Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Legion slaver party was wiped out in a failed raid of the Bitter Springs refugee camp, with two armed civilians inflicting heavy Legion casualties. One witness said, quote; "God sent us two angels, and at least one o' them had a .308 caliber flaming sword of justice - with a telescopic sight."Radio New Vegas report on Boone and the Courier's defence of Bitter Springs.

Boone's scoped hunting rifle is a non-playable weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


The weapon is identical to the playable hunting rifle with the scope attached. It's only different in its use of magical companion ammo.



The weapon is owned by Craig Boone and serves as his default ranged weapon.


  • Although the weapon cannot be taken out of Boone's inventory under normal circumstances, entering an area where guns must be handed over to a guard with him as a follower could add the weapon to the player character's inventory. The weapon can't be used, due to it chambering magical companion ammo, and there is no way to give it back to Boone. Furthermore, if the weapon is dropped, it cannot be picked up again.
  • Boone's supply of magical companion ammo can sometimes be looted from his body if he is killed.
  • The rifle's scope reticle is the same as on the sniper rifle from Fallout 3.


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