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The Brotherhood transponders are a series of transponder beacons found in various locations around the Cranberry Bog in Appalachia. They were left behind by the Appalachian chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel and record the details of the ill-fated Operation Touchdown. They are discovered by the player character during Belly of the Beast.

Brotherhood transponder JZ-3[]

Located on an elevated guardpost southeast of Appalachian Antiques.


Johnny Moreno: Knight Moreno reporting. Moreno to Defiance. Over.

Grant McNamara: I read you, Moreno.

Johnny Moreno: Recon looking solid, Scribe. The Scanning Module did what you said. Drove the Scorched crazy. But the miniguns tore them apart. Some of the Scorchbeasts - uh Bravos - providing air cover, though.

Grant McNamara: Have you found the End Zone?

Johnny Moreno: That's a negative. The module's spit out new coords deeper inside the Bog. Got the transponder up. Hoofing it to the next site.

Grant McNamara: Good luck, Johnny.

Brotherhood transponder OH-9[]

Located in the middle of Watoga, next to a crashed Vertibird by AMS corporate headquarters.


Johnny Moreno: Knight Moreno... Knight... God..."

Grant McNamara: Grant here. Are you OK?

Johnny Moreno: Scorched... Frigging everywhere. Next coords acquired. Alpha Zulu... Arg. 13. Confirm!

Grant McNamara: AZ-13. Are you OK?

Johnny Moreno: It's crazy over here, Grant. Scorched everywhere.

Elizabeth Taggerdy: Fall back! Slow and steady. Into the killing ground!

Johnny Moreno: Alpha Zulu 13. If we don't make it. That may be the End Zone.

Brotherhood transponder AZ-13[]

Located at survey camp Alpha.


Johnny Moreno: Knight Moreno to Defiance. Moreno to Defiance? The Scorch must've fried one of the transponders. At Alpha Zulu 13. End Zone is a negative. This module of yours is a real "treat," Grant. New coords are at... Echo Lamda 7. Bravos all over. We'll make it to the End Zone.

Brotherhood transponder EL-7[]

Located at drop site V9.


Johnny Moreno: Knight Moreno to... I guess no one? If any Brothers pick this up: EL-7 is gold. Repeat. EL-7. We've got no idea how many are in the cave. But they're definitely hostiles in there. God help us.

Brotherhood transponder EL-7B[]

Located in the glassed cavern near Elizabeth Taggerdy's corpse.


Elizabeth Taggerdy: Get it online now, Knight.

Johnny Moreno: It's online, Paladin!

Brotherhood Soldier: Take this! Suppressing fire!

Elizabeth Taggerdy: Place the charges. It's now or never.

Johnny Moreno: EL-7 is the End Zone. Bravo central.

Brotherhood Soldier: Taggerdy, look over here? The equipment? Is this place a lab? What the hell were they doing doingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar here?

Elizabeth Taggerdy: The mission first. Rig. The. Charges.

Brotherhood Soldier: Another tunnel this way! Ahh! Incoming. Incom-

Johnny Moreno: If we fail, Brothers, target these coords. Find whoever made these... things and...

Elizabeth Taggerdy: Ad victoriam!!!
