“The city of Los Angeles must have been the largest in the world before the War. The L.A. Boneyard stretched forever, the skeletons of buildings lying under the hot sun. Not even the wind entered this dead city.”— Fallout 2 manual
The Boneyard (also known as the Angel's Boneyard or L.A. Boneyard) is the collective name given to the ruins of the pre-War city of Los Angeles, California, within which numerous small settlements emerged after the Great War.[1][2] The ruined urban sprawl would later become part of the New California Republic, incorporated as the "state of Los Angeles."[3]
By 2161, the gang war between the Rippers and Blades gave the Boneyard a reputation as a violent and inhospitable place,[4] a place of hard life,[5] and general desolation.[6][7] However, it had a reputation for being "cool" among the more daring merchants, like the Crimson Caravan.[8]
As a result, many avoided the ruined expanse, even though the derelict highways (or "black walkways" as some called them) made travel very easy.[9] The only reason The Hub, took an interest in the city was because Adytum and the Gun Runners provided excellent trade opportunities.[10] In 2158, Adytum came under the thumb of Caleb and his mercenaries, who became the Regulators and turned the town into a work camp, while squeezing the Gun Runners hard, extracting a high price for raw materials they needed to produce their weapons and ammunitions.[11] Since the Gun Runners were unable to move due to the deathclaw infestation that emerged next door, after wiping out the bulk of the Rippers, they were stuck in a holding pattern.[12]
The Rippers were reduced to a small, ultra-violent pocket camped out west of the Followers' library,[13] while the weakened Blades fell prey to the Regulators. Caleb's men rounded Blades in monthly raids, taking them away to Adytum and putting them to work, with summary execution for anyone who resisted.[14] Around 2161, Razor migrated into the city from the Hub,[15] assuming leadership of the motley band of survivors,[16] stuck between Adytum and the proliferating Deathclaws.[17]
Meanwhile, in the southern part of the Boneyard, the Children expanded their power base centered at the Cathedral, with the Master protected in the demonstration Vault buried deep beneath the Cathedral. The faithful congregated on the surface (ranging from borderline mindless zombies, through thugs hired by the Children, to the nightkin), preparing for the Crusades to advance the Unity's agenda across New California. While most denizens of the region dismissed them as just creepy cultists, the Followers were the only group to realize that the Children were not what they were on the surface and planned to strike against them.[18]
The Boneyard can be found one square west and 17 squares south of Vault 13.
The first location on entering the Boneyard is Adytum, one of its most important settlements. It is an enclosed community, surrounded by barbed wire and seemingly protected by a militia called the Regulators. In 2241, after the Boneyard became one of the states of the NCR, the Adytum was renamed the New Adytum.
On the eastern outskirts of the city lies the Gun Runner factory, where they first settled as weapons manufacturers around 2161. Surrounded by a moat of radioactive fluid, the Gun Runners sell high quality firearms and ammunition, but are limited in their trading due to the nest of deathclaws to their west.
A former public library lies west of Downtown, home to the Followers of the Apocalypse, a peaceful community that migrated into the city sometime before 2161 and settled in the library, dedicating themselves to spreading enlightenment and preventing war. By 2281, they established a Medical University within city limits and are single-mindedly dedicated to spreading knowledge across the wastes.
Between Downtown and the Fortress lies a destroyed warehouse, that was once home to the Rippers, before deathclaws wiped them out and occupied the building as their lair, becoming a scourge on the area by 2161.
↑Vault Dweller: "Boneyard" Katja: "The Angel's Boneyard is all that's left of the old city of Los Angeles. Mostly divided among warring factions, these days."(Katja's dialogue)
↑NCR history holodisk: "Founded eighty years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow. Approximately 700,000 citizens are pleased to call NCR home."
↑Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Boneyard} "
Rhombus: "{1109}{Rhom46}{The Boneyard is far south. You will find only violence there.} " (RHOMBUS.MSG)
↑Vault Dweller: "{1023}{}{Boneyard} "
Tycho: "{1123}{}{The Boneyard? I'm told it's a place of gangs and hard life, near the coast.} " (TYCHO.MSG)
↑Vault Dweller: "{1022}{}{Angel's}"
Vault Dweller: "{1023}{}{Gangs}"
Vault Dweller: "{1024}{}{Adytum} "
John Maxson: "{1122}{Gen_75}{Well I don't know a lot. There's a bunch of gangs around there, as well as Adytum and the Children of the Cathedral. Not much else. It's pretty damn desolate.}"
John Maxson: "{1123}{Gen_76}{Well, there's not much to tell. I never ran into any of them. I've heard they're a problem for the people of Adytum, though.}"
John Maxson: "{1124}{Gen_77}{That's a settlement down in the Boneyard. I went there...oh...a long time ago. I was on a scouting mission for the Elders.} " (MAXSON.MSG)
↑Vault Dweller: "{149}{}{What can you tell me about the Boneyard?} "
Fisherman: "{156}{}{That's down on the coast. I hear stories about gangs running amok and all sorts of things that I don't want the boy to see, so I'm staying away from that place!} " (FISHRMAN.MSG)
↑Vault Dweller: "{166}{}{Boneyard} "
Keri Lee: "{182}{}{LA's pretty cool. You'll like it, but just be sure not to leave the caravan until it arrives. It's not to safe, for the caravans that is.} " "{183}{}{Hope you get a chance to see it, there's also a cool church just a few miles to the south of it. The people are whacked, though.} " "{184}{}{I'm told the Boneyard used to be a place called LA. I don't know what the person's initials stand for, but it's a cool place.} "
↑Vault Dweller: "{158}{}{LA Boneyard } " Water Merchant carav an driver: "{165}{}{That's good. Those black walkways are really strange, but they're great to travel on.}"
↑Vault Dweller: "{22610}{}{LA Boneyard} " Hub tell-me-abouts: "{22710}{}{That rat infested place is riddled with gang warfare. Were it not for the great trading with Adytum and the Gunrunners, I doubt any trader would venture there.} "
↑The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What is it you do here?}" Gabriel: "{109}{}{We manufacture weapons and ammunition. We've been at this for the last 30 years. But the last 10 have been hell.}" The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{Why is that?}" Gabriel: "{111}{}{We've stripped the area surrounding our factory of all the scrap metals that were left after the war. Now we have to rely on Adytum to supply us with raw materials.}" The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{What's so bad about Adytum supplying you with your materials?}" Gabriel: "{113}{}{At first it was fine. They supplied us with raw materials, we manufactured and sold the weapons. Then 3 years ago Zimmerman hired some mercenaries to help protect Adytum from the deathclaw and the odd random attack by raiders. Those Regulators are cold hearted bastards and are squeezing us for all we have. We make the guns and they get rich off of it.}" (Gabriel's dialogue)
↑Gabriel: "{102}{}{It's not often that we get visitors, how can I help you?}" The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What is it you do here?}" The Vault Dweller: "{103}{}{Why don't you get many visitors?}" Gabriel: "{105}{}{This place isn't very accessible with a nest of those damn Deathclaws right outside our factory.}" The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{Why don't you just leave and set up some where else?}" Gabriel: "{116}{}{We would if we could. But moving is a major undertaking with all the lathes and mills. These are things that aren't just picked up easily moved. We could move but the deathclaw make it impossible.}" (Gabriel's dialogue)
↑Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Rippers} " Chris Avellone: "{1103}{}{An ultra-violent gang to our west.} "
↑Razor: "{137}{}{The Regulators . They are the ones that really run Adytum. Not Zimmerman. They come here and drag our people back to Adytum as slaves. They kill us when we try to fight them off. Sometimes they just come and kill a couple of us to bring to Zimmerman , so they can say we tried to break into their town, or some other ridiculous story. Those sons of bitches even killed Zimmerman's son!}" Vault Dweller: "{138}{}{Zimmerman's son? Why would the they want to kill him?}" Razor: "{143}{}{Josh lived here with me... a... I...I mean us. He knew the truth behind what was going on. The Regulators told him if he ever tried to contact his father or return to Adytum that they would kill him.}" Vault Dweller: "{144}{}{They killed him? What did he do?}" Razor: "{146}{}{Late one night he tried to sneak into town to tell his father what was really going on. I was monitoring the Regulators radio transmissions the night that .. they.. he got ...caught. [She looks down and shakes her head slowly.] Here, it's all on this holodisk.}" Vault Dweller: "{147}{}{Why haven't you given this to Josh's Father?}" Razor: "{148}{}{It's not like any of us can even get close to Adytum. We'd be shot dead before we even reached the gates.}" (RAZOR.MSG)
↑Loxley: "{261}{LOX_86}{Oh, what a woman! She used to be a thief here, until she decided to move down south to the Boneyard. Last I heard she joined up with the Blades. Ah, well, brains weren't her strongest part.}" (LOXLEY.MSG) Note: Tested this appears in the game.
↑Razor: "{105}{}{Razor's the name. I'm the closest thing we have to a leader.}" Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{So you are the leader of this gang?}" Razor: "{110}{}{Gang? We're hardly a gang. But I am the leader here.}"{111}{}{If you're not a gang, then what are you?}" Razor: "{122}{}{We are just people tryin' to survive. Adytum put us in this position. They keep us down and use our friends and families like animals. We don't even have a way to defend ourselves.}"
↑Michael (Blades): "{109}{}{I'm Michael. My wife, Christine, and I live here as Blades and help with what we can.}" {110}{}{It is not as bad as it seems. The Regulators and the Deathclaws can cause problems, but our leader, Razor, has helped us a great deal over the past months. And more recently, MacRae has been showing us how to protect ourselves better.}" (BYMIKE.MSG)
↑Nicole: "{185}{Nic_28}{A number of our spies have seen Nightkin coming in and out of the back room of the Children's temple. Something important is back there.}" (NICOLE.MSG)
↑Joshua Graham: "The Boneyard, Phoenix, New Vegas, they're just places, metal and stone. New Canaan dies, but the tribe lives on." Joshua Graham's dialogue
↑Curie: "Ahh, the airport. Can we fly to Los Angeles? I hear it is most lovely there." (Curie's dialogue)
↑Johnny Weston: "When the bombs dropped, I was living in New York. Or maybe, Boston. Or coulda been Detroit, or LA. Maybe even England." (Johnny Weston's dialogue)