The bayonet is a weapon mod for the handmade rifle and the missile launcher in Fallout 76.
The bayonet is attached to the muzzle of both weapons. For the handmade rifle, it increases bash damage but reduces weapon range. For the missile launcher it only increases bash damage, though bashing is rarely used with this weapon.
- Handmade rifle
- Missile launcher
ID table[]
Weapon | OMOD editor ID | OMOD ID | MISC editor ID | MISC ID |
Handmade rifle | DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_Muzzle_Bayonet_Base | 0031B1AE | miscmod_DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_Muzzle_Bayonet_Base | 00090BA2 |
Missile launcher | mod_MissileLauncher_TubeMuzzle_Bayonet | 00170376 | miscmod_mod_MissileLauncher_TubeMuzzle_Bayonet | 00188A15 |
- Craftable at any weapons workbench.
- Loose mods for the missile launcher may randomly be found in the Ash Heap, Savage Divide and Toxic Valley regions.
- Loose mods may also be for sale from vendors.
A loose mod for the handmade rifle exists in the game files, but cannot be found in-game.