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We give them the most important thing possible. We give their dreary lives excitement.

Alya is a member of the Khans, serving as Garl Death-Hand's tactician in 2161.


In the Khan hierarchy, Alya is the key tactician, coordinating raids, especially attacks on Shady Sands. She has a bit of an obsession with knives, spending her free time sharpening them endlessly.[1] Like her fellow Khans, she firmly believes that might makes right. She also believes that the shared heritage (Vault 15) entitles the Khans to a portion of Shady Sands' harvest. If the Khans endanger their survival, it's only because the Shady Sands failed to plan adequately. This supposed kinship is also why she believes that the Khans "do not attack those of Shady Sands," but simply "give their dreary lives excitement;"[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
33 Protector
This character is allied with the following faction(s).


Other interactions[]

  • She will attack the Vault Dweller if their gun is not holstered.

Tell me abouts[]


Notable quotes[]

  • "We do not attack those of Shady Sands. We are from the same place they are. It is only right that they share with us!"
  • "You sound just as wimpy as they are. Look, if they were in any trouble of starvation, then it is their own fault for not planning ahead. Consider what we do a trade in talents."
  • "We give them the most important thing possible. We give their dreary lives excitement."


Alya appears only in Fallout and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible.


  1. The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{I'm looking for a woman named Tandi. Have you seen her?}"
    Alya: "{107}{}{If she is one of those women from Shady Sands, maybe you should look there. Now go, I need to finish sharpening my knives. }"
    The Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{Hooroo!}"
    Alya: "{117}{}{I am sorry, but I can't understand you. I'm sharpening my knives and would not like to be bothered.}"
    (Alya's dialogue)
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Why has your band of Raiders attacked Shady Sands?}"
    Alya: "{109}{}{We do not attack those of Shady Sands. We are from the same place they are. It is only right that they share with us!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{But you are hurting their livestock and terrifying them.}"
    Alya: "{113}{}{You sound just as wimpy as they are. Look, if they were in any trouble of starvation, then it is their own fault for not planning ahead. Consider what we do a trade in talents.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{A trade in talents?!? How can this be a trade in talents? You don't give them anything.}"
    Alya: "{118}{}{We give them the most important thing possible. We give their dreary lives excitement.}"
    (Alya's dialogue)