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The brass knuckles are a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


An unarmed weapon made from the titular metal with rings to slip four fingers through and a bar that rests in the palm for support. They deal the third-lowest amount of damage per strike of all unarmed weapons (above the boxing tape, the Golden Gloves, and the boxing gloves) at a high attack speed. They deal low-end critical hit damage at the second-lowest AP cost of all unarmed weapons and have high-end durability, albeit with the third-lowest caps cost of all unarmed weapons. They require 25 Unarmed skill level and 2 Strength to use effectively. They are considered a holdout weapon.

V.A.T.S. Special Attacks[]

Type of attack- Type of attackSkill required- Skill required
Damage per attack in V.A.T.S.- Damage per attack in V.A.T.S.Action point cost- Action point cost
Damage per action point- Damage per action pointAdditional effects- Additional effects
Type of attackSkill requiredDamage per attack in V.A.T.S.Action point costDamage per action pointAdditional effects
Stomp5072203.6Only on knocked down enemies
Cross7539.6201.982.5x damage to limbs
Note: Unarmed weapons do double normal damage in V.A.T.S.


The brass knuckles can successfully strike about 995 times from full condition before breaking.



Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (melee or unarmed)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- Attacks in V.A.T.S.
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (gun, energy or explosive)Action point cost- Action point cost
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per action point- Damage per action point
Damage per second- Damage per secondWeapon spread- Weapon spread
Area of effect damage- Area of effect damageMagazine capacity (shots per reload)- Magazine capacity (shots per reload)
Effect damage & duration- Effect damage & durationDurability (number of attacks before breaking)- Durability (number of attacks before breaking)
Bonus effects- Bonus effectsWeight- Weight
Attacks per second- Attacks per secondValue in caps- Value in caps
Critical chance % multiplier- Critical chance % multiplierValue to weight ratio- Value to weight ratio
Critical damage- Critical damageSkill required- Skill required
Critical effect damage & duration- Critical effect damage & durationStrength required- Strength required
With all mods attached- With all mods attached
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAction Point costDamage per action pointDurability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratioSkill requiredStrength required
Brass knuckles 18
Love and Hate 30
Spiked knuckles 25
Note: Unarmed damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.



Xbox 360Xbox 360 After holding dynamite and equipping the brass knuckles, the brass knuckles will not appear on the player character's hand, and instead a stick of dynamite will act as the brass knuckles. [verified]

