The automatic .38 receiver is a weapon mod for the combat rifle and the pipe gun in Fallout 76.
The automatic .38 receiver causes an affected weapon to use .38 rounds in place of its typical type of ammunition. It lowers weapon damage in exchange for a cheaper, more common ammo type. It also improves the rate of fire and in case of the pipe gun, converts the weapon to automatic fire.
Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted. For modifications unlocked through scrapping, the corresponding weapon must be scrapped in order to learn how to craft it.
- Combat rifle
- Pipe gun
ID table[]
Weapon | OMOD editor ID | OMOD ID | MISC editor ID | MISC ID |
Combat rifle | mod_CombatRifle_Receiver_Auto-AmmoConv | 00243082 | miscmod_mod_CombatRifle_Receiver_Auto-AmmoConv | 002E9E9C |
Pipe gun | mod_PipeGun_Receiver_Automatic-AmmoConversion | 002D5E26 | miscmod_mod_PipeGun_Receiver_Automatic-AmmoConversion | 0030DE79 |
- Craftable at any weapons workbench.
- Loose mods may randomly be found in the following regions:
- Ash Heap (both weapons)
- Toxic Valley (pipe gun)
- Savage Divide (both weapons)
- The Mire and Cranberry Bog (combat rifle)
- Loose mods may also be for sale from vendors.
The loose mod for the combat rifle is simply named hasty automatic receiver.