Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Beam splitter is a weapon mod for the Gatling plasma, laser gun and ultracite laser gun in Fallout 76.


Learn chance[]

Weapon Plans Learn chance
Laser gun Learned from scrapping Very low (10%)
Ultracite laser gun
Gatling plasma Medium (20%)


Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted. For modifications unlocked through scrapping, the corresponding weapon must be scrapped in order to learn how to craft it.

Gatling plasma
Laser gun
Ultracite laser gun

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
Gatling plasma mod_GatlingPlasma_Muzzle_Splitter_A 0001EC52 miscmod_mod_GatlingPlasma_Muzzle_Splitter_A 001F1215
Laser gun mod_LaserGun_muzzle_Splitter_Base 00312A41 miscmod_mod_LaserGun_muzzle_Splitter_Base 00312A4D
Ultracite laser gun mod_UltraciteLaserGun_muzzle_Splitter_Base 00312AB7 miscmod_mod_UltraciteLaserGun_muzzle_Splitter_Base 003ACD90

