Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The anti-Scorched training pistol is a ranged weapon in Fallout 76.


The bullets fired from this customized 10mm auto pistol are made from depleted ultracite and leave blueish trails.[1] As a result, it deals 25% more damage to any Scorched, but 20% less to all other enemies. Bernie the Protectron issues this training pistol to Fire Breathers recruits for their final exam.[2]

Although it uses ultracite ammo in the narrative, the anti-Scorched 10mm pistol requires the standard 10mm rounds when used in-game. This weapon cannot be modified in any way, therefore, skins designed for the 10mm pistol cannot be applied to this weapon.

Weapon modifications[]


  • Into the Fire - Given by Bernie, along with a Fire Breather uniform and helmet.
    • As with other rewards, this weapon will scale to the player's level and will always round down.
  • This weapon cannot be crafted or re-acquired.
  • This weapon may be traded.


PCPC Xbox OneXbox One Playstation 4Playstation 4 Legendary mods cannot be applied to the anti-Scorched training pistol due to missing attachment slots.[4][verified]


  1. Message from Hank Madigan
  2. Into the Fire
  3. Unique version of the Scorched killer's receiver. Sets fire mode to automatic. +10% AP cost. -10% range. -17.52% fire rate.
  4. Steel Reign PTS Features and Updates Log: June 4, 2021