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This category contains dialogue files from Fallout 2. Text files are matched by name to script files (.SSL) and share their naming convention:

All scripts will follow the same naming convention whether they are spatial scripts, critters, or scenery. The conventions which is to be used is:

  1. First Character is the City Name
  2. Second Character is the Type Name
  3. Remaining Six Characters are the Name

All scripts will end with the suffix of .ssl. An example from Fallout would be: NCGhoul.ssl (Necropolis, Critter, Ghoul). All dialogue files are plaintext files ending in .msg.

City Names[]

The following are the Abbreviations which are to be used for the City field of the Script name.

  • A == Arroyo
  • K == Klamath
  • D == The Den
  • M == Modoc
  • G == Gecko
  • V == VaultCity
  • R == Redding
  • W == Sierra Army Depot (Weapons Depot)
  • N == New Reno
  • H == Broken Hills
  • C == Colusa
  • B == Vault 15 (Buried Vault)
  • S == Shady Sands
  • O == Vault 13 (Original Vault)
  • E == Military Base (Excavated Base)
  • F == San Francisco
  • E == Random Encounter
  • Z == Generic Critter/Item
  • I == Raiders
  • Q == Enclave

Type Names[]

The following are the Abbreviations which are to be used for the Type field of the Script name.

  • C == Critter (Default person or animal)
  • I == Items (Default items [ie Radios])
  • S == Scenery (Default Scenery)
  • T == Spatial (Spatial scripts)
  • P == Party (Used for Party Members)
  • H == Head (Any Script for a Head Character)
  • W == Walls (Default Walls)

All items (584)
