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What do you want? Make it quick, you're blocking my view!

Bleak is a slave being held at Paradise Falls in Fallout 3.


Bleak is a slave that continuously plans her escape from Paradise Falls, spending her days memorizing the slavers' patrols and routine in hopes of using it to her advantage.[1][Non-game 1] She can be heard asking both Bronson and Breadbox for help in carrying out her plans but encounters issues with both each time. The former is too drunk to remember the equipment she asks for, repeatedly bringing her wrong items and failing to listen to her instructions, yet this does not stop her from giving him more chances to help and escape with her.[2][3] The latter on the other hand does not wish to escape, and rejects her help, refusing to even listen to her proposals nor assist in any form, though she still offers him her aid should he change his mind.[4][5] Ultimately, it rests upon her shoulders to carry out the breakout as she actively works towards it, and has both a sober mind and the will to escape.

Daily schedule[]

Bleak can be found at the Paradise Falls slave house for the entire day.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Random Wasteland outfit
Slave collar

Notable quotes[]


Bleak appears only in Fallout 3.


Xbox 360Xbox 360 Despite any efforts to free Bleak or make her leave the compound (which include killing all the slavers in Paradise Falls), she may remain in the holding cell repeating phrases like "I've got to get out of here" and is seemingly unaware that she is no longer obstructed from leaving (this may sometimes occur if the Rescue from Paradise quest has already been completed). [verified]


  1. Bleak: "What is it? Can't you see that I'm watching the guards?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "What are you looking at?"
    Bleak: "I'm watching the patrols, what do you think I'm looking at? They switch it up a little bit every day, but just a little. There has to be some sort of pattern to it, it's just a matter of watching and waiting."
    (Bleak’s dialogue)
  2. Bronson: "Hey, Bleak... you remember... you remember that thing that you asked me about? The secret thing?"
    Bleak: "You got the right one this time? Are you serious? Here, let me see. Hand it to me."
    Bronson: "Here you go, Bleak. Just like you asked."
    Bleak: "What the-? Dammit Bronson! This isn't what I asked for! I needed one of the detonators not... whatever this is!"
    Bronson: "Oh... I'm sorry, Bleak. I thought that's what you wanted..."
    Bleak:"How many times have we gone over this, Bronson? Can't you stay sober enough to do one little thing?"
    Bronson:"I know... just give me another chance... I... I can do it."
    Bleak: "I suppose I can do that. Just don't let me down again, Bronson. I need your help."
    (Bronson and Bleak's dialogue)
  3. Bronson: "Hey... Hey, Bleak... check this out... I did that thing you asked."
    Bleak: "Really? You did? Bronson I could kiss you! Here, hand it to me. Slowly."
    Bronson: "Okay, real slow... here. It's yours. Did I... did I do good?"
    Bleak: "Bronson! What is this? I didn't ask for this! You were supposed to get me one of the detonators! I don't even know what this is!"
    Bronson: "That isn't... you mean... awww shit. I'm sorry..."
    Bleak:"I'm starting to feel like I can't trust your drunk ass, Bronson. How many times is it that you've screwed up?"
    Bronson:"I'm... I'm so sorry, Bleak. Just one more chance... I won't... I won't let you down again..."
    Bleak: "Okay, Bronson. One more."
    (Bronson and Bleak's dialogue)
  4. Bleak: "Breadbox, listen. I need your help."
    Breadbox: "Whatever you're up to, girl, I want nothing to do with it. I'm too old to be involved in these crazy escape plans of yours."
    Bleak: "Are you serious? You want to die here? In this place? An old good for nothing slave? I mean come on, there so much more to..."
    Breadbox: "I'm fine right where I am, Bleak. There's more to this life than always fighting to change things. Sometimes, there is greater peace in acceptance."
    Bleak: "All right, all right. You know where to find me if you change your mind."
    Breadbox:"I don't need help, Bleak. But thank you."
    (Bleak and Breadbox's dialogue)
  5. Bleak: "Listen up, old man. I'm going to need your help with something..."
    Breadbox: "I don't even want to hear about it. I'm fine right where I am, thank you very much. Keep your plans to yourself."
    Bleak: "Come on, Breadbox. Do you want to die of old age in a slave pen? Really? Wouldn't you rather..."
    Breadbox: "Enough! I've made my decision. I'd rather live my life out here as happily as I can than die on some damn fool escape. Now, leave me alone."
    Bleak: "Okay, Breadbox. But if you ever do change your mind, I'd love to help you."
    Breadbox:"I wouldn't hold your breath, girl. I'm quite content."
    (Bleak and Breadbox's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.63:
    Since the day she arrived in Paradise Falls, Bleak has been planning her escape. She spends her days watching and memorizing the movements of the guards, waiting for the perfect time to make her move."