The associate's note is a paper note in Fallout 4.
Carried by a raider or Triggerman in Easy City Downs; it is not pre-placed in their inventory, and is only added when the location is approached for the first time. The note will only be available if Synth Retention has not started.[verification overdue]
<Alias=LibertaliaBoss.Name> raised the tribute again - we're paying almost half our take to Libertalia now. I've got Tommy working over the books. I need you to find a better way to rig these races. Take a couple bots offline and see what you can do.
The note is set up to work with either Wire or Gabriel as the name of the Libertalia raider boss (this is the use of "<Alias=LibertaliaBoss.Name>"). However, this does not appear to work correctly when Gabriel replaces Wire.[verification needed]