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This is part 4 of the Bloomfield Space Center design document for Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.


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5 Part 4
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Main Quests

1. Restore Sub-Reactor from 45% Efficiency to 60%-85% Efficiency

  • InitiatorSid or Kyle the Hook
  • Importance (Critical) – allows Mission Control to operate, which in turn initiates the guidance and navigations systems of the Hermes-XIII, and will let the player input the Hermes-XIII launch codes.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description -
    The sub-reactor for the Control Center map is only working at 45% efficiency, thanks to Sid's customary half-assedness. The sub-reactor, located in a small basement accessible from a stairway on the first floor of the Operations and Communications building, is what powers everything useful on this map, and has some direct input control on the Hermes-XIII. Running at 45%, there is not enough power to operate Mission Control computers, or any computers, except for a couple of general maintenance computers. Restoring the power output to 60% will get the necessary computers back online to control the basics of Mission Control, and is the player's first step in getting the Hermes-XIII launched. A really good science boy can get the sub-reactor to 75%, and even 85%, which will allow the PC to access more information and grounds control.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy - If this character type does not have his Mechanics skill over 50%, then his next option to complete this quest is to bring back Jillian McKinley and have her fix it (which she will more than happily do if her raider buddies are still alive). However, if Combat Boy has gone Rambo on everyone here first, Jillian will not be very cooperative. In this case, Combat Boy may choose to learn mechanics by buying books, or get taught by the ghouls at the Reservation (if he makes nice there, he can learn Mechanics from certain ghouls), or he can get a CNPC with Mechanic skill and have them take care of it.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Pretty much the same options as Combat Boy, here, though I suspect Diplomacy Boy is less likely to go Rambo on the raiders, thus allowing for more civilized conversations and acquiring help from Jillian.
    3. Science Boy – No-duh, here. It's a safe bet that Science Boy will have the right stuff to fix the sub-reactor. The bonus here is that the player can teach good ol' Sid a trick or two and make him a better mechanic.
    4. Stealth Boy – Pretty much in the same boat as Diplomacy Boy and Combat Boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Restore_OC_Power"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player restored full power
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Beau Coup XP (2,000-ish)
    2. +2 Reputation with Rusty Hooks (provided they are not already dead).
    3. All computers in the Control Center map are now fully functional.
    4. Allows continuation of other, related quests.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

2. Convince Rusty Hook Guards to Allow Passage

  • InitiatorRusty Hook Guards
  • Importance (Minor) – Lets the player go into Bloomfield without bloodshed.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description -
    After getting through the parking structure, these guards will approach the player and initiate dialogue. If the player has not yet freed Jillian from the Reservation and completed the prisoner retrieval quests, the guards will basically say to get the hell out of here. If the player is a good Charisma Boy, then he should be able to get some information out of the guards pertaining to what the Rusty Hooks are and that they are always interested in some trading as long as the trader does not care where the loot came from. If this is acceptable to the player, they will let him pass and tell him to meet Bear in the main walkway between the workshop (Rocket Assembly Building) and the homestead (Operations and Communications building). They will also insist that the player keeps his weapon holstered.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy - If the player has completed the prisoner retrieval quests, and the player had not killed Jillian, then the guards will let the player pass with honors. If the quest has not been completed, then the guards will tell the player to piss off. Should the player refuse, or if his speech/persuade is not adequate, the player may choose to mow the guards down. Since gunfire is loud, more Rusty Hooks will pour into the area (~10 to 15) accompanied by four NCR guys with high powered weapons and combat armor. Good luck.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Can talk his way into seeing Bear whether or not he completed the prisoner retrieval quests.
    3. Science Boy – Pretty much the same as Combat Boy, except if the player is good at science and mechanics and mentions it to the guards, they will let the player pass and instruct him to meet Bear first, the Sid.
    4. Stealth Boy – Straight forward, here. If the player is capable of sneaking passed the guards, he can meander pretty much anywhere. However, if the player fails his sneak and is seen by a Rusty Hook, then there will be hell to pay.
  • Quest flags – "15_Entrance_Guards"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP for talking way passed guards.
    2. Medium XP for sneaking passed guards.
    3. Medium XP for getting in because of mechanical and science skills.
    4. Minor XP for getting passed guards via finishing the prisoner retrieval quests and Jillian is still alive.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

3. Make it Through the Parking Structure Unscathed

  • Initiator – N/A
  • Importance (Minor) – The player can get through injured, but there is bonus XP for getting through unscathed and setting one trap off.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the player is a good Stealth Boy, he can try to get through the Parking Structure's myriad of traps without setting them off. This will be a combination of outdoorsmanship and traps skills. The player can opt to disable traps and discover where traps are, thus avoiding them. Getting through the Parking Structure without setting off a trap will result in bonus XP.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – It's possible for combat boy to get through unscathed as long as his traps and/or outdoorsman skills are good. If not, he's going to take a few cuts and bruises through the structure. The traps are not lethal by themselves, but they can be accumulatively.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Can't talk your way through traps; they won't listen. Same situation as Combat boy.
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – This is Stealth Boy's shining area. Make sure he ahs good trap and/or outdoors skills.
  • Quest flags – "15_Parking_Traps"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Minor XP Bonus.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

4. Help Sid Complete the Mega-Flamer

  • InitiatorSid, Bear, or Kyle.
  • Importance (Major) – Helping Sid to complete the Mega-flamer will boost Sid's confidence and status within the Rusty Hooks. This in turn will lower Sid's prices.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    Sid has been struggling with completing his many projects. One of the most important project, other than restoring efficiency to the sub-reactor, is the completion of the Mega-flamer – a rocket engine mounted to a detached pickup truck bed, which is then mounted to a large fuel tank and some controls. If the PC is mechanically inclined, he can help Sid figure out how to complete the Mega-flamer. If the PC finishes it himself and gives Sid the credit, Sid's prices will drop 30%. If the player helps Sid, by guiding him through the process, Sid's prices will drop 15%. Lastly, if the player does most of the work, takes credit for it, but gives Sid some degree of credit, Sid will lower his prices 5%. Should the player take all the credit, no matter how much the player helped (it's not too difficult to convince Kyle that the player did most of the work), then Sid will get a bullet through his head and the player will become the new mechanic for the Rusty Hooks.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Combat boy can be errand boy for Sid, if Combat Boy has minimal mechanical skill.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Can make it seem that player did a lot of work by bullshitting his way through the process.
    3. Science Boy – Up to the player how much he wants to contribute to the completion of the Mega-flamer.
    4. Stealth Boy – In the same boat as Combat Boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Mega_Flamer"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP
    2. Price drops for Sid's store (30%, 15%, 5%)
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

5. Use the Mega-Flamer to Eliminate the Rusty Hooks

  • Initiator – Completion of the Mega-flamer.
  • Importance (Minor) – If the player just does not want to deal with the Rusty Hooks, this option wipes them out.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    After completing the Mega-flamer, and if the player is good at his persuade skill, he can gather the Rusty Hooks for a demonstration of the Mega-flamer. When everyone is gathered in front of the Mega-flamer (aided in direction by the PC), the player can fire up the Mega-flamer and turn the Rusty Hooks into smoldering piles of ash. Good fun for the whole family.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Will need a bit of the Persuade skill to convince the Rusty Hooks to "participate" in the demo. Otherwise, the Rusty Hooks will be on to the player's intentions. They will like the PC a bit less.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Time to shine. Good Persuade skill gets the optimum outcome – BBQ Rusty Hooks.
    3. Science Boy – Same as Combat Boy
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy
  • Quest flags – "15_MFlamer_Kill_Hooks"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Medium XP
    2. Any loot the ashes may have that wasn't charred.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

6. Get Sid to tell PC about Bear's Heart Bomb and Kyle's Radio Trigger

  • InitiatorSid
  • Importance (Minor) – This gives the PC vital information about how Kyle controls Bear.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    The player can dig into Sid's guilt and get information about Bear's heart bomb and Kyle's radio trigger. A really good Charisma Guy can get Sid to confess about him implanting the heart bomb into Bear's chest.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Will need a bit of the Persuade skill to get Sid to give details about the heart bomb and radio trigger. Being Sid's errand boy may eventually get Sid to give out a hint or two about the heart bomb and radio trigger.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Time to shine. Good Persuade skill gets the optimum outcome – Confess thy sins, Sid!
    3. Science Boy – Through helping Sid complete his assigned tasks, Sid may lighten up and divulge a bit about the heart bomb and radio trigger. Each task quest makes Sid trust the PC a bit more.
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy, although Deception could play a role in getting Sid to talk.
  • Quest flags – "15_Sid_Confess"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Minor - Medium XP
    2. Unlocks Bear's Heart Bomb Quests
    3. BONUS! If player gets Sid to confess about installing the heart bomb, PC gets bonus XP and a half-way finished radio signal jammer (PC must get the jammer to work).
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

7. Disable Bear's C4 Heart Bomb

  • InitiatorBear
  • Importance (Major) – Doing so will allow Bear to be a CNPC.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    A medic and science savvy PC can offer to disable Bear's C4 heart bomb. If the player is successful, then Bear will not only kick the shit out of Kyle, but also volunteer to be a CNPC.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Unless he has good science and medic skill, he can't do much.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Made for the Science Boy, as long as there is some degree of Medic skill (it does not have to be very high).
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy (other option is linked to Get Control of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb radio trigger).
  • Quest flags – "15_Disable_HBomb"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Medium XP
    2. Get Bear as CNPC
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

8. Get Control of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb

  • InitiatorBear
  • Importance (Major) – Doing so will allow the player to choose whether he gives Bear his freedom, or takes control of Bear.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the player is somewhat stealthy and is pretty good at stealing things, he can try to steal the radio control trigger for Bear's C4 heart bomb. Kyle has the radio trigger on a secret item on his person. The player will have to figure out that the item in question is Kyle's gaudy watch which has never worked in telling time (first clue). The player can then try to steal Kyle's watch while he sleeps, which would take quite a bit of high sneaking ability. However, the player could try to get Kyle very drunk and then try to steal the watch after he passes out, thus lowering the risk of getting caught considerably. Either way, when the player has control of the trigger, it's up to him if he wants to free Bear from the device, or take control of Bear.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Pretty much anyone can talk Kyle into getting drunk, especially if the PC brings quite a bit of booze. This will increase any class type's chances of stealing Kyle's watch trigger.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Diplomacy Boy will have an easier time figuring out what controls Bear by talking to Kyle. Getting Kyle drunk makes Kyle talk too much, which will reveal his secret.
    3. Science Boy – Science Boy would have a pretty good chance of figuring out that Kyle's watch is being used for something other than telling time. At that discovery, Science Boy can go the drunk/pass out route to get the watch.
    4. Stealth Boy – Once the player figures out what's what, he should have no trouble sneaking up on a sleeping Kyle and stealing the watch.
  • Quest flags – "15_Watch_Control"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP
    2. Get Bear as CNPC
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

9. Disable Trigger of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb

  • InitiatorBear
  • Importance (Minor) – Enables player to give Bear his freedom.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    Instead of actually stealing the trigger watch from Kyle, the player could devise a way of disabling the trigger. One way is to sneak up on Kyle when he's sleeping and use the mechanic skill on the trigger to disable it, thus not risking waking Kyle while trying to remove the watch. Another way is to use the science skill to devise a way of rendering the signal in the trigger watch useless – some kind of frequency jammer made from the parts found in the Rocket Assembly Building. Either solution would allow the player to grant Bear freedom, clear the path for either Bear or the PC to become leader, and/or make Bear a CNPC.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – All boils down to whether or not the player has put enough points into mechanic or science. If not, then a possible alternative is to get Jillian to disable the trigger, provided the prisoner retrieval quests are done and the player didn't piss her off.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Same as Combat Boy, but player has the option to try and talk Sid into doing the deed.
    3. Science Boy – Another shining moment for Science Boy. The skills are his, make good use of them.
    4. Stealth Boy – This would help when sneaking up on the sleeping Kyle, but after that, it depends on how much was put into mechanics or science.
  • Quest flags – "15_Disable_HTrigger"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Medium XP
    2. Bear becomes CNPC
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

10. Rewire Trigger of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb to Explode

  • InitiatorBear
  • Importance (Major) – Enables player to give Bear his freedom.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the player has a high mechanic skill, he can sneak up on Kyle while he's sleeping (preferably after he passed out from being drunk) and rewire his watch trigger to explode when used. So, the next day when the player tells Bear to be defiant to Kyle and Kyle pressed the radio trigger, it explodes and blows off his lone good hand.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – All boils down to whether or not the player has put enough points into mechanic. If not, then a possible alternative is to get Jillian to rewire the trigger, provided the prisoner retrieval quests are done and the player didn't piss her off.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Same as Combat Boy, but player has the option to try and talk Sid into doing the deed.
    3. Science Boy – Another shining moment for Science Boy. The skills are his, make good use of them.
    4. Stealth Boy – This would help when sneaking up on the sleeping Kyle, but after that, it depends on how much was put into mechanics.
  • Quest flags – "15_Rewire_HTrigger"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Medium XP
    2. Bear becomes CNPC
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

11. Build Sid's Self-Esteem

  • InitiatorSid, Bear
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Medium
  • Description
    Helping Sid with the Mega-flamer, the sub-reactor, and whatever else he's working on, and actively teaching him, will make Sid feel better about himself.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Basically boils down to a Combat Boy being Sid's errand boy and listening to him bitch. If the player gives all the credit to Sid and is not condescending to him, Sid will feel like he accomplished a lot and feel better about himself.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – The player has a chance to be Dr. Phil. A good speech skill of any category can lead Sid into the realm of self forgiveness and esteem.
    3. Science Boy – If the player ends up doing most of the work but gives Sid all the credit, then Sid will earn some of Kyle's respect, which in turn makes Sid feel better.
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Sid_Feelgood"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

12. Convince Sid to Kill Himself

  • InitiatorSid
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – small
  • Description
    If the player discovers Sid's festering guilt about implanting the heart bomb in Bear, the Charisma Boy may try to get Sid to kill himself. A really good Charisma Boy can talk Sid into strapping some C4 onto his chest, run up to Kyle, and take him out, too.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Unless the player has a really good speech skill, it ain't gonna happen.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – This was made for him. Any good speech skill (besides Barter, of course) will get the optimum outcome. A great speech skill will get the bonus "suicide bomber" attack on Kyle.
    3. Science Boy – Same as Combat Boy.
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Sid_Suicide"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP
    2. (If suicide bomber) Makes Bear a CNPC (provided he does not find out that the PC talked Sid into killing himself)
    3. Player gets to loot Sid's stuff
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

13. Challenge Kyle to Fight for Rusty Hooks' Leadership

  • InitiatorKyle, Sid, Bear
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    After getting to know the Rusty Hooks for a bit, the player can find out that he can challenge the current leader (in this case, Kyle) to a fight (unarmed only) and whoever wins becomes the new leader of the Rusty Hooks. The one caveat of the current leader is that he may choose anyone to be his "champion," and Kyle will always choose his favorite super mutant, Bear. After the challenge, the fight begins. Good luck! If the player wins the fight, he is the new leader of the Rusty Hooks. However, Kyle might be so pissed after Bear losing the fight that he triggers Bear's heart bomb – hopefully the player is not too close.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Straight up and fight. One thing the player can do to improve his chances is to speak to Bear first, work up a rapport, and ask him to take a fall. He will tell the player about his heart bomb and will refuse to take a dive until he can be assured that the heart bomb won't go off if he loses. See other quests, 7, 9, 10. If he is assured the heart bomb won't go off, he will take the fall, no finagling required.
    2. Diplomacy Boy –Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – Werd.
  • Quest flags – "15_Bear_Dives"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

14. Convince Bear to Try and Take Over Rusty Hooks

  • InitiatorBear, Sid
  • Importance (Major) – Convincing Bear to take over the Rusty Hooks gives the player the chance to redeem them – i.e. make them a legitimate, non-raiding group.
  • Scope – Medium
  • Description
    If the player can do any of the non-lethal disabling the heart bomb quests, then the player can convince Bear to take over the Rusty Hooks. Bear will not attempt a takeover if he knows his heart bomb is still functional and Kyle has control of it. Having Bear as the leader of the Rusty Hooks gives the player the opportunity to convert the raiders from a criminal organization to a legitimate organization. With all the materials present at Bloomfield, the Rusty Hooks could make out pretty well as a major manufacturer of metal goods and establish important trade routes.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – As long as Bear is safe from his heart bomb, it's pretty easy to talk him into it.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – Werd
  • Quest flags – "15_Bear_Leader"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Medium XP
    2. Chance to establish trade routes
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

15. Sneak Passed Launch Pad Turrets, Security Bots, and NCR Guards, and Gain Access to Computer Control Room

  • Initiator – PC
  • Importance (Minor) – Successfully sneaking passed these security things gives the player free reign to do with the power source and computer what he wishes.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    The player may attempt to sneak passed the Launch Pad turrets, security bots, and NCR guards and gain access to the underground power generator and security computer. Since the turrets, security bots, and NCR guys follow a specific patrol pattern, it is possible for a savvy player to sneak through the blind spots without a very good Sneak skill.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Since the turrets, security bots, and NCR guys follow a specific patrol pattern, it is possible for a savvy player to sneak through the blind spots without a very good Sneak skill.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – This should be the highlight of Stealth Boy's visit to Bloomfield. If the Sneak is high, he'll fly by.
  • Quest flags – "15_Sneak_LPTurrets"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Medium XP
    2. Safe access to power generator and security computer
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

16. Hack into Launch Pad Security Computer

  • Initiator – PC
  • Importance (Minor) – Hacking into the computer allows the player to either shut down the turrets or reprogram them to fire upon the security bots and NCR guards.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the player successfully hacks into the security computer (based on Science skill), he can try to reprogram the turrets to fire on the security robots and NCR guards. This saves the player the hassle of taking on the powerful bots and NCR guards himself.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Unless the player invested a lot in Science, it ain't gonna happen.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – This was made for Science Boy. Of course Science Boy would have had to sneak into this room, but it is possible.
    4. Stealth Boy – See Combat Boy, above.
  • Quest flags – "15_Hack_SComputer"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

17. Disable Launch Pad Security Turrets Via Security Computer

  • Initiator – PC
  • Importance (Minor) – Makes it so the player has five less adversaries to worry about.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description -
    If the player has an adequate Science skill (equal to quest #16), he can disable the turrets, taking five gattling guns out of the picture should he choose to fight it out with the bots and NCR.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – If the player got this far with Combat Boy, he can disable the turrets.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Nothing to talk to, here, but the same holds true as the Combat Boy.
    3. Science Boy – Science Boy can opt to take this route, but if he is above the Science norm (which he should be to be a Science Boy), then he might want to opt for quest # 19.
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Disable_Turrets"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Minor XP
    2. Don't have to worry about turrets shooting you butt off.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

18. Disable Launch Pad Security Turrets Via Destroying Power Generator

  • Initiator – PC
  • Importance (Minor) – Won't have to worry about turrets anymore.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the player manages to get down to the underground power generator and security computer room, but does not have the Science skill to hack the computer, he can opt to blow up the turrets' power source. Destroying the power generator will do the same thing as quest # 17, but with the added effect of not ever being able to reprogram the security computer. But hey, the turrets are down!
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – This is probably the best solution for the non-scientific Combat Boy – blow things up.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Not the best choice for a Science Boy, but he can do it if he wants.
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Kill_PGenerator"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Minor XP
    2. 5 less turrets to worry about.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

19. Reprogram Security Turrets to Fire upon Security Bots & NCR Guardss

  • Initiator – PC
  • Importance (Minor) – This eliminates all the threats in the Launch Pad area without the player firing one shot or risk to his hp.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the player is the total Science skill wiz, he can reprogram the security computer (provided he can successfully sneak into the underground room) to fire on the security bots and NCR guards. This saves the PC from having to face and fight the well armed and well armored security bots, turrets, and NCR guards.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – If he has the Science skill, then this option will reap the most XP.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – This is the best path for Science Boy.
    4. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat Boy.
  • Quest flags – "15_Reprogram_SComp"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP + Bonus XP
    2. Any loot the security bots and NCR guards may have on them.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

20. Destroy Launch Pad Security Bots via More Conventional Means

  • Initiator – PC
  • Importance (Minor) – Clear out the threats that would prevent access to the Launch Pad.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the PC is Butch enough, he can try to go head-on with all the firepower at the Launch Pad. If successful, the player will have free access to everything on the Launch Pad, provided he can find the proper codes and such. He'll also get good loot from the NCR guards and the bots.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – This is why the player created the Combat Boy.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Not advisable unless really good with weapons and have really good armor.
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – Werd
  • Quest flags – "15_LPAll_Dead"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Minor XP
    2. Get XP from killing the baddies
    3. Loot
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

21. Hack Mission Control Computer Access Codes

  • Initiator – PC et al
  • Importance (Critical) – Getting control of Mission Control is critical to launching Hermes-XIII, but still need actual launch codes to get the bird to fly.
  • Scope – Small
  • Description
    If the PC is good at Science, he can hack into the computers at Mission Control and see what he needs to launch Hermes-XIII.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Unless the PC has a good Science skill, not gonna happen.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Made for the brainiac.
    4. Stealth Boy – Like Combat Boy
  • Quest flags – "15_Hack_MControl"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP
    2. Advances story
    3. Access to Hermes-XIII launch requirements.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

22. Input Legit Mission Control Computer Access Codes

  • Initiator – PC et al
  • Importance (Critical) – Getting control of Mission Control is critical to launching Hermes-XIII, but still need actual launch codes to get the bird to fly.
  • Scope – Large
  • Description
    When the PC enters the Mission Control Access codes, he will be able to see what is needed to launch Hermes-XIII, as well as have the ability to launch once the right launch codes are entered. (Thinking the Access codes will be at Boulder and the Launch codes will be deep inside the Reservation)
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy – Anyone can enter the codes once they have them.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – Uh-huh.
  • Quest flags – "15_Enter_MControl"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards -
    1. Medium XP
    2. Advances story
    3. Access to Hermes-XIII launch requirements.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

23. Enter Legitimate Mission Control Launch Codes

  • Initiator – PC et al
  • Importance (Critical) – Doing this will launch the PC into space and dock with B.O.M.B.-001. Start cut-scene.
  • Scope – Large
  • Description
    Once the PC has the proper Launch codes and enters them, the game will go to cut-scene and show the PC entering into the Hermes-XIII and launching into space to dock with B.O.M.B.-001.
  • Character type completion breakdown
    1. Combat Boy - Anyone can enter the codes once they have them.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Science Boy – Ditto
    4. Stealth Boy – Yep
  • Quest flags – "15_Hermes_Launch"
    0 = not started
    1 = player knows about it
    2 = player accepted quest
    3 = player completed quest
    4 = player got reward
  • Rewards
    1. Large XP
    2. Cut Scene
    3. Advances story
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Good
    2. Bad
    3. Normal
    4. Dumb

Quest Table

Area Quest Name Designer DStatus Script SStatus Log Stat Passable QA 100%
Bloomfield Space Center
Map 1: Entrance Convince Rusty Hook Guards to Allow Passage Foletto
Map 1: Entrance Made it Through the Parking Structure Unscathed Foletto
Map 1: Entrance Convince Rusty Hook Guards to Allow Passage Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Restore Sub Reactor Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Help Sid Complete the Mega-Flamer Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Use Mega-flamer to Eliminate Rusty Hooks Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Get Sid to Tell about Bear's Heart Bomb and Kyle's Radio Trigger Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Disable Bear's C4 Heart Bomb Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Get Control of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Disable Radio Controlled Trigger of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Rewire Radio Controlled Trigger to Explode When Used Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Build Sid's Self Esteem Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Challenge Kyle to a Fight for Rusty Hooks' Leadership Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Convince Bear to Try and Take Over Rusty Hooks Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Hack Mission Control Computer Access Codes Foletto
Map 2: Control Center Enter Legit Mission Control Computer Access Codes
Map 2: Control Center Enter Legitimate Mission Control Launch Codes Foletto
Map 3: Launch Pad Sneak Passed Launch Pad Turrets, Security Bots, and NCR and Gain Access to Computer Control Room Foletto
Map 3: Launch Pad Hack into Launch Pad Security Computer Foletto
Map 3: Launch Pad Disable Launch Pad Turrets via Computer Hacking Foletto
Map 3: Launch Pad Reprogram Launch Pad Security Computer to have Turrets Fire on Bots and NCR Foletto
Map 3: Launch Pad Disable Turrets via Destroying Power Generator Foletto
Map 3: Launch Pad Destroy Turrets, Bots, and NCR via Conventional Means Foletto
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