Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Big Bend Tunnel campsite was an unmarked location in the Ash Heap region of Appalachia. It was located north of Big Bend Tunnel West.

As of the Nuka-World on Tour update, the location has been removed from the game, alongside changes made to the Ash Heap for the arrival of Nuka-World on Tour.


This campsite was a recreational area near the Big Bend Tunnel West exit. There were four campsite tents with a picnic table underneath a canopy. In the northern end of the camp was a cooking station next to a campfire and lodged into some fallen lumber was a fire axe. Birdhouses can be found in some of the surrounding trees, with a few of the trees covered in blight. Harvestable wood piles could be found throughout the campsite.

There were several containers here that could be looted, including a sack, cooler, wooden crate, footlocker and a duffle bag. There was a bugle on one of the tables, and a Blast Radius board game on the other. Slightly south of the camp is a dig site that can be dug up for the Lucky Strike quest.


The location has been removed from the game as of at least the Nuka-World on Tour update. Since then, the area on which this location previously stood is empty, making it a potential spot for player CAMPs.


The Big Bend Tunnel campsite was removed from Fallout 76.
