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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bubbles.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 WhitespringVendor_
003A2891 Well hello! Do you like Nuka-Cola? Don't be silly, of course you do! Bubbles: Bright, cheery, like an early TV ad.
2 003A2892 Nothing cleans the gears like an Ice Cold Nuka-Cola. Bubbles: Bright, cheery, like an early TV ad.
3 003A2893 Feeling fruity? Try Nuka-Cherry, Grape, or Orange! Bubbles: Bright, cheery, like an early TV ad.
4 003A2894 Looking for something different? We have regional flavors you won't find this side of Nuka-World. Bubbles: Bright, cheery, like an early TV ad.
5 003A2895 Exclusive to The Whitespring: Early-release bottles of the newest cola sensation: Nuka-Cola Quantum! Bubbles: Bright, cheery, like an early TV ad.