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A superior version of combat armor. The Brotherhood of Steel have made many improvements over the standard version.— Fallout 2 In-game description

The Brotherhood armor is a piece of armor in Fallout and Fallout 2.


Main article: Combat armor

Combat armor is a diverse family of personal body armor with varying degrees of sophistication, ranging from the earliest iterations developed by the United States Army[1] to the cutting-edge riot gear that came into use prior to the Great War.[2]


Brotherhood armor is a superior version of combat armor, including several Brotherhood of Steel technological upgrades. Its distinguishing marks include pale green/gray coloring of the armor panels, blue trim on the chest armor panels, a brilliant silver gorget and under-armor breastplate, and pronounced riveting on the pauldrons. Its damage threshold and damage resistances are strictly superior to those of the combat armor Mk II. However, its armor class is identical, and it weighs more. Despite these improvements, the armor will likely be largely useless by the time that you get it. This is especially true in Fallout 2, where this armor and the power armor share the same locker. It is still useful if you give it to companions, however. This armor is also issued to all Initiates of the Brotherhood of Steel.



Fallout 2


  • This armor cannot be used to get Phoenix Armor Implants and/or Dermal Impact Armor. The operation can only be done using normal combat armor.
  • Strangely enough, this armor is worth less than the standard combat armor.
  1. The Army helmet is presented in the game as an older type of helmet, issued to uniformed troops who do not use the standard set of combat armor: Clearly visible in the tutorial segment and later on countless dead bodies throughout the Commonwealth
  2. Riot gear variants available in Lonesome Road.