Anders was originally sent out of Red Rock Canyon about three weeks before the Courier's arrival there, in order to find a route into Arizona, to open up a new market for the Khans' "recreational" goods. However, Anders was apprehended by members of the Caesar's Legion near Cottonwood Cove and promptly crucified for dealing in chems, as Caesar's law dictates.[1][2]
Oh My Papa: Gaining Diane and Jack's trust requires finding where Anders has gone or passing a Speech check.
Aba Daba Honeymoon: Anders has been crucified just outside Cottonwood Cove. Once he has been found, the next step in the mission is to either untie or kill him. Killing him does not automatically fail the quest but causes loss of the reward. If Anders survives, he will rejoin Jack and Diane at the Red Rock drug lab.
Effects of player's actions[]
If the player character passes the Speech check with Jack for the quest Oh My Papa, therefore bypassing any need to complete any quests, asking Diane for work will cause her to ask for help finding Anders, who will still be on the cross.
Once freed from the cross, his leg will be crippled and will limp both once released and when seen walking around back at the drug lab.
He can only be let down from the cross once the quest Aba Daba Honeymoon is active. If the quest is not active, the option to release him will not appear, leading to Anders begging the Courier not to leave him, with no other option.
PCXbox 360 Sometimes, Anders will randomly appear at Ranger Station Foxtrot and be killed by the NCR Rangers there. [verified]
Xbox 360 Locating Cottonwood Cove and talking to Anders before going to Red Rock Canyon and starting Aba Daba Honeymoon may result in the quest becoming broken and impossible to finish. Fast traveling to the sniper's nest will result in the game freezing during the loading screen and it is also impossible to approach Anders by fast traveling to another nearby location and walking up to him as the game will freeze up when the player gets within a certain distance of Cottonwood Cove from any direction. Putting the quest off until later (fast traveling, completing other quests, sleeping, waiting, leveling up, etc.) will not fix this glitch. [verified]
PCPlaystation 3Xbox 360 The game will not give the player an option to untie Anders in Cottonwood Cove. This can happen if the player had contact with Anders before the quest Oh My Papa, but can also happen if the player had not. There is no known workaround for console players. An alternative is to approach Jack instead of Diane for the Speech check in Oh My Papa. That way, Anders can be freed in Aba Daba Honeymoon instead. Sometimes, using a KO weapon (boxing tape, etc.) can be used to knock Anders off the cross without killing him. [verified]
PC PC users can open the console, click Anders, and type addtopic AndersFree, then re-initiate dialogue with him.
PC Punching him to release him will result in him standing idle. The same dialogue occurs as if he was still tied up. [verified]
PC Should he become hostile after you have got him down from the cross, just run away until he no longer chases you. You can then complete the quest successfully. [verified]
Playstation 3 Killing Anders while still tied to the cross will not fail the quest, and after a few in-game days, he will be alive again and still tied to the cross. [verified]
PC If you kill Motor-Runner before completing the quest Aba Daba Honeymoon, you cannot receive the quest to free him. However, after completing Oh My Papa, you can just talk to him and free him. [verified]
↑The Courier: "You're smuggling drugs?" Anders: "Well, not exactly. More like... trying to expand our markets. I heard there was a lot of untapped territory down south, but the Legion caught me." (Anders' dialogue)
↑The Courier: "Who did this to you?" Anders: "Unh... Legion caught me. Said this... was the penalty for drug runners. Please... let me down." The Courier: "Who did this to you?" Anders: "A Legion patrol caught me trying to cross the river. When they found the, umm, package I was carrying, they strung me up there." (Anders' dialogue) Note: The former line is spoken if Anders is still on the crucifixion cross, the later for when he is off of it.