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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bigsley.


DLC03WQ02AboutGriffon Griffon's up to something with the Aqua Pura. What do you know about it? Neutral 50 Not that it's really any of your business, but we have an arrangement. He buys water, I send him some. 1
Neutral 50 I use the caps and tech he pays me to fund the other water deliveries. 2
Neutral 50 I send my men with the water to the Museum Authority in the Mall. Griffon sends the payment back with my men. So far, so good. 3
Anger 50 Lyons wouldn't approve, but I don't really care anymore. I need the resources and there's certainly plenty of water to go around. 4
DLC03WQAbout I have some questions about the Project Purity operation. Surprise 100 By all means, I'd love to answer some questions. I've got nothing better to do. {exhausted and sarcastic} 5
DLC03WQAboutBottles Ever think about letting people bring in empty bottles to fill up? Anger 50 I'm sure you can imagine the chaos if we just let anyone who wanted to wade into the basin and fill up a jug? {exhausted} 6
Sad 50 Frankly, there just isn't the time or resources to deal with that crowd control nightmare. {exhausted} 7
DLC03WQAboutDrLi Where's Doctor Li? Disgust 50 Tch. She apparently decided to pursue "more interesting projects" up north in the Commonwealth. {belittling, exhausted} 8
Disgust 50 The real reason is that she couldn't handle us Scribes "improving" upon her work. She's the kind of woman who needs to be in charge of EVERYTHING. {talking about someone he doesn't like (exhausted)} 9
Surprise 50 Good luck to her out there in the Wasteland; it's a long walk to the Commonwealth. Can't say she'll be missed. {exhausted and sarcastic} 10
DLC03WQAboutForgot I was going to ask you something but I forgot what it was. Disgust 100 Yeah, well, when you remember what it was you were going to ask. Take it up with one of the other Scribes, okay? Thanks. {exhausted and done with fools} 11
How long do you think it'll take to purify the basin? Surprise 10 I don't think anyone really knows the answer to that. Seems to be going rather quickly though. {exhausted} 12
DLC03WQAboutMachine Is it hard bottling all that water? Or is it all done by machines? Disgust 50 You take a bottle, you dunk it under water, and glug glug glug, it fills up. Amazing. {sarcastic, exhausted and done with fools} 13
Sad 50 But you're right a machine would help. But all the Scribes are busy reverse engineering Enclave gear. {exhasuted} 14
Surprise 10 A machine that puts water in bottles just isn't on anyone's priority list at the moment. {exhausted} 15
So do you know why they call it Aqua Pura? Surprise 50 Umm... because it's not irradiated. Really? You couldn't work that one out for yourself? {sarcastic, exhausted and done with fools} 16
DLC03WQAboutTopLevel Let's discuss some other matters. Sad 50 <Sigh.> {exhausted} 17
DLC03WQBigsley Mind if I ask some questions about your role in all of this? Surprise 50 Sure. It's not like I'm going to be able to get much done today anyway. Ask away. {exhausted} 18
DLC03WQBigsleyBContinue I'm interested. Continue... Sad 50 I started out in the Swords. I upped the output of a few Laser Rifles. Apparently some initiates couldn't handle the extra power. A few got hurt. {exhausted (sarcastically reliving unpleasant memories)} 19
Surprise 50 Then I joined the Shields. Bowditch wasn't all that pleased with me proving him and his theories on forcefield resonance were a bit "antiquated." {exhausted (sarcastically reliving unpleasant memories)} 20
Neutral 50 Then I found myself among the Quills. Jameson refuses to accept any fact that conflicts with her rose colored optimistic views. {exhausted (sarcastically reliving unpleasant memories)} 21
Neutral 50 She likes to assign "contradictory" personalities to "field operations." Take for example myself here, or Yearling, exiled to that accursed library. {exhausted (sarcastically reliving unpleasant memories)} 22
Sad 100 I used to think Rothchild and I were on the same page. Turns out he's happy to blindly follow the old man's orders like the rest of them. {exhausted (sarcastically reliving unpleasant memories)} 23
DLC03WQBigsleyBNevermind I'm not in the mood for a long story. Never mind. Neutral 50 Whatever. {exhausted. dismissive.} 24
DLC03WQBigsleyJob So how'd you get stuck with this job? Sad 50 I follow orders, but I'm not exactly a "yes man." I figure a Scribe's job is to find the devil in the details. Consequently I seldom get promoted. {exhausted and resentful} 25
Disgust 10 I think Elder Lyons finally had his fill of people questioning him. {exhausted and resentful} 26
Neutral 50 And while Scribe Rothchild and I usually see eye to eye on things... it's apparently time to set an example for those who ask too many questions. {exhausted, and feeling betrayed} 27
DLC03WQBigsleyLyons What's your take on Elder Lyons? Disgust 50 It's probably best if I don't answer that question. {exhausted, frustrated} 28
DLC03WQBigsleyOrder So what Order of Scribes are you part of? Neutral 50 Yeah... that's a long story actually. {exhausted (sarcastically reliving unpleasant memories)} 29
DLC03WQBigsleyTired You look pretty tired. Surprise 100 I literally can't remember the last time I got sleep... I must have dozed off recently though, if the drool on my desk is any indication. <Sigh.> {exhausted, but trying to make a joke} 30
DLC03WQBigsleyTopLevel That's all I was curious about. Sad 50 <Sigh.> {exhausted} 31
DLC03WQGreetingA1 I'm sorry? Who are you? Sad 50 Excuse me, I'm Bigsley. And I'm just a tad stressed out. Perhaps you saw that little line outside my door? {mildly apologetic, but exhausted} 32
DLC03WQGreetingA2 And a hearty "hello" to you too, jerk. Disgust 50 Oh, I'm sorry. Was I being rude just now? Maybe I should congratulate you on getting through the door. {sarcastic} 33
Anger 50 After all, you did have to trip over that never-ending line of people waiting to get in here. {sarcastic} 34
Sad 50 I'm Scribe Bigsley. And I'm more than a little busy. {annoyed and exhausted} 35
DLC03WQGreetingA3 I don't know what you're talking about. What's this about a purifier? <Lie.> Disgust 50 If you want to play make believe, fine. Go right ahead. I've got real problems in the real world to deal with. {annoyed and too busy to be bothered} 36
Happy 50 Everybody's got something for good ol' Bigsley to do. So, if you're done wasting my time... {sarcastic} 37
DLC03WQGreetingB1 Sounds like you have your hands full. Happy 75 Everyone was so excited about that Purifier: "Project Purity this," and "Project Purity that." {sarcastic} 38
Disgust 50 But did anyone stop to ask, "Hey, what are we going to DO with all that clean water?" Well, guess who gets to fill in that tiny detail. {annoyed} 39
Anger 100 It'd be one thing if I had support, but that little war with the Enclave has depleted much of the Brotherhood's resources. {sarcastic and annoyed} 40
Disgust 75 And to top it off, I have to be mommy to a bunch of lab coats. {annoyed} 41
DLC03WQGreetingB2 You're not the only one with problems. Sad 50 Right. I heard about your dad. Sorry kid. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, really. But, if you understood the pressure... {sarcastic and unsympathetic} 42
Anger 50 You know the Wasteland. Imagine trying to get fresh water to every known settlement, without getting it stolen by Raiders or Mutants. {frustrated} 43
Anger 75 Now imagine doing that without any trained soldiers or military resources because they've all been exhausted fighting a little war with the Enclave. {angry} 44
Disgust 75 Yeah. That's MY job. Not to mention the mountain of crap I get from all the lab coats running around underfoot. {annoyed} 45
DLC03WQGreetingC1 Is there anything I can do to lend a hand? Surprise 100 Really? Well, there's plenty of things I need help with. {surprised someone offered to help} 46
Disgust 50 But most of it's pushing papers and knocking sense into giant egg heads. A task for any acolyte, really... {letting his annoyance show} 47
Happy 50 I'm sure I could put your experience and talents to far better use. {buttering up a potential ally} 48
DLC03WQGreetingC2 I wish I could help. But, I don't work for free. Disgust 50 The Brotherhood didn't always work for free either. {annoyed about the direction his leadership has taken} 49
Happy 50 I can respect a man who earns his keep. {sincere} 50
Happy 100 Your reputation proceeds you, so we won't need to conduct an interview. I'm sure we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement. {exhausted and glad he's found a potential ally} 51
DLC03WQGreetingC3 Not my problem. Good luck with all that. Anger 50 Yeah. Whatever. Now leave me alone. I need to think. {annoyed.} 52
DLC03WQGreetingD1 How can I help? Sad 50 Well, I've got Rivet City water caravans needing help with some "unusually organized" bandits. Need someone to go investigate what that's all about. {exhausted} 53
Disgust 50 And then there's Megaton. They want more Aqua Pura. I JUST sent a shipment to them. Need someone to go visit Megaton and see what their problem is. {annoyed} 54
How can I help? Sad 50 Well, I've got Rivet City water caravans needing help with some "unusually organized" bandits. Need someone to go investigate what that's all about. {exhausted} 55
DLC03WQGreetingD2 If I get paid, I might lend a hand. What's the job? Surprise 50 Hmmm... Well, I have two jobs actually. {sizing up a potential ally} 56
Sad 50 First off, Rivet City's water caravans keep getting waylaid. I'm beginning to suspect something organized is going on. Need someone to investigate. {exhausted} 57
Anger 50 And then there's Megaton. Begging for more Aqua Pura. I JUST sent them a shipment. Need someone to head over there and see what's going on. {annoyed} 58
If I get paid, I might lend a hand. What's the job? Sad 50 Rivet City's water caravans keep getting waylaid. I'm beginning to suspect something organized is going on. Need someone to investigate. {exhausted} 59
DLC03WQGriffonDead Thought you'd like to know. Griffon's dead. Disgust 50 He's dead? Greaaaat. I guess I'll just have to find some other way to subsidize the water caravans. {annoyed and disheartened} 60
DLC03WQGriffonHintKarma I know you've got something set up. Don't worry, I won't tell your superiors. Surprise 50 Yeah, you don't seem like the goody-goody type. But don't spread this around: So this ghoul, Griffon, comes in wanting to PURCHASE a bunch of water. {letting player in on a little secret} 61
Disgust 50 What the hell does that droopy irradiated fool need with pure water? Thinks he can sell it in Underworld. Moron. {sarcastic} 62
Happy 50 But, he's the only one who's offered to PAY for water, in caps AND technology. {pleased, letting player in on a little secret} 63
Disgust 25 And what Lyons doesn't know won't hurt him. There's plenty of water to go around. {justifying going behind his superior} 64
Happy 50 And I can use it to pay Rivet City to provide security for all the caravans we can't escort ourselves. I'm lucky he came along. {pleased with his arrangement} 65
I know you've got something set up. Don't worry, I won't tell your superiors. Neutral 50 Look, it's not that I don't trust you. I know you're trustworthy... but see, that's just it. I don't think you're capable of discretion. {exhausted and not going to confide in the player} 66
Neutral 50 Nothing immoral is going on, but I'm already in a lot of hot water with the Brotherhood. I need to be careful with what I say and to whom. {exhausted and not going to confide in the player} 67
DLC03WQGriffonHintSpeechChallenge So you guys have something set up on the side? Surprise 50 We do what we can. Take, for example, this ghoul Griffon. He wanted to PURCHASE a bunch of water. {letting player in on a little secret} 68
Disgust 50 What the hell does that droopy irradiated fool need with pure water? Thinks he can sell it in Underworld. Moron. {sarcastic} 69
Happy 50 But, he's the only one who's offered to PAY for water, in caps AND technology. {pleased, letting player in on a little secret} 70
Disgust 25 And what Lyons doesn't know won't hurt him. There's plenty of water to go around. {justifying going behind his superior} 71
Happy 50 And I can use it to pay Rivet City to provide security for all the caravans we can't escort ourselves. I'm lucky he came along. {pleased with his arrangement} 72
DLC03WQGriffonScam Did you know Griffon's stashing the Aqua Pura and selling irradiated water? Happy 50 He he. I guess he's more clever than I thought. {tired but amused} 73
Neutral 50 He's probably planning on selling the real Aqua Pura to Raiders and Slavers. {tired but amused} 74
Surprise 50 Hmmm. Now there's a thought! Of course, Lyons would have my head if I tried anything of the sort. {speculating} 75
DLC03WQMegaton I think I've found where the Aqua Pura went. Neutral 50 Don't bother me with the details until you've taken care of the problem. I'm not sending more Aqua Pura until I know it's been handled. 76
What was this problem with Megaton you were having? Happy 100 Where have you been? Haven't you heard? Megaton's destroyed. That bomb detonated, taking the whole town with it. {shocked the player hasn't heard} 77
Neutral 50 So I don't really have to worry about their water shipment anymore. Problem solved itself. Although I can't say that's the solution I was hoping for. 78
You think maybe Megaton is trying to con you out of more water? Disgust 50 I don't know WHAT to think. I got Lyons breathing down my neck about it though. {annoyed} 79
Anger 100 Apparently Megaton's sending him nasty letters demanding a shipment. I JUST sent them a week's supply! A month's, if they ration. {upset.} 80
Sad 50 Look, if you can straighten out Megaton so I get Lyons off my back, I'll make it worth your while. {exhausted} 81
Tell me about this job at Megaton again. Perhaps I'll help you afterall. Anger 100 Megaton's sending Lyons nasty letters demanding a shipment. I've already sent them a shipment. I need you to find out what happened to it. {upset.} 82
Surprise 50 Think you can handle that? I'll make it worth your while. {sarcastic but hopeful} 83
What was that thing at Megaton you wanted me to do? Disgust 50 I need someone to go find out what happened to Megaton's water delivery. Walk over there and ask around. {annoyed} 84
DLC03WQMegatonNo I'm not going to help you with Megaton. I've got better things to do. Anger 100 I'm a very busy man. I only have time for people who have time for me. {upset, exhausted} 85
DLC03WQMegatonYes I'll see what I can do about Megaton. Happy 50 Really? That's great. I'm sorry I can't offer you any support in this. All our resources are tied up at the moment. Good luck. {(exhausted) pleased he's found an ally} 86
Surprise 50 Oh, and of course I'll have a little something for your efforts if you're successful. Stay safe out there. {(exhausted) an after thought} 87
DLC03WQMegatonYesPaid As long as I get paid, you'll get your problem solved. Happy 50 Of course you'll be paid. Most of our assets have been exhausted by war with the Enclave. But I'm a resourceful fellow. Don't you worry about that. {exhausted} 88
Happy 50 Get Megaton straightened out, and I assure you, you won't be disappointed by my, or rather, the Brotherhood's generosity. {exhausted but pleased} 89
Megaton's destroyed. I suppose their water shipment isn't much of concern now. Surprise 50 Heard about that. News traveled fast. I couldn't believe it. I mean, everyone knew it was crazy building a city around that bomb... {shocked} 90
Neutral 50 But I don't think anyone expected the bomb to actually go off... {shocked} 91
Neutral 50 I didn't expect things to end like this... but it did get Lyons off my back about it, so here. Might as well take the money I was going to give you. 92
I've stopped the cult that was stealing Megaton's water. Disgust 50 A cult? There's something about Megaton, isn't there. It's apparently THE place to start a cult these days. {exhausted} 93
Happy 50 Guess I can start sending them water again. Hopefully they can keep their grubby hands on their shipments this time. {exhausted but pleased} 94
Happy 100 Here. It's not much. Most of the assets have been exhausted, but take this. It's definitely worth getting Lyons off my back. Thanks. {exhausted but genuine} 95
DLC03WQRewardRivetCity Officer Lepelletier said you'd be rewarding me... Sad 50 Yes, yes. I received a message from her. It's here somewhere... Well, no matter where it is, I know what it said. {exhausted} 96
Happy 50 <Sigh.> The Initiates just finished itemizing a requisition of confiscated Enclave gear. There were a few items that we didn't immediately send out. {exhausted} 97
Sad 50 I suppose you are welcome to those... {offering a reward, exhausted} 98
Surprise 50 The Brotherhood thanks you for your efforts. Now if you don't mind? I think I'll just take a brief nap here at my desk... {falling asleep} 99
Officer Lepelletier said you'd be rewarding me... Happy 50 <Sigh.> The Initiates just finished itemizing a requisition of confiscated Enclave gear. There were a few items that we didn't immediately send out. {exhausted} 100
Sad 50 I suppose you're welcome to those... {offering a reward, exhausted} 101
Surprise 50 The Brotherhood thanks you for your efforts. Now if you don't mind? I think I'll just take a brief nap here at my desk... {falling asleep} 102
DLC03WQRivetCity Officer Lepelletier is dead. Surprise 100 What?! {shocked and upset} 103
Neutral 50 Fantastic. Now we'll all just hold our breath while the Rivet City council picks her replacement. Took them a week to pick her originally. A week! {sarcastic and exhausted} 104
So what's the deal with Rivet City's caravans? Anger 50 Don't get me started about Rivet City. They feel entitled to everything. {annoyed} 105
Disgust 75 Always whining about how "they're OUR scientists," and all that crap. Like they did US a favor. {sarcastic and annoyed} 106
Sad 50 Thought the security deal we worked out with them would be a win-win. My hope was they'd completely take over the water caravan escorts by now. {exhausted} 107
Surprise 50 But I got Officer Lepelletier bitching about an "organized bandit syndicate." {sarcastic and annoyed Lepelletier: La-Pell-a-Teer} 108
Sad 50 Guess they don't have the chops after all. I need you to go visit Officer Lepelletier and lend a hand. {exhausted Lepelletier: La-Pell-a-Teer} 109
Maybe I'll help you out after all. What's the deal with Rivet City's caravans? Sad 50 Rivet City security is supposed to be filling in for the Brotherhood as escorts for the water caravans. They're having a bit of trouble. {exhausted} 110
Neutral 50 Need you to go visit Officer Lepelletier and lend a hand. {exhausted Lepelletier: La-Pell-a-Teer} 111
Remind me what I'm supposed to do at Rivet City again. Disgust 50 Maybe you should write this down: {exhausted, sarcastic } 112
Happy 100 Go talk to Officer Lepelletier at Rivet City and help her figure out what is happening to her Caravans. {sarcastically speaking slowly, as if to a child or moron Lepelletier: La-Pell-a-Teer} 113
DLC03WQRivetCityNo I'm not a fan of Rivet City or risking my life. Good luck with all that. Anger 100 I'm starting to lose my patience with you. If you aren't here to help, then please: leave. {upset, exhausted} 114
DLC03WQRivetCityYes I'll see what assistance I can offer Rivet City security. Happy 50 Great! Hopefully you can get them straightened out. We really can't do this without them. {exhausted but pleased to find an ally} 115
DLC03WQRivetCityYesPaid I'll lend Officer Lepelletier a hand, but fees may be incurred. Happy 50 Yes. Yes. Of course you'll be paid. Go see what she needs, lend a hand, take care of whatever their problem is, and you'll have your reward. {exhausted but pleased} 116
DLC03WQSellWater Seems like a lot of trouble giving it away. Why don't you just sell the water? Disgust 50 Many of us keep asking that same question. The Brotherhood isn't a postal service. {frustrated} 117
Anger 50 We have IMPORTANT things to do, and we need caps and technology to do it! {upset} 118
Disgust 50 Lyons is on some kind of mission. Has he forgotten about the Enclave? That's our priority... {exhausted and annoyed} 119
Surprise 50 But yeah. Things are being done to "offset" the cost of Lyons' little pet "Purity" project. {hinting at something} 120
Seems like a lot of trouble giving it away. Why don't you just sell the water? Disgust 50 Many of us keep asking that same question. The Brotherhood isn't a postal service. {frustrated} 121
Anger 50 We have IMPORTANT things to do, and we need caps and technology to do it! {upset} 122
Disgust 50 Lyons is on some kind of mission... {exhausted and annoyed} 123
Surprise 50 But yeah. Things are being done to "offset" the cost of Lyons' little pet "Purity" project. {hinting at something} 124
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Got to hand it to you kid. That was a brave thing you did, risking your life to start the Purifier. {partly sincere, partly sarcastic} 125
Surprise 50 But, do you know you've made my life a living hell? I'm guessing not. {annoyed} 126
Disgust 50 The hero of the Wasteland probably has more important things to worry about. Don't you? {sarcastic} 127
GREETING Happy 50 Can't say I blame you kid-o. I wouldn't have risked it either. That Sarah on the other hand, she's got a bleeding heart like her old man. {sarcastic} 128
Disgust 50 Oh, and bravo for giving her that code to the Purifer. Since then, my life's been a living hell. {sarcastic and annoyed} 129
Disgust 75 And I have YOU to thank for that. {annoyed} 130
GREETING Happy 50 Did Lyons give you a little congratulatory speech? Then, you won't mind if I don't offer you one. {sarcastic} 131
Disgust 50 Thanks to you and that little friend of yours cranking up the Purifier, my life's become a living hell. {sarcastic and annoyed} 132
Disgust 75 But the heroes of the Wasteland probably don't care about THAT. {annoyed} 133
GREETING Happy 50 Did Lyons give you a little congratulatory speech? Then, you won't mind if I don't offer you one. {sarcastic} 134
Disgust 50 Thanks to you helping get the Purifier up and running, my life's become a living hell. {sarcastic and annoyed} 135
Disgust 75 But you probably don't care about THAT. {annoyed} 136
GREETING Disgust 50 Look, kid. I really don't have time for your games. If you're here to help, great. If not, then I really need you to find someone else to pester. {exhausted and losing it} 137
GREETING Anger 50 What?! I've got a bagillion things to deal with at the moment, and wasting my time with you is not one of them. {upset he keeps being bothered} 138
GREETING Sad 50 Is there something else? {exhausted and annoyed he keeps being bothered} 139
GREETING Sad 50 There isn't someone else you could bother? {exhausted and annoyed he keeps being bothered} 140
GREETING Sad 50 What is it this time? {exhausted and annoyed he keeps being bothered} 141
GREETING Sad 50 Yes? {exhausted and annoyed he keeps being bothered} 142
GREETING Neutral 50 Any progress on the Megaton situation? 143
PLAYERKNOCKOVEROBJECTS PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Disgust 50 Pardon the mess. {sarcastic, someone knocked over a stack of papers on his messy desk} 144
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Disgust 50 I really need to clean this place up. {sarcastic, someone knocked over a stack of papers on his messy desk} 145
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Disgust 50 Damn. I hope I can find that again. {sarcastic, someone knocked over a stack of papers on his messy desk} 146
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Disgust 50 Woops. {sarcastic, someone knocked over a stack of papers on his messy desk} 147
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 If I did, I wouldn't tell you. I'm just doing what I'm told to do by Lyons. Even if I don't like doing it. {hiding something} 148


DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Surprise 50 What? Oh yes. I'm just a little tired. What was this about them running into trouble? {startled awake, exhausted} 149
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Anger 50 It's the goddamned Wasteland. What the hell did they expect? {annoyed and exhausted} 150
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Sad 50 I wish. But no, I need them. They're some of the few that bothered to come back at all - a hardy bunch, this group. Almost as good as our own men. {exhausted} 151
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Neutral 50 Did anyone die? {exhausted} 152
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Surprise 50 That's good. Some bottle caps then? How much is left in the petty cash box? {relieved he won't have to make a large contribution... exhausted} 153
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Anger 75 What?! {shocked and angry he's being extorted} 154
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Disgust 75 Fucking hell... ... Damn it. {annoyed... a long pause ... resigned.} 155
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Disgust 50 Those weapons were to go to Rivet City. But, whatever. A rifle, grenade or two. But only if they agree to take a shipment -immediately!- to Big Town. {annoyed, but exhausted and wanting to be done with it} 156
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Surprise 50 What kind of name is "Big Town" anyway? {lighthearted, offhand random question} 157
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Sad 50 Well go on. Don't keep our "guests" waiting any longer. I have work to do. {exhausted and shooing away an underling} 158
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv01 Anger 75 Now, where the hell did I put that damn clipboard? {to himself, exhausted} 159
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Anger 50 And...? {as in "yes, get to the point" exhausted} 160
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Disgust 50 Were any of the messages important? {annoyed at a stupid underling, exhausted} 161
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Surprise 50 You didn't READ them? {tired of his underlings stupidity, exhausted} 162
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Anger 75 Well, WHO are they from? {annoyed he has to ask, exhausted} 163
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Anger 100 Can't you see I'm busy?! {angry to be bothered with petty things} 164
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Disgust 75 I'm up to my eyeballs! {angry rant} 165
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Anger 100 Invoices and clipboards with god-knows-what on them! And the maps, so many USELESS maps, drawn by children apparently. {angry rant} 166
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Disgust 100 And requisition requests, is there anyone who DOESN'T want something from me? {angry rant} 167
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Anger 100 And... and the messages. Always with the messages! {angry rant} 168
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Disgust 50 Really?! Am I the only one who can do ANYTHING around here? {ending an angry rant} 169
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Anger 50 You're right I'm busy! {exhausted, at his wits end} 170
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Sad 10 Wait. Just leave the messages. I'll deal with them later. {apologetic, exhausted} 171
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Sad 75 Next time look them over first. I need you to be a filter for all the inconsequential crap that otherwise lands on my desk. {exhausted} 172
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Sad 100 Go now. Take a short break. Steal a few minutes for yourself. God knows we all deserve it. {trying to be kind, but extremely exhausted himself} 173
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv02 Neutral 50 Go on. Get out of here. Shoo! {exhausted and attempting to be lighthearted} 174
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Surprise 75 Oh? And how was your visit? Did Lyons treat you to tea and biscuits? {sarcastic... exhausted} 175
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Disgust 50 And what did you tell our illustrious leader? {sarcastic... exhausted} 176
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Disgust 50 And? How did he take that? {knows the answer already... annoyed} 177
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Anger 50 <Grumble> {annoyed, exhausted} 178
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Anger 25 I don't have time for protocols and bullshit. Speak as freely as you like. Just speak quickly! {annoyed, exhausted} 179
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Anger 100 The man SHOULD be focused on fighting the Enclave. Or has he forgotten about THEM? So what if a few shipments of water go missing? Damn him. {angry and annoyed his boss, exhausted} 180
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Sad 50 Don't worry. It's MY ass that's on the line. {annoyed, but trying to be consoling... exhausted} 181
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Anger 50 Well, go on. Leave me be. {exhausted} 182
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv03 Anger 100 The man SHOULD be focused on picking up the pieces of the war. And questing for technology. So what if a few shipments of water go missing? Damn him. {angry and annoyed his boss, exhausted} 183
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Surprise 50 Indeed you have. Much improved. {(hiding his sarcasm) exhausted} 184
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Disgust 50 One small thing, though. {(hiding his sarcasm) exhausted} 185
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Sad 100 Megaton is WEST of here. {tired of incompetence, and generally exhausted} 186
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Disgust 100 Is that so? Oh, my mistake. I must have been looking at it upside down. {dripping with sarcasm} 187
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Anger 100 <Clears throat> Have you ever seen a map? North... points... UP! {smoldering anger... fed up with incompetence} 188
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Disgust 50 Try again. {sarcastic... exhausted with incompetent underlings} 189
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Sad 100 The Brotherhood only accepts the best and the brightest, don't they? {sarcastic... exhausted} 190
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv04 Sad 100 Humanity is doomed. {sarcastically resigned... exhausted} 191
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv05 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv05 Sad 50 What now? {exhausted} 192
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv05 Anger 100 Those ungrateful sons-of-bitches. I needed to temporarily -TEMP-O-RAR-ILY- divert power while we brought additional security systems online. {fed up and exhausted} 193
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv05 Sad 50 Yes of course. Thank you. {exhausted} 194
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv05 Sad 100 If only someone else wasn't in line right behind you. Well go on, then. {resigned. exhausted} 195
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv05 Sad 100 I wish I did. Now, get back to work. {as in: "I wish I had faith in myself, but I don't" ... exhausted} 196
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 Anger 50 And how the hell is that MY problem? {exhausted} 197
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 Anger 100 Well, I need SOMETHING to pay the caravan drivers with. I ran out of cigarettes and booze last week. {angry people are blaming him for the shortage... exhausted} 198
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 Disgust 100 You mean, besides "Go soak your heads in the basin!"? {fed up. exhausted} 199
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 Sad 75 Fine. Grab some meds from the supply, but tell them: "That's it." Put up railings or something. {exhausted} 200
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 Disgust 100 And hang a sign outside my door that reads: "Welcome to the Babysitters of Steel." {sarcastic... exhausted} 201
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06 Sad 100 Not really. {Responding to "That's funny." sad, resigned, exhausted} 202
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 Sad 50 That's a shame. {sarcastic. exhausted} 203
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 Anger 75 Damnnit! I'm aware of that. I make the shipping schedules, don't I? {annoyed, exhausted} 204
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 Surprise 50 For a couple of Wasteland hustlers and a pack Brahmin? {dismissive, doesn't want to waste resources on a search party} 205
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 Anger 50 I'm not wasting any more resources. {ending an argument. exhausted} 206
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 Anger 50 If Lyons wants to chase after his deliveries, fine. Let HIM do it. But I'm done wasting resources and risking lives on this pet project of his. {wearily explaining his position... annoyed.} 207
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07 Happy 50 Thank you. Now, kindly get the hell out of here. I need to think. {trying to seem jovial, but failing. exhasuted.} 208
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv08 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv08 Surprise 50 Excellent. Did anyone die? {(asking a routine question) exhausted} 209
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv08 Happy 25 Even better. Pay them and send them out again. {mildly relieved, but still exhausted} 210
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv09 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv09 Sad 50 Wonderful. Put them on my desk. {sarcastic, exhausted} 211
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv09 Sad 100 Look for the folder labeled: "I don't GIVE a damn." {exhausted, sarcastic} 212
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv09 Anger 50 <Grumble> {exhausted} 213
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv10 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv10 Happy 50 Excellent. I'm glad I don't have to oversee that anymore. {well pleased, but exhausted} 214
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv10 Happy 25 I'm glad something is going right for a change. {pleased, but exhausted} 215
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv11 DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv11 Anger 50 <Grumble> {(signaling "not now, go away!" to underling) low growl, annoyed} 216
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv11 Anger 50 Not now! {annoyed} 217
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv11 Anger 50 What?! {angry he can't get a moment to himself} 218
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv11 Anger 50 This better be important. {angry he can't get a moment to himself} 219
DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv11 Anger 50 What is it now?! {angry he can't get a moment to himself} 220
GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 50 Good. I could use a moment to myself. {exhausted, glad he's going to be left alone for awhile} 221
I have to go now. Happy 50 I won't stop you. {exhausted, glad he's going to be left alone for awhile} 222
I have to go now. Happy 50 I think I might just close my eyes for a moment or two. {exhausted, glad he's going to be left alone for awhile} 223
I have to go now. Happy 50 If I'm lucky, I might be able to get some work done. {exhausted, glad he's going to be left alone for awhile} 224
I have to go now. Surprise 50 Have a nice day... or is it nighttime? Can't tell. Think they put me in an office without windows on purpose. {exhausted} 225
I have to go now. Happy 50 Okay. Hopefully that's the last distraction for awhile. {exhausted, glad he's going to be left alone for awhile} 226
HELLO HELLO Disgust 50 I was wondering when you'd show up. {under his breath, annoyed he is being bothered again.} 227
HELLO Disgust 50 Just when I thought I had a moment to think. {under his breath, annoyed he is being bothered again.} 228
HELLO Disgust 50 This better be good. {under his breath, annoyed he is being bothered again.} 229
HELLO Disgust 50 What now? {under his breath, annoyed he is being bothered again.} 230


AcceptYield AcceptYield Disgust 50 Next time do try to be civil. Thank you. {annoyed} 231
Assault Assault Surprise 50 What are you doing? {shocked/angry} 232
Assault Surprise 50 Stop it! {shocked/angry} 233
Attack Attack Anger 50 I don't want to have to kill you, but I will! {angry} 234
Attack Anger 50 Had enough? {angry} 235
Attack Anger 50 Arrrgh! {angry} 236
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Surprise 50 Look out! {warning} 237
Death Death Surprise 50 Aaauuuggghhhh... {dying} 238
Flee Flee Surprise 50 Help! {calling for help} 239
Flee Surprise 50 Save yourselves! {calling for help} 240
Hit Hit Pained 50 Agh! {getting hit} 241
Hit Pained 50 Ooof! {getting hit} 242
Hit Pained 50 Ouch! {getting hit} 243
Murder Murder Disgust 50 Murderer! {shocked and disgusted} 244
Pickpocket Pickpocket Anger 50 What do you think you're doing? {upset, catching a pickpocket} 245
Pickpocket Anger 50 Thief! {upset, catching a pickpocket} 246
PowerAttack PowerAttack Anger 50 Ahhhrgh! {swing a heavy punch} 247
Steal Steal Anger 50 How dare you! {angry, catching a thief} 248
Steal Anger 50 That's not yours, now is it? {angry, catching a thief} 249
Steal Anger 50 Thief! {angry, catching a thief} 250


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 Hmmm... {noticing a possible threat} 251
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Surprise 50 Aha! {finding a threat he's going to attack} 252
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 There you are! {finding a threat he's going to attack} 253
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Sad 50 Must be imagining things... I really need a nap. {to himself} 254
AlertToNormal Sad 50 Guess I imagined that. {to himself} 255
CombatToLost CombatToLost Anger 50 I'll find you eventually! {losing sight of an enemy} 256
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Well, now that little distraction is over. Back to work. 257
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 I'll find you. {losing sight of a threat} 258
LostIdle Neutral 50 You're here somewhere. {losing sight of a threat} 259
LostToCombat LostToCombat Surprise 50 There you are! {finding a hidden threat} 260
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 Well, that's that. 261
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Surprise 50 What's that? {hearing a potential threat} 262
NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 50 Need a little help over here! {getting into combat} 263