![]() | The following is based on Van Buren design documents and is not canon. |
This is part 4 of the Blackfoot Tribe design document for Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
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The following is the original document or a transcript thereof. |
The Quests section should be set up so you can cut and paste the damn thing into a PIPBoy quest log. This section is broken into several parts: The Main Quests in the area that are designed specifically by a designer, the Merchant Quests which are more generic "go to X with caravan Y and get Z reward," and the Floating Quests, which are a series of randomly generated quests for the area.
Note: Make sure to refer to the quest design section in the F3_Style.doc.
Main Quests
Main Quests are quests designed specifically by the designer for the area. Information on these quests should include:
/Become a Hangdog Warrior 2417
The player has exactly one day to journey to the northern ravines to tame a wild dog using his Outdoorsman skill. If he succeeds, he will be given a Hangdog warrior name and be called that by all Hangdogs. Alternately, he can attempt the much more difficult task of retrieving a puppy from the feral pack's lair. The puppy will be turned over to Teacher, and an adult dog will be given to the PC in exchange.
- Science Boy may be able to concoct some type of drug to make a wild dog easier to tame if his Outdoorsman skill is low. The hardware and housewares department in the nearby department store might have the necessary ingredients and components.
- DiploBoy may be able to talk Teacher into giving up some of his secret training techniques so the PC can use them on a wild dog. (Set a global which is checked when the PC uses Outdoorsman on a dog) Increase Outdoorsman through dialogue.
- Stealth Boy can sneak into the feral pack's lair and swipe a puppy. There are some minor rockfalls ("traps," but not really traps) in the area that can trigger and cause some noise, alerting the dogs, and Stealth Boy will be better at avoiding those things.
[NICHOLAS] – We'll need to come up with a method for sound and having entities react to sounds based on who triggered them. We'll also need to come up with the whole "passive trap detection" thing.
- Combat Boy doesn't get to do anything special, but he does have an easier time dealing with any hostile people and creatures he encounters at the ravine. He could also go into the feral pack's lair with guns blazing and take a puppy by force.
[NICHOLAS] – We'll need that function/gui for querying the player what name he wants for his Hangdog name and dog name.
- Initiator: Bares His Teeth
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: status, dog companion, XP
- Normal Journal: Bares-His-Teeth said that to become a Hangdog warrior I must go north to the ravines, tame a wild dog, and bring it back to the tribe. If I do this, they'll give me a Hangdog name and an adult trained dog.
- By completing the Hangdog trials, they made me a member of the Hangdogs. My Hangdog name is <HANGDOGNAME>, and I now have <DOGNAME> as a loyal servant hound.
- Dumb Journal: Teeth say me need to bring dog to tribe. Then I be part of tribe, and get pet dog!
- Me bring wild dog to Teeth! Hangdogs now call me <HANGDOGNAME> and I have <DOGNAME> as pet!
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = Aware that you can become a Hangdog
- 2 = you tamed a dog
- 3 = you brought a puppy
- 4 = have passed the tests, now you're a Hangdog (personal)
/Learn the Hangdog Fighting Style / 988
If you befriend them and become a Hangdog warrior, you can spend some time training with the Hangdogs and learn their unarmed style, "The Way of the Dog," which might involve a lot of tripping/knockdown.
Teacher will also teach you the style if you let him borrow DevilDog to breed one of the pack bitches.
- Initiator: various Hangdogs talkies
- Importance/Scope: small/small
- Rewards: Hangdog Fighting Style perk
- Normal Journal: The Hangdogs have their own fighting style involving lunges and trip attacks.
- I trained with Teacher to learn the Hangdog fighting style.
- Dumb Journal: Hangdogs fight special like dogs.
- Hangdogs teach me how they fight. I fight like dog now.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you know they have a fighting style (party)
- 2 = have trained in their fighting style (personal)
[NICHOLAS] – Routine is listed in Teacher section.
/Take Over the Hangdogs 2410
The PC must challenge Bares-His-Teeth for leadership of the group by pitting his dog against the Packleader's dog. It's not likely that the PC can succeed unless he has the Devil Dog on his side, but there may be alternate methods.
- Science Boy could develop steroids to use on his dog before the fight so he wins. Or metal teeth.
- DiploBoy could talk the Daughter of Hecate into helping him. Maybe have the Daughter declare Bares-His-Teeth unfit as a leader and threaten a fertility curse if the PC isn't made the new leader immediately?
- Stealth Boy could slip a soporific into the dogfood, making the Packleader's champion sluggish and more easily defeated.
- Combat Boy can take the dog to Teacher for training.
- Initiator: Bares His Teeth or other Hangdog smarty
- Importance/Scope: Minor/small-medium
- Rewards: leadership of Hangdogs, XP
- Normal Journal: To take over the Hangdogs, my dog champion has to defeat the dog champion of Bares His Teeth, the current leader.
- <DEVILDOG> easily defeated the dog of Bares His Teeth. Now I lead the Hangdogs.
- With the proper enhancing drugs, my dog <DOGNAME> defeated the dog of Bares His Teeth. Now I lead the Hangdogs.
- I talked Merrin into helping me. She declared Bares His Teeth to be a weak leader and threatened that the spirits would be angry if I didn't replace him as the new leader. Now I lead the Hangdogs.
- I trained my dog to be a better fighter, and with that training he was able to defeat the dog of Bares His Teeth. Now I lead the Hangdogs.
- I drugged Bares His Teeth's dog to make it sluggish, so my dog was able to defeat his. Now I lead the Hangdogs.
- Dumb Journal: If I want to be leader of Hangdogs, my dog got to beat Teeth's dog.
- My dog beat Teeth's dog. Now I lead Hangdogs!
- 2 = failed
- 4 = have passed the battle challenge, now you're the Hangdog leader
- 5 = you've been away too long, there is a new leader, you don't have the right to challenge
Help Chagas Take Over the Blackfoot Tribe/1981
Now that Chagas is back, he wants to run the tribe, just like his brother Ramon did before Chagas was collected by ULYSSES. He's not quite as skilled as Kurisu, but with luck he might be able to take her, and with the PC's help on top of that it's a pretty fair match. If the player is smart, he'll get Chagas to agree to come back to ULYSSES first in exchange for help in taking over the Blackfoots.
- CombatBoy can train him in fighting techniques.
- ScienceBoy can give him drugs to boost his ability. Training in Outdoorsman might help, too.
- DiploBoy will be better at negotiating with Chagas and talking him out of challenging Kurisu too early
- Stealthboy can train him in some appropriate skills (Sneak and Traps, mainly).
- Initiator: Chagas
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: loyalty from Chagas, XP
- Normal Journal: Chagas told me he wants to take over as leader of the Blackfoots, since his brother was the old leader before Kurisu took over.
- I trained Chagas is some fighting techniques that would help him in the leadership trials against Kurisu.
- I gave Chagas some drugs that would help him in the leadership trials against Kurisu.
- I taught Chagas some tricks about outdoor survival that would help him in the leadership trials against Kurisu.
- I taught Chagas some tricks about sneaking that would help him in the leadership trials against Kurisu.
- I taught Chagas some tricks about trapfinding survival that would help him in the leadership trials against Kurisu.
- Chagas challenged Kurisu for leadership and won!
- Chagas challenged Kurisu for leadership, but she defeated him. Now she's more popular than ever.
- Dumb Journal: Chagas wants to be Blackfoot boss. His brother was boss before Kurisu was boss,
- Me taught Chagas how to fight better so he can be boss instead of Kurisu.
- Me gave Chagas drugs so he can be boss instead of Kurisu.
- Me show Chagas tricks about living outside so he can be boss instead of Kurisu.
- Me show Chagas how to sneak better so he can be boss instead of Kurisu.
- Me show Chagas things about traps so he can be boss instead of Kurisu.
- Chagas is now boss instead of Kurisu.
- Chagas tried to be boss, but Kurisu is better and still boss.
"04_Chagas_Leader "
- 0 = unaware
- 2 = you talked him out of it
- 3 = you helped him, it worked, he's leader
- 4 = you helped him, it wasn't enough, he's not leader
- 1 = talked to Chagas, know he wants to be leader
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = trained him in a fighting technique
- 2 = trained him in two fighting techniques
"04_Chagas_Leader_Drugs "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = gave him drugs to boost his ability
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = gave him some Outdoorsman training (only if you're better than he is)
"04_Chagas_Leader_Sneak "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = gave him some Sneak training (only if you're better than he is)
"04_Chagas_Leader_Traps "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = gave him some Traps training (only if you're better than he is)
- 0 = Kurisu leader
- 1 = Chagas leader
- 2 = PC leader
3 = Kurisu leader after PC stays away too long4 = Chagas leader after PC stays away too long
- We need a quest where you help out Kurisu against Chagas so he wants to leave.
/Set Up Chagas as the Gunsmith in these Parts
Once the whole prisoner issue is addressed, you can set him up here as the tribe's gunsmith. He'd rather be leader, but this is a position of power and respect that a DiploBoy can talk him into.
- CombatBoy can bully him into giving up on being a leader and take the tech role
- ScienceBoy can show him a few tricks, and maybe bribe him with a nice weapon into helping out in this manner.
- DiploBoy can talk him into it
- Stealthboy can sneak into his home and plant stuff there that makes him look too weak to be a leader, which makes it easier to talk him into being the craftsman.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: Chagas is skilled at gunsmithing. He wants to lead the Blackfoots but the tribe might be better off with him as gunsmith.
- After a few threats, Chagas gave up on his designs of being leader of the Blackfoots and started to settle in as their gunsmith.
- I showed Chagas a few tricks in the art of gunsmithing, and now he's really enthused about doing that sort of work. It looks like he's given up on wanting to be leader of the Blackfoots.
- In exchange for a nice weapon I got Chagas to agree to be the Blackfoots' gunsmith and give up on being its next leader.
- After a long talk with Chagas, I got him to realize the tribe would be better off with him as the gunsmith instead of its leader.
- I planted some evidence in Chagas' home so he'd look weak and unsuitable as a leader. Properly shamed, he's settled for being the tribe's gunsmith.
- Dumb Journal: Chagas wants to be Blackfoot boss, but he much better at making guns than being boss.
- Me say me hurt Chagas unless he make guns and not be Blackfoot boss. He said okay, he no be boss.
- Me show Chagas tricks to make guns. Now he want to only make guns, say "screw this boss shit."
- Me talk to Chagas long time. Now he want to make guns, not be boss.
- Me put stuff in Chagas house. Blackfoots no want him be boss now, so he make guns.
"04_Chagas_Gunsmith "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you bullied him into being gunsmith instead of leader
- 2 = you showed him tricks to convince him to be the gunsmith
- 3 = you bribed him with a gun to convince him to be the gunsmith
- 4 = talked him into being the gunsmith with pure diplomacy
- 5 = made him look too weak to be leader, so he settles for gunsmith
- 1 = lending him a Hard book on Mechanics
- 2 = teaching him with your Hard skill in Mechanics
- 3 = has been taught
- 1 = kick his learn script into action
/Become a Friend of the Blackfoots
You can't actually join the tribe in-game, but you can talk Chagas or Kurisu into naming you a friend of the Blackfoots, which gives you some advantages among them (discounts on stuff, mostly) but also gives you a bad reputation among other groups (because of your association with the slaving Blackfoots).
- 5 = you refused
- 7 = you were a friend but had it revoked when you told Kurisu how you helped Chagas cheat
- 9 = you're a friend of the Blackfoots
Free the Blackfoots from the Daughter of Hecate/1978
Most of the Blackfoots fear the power of Hecate and her Daughters, but unlike Caesar, they see being under the influence of Hecate as a necessary evil, since she's "proven" time and again that she controls the tribe's fertility.
- DiploBoy might be able convince Merrin that she'd be more comfortable elsewhere. This is a temporary solution, since another Daughter would be sent to replace her, but it will give time for the Blackfoots to do things without Hecate's eye on them
- Science Boy could concoct something to increase the Daughter's sensitivity to dog hair, forcing her to flee. This might convince the Blackfoots that the canine gods have denounced Hecate.
[NICHOLAS] – The concoction will need to be detailed out (ingredients, skill reqs., and how to apply them). The script for Merrin may also need to react to the steroids. She'll also need a routine to flee due to her new allergy.
- Combat Boy can lead the tribe's warriors against the Vipers/Daughters. Ouch!
[NICHOLAS] – How will this work? Do we "fade to black, map change to the Daughters and proceed to fight"? Who does the PC talk to to initiate the attack? We should also do a "PC must be strong enough" check for this.
- Initiator: varies (based on her interactions with the tribe)
- Importance/Scope: minor/small
- Rewards: status, XP
- Normal Journal: The Blackfoots fear Merrin as an agent of the Daughters of Hecate, but claim they need her because of superstitious mumbo-jumbo. Maybe they'd be better off without her.
- I convinced Merrin to go back to her people, but the Daughters of Hecate will just send another witch. I need to use this time to show the Blackfoots they don't need the Daughters interfering with their lives.
- After a little chemistry on my part, Merrin's dog allergies went haywire and she had to leave the Blackfoot village. Hopefully the Blackfoots will take this as a sign that the Daughters don't belong here.
- I convinced the Blackfoots to attack the Vipers and their Daughters of Hecate masters.
- Dumb Journal: Merrin scares the Blackfoots. Maybe I get her to leave?
- I talk Merrin into leaving. Ha! No more Merrin!
- I make Merrin get big sneezes from dogs. She went away.
- I lead Blackfoots to fight the Vipers and Daughter! Fight, fight!
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = Aware that some tribals aren't totally pleased with her
- 2 = have spoken to her about leaving
- 3 = talked her into leaving
- 4 = drove her out with allergies
Take Over the Blackfoots
To lead the tribe, the PC must defeat Kurisu in three different challenges: strength, agility, and combat (unpowered weapons only). They occur right after each other, so any damage you've suffered during the first two trials is still in effect for the last trial. Once you defeat her (it's not to the death) you're in charge, though it will take some time for the tribe to adjust (you lose some status for challenging an existing strong and well-liked leader, but can make up for it with your actions).
- SciBoy can drug himself up or poison her secretly before the competition. Problematic, though, as she has the right to delay the challenge by 5 days. He could also drug her mind (with reverse-Mentats or something) and then try the ChaBoy route.
- ChaBoy could convince her to step down and let Chagas lead, possibly by turning her away from her bitterness about not being rescued by her family, possibly by some sort of romantic involvement. This also works to help convince her to become your CNPC. He could also "psyche her out" beforehand, making her a little shaky in her reactions.
- Stealth Boy can plant some things in the tent and elsewhere in the town to incriminate her or otherwise turn the tribe against her, or sabotage the strength and agility tests.
- Combat Boy ought to be able to beat her down with sufficient technology and maybe access to some drugs for the other two tests.
- Initiator: Kurisu
- Importance/Scope: major/small
- Rewards: leadership of tribe, XP
- Normal Journal: To become the leader of the Blackfoots, I must defeat Kurisu in tests of strength, agility, and nonlethal combat. The tests are issued immediately after one another with no resting in between.
- With the help of some strong drugs, I was able to beat Kurisu in the challenges and take over as leader of the Blackfoots.
- I talked Kurisu into stepping down as leader and putting Chagas in her place.
- Through talk before our challenges, I was able to intimidate Kurisu. This helped me beat her and take over as leader of the Blackfoots.
- Through careful planning and some planted evidence, I was able to turn the Blackfoots against Kurisu, and now I lead them.
- Dumb Journal: If I wanna lead Blackfoots, I got to beat Kurisu three times.
- I beat Kurisu three times! I lead the Blackfoots!
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = Aware that you can become leader
- 2 = Have challenged Kurisu and failed
- 3 = Have challenged Kurisu and succeeded. You are leader.
4 = have been away too long, no longer the leader
/Cure the Sick Dogs 3066
A number of dogs have recently fallen ill, and neither Grins-Alot nor Teacher can seem to figure out what the cause is. The disease seems to be canine-specific and thus far hasn't affected humans. The truth is that the dogs have dug up a long-dead ghoul, and some of them ate it. You can follow the dogs to try to figure out the problem, or you can just use Medicine skill to cure them without knowing the specific cause.
- CombatBoy can shrink to microscopic size and fight the germs. Just kidding.
- ScienceBoy has the best at handling this, using RadAway to treat them.
- DiploBoy is outta luck. Talking to the dogs may make the feel better, but won't cure them.
- Stealthboy could follow the dogs around to see if they're eating anything they shouldn't be. We don't need to do a stealth check.
- Initiator: Grins A Lot
- Importance/Scope: minor/small
- Rewards: status, XP
- Normal Journal: Grins Alot tells me the dogs of the Hangdogs are starting to become sick and he can't figure out why.
- I followed the dogs for a while to see if they were eating anything bad for them or straying into an area of toxins or radiation. I didn't find anything.
- I treated the dogs' symptoms, and they're doing better, but I haven't cured the root of the problem yet.
- I found a way to cure the sickness of the Hangdogs' dogs.
- Dumb Journal: Grins say dogs are sick.
- Me follow dogs. Dogs no eat bad stuff, so bad stuff not the problem.
- I helped the sick dogs! Still sick, but doing better.
- Sick dogs all better now!
- Cure the sick dog quest has to have rads as a factor. That's what's making them sick. Ah, they've been eating a dead ghoul or something else that had a lot of rads.
- Dog script will need to have the sick dogs going to the dead ghoul, chewing on it, and setting 04_Dogs_Ghoul to 1. You can check their rads or the brahmin's and they test positive.
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = Aware that dogs are sick
- 2 = have followed the dogs to study their behavior
- 3 = dogs have been cured (needs good Medicine skill or radaway)
- 4 = Grins has been informed that they've been cured
- 1 = you know they've been eating a dead ghoul, recently unburied.
- 1 = you know radiation is responsible for their sickness
- 1 = dogs are marked for death by Grins A Lot
- 2 = dogs have been killed and disposed of
/Tame the Devil Dog
If you have a high Outdoorsman skill and the appropriate bribes of food, you can tame the Devil Dog and make him a CNPC.
- Science Boy could develop something chemical to initially improved his reaction to you, effectively giving you a temporary boost to Persuasion re: dealing with dogs (really it's Outdoorsman, but whatevah). He's also likely to have the best Outdoorsman chance.
- DiploBoy with a high Persuasion could get a synergy bonus to Outdoorsman for help in taming the Devil Dog.
- Stealth Boy could sneak into the Devil Dog's lair and slip him something to calm him down and make him less likely to attack.
- Combat Boy can beat it up with unarmed attacks (so as to not kill him), showing him that he (CombatBoy) is the alpha in this relationship. It might take a couple of beatings, but it'll stick.
- Initiator: any talky Hangdog
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: Devil Dog companion, status, Walks With The Devil epithet, XP
- Normal Journal: I've been told of a strange and powerful dog the Hangdogs call the "Devil Dog" that lives to the north. They fear it and think it's an angry spirit, since they haven't been able to tame it like they would a normal dog.
- I managed to tame the Devil Dog, though it took some science to make everything go smoothly. Now he follows me around. I call him <DEVILDOG>.
- I showed the Devil Dog who's boss, and now he follows me around. I call him <DEVILDOG>.
- Dumb Journal: Hangdogs are afraid of bad spirit dog. Devil Dog lives to the north.
- Devil Dog is my friend now. I call him <DEVILDOG>.
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = tamed the Devil Dog
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = have fed him once
- 2 = have fed him twice
- 3 = have fed him three times.
- 4 = You have tamed him! Requires a timer operation, as these must be at least a day apart
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = have used something to make you smell better to him (helps feed and fight)
- 0 = Unaware of quest
- 1 = defeated him once nonlethally
- 2 = twice
- 3 = three times.
- 4 = He accepts you
- 0 = you haven't given him a different name
- 1 = you have given him a different name
/Cure the Devil Dog
The Devil Dog is sick with something like rabies. It makes him aggressive and intractable. If you cure his sickness before you tame him, it means he wanders away from Blackfoot territory, possibly to be found in a high-Outdoorsman encounter later in the game. If you tame him first, he gets sicker and sicker (and more and more aggressive and stubborn), until he becomes seriously fatigued and then dies shortly after. A good doggie owner will try to cure him before that happens.
[NICHOLAS] – This "encounter him later in the game" area should be listed in the RANDOM ENCOUNTER section.
- Science Boy can develop the cure, or (if your skill is too low) medicine to stave off the symptoms for a while (repeat doses will be necessary).
- DiploBoy can talk someone else into making the cure or medicine.
- Initiator: Devil Dog
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: a CNPC that obeys and won't die outright, XP
- Normal Journal: <DEVILDOG> is acting strangely. He may be sick.
- I've found a way to treat <DEVILDOG>'s symptoms but I haven't cured him.
- <DEVILDOG> died because I couldn't cure what was ailing him.
- I found a way to cure <DEVILDOG>.
- Dumb Journal: <DEVILDOG> is sick!
- Me giving <DEVILDOG> medicine to make him feel better.
- <DEVILDOG> died. Me sad.
- <DEVILDOG> is all better now!
- 0 = hasn't been treated
- 4 = Devil Dog has died
- 5 = Devil Dog has been cured
- records the start of him joining your party (and thus his sickness)
- 1 = has been sick for one week
- 2 = for two weeks
- 10 = dies
- 1 = aware that DevilDog is sick (party)
- 1 = Grins A Lot has examined him
- 2 = Grins A Lot has treated him with some medicine in the past.
- 3 = Grins A Lot cured him
/Let the Hangdogs Use the Devil Dog For Breeding / 988
Teacher wants his bloodline in their dogs.
- Initiator: Teacher
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: training for you or Devil Dog, or caps or an item
- Normal Journal: Teacher said he'd like to breed <DEVILDOG> with some of the Hangdog pack.
- I let Teacher use <DEVILDOG> as a stud for the Hangdog pack.
- Dumb Journal: Teacher want <DEVILDOG> to make puppies.
- Me let Teacher use <DEVILDOG> to make puppies.
- 0 = no bitches currently in heat to breed to DevilDog
- 1 = there are currently bitches in heat to breed to DevilDog
- 1 = DevilDog has been bred at some point in the past
- 0 = nobody owes anybody anything
- 1 = teacher offers you an XXX for the breeding, or he's offered to train Devil Dog in ST or AG in exchange for letting him breed him. resets to 0 once the payment/training is made.
[NICHOLAS] – Routine for this is listed in the Teacher section.
Convince the Blackfoots to Sell Water
With the snowfall from the mountainside and access to a caravan or rail line, the Blackfoots could become water sellers (possibly instead of slavers). You need to convince the leader of the Blackfoots and the leader of the Hangdogs to get people to agree to this.
- CombatBoy can threaten to murder everyone if they don't start selling water
- DiploBoy can convince people of the wrongness of slavery (tough to do!) and offer water as an alternative commodity.
- Stealthboy could free the slaves, or poison them, eventually getting rid of all of the slaves. Then, as DiploBoy-light, tell them that angry spirits have entered the town and are unhappy with the slaving, but the spirits would be mollified by the Blackfoots trading in something else, such as water.
We need a generic "if I see a slave trying to escape, sound an alarm" check/routine for Blackfoot/Hangdog NPCs.
- Initiator: xxxx
- Importance/Scope: Major/medium
- Rewards: money, status, XP
- Normal Journal: The Blackfoot tribals have access to a lot of water, mainly from rain and snow that falls on their village. If I could convince them to sell water they could help the wasteland and profit themselves at the same time.
- I coerced the Blackfoots into starting caravans to sell water to other settlements in the wasteland.
- I talked the Blackfoots into starting caravans to sell water to other settlements in the wasteland.
- I coerced the Blackfoots into starting caravans to sell water to other settlements in the wasteland, and even convinced them to stop slaving!
- By helping the slaves escape, I tricked the Blackfoots into thinking that the spirits were upset about the Blackfoots being slavers, but would be mollified if the Blackfoots traded water instead.
- Dumb Journal: Blackfoots have a lot of water! Other people in wasteland need water.
- Now the Blackfoots trade water to other people in wasteland!
- 0 = Unaware of Blackfoot water supply
- 1 = aware of Blackfoot water supply
- 0 = haven't convinced him to sell water
- 1 = have convinced him to sell water
- 0 = haven't convinced him/her to sell water
- 1 = have convinced him/her to sell water
/Get Marie apprenticed to Teacher 987
She wants to learn to care for the animals, but tradition has it that the Hangdog women tend to the household. Her father Grins-A-Lot technically doesn't mind, but in order to save face he can't simply give permission.
- CombatBoy could challenge her father to a fight and become her guardian. The fight could either be man-to-man or dog-to-dog, but nonlethal in either case. If the PC wins, he can apprentice Marie to Teacher.
- DiploBoy can talk Grins-A-Lot, the leader of the Hangdogs, and the Daughter of Hecate into allowing the apprenticeship.
- Initiator: Teacher
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: status, possible native remedy from Grins A Lot or dog tips from Teacher, XP
- Normal Journal: I overheard one of the Hangdog girls talking about wanting to be a dog trainer.
- Grins A Lot's daughter Marie wants to learn to train the dogs, but Hangdog girls are expected to take care of the home.
- I defeated Grins A Lot in battle and now I am Marie's guardian. I told her she would work with Teacher to learn the ways of training the dogs. Grins A Lot has saved face by not breaking tradition, and Marie gets to learn about the dogs. Everyone wins.
- My dog defeated Grins A Lot's dog in battle and now I am Marie's guardian. I told her she would work with Teacher to learn the ways of training the dogs. Grins A Lot has saved face by not breaking tradition, and Marie gets to learn about the dogs. Everyone wins.
- I talked to Grins A Lot, Bares His Teeth, and Merrin and got them to agree to let Marie learn the secrets of dog training from Teacher.
- Dumb Journal: Hangdog girl say want to train dogs.
- Marie wants to work with dogs. Grins is her father. She can't work with dogs because she is a girl and Hangdogs no allow it.
- Me fought Grins and won, so me say Marie learns about dogs now.
- My dog found Grins dog and won, so I say Marie learns about dogs now.
- I talked to everyone and now Marie can work with dogs like she wants to.
- 0 = unaware
- 5 = success! Marie is apprenticed
- 1 = you had the dogfight and you lost, she's not apprenticed
- 1 = aware of Marie's interest in animals, via float or talking
- 2 = spoke to her for more info, know that Blackfoot girls aren't allowed
- 3 = you were mean and said that girls deserve to be stuck in the home
- 1 = you challenge Grins to a dogfight
- 2 = failed to beat Grins' dog
- 4 = your dog defeated Grins' dog
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know that he knows the custom (party)
- 2 = knows that Grins-A-Lot is OK with it except for losing face
- 3 = you've tried to persuade him, no decision yet
- 4 = talked him into accepting it despite loss of face
- 1 = you know that he'd be happy to have her train with him
Recruit Marie for the Daughters of Hecate
Marie has some potential for science, which means the Daughters would want her on their side instead of independent. If you're allied with the daughters, you can arrange to have Marie join them voluntarily (which requires talking to Marie (to make her understand that the Daughters will train her as well as Teacher could) and possibly her father, or kidnap her and deliver her into their custody. Either way, it requires talking to Merrin, and afterwards Marie won't be in the Blackfoot town any more, which will ensadden the Hangdogs and especially her father.
- CombatBoy will have the easiest time subduing a 12-year-old girl if she doesn't want to go.
- ScienceBoy can drug her into unconsciousness, then take her to the meeting-place with Merrin's agent.
- DiploBoy can talk to Marie, Grins-A-Lot, and Merrin and get this all worked out and everyone happy with the situation.
- Initiator: Merrin
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: status, tribal medicine from Merrin, XP
- Normal Journal: Merrin would be interested in getting Marie to join the Daughters of Hecate, but fears it may make the tribals angry if Marie doesn't suggest it herself.
- I knocked out Marie and took her to Merrin, who left town to take the girl to the headquarters of the Daughters of Hecate.
- I drugged Marie and took her to Merrin, who left town to take the girl to the headquarters of the Daughters of Hecate.
- I talked to Marie about the Daughters of Hecate and convinced her that she would be better off with the Daughters, since they could teach her medicine and give her an important job somewhere with another tribe.
- Dumb Journal: Merrin want Marie to become one of the Daughters. Merrin is scared the tribe will be mad if Marie doesn't want to go.
- I bonked Marie on head and took her to Merrin. Merrin left town with Marie.
- I gave Marie sleepy-drug and took her to Merrin. Merrin left town with Marie.
- I talked to Marie about the Daughters. Marie said she would talk to Merrin.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = aware of Marie's interest in animals
- 2 = convinced her to join Daughters voluntarily
- 4 = kidnapped Marie against her will and brought her to Merrin
- 5 = got everyone to agree to it ... success!
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = talked to Merrin about Marie joining them
- 2 = Merrin agrees that Marie should join them
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = spoke to him about her joining the Daughters
- 2 = talked him into it
3 = he refused
/Help Garun Get Caught Up 2879
He's always busy trying to maintain the tribe's weapons, and if you could help him get ahead a bit he'd really appreciate it. The results are based on the extent of your skill.
- CombatBoy, ChaBoy, and StealthBoy can do this if they have some skill at it. Even if they're really lame, they can help a _little_ bit just by sorting things, carrying stuff, etc.
- ScienceBoy excels at this, and has the best chance of getting him really far ahead, which would please him greatly.
- Initiator: Garun
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: status, XP
- Normal Journal: Garun is always trying to catch up on fixing and cleaning the tribe's weapons. He could really use some help.
- I took some time to help out Garun with his work. Now he's caught up and glad to have a little less worry in his life.
- Dumb Journal: Garun fixes stuff. He always busy. He needs help fixing.
- I help Garun fix! Me good helper! Garun thank me.
- 0 = unaware
- 2 = Garun has been helped
- 1 = you know Garun could use some help (party)
- 0 = you're not the one who helped him
- 1 = you're the one who helped him
- 1 = you know he'll fix guns or make them for a price
- 1 = you taught him how to fix/make guns, so he fixes/makes yours for free
/Get Garun some Damn Tools 2880
If he wasn't working with such primitive tools, he'd be able to do his work a lot faster. Make or find him some decent pliers, clamps, and such and give or trade them to him. Two multitools should do it.
- All types of characters are equal here, although...
- ScienceBoy could probably make some tools for Garun instead of having to find/buy them.
- Initiator: Garun
- Importance/Scope: major/major (there are no multitools in the village)
- Rewards: maybe a weapon upgrade?, XP
- Normal Journal: Garun's work would be a lot easier if he had some decent tools. He said that if I brought him a couple of better tools he would make it worth my time.
- I gave Garun two multitools, which is exactly what he needed to make his work go more smoothly.
- Dumb Journal: Garun needs good tools to do his job.
- I brought Garun two multool ... mullitool ... two tools so he can work better.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you know a multitool would help him with his work
- 2 = Garun been given one multitool
- 3 = he has been given 2 multitools, quest finished
/Get Garun some Booze 2881
He likes his booze, won't you get an old man a drink?
- All types of characters are equal here, although...
- ScienceBoy could probably make some booze for Garun instead of having to find/buy them.
- Initiator: Garun
- Importance/Scope: minor/major (no booze in town)
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: Garun must have acquired a taste for liquor at some point because he asked if I could bring him some booze the next time I come around.
- I brought Garun some booze. He promised not to drink it all at once.
- Dumb Journal: Garun wants booze!
- I brought Garun booze.
- 0 = unaware
- 2 = has provided him some booze. Activates timer, asÉ
- 3 = Garun drinks all the booze. You can provide him more, though there's no more XP for it (keeps toggling between state 3 and state 4, which is identical to state 2 except no XP). Maybe he makes items cheaper, but slower, each time you give him more booze.
- 4 = has booze again
- 1 = knows Garun wants some booze
/Train Garun in GunWork 2882
He's old, but he can still learn, and if you teach him how to make bullets and simple guns, he can start making them (slowly) for the tribe.
- ScienceBoy is the winner here. The Outdoorsman Lab can be used to make this stuff, but a real Science Lab would be better.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: tribe weapon upgrade, XP
- Normal Journal: I taught Garun how to make guns. He's not too quick about it and isn't good at complex weapons, but he can do and simple guns. Soon the tribe will be much better armed.
- Dumb Journal: I show Garun how to make guns. Garun is old but he can learn it okay.
- 0 = unaware
- 2 = he's been given the necessary training to know gun maintenance (requires decent Mechanics skill)
- 3 = he's been given the necessary training to know gun crafting (requires good Mechanics skill)
- 2 = kick his learn script (repair) into action
- 3 = kick his learn script (create) into action
- 1 = you know he's interested in learning about guns (party)
- 1 = you're the one who taught him how to fix/build guns
(or if you brought him 10 booze)
Build a Still for the Town
If you built them a still, they can make their own booze. Doing so will decrease the number of raids in the area as many more people will get really drunk more often. This makes Kurisu mad at you unless you can get her to start drinking, too.
- ScienceBoy is best at building it
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: money, XP
- Normal Journal: I built a still for the Blackfoots so they could experience the joys of liquor.
- Dumb Journal: Me make hooch machine for Blackfoots.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you've heard that the locals like the liquor but can only get it from raids
- 2 = have built or acquired a still for them
- 3 = Kurisu destroys the still because everyone is drunk
4 = you get Kurisu drunk too so she doesn't break the still
Find the Quarantine Robot
In talking to/about Chagas, you hear that he was being chased by a "metal bug" in the wastelands when the tribals found him (he calls it a robot because he spent some time incarcerated and knows what it is, but the other primitives don't). The Blackfoots that saw the pursuit were able to take it out with some lucky shots from their precious zip guns and pipe rifles. It's still sitting out there in the wasteland, and one of the raiders who saw it can lead you there for a price.
- CombatBoy can steal ammo from it
- ScienceBoy can loot it for parts, or stumble across it accidentally with a high enough Outdoorsman skill.
- DiploBoy can negotiate a better price for the guiding.
[NICHOLAS] – Map should be listed in LOCATIONS section.
- Initiator: Chagas
- Importance/Scope: major/medium
- Rewards: parts from the robot, XP
- Normal Journal: Chagas told me that when he was returning to the village a robot chased him and was barely defeated by some lucky shots from a group of Blackfoot slavers. The robot is probably still out there.
- I talked to Mary Green-Eyes who saw the robot (she called it a "metal scorpion") chasing Chagas, and he agreed to take me there for the right price.
- Mary Green-Eyes took me to the location of the downed robot that followed Chagas.
- Dumb Journal: Robot chased Chagas before he came home. Robot still out there.
- Mary said she'd take me to the robot.
- Mary took me to the robot.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = heard from Chagas about the robot
- 2 = he marked it on your map
- 3 = arrived at location, start salvaging!
Xxx need placement on a random map, set a trigger so that once you enter that map it sets 04_Find_Robot ==3
Save Kurisu's Soul
She's a hardcore slaver and bitter that her brother never rescued her. With a lot of talk and TLC you can turn her away from this dark path, and doing so gets her to help you stop the tribe from slaving.
- CombatBoy can talk to her about how she has built herself up out of strength and that she has a lot going for her. Maybe she should go look for her brother and prove her strength to him.
- DiploBoy can talk up her strengths, her leadership skills, and how the people look up to her. Also can mention that maybe something happened to her brother and that's why he didn't come for her. Maybe she needs to go help him....
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: lots of good Karma, XP
- Normal Journal: Kurisu is bitter that her brother never came to find her after she was taken by slavers.
- I talked to Kurisu about her past and why she shouldn't be angry, since she is now a powerful and good leader for her tribe.
- I convinced Kurisu to put her bitterness aside and appreciate the rewards she has earned.
- Dumb Journal: Kurisu mad because her brother didn't look for her long ago.
- I talked to Kurisu about being mad.
- Kurisu feels better now and is not mad at her brother.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows that she's bitter about never being rescued
- 2 = you've talked to her about it
- 3 = you've given her TLC about it
- 4 = you've talked and TLC'd
- 5 = enough Persuasion ... success!
Damn Kurisu's Soul
You can make Kurisu totally bitter and a total hardass. If you do so, life gets worse for the slaves in town, and the Blackfoots start doing even more slaving and selling the slaves out to Caesar or the ghouls or anyone else who needs them (she doesn't mind working with the ghouls at this point since she's so badass).
Increase # of slaves, lower HP of townies, etc.
- CombatBoy can talk up about how badass she is, and how she should use the strength she earned to subjugate others.
- DiploBoy can talk up her strengths, her leadership skills, and how the people look up to her. Also can mention that maybe something happened to her brother and that's why he didn't come for her. Maybe she needs to go help him....
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: lots of bad Karma, XP
- Normal Journal: I pointed out to Kurisu that her past made her what she is now, and if she hadn't been taken as a slave she wouldn't be leader of a tribe. I told her she should use her gifts and strength to make the Blackfoots even greater.
- Kurisu finally appreciates how tough she is, that she deserves whatever power she can grab, and anyone weaker than her deserves to be enslaved.
- Dumb Journal: Kurisu is strong and I tell her that. She make her tribe strong!
- I tell Kurisu she should take charge of anyone weak she meets. She said yes.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = knows that she's bitter about never being rescued
- 2 = you've talked to her some about it
- 3 = you've made her even more pissed about it
- 5 = enough Persuasion ... success! Evil Kurisu!
Update the Blackfoot Outdoorsman lab
Their Outdoorsman Lab is fine and dandy, but it would be nicer for your purposes if you had a Science Lab instead. So you decide to upgrade it.
- ScienceBoy is again the winner.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: you'll have a science lab
- Normal Journal: I upgraded the Blackfoot outdoorsman camp so I could use it for more scientific purposes.
- Dumb Journal: Me make Blackfoot camp better so it does science stuff.
- 0 = don't know about the lab
- 1 = you have seen the Outdoorsman Lab
2 = you've upgraded the lab
Help the Guards, They're Bored
The four guards on rotating shifts to watch the wall tend to get very bored with their duties. You can come up with tasks for them that don't require them to take their eyes off the horizon, or at least not for more than a few seconds.
- CombatBoy can show them a strength-test game, kinda like Thumb War.
- ScienceBoy doesn't have much to offer that wouldn't bore them. Or maybe they could memorize statistics. Fun. Or teach them to read!
- DiploBoy can start a story contest.
- Stealthboy can teach them how to gamble.
- Initiator: the guards
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: status, XP
- Normal Journal: I taught the Blackfoot gate guards how to play Thumb War to help them pass the time while on duty.
- I taught the Blackfoot gate guards how to read to help them pass the time while on duty.
- I taught the Blackfoot gate guards the art of storytelling to help them pass the time while on duty.
- I taught the Blackfoot gate guards how to gamble to help them pass the time while on duty.
- Dumb Journal: Me teach Blackfoot guards Thumb War!
- Me teach Blackfoot guards reading!
- Me teach Blackfoot guards stories!
- Me teach Blackfoot guards gambling!
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = have spoken to the guards and know they get bored
- 2 = taught them a Strength-test
- 3 = taught them to read
- 4 = taught them storytelling contest
5 = taught them gambling
/Fix Fast-Hands' Leg 2230
Fast-Hands broke his leg in a climbing accident. The shaman Merrin has refused to help him, saying that he hasn't paid the proper respect to her (a snub on a previous matter that she's being petty about). You can take care of his leg, but it'll make her like you less.
- ScienceBoy can use Medicine to set his leg. A decent skill can set his leg better than it is (leaving him with a limp when healed but otherwise OK), a good skill can set it perfectly (full recovery). He'll be grateful if you help him a little, but if you totally fix it, once it's healed (2 months) he'll go climbing again and present you some broc flowers and nara roots as a thank-you (he knows Merrin uses them for healing but doesn't know how, and assumes you do know how).
[NICHOLAS] – We'll need the skill difficulties for the various heals as well as the strref for the "Medic - heal leg" string.
- Initiator: Fast-Hands
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: 2 broc flowers, 2 nara roots, XP
- Normal Journal: Fast-Hands, one of the Blackfoots, broke his leg in a fall. The Daughter of Hecate refuses to help him, apparently because he hasn't shown her the proper respect. Now his leg is poorly set and he's worried that when it's healed he'll be unable to walk or climb.
- I broke and re-set Fast-Hands' broken leg so it would heal properly. He might have a limb, but he'll be able to walk and even climb when it's fully healed.
- Now that his leg is fully healed, Fast-Hands brought be some medicinal plants as a thank-you for helping him.
- Dumb Journal: Fast-Hands broke leg. He is afraid of limping. Daughter won't help, she mad at him.
- Me fix Fast-Hands leg. It will be okay.
- Fast-Hands leg is better. He gave me medicine plants.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you know his leg is broken
- 2 = you know the Daughter won't help him
- 3 = his leg has been set so it heals properly (req good Medicine). Enter a float state. Starts timer (04_Fast_Hands_Timestamp), which eventually (2 months) turns it to state 4...
- 4 = his leg is healed. The next time a PC walks into his field of vision, he goes to them, initiates dialogue, and give them broc flowers and nara roots. He then sets himself to state 5...
- 5 = he has rewarded the healer for his help and his debt is paid (now in float state)
/Reconcile Fast-Hands and the Daughter of Hecate 2231
Publically, Merrin is upset with Fast-Hands because he has failed to show proper respect to the goddess and the spirits. Secretly, they had an affair that ended badly, and her feelings are hurt. She'd like him to apologize, and maybe even to continue their affair. He's not so sure about getting back together, but can be cajoled into apologizing (you can even talk him into making an offering/apology to the spirits in front of Merrin, when she's the real target, which keeps their affair secret. That will fix the situation and she'll fix his leg if it hasn't already been fixed yet.)
- CombatBoy can beat him up until he agrees to apologize. He could beat her up, too, but that would be stupid.
- ScienceBoy can bribe her with tribal medicines or the dog-allergy-relief stuff mentioned in the Marie's apprentice quest.
- DiploBoy will have the best chance of convincing them to make up, either through intimidation or diplomacy.
- Stealthboy can sneak around their homes and find some clues about their secret affair, confronting them on it and making them admit (to the PC) what the fuss is really all about, making the speech checks easier (and allowing you to take the ChaBoy route with lower skill totals on your end).
- Initiator: Fast-Hands
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: MERRIN It turns out that the "disrespect" between Fast-Hands and Daughter is actually about their secret affair, which ended badly.
- I convinced Fast-Hands that an apology to Daughter is a good idea.
- Fast-Hands apologized to Daughter and they seem to be over their feud.
- She has agreed to fix his leg now.
- Dumb Journal: MERRIN Fast-Hands and Daughter had secret fight.
- Me tell Fast-Hands to say he sorry.
- Fast-hands say he sorry to Daughter
- Daughter will fix Fast-Hands leg now.
- 0 = unaware
- 3 = allergens placed to force her to agree
- 4 = Fast-Hands has been threatened/persuaded into apologizing
- 6 = Fast-Hands apologizes, Merrin fixes his leg
- 7 = allergy torture worked, Merrin fixes his leg
- 10 = Fast-Hands apologizes, leg has already been fixed
- 1 = party knows Fast-Hands and Merrin had an affair
- 1 = had to threaten him to get him to apologize so Merrin would fix his leg (personal)
- 1 = found out she's allergic to dogs
- 2 = she's agreed to fix his leg in exchange for not messing with her allergies
Free the Slaves
Set the slaves free and make a run for it.
- CombatBoy can guard the exit as the slaves escape, engaging the tribals so the slaves have more time to get away.
- ScienceBoy can scout a better path for the escaping slaves out of the town (More food, water, etc.), or drug their guards.
- DiploBoy can distract the guards with questions and chit-chat while the slaves sneak up to KO them or run away.
- Stealthboy can lead the slaves on the sneakiest way out of the building and town, maybe through an emergency exit that has been sealed shut for a long time.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: major/minor
- Rewards: good Karma, XP
- Normal Journal: I freed the Blackfoot slaves.
- Dumb Journal: Me free Blackfoot slaves! Me hero!
"04_Free_Slaves_Count "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = one slave has gotten away
- 2 = two ...
"04_Free_Slaves_Path "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = found a good escape path for the slaves
"04_Free_Slaves_Drugs "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = drugged the guards
"04_Free_Slaves_Distract "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = distracted the guards with chit-chat while the slaves escape
Free Slave X
This works just like "Free The Slaves," except you're just trying to free a particular slave you've been told about by someone in another area, such as a Mormon missionary, an NCR scientist, a kid from Hoover Dam, etc. some caravan guy, whatever. The PC will also have to deal with the other slaves that want to be rescued, which may take additional shenanigans (even more sneakiness, arranging to have the chosen slave meet you in a far part of the Save-Mart, drugging the other slaves, etc.).
- Initiator: xxxx
- Importance/Scope: major/medium
- Rewards: XP, reward from XXX
- Normal Journal: XXX asked me to find his/her RELATIVE, NAME, whom he/she believes was kidnapped by the Blackfoots.
- I found NAME, the RELATIVE of XXX. He/she is a slave of the Blackfoots.
- Dumb Journal: xxxx
"04_Free_Slave_Name "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = got quest from quest originator
- 2 = spoke to NAME in slave pen (alternate "free me!" quest origin)
- 3 = slave has escaped
- 4 = got your reward from quest initiator
Kill The Blackfoots
You've decided to wipe these slaving bastards off the face of the earth. Yipee!!
- CombatBoy can kill them all with brute force, or sniping, or whatever. If you're a real evil bastard, you can play nice-nice and give them firearms, but give them sabotaged bullets right before you turn on them so all of their guns backfire when they try to shoot you.
- ScienceBoy can poison the tribe's water (see quest, below), or make sabotaged bullets, or selectively poison a bunch of people in town so they're incapacitated when the time comes for the BIG SLAUGHTER.
- DiploBoy can talk other tribes and groups into banding together to wipe out the Blackfoots. Might be a cool cinematic if you get it all worked out right, with a bunch of columns of dust approaching the Blackfoot village, with an aftermath shot of dead Blackfoot tribals littering the streets of their town. (off screen event)
- Stealthboy can sneak from home to home, quietly and quickly killing everyone in it so no alarm is raised, making the BIG SLAUGHTER that much more safe from the PC's perspective.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: major/small
- Rewards: all of their loot
- Normal Journal: I killed all of the Blackfoots.
- Dumb Journal: Me kill all Blackfoots!
"04_Kill_Blackfoots_Alliance_Tribename "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = convinced the leaders of tribe X to attack the Blackfoots
- (we'll need an incident of this quest state for each tribe in the game)
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed 1 Blackfoot in town
- 2 = killed two....
- Increment variable in OnDeath() or set kill variable in editor.
- Once the current total of Blackfoots and Hangdogs = 0, you're done!
Acquire Guns for the Blackfoots
Beg, borrow, steal, or build guns for the Blackfoots. This makes them much more friendly to you.
- CombatBoy is best at looting guns from the corpses of his enemies.
- ScienceBoy can repair broken guns, or make zip guns/pipe rifles, or actual pistols and rifles and shotguns.
- DiploBoy can talk a wary gun merchant caravan into making a trek to near the Blackfoot village to make a trade.
- StealthBoy can steal guns from other places and sell/trade/give them here.
[NICHOLAS] – What happens if he steals a gun from here and gives it to them? We might be able to track that, I'm not sure.
- Initiator: Kurisu or Chagas
- Importance/Scope: major/medium
- Rewards: status, reward
- Normal Journal: Kurisu/Garun/Chagas told me that the Blackfoots needed more guns, and I could procure them some it would strengthen the tribe and I would be rewarded for it.
- I brought the Blackfoots guns.
- I repaired broken guns and gave them to the Blackfoots.
- I built new guns for the Blackfoots.
- I talked a caravan merchant into stopping by the Blackfoot village to trade guns.
- Dumb Journal: Blackfoots want guns!
- Me got guns for the Blackfoots.
- 1 = provided 1 gun to Kurisu (or the current leader)
- 2 = provided two....
100 = have provided 20 guns and have been thanked for it
- 1 = Chagas has mentioned this quest to you
- 1 = Kurisu has mentioned this quest to you
Fix The Ski Lift
Because it's cool to have a working ski lift. It will require some parts and know-how to fix. Once it's fixed, you can find a way to use it to do other things (see later quest, below).
ScienceBoy is the winner!
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: major/medium
- Rewards: xxxx
- Normal Journal: The old ski lift in the Blackfoot village is broken, but can be fixed.
- I fixed part of the broken ski lift.
- The broken ski lift is almost completely fixed.
- I fixed the ski lift.
- Dumb Journal: Lifting machine at Blackfoots is broken.
- I start to fix lifting machine.
- I fix lifting machine more.
- Lifting machine is all done.
"04_Fix_Ski_Lift "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know about the ski lift being damaged
- 2 = fixed 1 part
- 3 = fixed 2 parts
4 = fixed it all
/Improve The Smelting Furnace/2168
It'll take some convincing and trust, but if they let you shut down the furnace for a couple of days so you can make some upgrades, you can make it burn hotter and with less fuel, giving them better yields on their smelting.
- ScienceBoy is the one with the know-how. If your science is really good, the result is even better than normal.
- DiploBoy has a better chance of talking them into shutting down the furnace.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: After looking at the Blackfoot smelter, I realized it could be improved.
- I talked to Scars For Hands, the woman in charge of the smelter, and finally convinced him to let me shut it down for a couple days so I could make improvements on it.
- I worked on the smelter and made some improvements.
- I worked on the smelter and made some major improvements.
- Dumb Journal: Blackfoot metal-melter works okay, but could be better.
- Me talk to Scars, she say I can stop fires and fix metal-melter.
- Me fix metal-melter some.
- Metal-melter fixed!
- 0 = unaware
- 2 = Scars has been convinced to shut it down for a couple of days
- 3 = Scars fired it up again after waiting for two days for PCs to get started
- 4 = Scars has been convinced to shut it down again despite your previous flaking
- 5 = for the second time, Scars fired it up again after waiting for two days for PCs to get started. She won't let PCs try it again
- 6 = some work has been done on it and made it better (moderate skill)
- 7 = Scars has been told to fire it up after some work (moderate skill)
- 8 = Scars agreed to shut it down again so PCs can do the last improvements
- 9 = final work has been done on it (high skill)
- 10 = Scars has been told to fire it up after good work (high skill)
- 1 = have studied the smelter and know it can be improved (personal)
xxx /Build an Air Pump System for the Furnace Caves 2177
FIX THE AIR PUMP, not make it. Have the object on-site, but broken.
This place can get pretty smoky and it makes people sick if they work there too long. You can build and air circulation/fan system to blow that smoky air out and bring fresh air in.
- ScienceBoy is the one with the know-how.
- Initiator: PC/Scars For Hands
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: The smoke and fumes from the Blackfoot smelter are pretty foul. If I could build an air pump for the furnace cave, the smelter workers would be better off.
- I installed an air pump for the furnace caves to keep the air fresh.
- <BLACKFOOTLEADER> rewarded me for fixing the air in the furnace cave.
- Dumb Journal: Smoke in the furnace cave makes me cough.
- Me attach pump to fix bad smoke in furnace cave.
- <BLACKFOOTLEADER> happy about fixing air in furnace cave. Give me nice things!
"04_Air_Pump "
- 0 = unaware
- 3 = air pump has been installed
- 4 = Scars For Hands has been informed of the successful installation
- 5 = have been rewarded for it by the tribe leader
- 1 = PC knows the air gets bad (personal)
- 2 = have talked to Scars For Hands about it, know his guys get sick (party)
- 5 = have been rewarded for it by the tribe leader (personal)
Collapse The Cave Entrances
Using enough explosives in the right locations, you could seal shut each of the cave entrances. Not only would that force anyone inside to die of suffocation, it would piss off the Blackfoots to no end, since you've closed off much of their supplies and their ability to make new metal out of scrap.
- ScienceBoy can make the explosives.
- Stealthboy is the master of setting traps, which is what these are.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: Karma
- Normal Journal: I collapsed one of the tunnel entrances to the Blackfoot caves.
- I collapsed a second tunnel entrance to the Blackfoot caves.
- The Blackfoots know I had something to do with the cave entrance collapses, and they're not happy about it.
- I collapsed a third tunnel entrance to the Blackfoot caves.
- I collapsed a fourth tunnel entrance to the Blackfoot caves.
- I collapsed a fifth tunnel entrance to the Blackfoot caves.
- I collapsed the last tunnel entrance to the Blackfoot caves.
- Dumb Journal: Me blow up cave entrance! (x6)
- Blackfoots say I blow up caves. How they know?
"04_Collapse_Caves "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = have collapsed one entrance
- 2 = two...
- Once two of them collapse the tribals are aware something is up and they'll suspect it's you.
Kill the Mutant Giant Bats
The bats aren't a threat to you unless you're a ghoul (they'd rather eat fruit and bugs), but you can decide to kill them off anyway. If you kill them off, then manti swarms become possible random encounters near the town, and the float text of the Blackfoots in town mention the increased number of mantis from time to time.
- CombatBoy kills!
- ScienceBoy can poison them!
- DiploBoy can talk some younger tribals to help him kill the relatively harmless giant bats!
- Stealthboy can sneak about the bat lair during the day and is less likely to wake them all up when murdering sleeping bats!
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: Mutant bats live in one of the Blackfoot caves. If they were wiped out, the Blackfoots would have another cave they could use, assuming they cleaned up all the bat shit.
- I've killed some of the mutant bats.
- I killed all of the mutant bats in the Blackfoot caves.
- I've overheard the Blackfoots talking about the greater numbers of mantis roaming around the wasteland ever since I killed off the bats. Maybe the bats were eating the mantis.
- Dumb Journal: Bats in Blackfoot caves. If kill bats, Blackfoots have nice new cave!
- Me killing the bats.
- Me killed all the bats in Blackfoot cave.
- Blackfoots say many more mantis in the wasteland this season.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know about the bats
- 2 = have started killing bats
- 3 = killed all the bats
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed one bat
- 2 = two...
- once the current total of bats = 0 (they respawn, so it's a kooky check) you're done
Clear the Rubble In Front of the military Door in Mine Cave 1
Shovels won't do it, but a well-placed charge of explosive can clear all of that rock. Another well-placed charge will let you into the military cache ... and release the robots set there to guard it, who now are tuned to your Prisoner status.
- ScienceBoy can make the explosives.
- Stealthboy is the master of setting traps, which is what these are.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: a lotta loot in the cache
- Normal Journal: There's a collapsed section in the cave with the bats that could be cleared with explosives.
- I used explosives to clear the collapsed section in the bat cave, and it turns out there's a sealed metal door behind it with some pre-War military markings on it.
- The military door in the bat cave is electronically locked.
- I was able to blast open the military door in the bat cave.
- I was able to use electronic lockpicks to open the door in the bat cave.
- I found a cache of military supplies behind the door.
- Dumb Journal: Cave-in in bat cave can go BOOM!
- Cave-in in bat cave went BOOM! Metal door behind it.
- Can't open metal door in bat cave.
- Metal door in bat cave went BOOM!
- I pick lock with electric thing. Metal door is unlocked.
- Behind metal door are weapons and things!
"04_Clear_Military_Rubble "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know the location can be cleared by explosives
- 2 = have used the explosives to clear it
- 3 = know that the door is locked electronically
- 4 = opened door with explosives
- 5 = lockpicked the door
- 6 = opened door, see the military stuff
/Get Rid of the Coyotes 2431
Those pesky varmints are annoying the Hangdogs! Kill 'em, or drive 'em away!
- CombatBoy kills!
- ScienceBoy can poison them!
- Stealthboy can sneak in and out, making it easier to poison them, set traps for them, etc.
- Initiator: Bares His Teeth
- Importance/Scope: minor/moderate
- Rewards: status, XP
- Normal Journal: Bares His Teeth wants be to get rid of the coyotes that live in one of the hillside caves. The Hangdogs don't like the coyotes, preferring "true" dogs.
- I've killed all the coyotes.
- Dumb Journal: Teeth says coyotes are bad. Real dogs are better. Killing coyotes is good.
- Me kill all the coyotes.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know about the coyotes
- 3 = killed all the coyotes
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed one coyotes
- 2 = two...
- once the current total = 0 (they respawn, so it's a kooky check) you're done
Make the Hangdogs Appreciate the Coyotes
They're like dogs, but smaller and quicker, more specialized for certain tasks. And they have their uses, like keeping the local rat population low.
- ScienceBoy can set up a race between a dog and a tamed coyote to show their speed and quickness.
- DiploBoy can talk on and on and on and on about how cool they are.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: status, XP
- Normal Journal: The Hangdogs dislike the coyotes, but the little guys have their talents. They're fast, and better at getting into small places.
- I talked to Bares His Teeth for a long time about coyotes and made him realize that they're useful animals and shouldn't be killed.
- I set up a race between a coyote and one of the Hangdogs' dogs. The coyote won, and the Hangdogs were impressed with its speed. I think they are getting an idea of how useful the coyotes can be.
- Dumb Journal: Hangdogs no like coyotes, but coyotes are fast and small.
- I talk to Teeth about coyotes. Now he likes coyotes, too.
- I make coyote race dog. Coyote wins! Now Hangdogs like coyotes, too.
"04_Appreciate_Coyotes "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you know they don't like the coyotes
- 2 = you have convinced them the coyotes are valuable
"04_Coyote_Race "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you arranged the race and the coyote won!
"04_Coyote_Talk "
- 0 = unaware
1 = you talked up the coyotes a lot
/Kill the Rats For the Blackfoots and Hangdogs 2428
With the coyotes gone, the rats of all sizes are free to run amok in the streets of the village. The dogs aren't able to catch them all and eventually give up. You can earn kudos in the village by killing off all of the rats. You also succeed at this quest if you kill off the rats without driving off the coyotes first.
- CombatBoy kills!
- ScienceBoy can poison them!
- Stealthboy can sneak in and out, making it easier to poison them, set traps for them, etc.
- Initiator: Kurisu/Chagas or Bares His Teeth
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: Kurisu/Chagas/Bares His Teeth told me about the tribe's rat problem. Recently large numbers of rats have come out of the caves and now they run amok in the streets of the village. They're too fast for the dogs to catch them all.
- I've killed all the rats bothering the Blackfoots.
- Coyotes have started sneaking into town and stealing food. They weren't doing this while the rats were here.
- Dumb Journal: Blackfoots say rats are everywhere and eating food.
- Me kill all rats for Blackfoots.
- Coyotes are sneaking into village to steal food.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know about the rats
- 3 = killed all the rats
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed one rat
- 2 = two...
- once the current total = 0 (they respawn, so it's a kooky check) you're done
- After killing the rats, a few days/weeks later the coyotes should leave forever, never to return (food source is gone).
/Kill the Devil Dog 2430
Rather than taming him, you can just kill him.
- Initiator: talky Hangdog
- Importance/Scope: medium/minor
- Rewards: status, Devil-Killer epithet, XP
- Normal Journal: The Hangdogs would like to see the Devil Dog killed, as the presence of this "evil spirit" brings bad luck to the tribe.
- I killed the Devil Dog and brought its corpse back to the Hangdogs as proof.
- Dumb Journal: Hangdogs say me should kill Devil Dog.
- Me killed Devil Dog!
- 0 = Unaware of Devil Dog
- 1 = aware that the Devil Dog is a threat
- 2 = killed the Devil Dog
- 3 = reported the kill to Bares His Teeth
/Kill off the Radscorpions 2432
The coyotes share their cave with some small radscorpions, which aren't much of a threat to the village but might be a nuisance if the coyotes were no longer here, or if the scorps were left alone to breed to long.
- CombatBoy kills!
- ScienceBoy can poison them! And use their tails to make antivenom!
- Stealthboy can sneak in and out, making it easier to poison them, set traps for them, etc.
- Initiator: Kurisu/Chagas/Bares His Teeth
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: scorpion tails, XP
- Normal Journal: Kurisu/Chagas/Bares His Teeth told me about the radscorpions that live in one of the hillside caves. She/He/He is concerned that if left alone the radscorpions might breed enough to encroach on the town and endanger the villagers.
- I've killed all the radscorpions threatening the Blackfoots.
- Dumb Journal: Kurisu/Chagas/Teeth says radscorpions live in cave. Radscorpions might enter town and hurt people.
- Me kill all Blackfoot radscorpions.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know about the radscorpions
- 3 = killed all the radscorpions
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed one radscorpion
- 2 = two...
- once the current total = 0 (they respawn, so it's a kooky check) you're done
/Destroy all of the Spore Plants 2429
Some fool planted the seeds from a spore plant fruit, hoping to grow more fruit (and not knowing it was a spore plant fruit). Now the damn things are all over one of the gardens and are threatening the nearby villagers.
- CombatBoy kills!
- ScienceBoy can poison them!
- Initiator: Kurisu/Chagas/Bares His Teeth
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: XP
- Normal Journal: Spore plants are starting to show up all over the Blackfoot village.
- I've started to deal with the spore plant problem for the Blackfoots.
- I've killed all of the spore plants for the Blackfoots.
- I released some coyotes into the village. With their small size and good speed, they're well-suited for evading spore plants' attacks.
- I told them never to plant the spore plant fruits or they'll come back again.
- Dumb Journal: Bad plants attacking Blackfoots. Bad!
- Me kill bad plants in village.
- Me kill all bad plants in village.
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know about the spore plants
- 3 = killed all the spore plants
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = killed one spore plants
- 2 = two...
- once the current total = 0 (they respawn, so it's a kooky check) you're done
Poison the Tribe's Water
To do this efficiently, you'd have to not only poison all of their roof runoff water, but all of the water stored in the storage cave as well. You bastard.
- ScienceBoy can make or refine the poison
- DiploBoy might be able to talk someone else into doing it because it's "medicine"
- Stealthboy is best at planting the poison
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: --
- Normal Journal: I've started poisoning the Blackfoots' stored water supply.
- I've poised all of their barrels and cave pools they use to store water.
- Dumb Journal: Me poisoning Blackfoot water.
- Me poison all the blackfoot water. Me sneaky.
"04_Kill_Blackfoots_Poison _Cave"
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = poisoned one pool in the cave
- 2 = two...
- Need final numbers from the map to know when you're done
"04_Kill_Blackfoots_Poison _Runoff"
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = poisoned one runoff barrel
- 2 = two...
Need final numbers from the map to know when you're done
Retrofit the Lift Engine for another purpose
Run their gate? Haul materials up the hillside? Turn it into some weird weapon?
ScienceBoy is the man for the job
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: xxxx
- Rewards: xxxx
- Normal Journal: xxxx
- Dumb Journal: xxxx
"04_Retrofit_Lift "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = partially finished (moderate skill)
2 = totally finished (high skill)
Mine For Silver
If you're desperate, you can waste a lot of time mining and get a little bit of silver. Handy for the guy who feels like he has time to kill but no cash.
- ScienceBoy can work more efficiently (higher Outdoorsman == faster), getting finished slightly faster. Having better tools makes you faster at working, too.
- DiploBoy can talk people into helping him or doing it for him
- Stealthboy can get more in the same amount of time because Steal and Lockpick mean he knows how to get little slivers of silver out of tight places
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: silver
- Normal Journal: I've spotted some small deposits of silver in one of the Blackfoot caves. With time and a little work that silver could be mined. Having the right tools would help, too.
- I've spent some time mining silver from the Blackfoot cave.
- I've spent some time mining silver from the Blackfoot cave. The multitool really makes it easier.
- I talked one of the Blackfoot villagers into mining the silver for me in exchange for a small fee.
- It looks like I mined all of the available silver from the Blackfoot cave.
- Dumb Journal: Me find silver in cave. Pretty....
- Me mine silver. BO-ring.
- Me mine silver. Multool makes it easier.
- Me talk villager into mining for me. I give them some silver for their work.
- Me mine all the silver from Blackfoot
"04_Mine_Silver "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know there's still silver there
- 2 = have mined silver
- 3 = have mined more silver
- 4 = have mined all of the available silver
- Perhaps this is just controlled by the existence of "dropped" silver in the mines, that takes time to "mine" and this quest would just be about talking someone into doing it for you
Open the Secondary Silver Mine
With some well-placed explosives, you can open up a section in the back of the Storage Cave, revealing another cave with some silver. Then you can mine it with the mining quests.
- ScienceBoy can work more efficiently, getting finished slightly faster. Having better tools makes you faster at working, too.
- DiploBoy can talk people into helping him or doing it for him
- Stealthboy has the best chance of setting the explosives in the right places, opening up the greatest amount of the cave.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/minor
- Rewards: silver, XP
- Normal Journal: There's a cave-in at the rear of the Blackfoot storage cave that I think can be cleared with explosives.
- I used explosives to clear the collapse at the rear of the Blackfoot storage cave. There are caves beyond.
- There's silver in the new area of the Blackfoot storage cave.
- It looks like I've mined all of the extra silver I found in the back part of the Blackfoot storage cave.
- Dumb Journal: Blackfoot storage cave has place where BOOM can make new tunnel.
- I make rocks go BOOM, now have new BOOM cave in Blackfoot storage cave.
- Me find silver in BOOM cave!
- Me think all silver gone from BOOM cave.
"04_Secondary_Silver_Mine "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = know that you can open that shaft
- 2 = have opened the shaft
- this means you can add states 5-10 for mining more silver to the Mine For Silver Quest
- Perhaps this is just controlled by the existence of "dropped" silver in the mines, that takes time to "mine" and this quest would just be about talking someone into doing it for you
Mine For Guano
You can use the bat guano to make (with carbon) gunpowder. Mining it is boring, but it provides raw materials. No archetype here as a particular advantage, except...
- DiploBoy can talk some locals into doing this work for him. Probably kids.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: soft delicious guano
- Normal Journal: With all the bats in the Blackfoot cave, there's batshit everywhere.
- With all the bats in the Blackfoot cave, there's batshit everywhere. I can use that to make gunpowder.
- I've started digging up some of the bat guano to use in making gunpowder.
- I hired one of the villagers to dig guano out of the caves for me.
- Dumb Journal: xxxx
"04_Mine_Guano "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = ???
- Perhaps this is just controlled by the existence of "dropped" guano in the caves, that takes time to "mine" and this quest would just be about talking someone into doing it for you.
- The guano will respawn as long as there are bats living here.
Mine For Coal Powder
You can use the small bits of coal dust and coal gravel to make (with the nitrate from bat guano) gunpowder. You can also do this as part of a deal with the ghouls of the Reservation, who need coal. Harvesting it is boring, but it provides raw materials. No archetype here as a particular advantage, except...
- DiploBoy can talk some locals into doing this work for him. Probably kids.
- Initiator: PC
- Importance/Scope: minor/medium
- Rewards: coal, or possibly trade with the ghouls of the Reservation
- Normal Journal: There's enough coal dust and residual coal scrap in one of the Blackfoot caves to be useful for something.
- There's enough coal dust and residual coal scrap in one of the Blackfoot caves to be useful for making gunpowder.
- I've set up a small coal exchange with the ghouls of the Reservation.
- I've mined some of the coal from the Blackfoot cave.
- I hired one of the villagers to mine coal for me.
- It looks like the coal deposits in the Blackfoot cave are finally played out.
- Dumb Journal: Blackfoot cave has little pieces of coal.
- Blackfoot cave has little pieces of coal. Coal good for making gunpowder!
- Me set up deal with ghouls who want coal.
- Me hire villager to dig coal for me.
- Me think coal all gone from Blackfoot cave.
"04_Mine_Coal "
- 0 = unaware
- 1 = you know there's coal there
- 2 = have mined coal
- 3 = have mined more coal
- 4 = have mined even more coal, and the mine is now played out
Merchant Quests
If you establish the Blackfoots as legit traders in water, gunpowder, bullets, etc., they can start doing caravans to nearby areas. They won't pay well (since the Blackfoots are pretty tough and can guard themselves) but it's better than nothing.
Needs more info here for giving out the quests, maps to use, encounters to have, locations to go to, etc.
Floating Quests
Herd some Brahmin
Get me a new dog pup
Help me get a few bullets/a pipe rifle/a zip gun/a nice piece of clothing as a dowry for my daughter (as tech increases in the town, the items become more rare/valuable in nature)
Train my son how to fight your way, stranger
Get me some herbs
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