll still need the thrust control modules. 67
What else do you need? Neutral 50 To sabotage the rockets, I'll still need to get them ready for launch. I still need a quantity of the igniting agent and the thrust control modules. 68
Neutral 50 For the fuel source, any shielded nuclear waste should do the trick. That's why we can't use the waste on the launch pad. Too much decay. 69
Neutral 50 As for the computer parts, the thruster control systems aren't complicated, so any good mix of components is all I need. 70
How can I help? Neutral 50 I was close to completing work on the rockets before we were driven into hiding on the top floor. 71
Neutral 50 Two components were missing: a quantity of Isotope-239 igniting agent, and a set of thrust control modules. 72
Neutral 50 The igniting agent is highly radioactive, and decays quickly. That's why we can't use the drums that leaked down on the launch pad. 73
Neutral 50 It's no longer potent enough. I need you to find an intact, shielded container of the igniting agent. 74
Neutral 50 As for the thrust control modules, they were custom-built for these rockets. They won't even launch without them. 75
How can I help? Neutral 50 As I said before, I need an intact, shielded container of Isotope-239 igniting agent, and a set of thrust control modules. 76
<Play Jason's Speech.>
That's everything, right? Let the "Great Journey" begin. Neutral 50 Yes, that's everything. I'll tell Jason the rockets are ready. It's time to get this over with. 77
The rockets are set to go, right? Neutral 50 Yes. I'll tell Jason that the Great Journey can begin. 78
PC asks for help with different task
Actually, I'd like to help with something else. Neutral 50 All right. What would you rather be doing? 79
Actually, I'd like to help with something else. Neutral 50 All right. What would you rather be doing? 80
PC asks for task tips
Can you give me any tips for my current task? Neutral 50 REPCONN has been ransacked so many times by scavengers, it's hard to know where the components might turn up. IF they turn up. 81
Neutral 50 Jason has mentioned some industrial ruins to the east that are supposed to be highly radioactive. 82
Can you give me any tips for my current task? Neutral 50 I'd start by visiting local junk merchants or traders and see if that turns anything up. 83
Can you give me any tips for my current task? Neutral 50 Scavengers wouldn't know the value of the modules just by looking at them. If you know any junk dealers in the area, I'd start there. 84
PC will keep working on current task
I'll stick with my current task. Neutral 50 All right. Carry on. 85
ChrisHavLabWhatIsThisPlace So the "Great Journey" will use those rockets? Neutral 50 Obviously. It's taken months, but I've nearly got them in working order. Soon they'll take us to the Far Beyond. 86
Neutral 50 I was skeptical at first, of course - being a man of science - but Jason is certain, and I believe in Jason. 87
What do you do here? Neutral 50 I'm the flock's resident engineer. I've always been good with machines. Jason says the Great Journey would've been impossible without me. 88
Neutral 50 Of course, my skills aren't much use unless I have the right materials. That's where you come in. 89
Why don't they let you work down on the launch pad? Neutral 50 When I joined the flock, Jason made it clear that he wanted me to supervise the repairs, not do them myself. 90
Neutral 50 It would be a waste of my gifts to work on just one system at a time. From up here, I've been able to supervise the entire project. 91
The radiation down there would kill you, Chris. Because you're human. Neutral 50 I thought we were past all that, smoothskin. But you just can't resist the chance to mess with me. Typical human. 92
Neutral 50 I was human once, you know. Grew up in Vault 34, northeast of here. 93
Neutral 50 Nice upbringing, if you like assault rifles and target practice. But oh, you prefer machines that don't shoot people? Not so nice then. 94
Neutral 50 Who should maintain the Vault's reactor? Houser? Mitchell? No - make it Haversam. He likes machines! 95
Neutral 50 Haversam won't mind getting irradiated! Haversam won't mind mutating! He's already ugly as it is! 96
Neutral 50 Haversam won't mind when his hair starts falling out after a few years. There's no connection, Haversam! You're neurotic! 97
You left your Vault because you were going bald? Neutral 50 Bald? You call this bald, smoothskin? I'm a monster! A monster! 98
Honey, you're no monster. You're cute! Why, I could just about eat you up! Neutral 50 Stop making fun of me! But you're telling the truth, aren't you? 99
Neutral 50 Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! 100
Neutral 50 Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke! 101
Jason told me himself. The Great Journey is for ghouls only. You're not going. Pained 100 [SUCCEEDED] Oh god! You're telling me the truth, aren't you...? 102
Pained 100 Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! 103
Neutral 50 Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke! 104
You wouldn't trust a ghoul, would you? Anger 60 [FAILED] I see your ploy, smoothskin. I won't fall for your trap. You can plainly see that I'm a ghoul myself. You can't turn me against my flock. 105
ChrisHavNovacConfessSabotage I sabotaged the rockets. Anger 50 You bastard! Those ghouls declared me a Saint! 106
ChrisHavNovacMechFailure It was some sort of mechanical failure. Sad 50 I suppose there was always that risk. It's just that Jason was so certain... 107
ChrisHavTalksDuringSpeech ChrisHavTalksDuringSpeech Neutral 50 What? {shocked to hear Jason call him human} 108
Neutral 50 No. No, no, no! {anguished} 109
Neutral 50 How could I... Stupid! Oh god... 110
ChrisHavTellsJasonReady ChrisHavTellsJasonReady Neutral 50 The rockets are ready, Jason. The Great Journey can begin. Good luck, I guess. 111
ChrisHavTellsJasonReady Neutral 50 The rockets are ready, Jason... ready to carry you and your little clan on the "Great Journey." Bon voyage. {Malicious sarcasm} 112
ChrisHavTellsJasonReady Neutral 50 We have everything we need to launch the rockets, Jason! The Great Journey can begin! 113
ChrisHavUpsGoodbye I guess I'll be going. Anger 60 Stay away from me. 114
I guess I'll be going. Anger 60 Good riddance. 115
I guess I'll be going. Anger 60 Good idea. 116
ChrisHavUpsHello Hey, you're not a ghoul! Anger 60 Your pranks won't work on me, smoothskin. They won't work on Jason, either. 117
Smoothskin? Your skin looks pretty smooth to me. Anger 70 Stop wasting my time, smoothskin. Go waste Jason's. 118
ChrisHavUpsWhoIsJason Who is Jason? Anger 50 Jason is the prophet. The only reason you're up here is because he wants to talk to you. 119
Anger 50 I guess he had visions that a smoothskin would stop by. 120
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to Novac. It's not very exciting here, but the people are friendly enough. 121
Neutral 50 You saw the rockets explode, right? It turns out I was lucky they couldn't take me on the Great Journey. 122
Neutral 50 Do you have any idea what went wrong? 123
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm going to make my way to that little town we talked about. 124
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to Novac. It's not very exciting here, but the people are friendly enough. 125
Neutral 50 My engineering skills have been coming in handy, too. I've got plenty to do. Thanks for telling me about this place. 126
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey! Over here! Are you listening? 127
Neutral 50 Go to the big room on the east side of this building and take the metal staircase all the way up. And hurry. 128
GREETING Neutral 50 All right, Smoothskin, I'm letting you in. You better watch yourself. I'll sure as hell be watching you. 129
GREETING Neutral 50 What's the problem, smoothskin? Lost your way? 130
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello? Who's down there? 131
GREETING Neutral 50 Stop messing around with the intercom, smoothskin. 132
GREETING Disgust 50 God, but are you ugly! Get upstairs and talk to Jason before I throw up just from looking at you. 133
GREETING Disgust 50 Go bother Jason, smoothskin. I don't like having you around. 134
GREETING Disgust 50 Have you found the components we discussed? 135
GREETING Disgust 50 Have you found the components we discussed? 136
GREETING Happy 50 Have you found the components we discussed? The sooner we get this over with, the better. 137
GREETING Neutral 50 Jason says that I am to cooperate with you on the final tasks necessary to launch the Great Journey. 138
GREETING Neutral 50 Are you ready to get started? Those rockets aren't going to launch themselves. 139
GREETING Neutral 50 It is almost time for the great Journey! 140
GREETING Neutral 50 Not now! It is almost time for the Great Journey! 141
GREETING Neutral 50 It is almost time for the great Journey! 142
GREETING Neutral 50 Nice enough speech, I guess. 143
Neutral 50 Well, it's up to you to go launch the rockets. There's a small mission control room all the way back upstairs. Should be as easy as pressin a button. 144
Neutral 50 It seems my work here is done, so I'll be on my way to Novac. We'll see how that works out. 145
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you hear him? As though some fancy speech can make what they did to me less of a crime? 146
Neutral 50 Go launch the rockets! There's a cramped little "mission control" room all the way back upstairs. Should be as easy as pushing a button. 147
Neutral 50 Enjoy the view. I hear the "Great Journey" is going to be shorter than they expected. Sweeter, too. 148
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you hear him? My god, you were right all along. I'm no ghoul! They were just using me... 149
GREETING Neutral 50 Go launch the rockets. Don't worry about me. 150
GREETING Neutral 50 Leave me alone. 151
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you bring the items we discussed? The sooner I send them on their way, the sooner I can head to Novac. 152
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 75 Do you think that men go bald normally? I am sick, and I have embraced my change. Leave me be. 153
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic000 Where can I find Jason? Neutral 50 The great one can be found upstairs. Don't think about wasting his time. He's very important. You should feel lucky to be granted some of his time. 154
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic001 Nevermind, I'll go looking for your components. Neutral 50 Hurry back. Never have we been so close. 155
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic002 Can the launch wait a few minutes? Neutral 50 Very few. Time is wasting. Hurry back so we can begin. 156
VDialogueChrisHaversamChrisHaversamTopic003 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye, thank you. 157


ChrisHavTellsJasonGoodToGo ChrisHavTellsJasonGoodToGo Neutral 50 Hey Jason, your rockets are ready! 158