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This is a transcript for dialogue with Neil.


BMNeilAskDanger What makes this a "dangerous place?" Neutral 50 You must've heard her radio broadcasts? Though why a human would follow her invitation here is beyond me... unless you didn't listen very closely. 1
Neutral 50 The voice on the radio belongs to Tabitha, the "supreme commander" of Black Mountain - or, as she calls it, the "State of Utobitha." 2
Neutral 50 She took control of this place almost two years ago. The Super Mutants here do whatever she says - and she says humans are to be killed on sight. 3
BMNeilAskDetails What sort of trouble should I expect if I head up? Neutral 50 The road is a series of switchbacks up to the peak. There are three blockades, plus patrols. Sneaking past them would be... difficult. 4
Neutral 50 Just before the peak is a kind of shanty village. More second-gens there. And then there's Tabitha's compound - heavily guarded by her Nightkin. 5
Remind me what I should expect if I head up? Neutral 50 The road is a series of switchbacks up to the peak. There are three blockades, plus patrols. Sneaking past them would be... difficult. 6
Neutral 50 Just before the peak is a kind of shanty village. More second-gens there. And then there's Tabitha's compound - heavily guarded by her Nightkin. 7
{Speech >= 50}
Sounds like you've had enough of Tabitha. What if you had some help? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Help would improve the odds. Help might just make the difference... 8
Neutral 50 All right, if you're good enough at what you do to meet me in the village up near the peak, we can talk further. 9
Neutral 50 I'll have a plan by the time I see you - if I see you. Good luck. It's going to be a lot harder for you to get up there than it will be for me. 10
Hey! Let's you and me - you know, us! - let's overthrow Tabitha together! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Hmm. While your enthusiasm is... admirable, I think I'd best stay here so I can warn other travelers. 11
BMNeilAskHistory How did Tabitha end up in control? Neutral 50 For years, Black Mountain was a peaceful community. Its leader, Marcus, broadcast an invitation to Mutants throughout the wasteland. 12
Neutral 50 That's how I found Black Mountain. So did others, most of them second generation Mutants. Marcus welcomed everyone - that was his mistake. 13
Neutral 50 The community ended up being mostly second gen - not very bright, but easy to influence. Fine, until the Nightkin came along, led by Tabitha... 14
Neutral 50 In a week she had most of the second-gens thinking she was some kind of prophet - and that she should be broadcasting her "truth," not Marcus. 15
Neutral 50 Marcus saw what was coming and decided to leave before things got out of hand. He smashed the radio and left to found Jacobstown. 16
BMNeilAskJacobstown What is Jacobstown? Neutral 50 The opposite of Black Mountain! A stable community of Mutants, mostly, led by a mentally stable leader. 17
Neutral 50 Humans are welcome there, so long as they behave themselves. Look northwest of Red Rock Canyon if you want to find it. 18
BMNeilAskMutantsWereMade You say that super mutants were *made*? Neutral 50 Yes... And it's not something I care to discuss with one of your kind. 19
Neutral 50 If you have some insatiable curiosity about the matter, talk to Marcus in Jacobstown. He's more patient with such questions than I am. 20
BMNeilAskNightkin Tell me about the Nightkin. Neutral 50 The Nightkin are vicious in combat, and that's if you see them coming. Most don't. 21
Neutral 50 They were created to be soldiers, and given devices to camouflage them in battle. Unfortunately, the devices drove most of them mad over time. 22
Neutral 50 They spend most of their time at the top of the mountain, but patrol the roads after dark as well. You'd do well to avoid the mountain at night. 23
BMNeilAskRadio You say Marcus smashed the radio. Not very well, apparently? Neutral 50 Heh. There's a sad story behind that. Marcus smashed it just fine, but while we were gone some Ghoul named Raul came along. 24
Neutral 50 Tabitha turned him into her personal mechanic. A slave, really. See, if I'd been standing down here, I could've warned him before it was too late. 25
BMNeilAskSelf Why are you here, instead of Jacobstown? Neutral 50 Marcus sent me here a couple of months ago to check on Black Mountain. I suppose you could say I came here as a spy. 26
Neutral 50 But with no signs of Tabitha's weakening, and none of the second-gens ready to revolt or to come to Jacobstown, there wasn't much I could do. 27
Neutral 50 Down here, on the other hand, I've saved a dozen Mutants from heading up the mountain. It's not much, but it's something. 28
Neutral 50 I have my own reasons to stay away from Jacobstown for a while - reasons we won't be discussing - so I've stayed here. 29
BMNeilFriendly You seem friendly, for a mutant. Neutral 50 Keep saying things like that, and I won't be so friendly. Not every Super Mutant is a brain-damaged brute. {irritated} 30
Neutral 50 Many of us are just as intelligent as basic humans - and the rest don't really have any choice in the matter, do they? 31
BMNeilFriendlyMovingOn Moving on... Neutral 50 Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you to do. Move on. {telling him to scram} 32
BMNeilFriendlySorry Sorry about that. No offense intended. Neutral 50 And none taken... since you apologized. 33
BMNeilFriendlyToughShit Spare me the "poor mutants" rap, all right? Neutral 50 Of course. Sorry I bothered you. Enjoy your travels. 34
BMNeilHeadUpMountain Thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself. Neutral 50 Yes, I hear that sometimes. And then I never see the people who said it again. 35
Thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself. Neutral 50 You do look like someone who can take care of himself. But I think you'll find this is more than you bargained for... 36
Thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself. Neutral 50 You do look like someone who can take care of herself. But I think you'll find this is more than you bargained for... 37
BMNeilOffToJacobstown What will you do now? Neutral 50 I still have a job to do here. Some Mutants may have heard Tabitha's broadcasts and are headed here even as we speak. 38
Neutral 50 I'll remain and direct any who show up toward Jacobstown, where they'll be much better off. 39
BMNeilSupMutantGens Why are some Super Mutants smarter than others? Neutral 50 Not all Super Mutants were created equal. Or at the same time, or for the same purpose. 40
Neutral 50 The first generation tends to be smarter, stronger, and... more civilized, I suppose you could say, than the ones made later, save the Nightkin. 41
BMNeilVillageAgree Okay, I can make that work. Neutral 50 Good luck. We're going to need it. 42
BMNeilVillageDisagree That's your plan? I *am* an intruder in the village! Neutral 50 Yes, so try to stay out of sight, because they'll be coming this way. 43
BMNeilVillageNotReady Not yet. Wait here. Neutral 50 Whatever you need to do, be quick about it. 44
BMNeilVillageReadyForMob Let's do it. Neutral 50 Here's the plan. The gate to Tabitha's compound is guarded by several Nightkin, all of them using devices that make them invisible. 45
Neutral 50 I'm going to draw them away from the gate by telling them I spotted an intruder in the village. Then you slip in. 46
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Good work, human. Maybe now this place can rest in peace. 47
GREETING Neutral 50 There's nothing for you here, human, though it is always good to see you. 48
GREETING Neutral 50 I've done what I can. The rest is up to you, human. 49
GREETING Neutral 50 This is a dangerous place, human - especially for your kind! I suggest you turn back. There's nothing good waiting for you further on. 50
GREETING Neutral 50 Still hanging about? 51
GREETING Neutral 50 A pleasant surprise to see you made it. I'm ready to get started if you are. 52
GREETING Neutral 50 We shouldn't wait much longer. Are you ready? 53
VEndingBlackMountain VEndingBlackMountain Neutral 50 {Narrating} Though some Super Mutants and Nightkin continued to journey to the legendary Utobitha, they found little trace of its existence. 54
Neutral 50 Some eventually found their way to Jacobstown, but many wandered off into the wastes, confused and disheartened. 55
VEndingBlackMountain Neutral 50 {Narrating} Tabitha and Rhonda went east, through Caesar's land. Occasionally tales of their exploits found their way back west, though few believed them. 56
Neutral 50 Eventually the stories concerning the duo were collected and published, and proved to be quite popular with children. 57
VEndingBlackMountain Neutral 50 {Narrating} Black Mountain Radio continued to broadcast its peculiar form of propaganda. Raul Tejada faced his execution each day, though pardoned in the end. 58
Neutral 50 Travelers venturing too near Black Mountain continue to be harassed by Tabitha's followers. 59
VEndingBlackMountain Neutral 50 {Narrating} Tabitha, enraged by Raul's escape, took the remaining Nightkin of Black Mountain with her and vanished without a trace. 60
Neutral 50 Travelers in the region soon learned to avoid the roads at night, as caravans were repeatedly attacked by unseen assailants. 61
VFreeformBlackMountainBMNeilTopic000 With Tabitha gone, what will happen to this place? Neutral 50 Who knows? It might stay abandoned, get used as a base for raiders, or even become another colony for mutants. 62
Neutral 50 The future is not written, human, and it is foolish to squint at what cannot be seen. 63
VFreeformBlackMountainBMNeilTopic001 I'll leave things here to you, then. Neutral 50 Be safe, human. And thanks again for everything. 64


BMNeilDistractsNightkin BMNeilDistractsNightkin Neutral 50 There's a human down the path. Tabitha's orders are to kill all human intruders. Go! 65
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 66