Camden Park is a location in the Ash Heap region of Appalachia.
Camden Park was an amusement park that advertised rides, picnics, and "fun for all" before the Great War. The park mascot was Mr. Fuzzy, whose likeness appears on various merchandise which can still be found in the park.
However, behind the customers' view of the park, intense standards were put in place for employees. Being fired or having their pay docked for frivolous reasons was a common occurrence, though at least one, Marty Porkins, dodged punishment by donating to the park. Employees were required to have extremely high morale, and smile as much as possible, or else they would need to undergo "Smile Training."[1] Some decided to rebel by sabotaging the park, such as Brandon Anderson, who placed laxatives in the food, forcing the supervisors to deal with a mountain of customer complaints.[2]
Several robots still inhabit the park after the war, including a Responder vendor bot and the Boss, a Robobrain executive tasked with handing out wages to humans it refers to as "fleshlings." There are also several unique Mr. Handy robots with individual, amusement park-themed dialogue who staff the sideshow attractions, including Zoe, Zeke, and Zach.
As of 2103, Fuzzy Brenda resides here, an enthusiastic woman who wears a Mr. Fuzzy costume. She refers to the Scorched and feral ghouls as customers, and encourages the vault dwellers to buy tickets and enjoy the park.

Approaching along State Route 81 from the north, the road passes over the waterway and then the park on its eastern side, allowing access to the parking lot to the immediate right. This parking lot area is where several of the park's attractions can be found. The Dross Toss, arcade games, and the Shunt N Bunt are along the lot's western edge, past several automobiles including a bumper car housing a Jangles the Moon Monkey.
Moving toward the park, one will see the entrance with bumper cars ride to the immediate right next to the Lucky Mucker. Before proceeding to the park itself via this entryway, the player character will encounter Fuzzy Brenda standing next to a large map of the park. Once one has moved through the entrance, they can interact and trade with Vendor bot Chad, a Responders vendor.
Progressing clockwise from the entrance, following the perimeter of the Widowmaker roller coaster, one will first happen upon Sugar Heaps, an ice cream shop, directly next to the Company Store and a ride named Radioactive Roundup. The fencing between the derelict rides and State Route 81 has fallen, allowing enemies to enter from the outside of the park. The last attraction on the far southeast side is the carousel. There are restrooms in this corner as well, with a weapons workbench situated behind them.
Inside of the center of the coaster is a raider encampment, which includes a green steamer trunk and armor workbench. The raiders have a power armor station and two cooking stations in the centralized area as well. One can choose to climb on the roller coaster tracks to find various loot along the rail, including among skeletons sitting in the cars. Heading back towards the entrance on the western side of the coaster, one will find an employee office and Chowline attraction. One can find a medical vending machine inside the employee building and a special Protectron named Camden Park security guarding the building, who, although damaged, still performs its role. The employee office has a skeleton sitting at the desk and random loot scattered around the small structure.
Continuing clockwise, the Vault Dweller will discover the Camden Express, Strip Miner, and Coal Shaft attractions. A deceased member of the Order of Mysteries can be found on the northern bridge of the Strip Miner train track. The northwestern corner of the park is surrounded on two sides by a river and has a green space in which the attraction Minor Miner's Zone is located. Ending back at the entrance, along with the vendor bot, one can also interact with other robots in the park such as the Boss at the Company Store, Zach at Dross Toss, Zeke at the Lucky Mucker stall, and Zoe at the Chow Line hot dog eating contest.
Aside from the Scorched normally found around the park, one can also either encounter Liberators, bloodbugs, bloatflies, radroaches, mole rats, or feral ghouls by the restrooms and playground.
Notable loot[]
- Reading list - Note, on a desk in the building next to the security robot which gives the Mistaken Identity daily quest.
- Thoughts of the day - Holotape, found on top of the roller coaster control panel.
- Best plan ever - Note, pinned to the wall next to a fusion generator underneath the entrance to the Widowmaker.
- West Bridge key - Inside a backpack in a roller coaster car.
- Mr. Fuzzy mascot suit and head - Obtainable by acquiring 150 and 300 Mr. Fuzzy tokens, respectively.
- Mr. Fuzzy token - From completing three daily quests inside the park. The player character can spend them at the park terminal (near the Boss) to get small loot.
- Four potential Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
- Near the Camden Park Express, under the "Minor Miner Zone" sign, in a train car by a skeleton.
- On the summit of the Widowmaker's first rise, above the crashed rollercoaster cars, in the shack.
- In the metal employee building, on a filing cabinet by the desk with the terminal on it.
- In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, on a barrel by the green plastic outhouse.
- Four potential magazines:
- North of the "Sugar Heaps" trading post, under the boarded-up ice cream stall, on the deck by the fallen magazine display, near the ice cream sign. Vendor bot Chad is nearby.
- In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, on the north side of the raider camp, inside the green plastic outhouse.
- On the Widowmaker ride, in the next to last cart of the stalled roller coaster train (the horizontal train, not the vertical one near the hut), on the seat next to the checker tie Mr. Fuzzy.
- Power armor chassis with raider armor pieces - In the raider compound in the south end of the roller coaster at a power armor station.
- Two fusion cores:
- In a fusion generator near the entrance to the Widowmaker.
- In a fusion generator near the entrance to the Shunt 'n' Bunt.
- Stealth Boy - In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, in a broken square display case near the green plastic outhouse.
- Potential armor plan - In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, to the left of an armor workbench, on a yellow recharging table.
- Potential armor mod plan - In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, to the right of an armor workbench, on a metal shelf.
- Potential weapon mod plan - On the southeast side of the park, to the right of a weapons workbench, on a metal shelf.
- Two potential armor mods:
- In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, in a broken display case near the green plastic outhouse.
- In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, opposite of an armor workbench, on a wooden crate next to a sink.
- Potential weapon mod - On the southeast side of the park, to the right of a weapons workbench, on a metal shelf.
- Potential recipe - In the middle of the Widowmaker ride, inside the raider camp, on a table near a cooking station.
Named individuals[]
Pre-War employees[]
Post-War robots and inhabitants[]
- Fuzzy Brenda
- The Boss - Robobrain
- Vendor bot Chad - Responders trader
- Zach - Dross Toss
- Zeke - Lucky Mucker
- Zoe - Chow Line
It is one of three amusement parks in Appalachia, the other being Tyler County Fairgrounds and Wavy Willard's Water Park.
Camden Park appears only in Fallout 76.
Behind the scenes[]
- Camden Park is a real world amusement park located near Huntington, West Virginia. The location has a similar welcome sign, advertising, "Rides, Picnics, and Fun For All."
- The Widowmaker rollercoaster gets its name from the mining term for petrified wood, loose stone, or other another heavy object that would dislodge from the ceilings of mines and kill a miner underneath.[3]
- In the parking lot, there is a school bus with a series of wooden blocks spelling out "MAGIC" lying on the dashboard. In the driver's seat is an orange tie Mr. Fuzzy with a clipboard and a clown hat, a reference to Ms. Frizzle from the educational cartoon The Magic School Bus.
Camden Park[]
Signs and art assets[]
- ↑ Camden Park terminal entries
- ↑ Best plan ever
- ↑ Nathan Purkeypile on Twitter: "Interesting fact about this one: It's called Widow Maker after the term miners use for petrified wood or stones that would dislodge from the ceiling killing miners.
76 is full of all sorts of mining-related bits like this."