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This is a transcript for dialogue with Allistair Tenpenny.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 Help! {in the middle of an attack against his town} 1
GREETING Surprise 50 Are you daft?! Don't stand there. Do something! {in the middle of an attack against his town} 2
GREETING Disgust 10 Your constant need to chatter is pressing on my optic nerve. {mildly annoyed} 3
GREETING Disgust 10 Yes? {mildly annoyed} 4
GREETING Surprise 10 You have a curious look about you. I presume you have something interesting to tell me? {hoping his time isn't going to be wasted} 5
GREETING Fear 50 How did you get past the guard? What do you want? 6
GREETING Disgust 50 I haven't heard anything about Mister Crowley recently. So what could you possibly want? 7
GREETING Happy 75 Hello, hello! {glad he has someone to talk to finally} 8
GREETING Happy 25 I'm mighty appreciative of your straightening things out. Perhaps next time I go on safari I'll take you along. {appreciative} 9
Surprise 50 Is there something you require? 10
GREETING Happy 50 I presume you are still honoring our previous arrangement? I enjoy being alive, at least for the moment. 11
GREETING Surprise 50 So, Crowley is dead, eh? 12
Happy 50 Here's your pay. Now, don't spend it all in one place, unless that place is Tenpenny Tower. 13
GREETING Surprise 100 Fancy that! A visitor. I seldom get visitors. Which is a tiresome shame because I'm usually relentlessly bored out of my right mind! {greatly pleased} 14
Disgust 50 All these confounded people fluster about like I'm made of eggshells and about to fall to pieces at any moment. I'm surprised they even let you in. {annoyed people are over protective of him} 15
Neutral 50 So what do you think of my fine tower here? It's quite the jewel of the Wasteland isn't it? I daresay I'm quite proud of it myself. {flamboyantly bragging} 16
GREETING Surprise 100 Heigh ho! {greatly pleased} 17
MS11FinTenpennyExplain I've been wondering... why blow up Megaton? Neutral 50 I complained off hand one day about how I thought that heap of metal on the horizon was a bit of an eyesore. Mister Burke offered to take care of it. {nonchalant} 18
Surprise 50 Burke is such an agreeable man, isn't he? I don't know how I got along without him. I practically don't have to think about things anymore. {sincerely praising a hard working lackey} 19
Happy 50 He takes care of everything. I seldom even have to ask. He's a real go-getter, that one. We need more men like him if we're to rebuild the world. {sincerely praising his lackey} 20
MS11FinTenpennyExplain1 You've got to clear away the past to make room for the future. Happy 50 Well said! Indeed! You've got the entrepreneurial spirit! It gives me hope to see young people, such as yourself, with real heads on their shoulders. {genuinely agreeable} 21
MS11FinTenpennyExplain2 You don't have a problem with killing all those people? Sad 50 Oh no. I'm certainly rather sore about all that. But certain sacrifices must be made. {not overly concerned about killing lots of people} 22
Neutral 50 Besides, Burke assured me that bomb was quite unstable. I asked Burke to suggest they vacate. {rationalizing mass murder} 23
Neutral 50 It was all a matter of time. Think of it as helping speed along the process of natural selection. Don't lose any sleep over it. {jovially rationalizing mass murder} 24
MS11FinTenpennyExplain3 <Say nothing.> Disgust 10 You're an odd one, aren't you? {not sure what to make of the player} 25
MS12Basement What can you tell me about the basement? Surprise 100 What?! {taken completely by surprise by the question} 26
Surprise 50 That area is strictly off limits. Can't have people fooling around with the terminal down there. They could shut off power and open the escape door. 27
MS12Nevermind Let's talk about something else. Sad 50 You've become a bit of a bore, haven't you? Go away! {flamboyantly arrogant} 28
MS12OkayForGhouls Your other residents are gone. Might as well let the Ghouls live here. Surprise 100 What? Where did they go? Strike that. I don't really care. If they don't want to live here, that's their own business. {flamboyantly eccentric} 29
Happy 50 Let the Ghouls move in here. But I expect them to pay and obey the rules like everyone else. 30
Happy 50 It's a bit crass, but here's a little something for your troubles. {handing out a cash reward} 31
The bigots have all been taken care of. So the Ghouls can move in now. Right? Surprise 50 Well, if my tenants want Ghoul neighbors, they can have them! Though the Ghouls must pay and follow the rules like everyone else. {flamboyantly surprised} 32
Neutral 50 You're a clever one aren't you? I'm glad this situation has been resolved! {appreciative} 33
Happy 50 It's a bit crass, but here's a little something for your troubles. {handing out a cash reward} 34
MS12ResidentsNeighborsBad I was just kidding! Those zombies need to be killed! Surprise 25 Well, that's how most people feel, certainly. Talk to Security Chief Gustavo. He's managing the "Ghoul situation." 35
MS12ResidentsNeighborsGood What if the residents are okay with Ghoul neighbors? Surprise 50 Ha! I don't suppose I'd mind terribly if Ghouls were to live here. And it'd be a good bit of sport hunting them down if they misbehaved. {flamboyantly eccentric} 36
Surprise 50 I dare say though, you'll have a bit of trouble convincing certain residents to go along with your novel proposition. {flamboyantly eccentric} 37
Happy 50 Tell you what. If you can convince Mr. and Mrs. Wellington, Mr. Ling, Ms. Montenegro, and Ms. Lancaster, those Ghouls can live here. {doubtful} 38
Happy 100 Have you seen me shoot? I'm quite proficient, if I do say so myself. {flamboyantly bragging} 39
MS12ResidentsNeighborsNeutral Whatever. Disgust 50 I must say, you can be quite the bore. Run along and pester someone else. {excessively disappointed} 40
MS12ResidentsNeighborsTenpenny There are some Ghouls who want to live here. What do you think about that? Surprise 100 Why - I do believe you've lost your mind! Ghouls, living here? You're serious? {excessively shocked} 41
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
Do you remember a Mister Crowley? Surprise 50 The Ghoul? He's dead. Died twenty years ago. 42
Disgust 50 Good riddance too. I hate those shufflers. 43
I'm here to kill you, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm going to put a bullet in your brain, you Ghoul hating piece of shit! Fear 50 Guards! Security! 44
MS14TenpennyBigot Mister Crowley is alive. I'm here to kill you because you hate Ghouls. Disgust 50 He's alive? I should have known. It's hard to kill those zombies. You gotta shoot 'em in the head. 45
Fear 50 Whatever he's paying you, I'll double it. 46
MS14TenpennyEndNoThreat You've satisfied my curiosity. Surprise 50 So easily? Somehow I'm not surprised. 47
MS14TenpennyHigherBribe I want more than that to spare your miserable life. 300 caps. Disgust 50 You mercenaries are so reliably predictable. 48
Neutral 50 100 now, 200 when the job is done. 49
MS14TenpennyHowDie How did he die? Neutral 50 Who cares? I hired some mercenaries to get me some equipment from Fort Constantine. He was one of them. 50
Neutral 50 Of the five, only three survived. You'll have to ask one of them if you want the gory details. 51
MS14TenpennyMustDie I think it would be better for everyone if I just killed you. Disgust 50 An honest mercenary? Who would have thought. Guards! {Shout the last word} 52
MS14TenpennyTakeBribe 200 caps to spare your life? Okay. Disgust 50 I love mercenaries. They're so easy to buy. 53
Neutral 50 You'll be paid after I know he's dead. And believe me, I'll know. 54
MS14TenpennyWantsKey Mister Crowley wants that key. Now. Surprise 50 What key? Oh, that key. 55
Disgust 50 You're a moron. I don't have any of his precious keys. Idiot. 56
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 A murderer and a thief. I'd sooner die. 57
Tell me about Allistair Tenpenny.
Tell me about yourself, Mr. Tenpenny. Surprise 50 It's impolite for a gentleman to talk about himself. But I'd hope this magnificent tower would speak volumes. {a bit of a snobby air} 58
TenpennyGREETINGChoice1 Indeed! I'm extremely impressed! Happy 50 Righto! When I saw this place jutting up out of the horizon, I knew what I had to do! I hired some muscle and we got this place fixed up right quick. {flamboyantly bragging} 59
Surprise 50 I had the great fortune to run into Mr. Burke, an absolute gem of a man. He certainly has a way of getting done what needs to get done, doesn't he? {flamboyantly bragging} 60
Happy 50 Then it was a matter of getting the right type of tenants with the right type of assets, and the rest is, as they say, history. {flamboyantly bragging} 61
TenpennyGREETINGChoice2 You didn't build this tower, you just found it and moved in. Big fucking deal. Surprise 50 I say! Must you be so caustic? Come now, a lot of work went into turning this husk of a tower into a place people can call home. {defensive but flaboyant} 62
Happy 50 I've had help, of course. Especially in Mr. Burke, an absolute gem of a man. He certainly has a way of getting done what needs to get done. {flamboyantly bragging} 63
Sad 100 Then it was a matter of getting the right type of tenants with the right type of assets, and the rest is, as they say, history. {flamboyantly bragging} 64
TenpennyGREETINGChoice3 Eh. It's okay here. Surprise 100 Rubbish! You must be daft. Look around! Where else in the Wasteland have you seen such magnificence, I ask you? {flamboyantly defending his creation and bragging} 65
Happy 50 I had the great fortune to run into Mr. Burke, an absolute gem of a man. He certainly has a way of getting done what needs to get done, doesn't he? {flamboyantly bragging} 66
Happy 100 Then it was a matter of getting the right type of tenants with the right type of assets, and the rest is, as they say, history. {flaboyantly bragging} 67
TenpennyShootBalcony What are you shooting at out there? Happy 100 Why, anything I want, dear boy. Anything I want... Wasteland safari. Very relaxing. {jovial} 68
What are you shooting at out there? Happy 100 Why, anything I want, dear girl. Anything I want... Wasteland safari. Very relaxing. {jovial} 69
What can you tell me about Tenpenny Tower?
Quite a tower you have here, Mr. Tenpenny. Surprise 100 Some might say Tenpenny Tower is my crowning achievement. But no! No no! My dear boy, it is just the beginning! 70
Quite a tower you have here, Mr. Tenpenny. Surprise 100 Some might say that Tenpenny Tower is my crowning achievement. But no! No no! My dear girl, it is just the beginning! 71


DialogueTenpennyConv01 DialogueTenpennyConv01 Happy 20 The usual, dear. And please, be sure to remember to measure the salt precisely. We don't a repeat of last weeks debacle. {politely but passively aggressively scolding} 72
DialogueTenpennyConv01 Surprise 75 Umm... er... why yes, Ms. Lancaster. You are quite the "conversationalist." I await with anticipation our next opportunity for chit chat. Indeed! {(embarrassed) caught off guard, then trying to flirt surreptitiously} 73
DialogueTenpennyConv02 DialogueTenpennyConv02 Disgust 25 Yes well. I'm a visionary, that's true. But I'm also a creature of habit. I like my Iguana Bits sandwich just the way I always get it. Thank you. {bragging, and a little annoyed he's being questioned about his meal} 74
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Surprise 50 Well... I'm glad to know you are getting along. I'll, umm... expect a visit at the usual time. Run along dear. And do be careful. {self-consciously flirting with his mistress} 75
DialogueTenpennyConvShortGoodbye DialogueTenpennyConvShortGoodbye Disgust 50 Sorry. Can't talk now. {ducking out of an unwanted conversation} 76
DialogueTenpennyEatStartTopic DialogueTenpennyEatStartTopic Surprise 50 I'm positively famished. I must get something to eat before I pass out! {hungry and on his way to get food} 77
DialogueTenpennySleepStartTopic DialogueTenpennySleepStartTopic Neutral 50 I'm plum puckered out. {yawning and getting ready to go to bed} 78
DialogueTenpennySusanSleepWithStartTopic DialogueTenpennySusanSleepWithStartTopic Happy 50 I do hope she gets here soon. I'm particularly randy this evening. {to himself under his breath, thinking about his mistress} 79
GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 75 Right-o. Run along now. 80
I have to go now. Happy 75 Good day. {saying goodbye} 81
I have to go now. Happy 75 Cheerio. {saying goodbye} 82
HELLO HELLO Fear 50 Careful where you point that thing. Can't we talk about this? 83
HELLO Surprise 50 Dashwood. What the hell are you skulking about for? {confused and slightly suspicious} 84
HELLO Surprise 50 Dashwood. What the hell are you skulking about for? {confused and slightly suspicious} 85
HELLO Happy 50 You know, you make a very good sandwich. {uncharacteristically jovial} 86
HELLO Happy 75 Oh. Hello there Susan. It's always a pleasure to see you. Um... you're getting along alright are you, dear? {(awkwardly happy) caught off guard by the appearance of his mistress} 87
HELLO Happy 50 Nice to see you. Carry on. 88
HELLO Happy 50 Hello. Hello. Can't stop to chat just now. {annoyed} 89
HELLO Surprise 50 Now's not the best time. Perhaps we could parlay sometime later? Thank you. 90
MS11NukeView MS11NukeView Happy 100 Well done, Mister Burke! What a grand display of fireworks! I almost wish there was another nuke we could detonate. You don't see that very often. {sincere gratitude, truly tickled with amusement} 91
MS11NukeView Happy 100 Quite right. And you are to offer him the reward we discussed. Now... all this bright light and wind has given me quite a thirst. Where's my scotch? {sincere gratitude, followed by confused annoyance at his missing liquor} 92
MS11NukeView Happy 100 Quite right. And you are to offer her the reward we discussed. Now... all this bright light and wind has given me quite a thirst. Where's my scotch? {sincere gratitude, followed by confused annoyance at his missing liquor} 93
MS11NukeView Happy 100 Righto. And be quick about it! I haven't been dry in years. I'd hate to start now. {amused} 94


AcceptYield AcceptYield Happy 50 Righto. We were only sparring then. {cheerfully accepting an enemies surrender} 95
Assault Assault Disgust 50 What brutality! {shocked and appalled at someone being assaulted} 96
Attack Attack Happy 50 I do enjoy a good row! {gleefully engaging in combat ("row" meaning a loud quarrel} 97
Attack Happy 50 Ha ha! Take that! {gleefully engaging in combat} 98
Attack Happy 50 What fun! {gleefully engaging in combat} 99
DeathResponse DeathResponse Disgust 50 Death is such nasty business. {appalled that someone has died violently} 100
Flee Flee Fear 100 Guards! {running for his life, calling for his security force} 101
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 50 Leave before I call security. {warning a trespasser} 102
Murder Murder Disgust 50 My word. Was that truly necessary? {shocked someone was murdered} 103
Murder Disgust 50 I think I'm going to be a trifle sick. {shocked someone was murdered} 104
Pickpocket Pickpocket Anger 50 Hey now! Cut that out! {caught a pickpocket} 105
Pickpocket Anger 50 Kindly remove your grubby hands from my pockets. {caught a pickpocket} 106
Pickpocket Anger 50 Guards! {caught a pickpocket} 107
Steal Steal Anger 50 Are you daft? That doesn't belong to you. {caught a thief} 108


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 Is that really necessary? I won't hurt you. Come out of there and let's discuss this civilly. {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 109
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Come now. You're being unsporting. {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 110
AlertIdle Neutral 50 I'm growing tired of this little game of ours. Show yourself! {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 111
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 Is that really necessary? I won't hurt you. Come out of there and let's discuss this civilly. {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 112
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Come now. You're being unsporting. {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 113
CombatToLost Neutral 50 I'm growing tired of this little game of ours. Show yourself! {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 114
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Is that really necessary? I won't hurt you. Come out of there and let's discuss this civilly. {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 115
LostIdle Neutral 50 Come now. You're being unsporting. {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 116
LostIdle Neutral 50 I'm growing tired of this little game of ours. Show yourself! {baiting an enemy to come out of hiding} 117
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Hey, what's the big idea?! {shocked that someone wants to fight him} 118

Radio Cut content[]

RadioHello RadioHello Happy 75 Thank you for listening to Tenpenny Tower radio service. Brought to you by Allistair Tenpenny. {trying to be a radio celebrity} 119
RadioHello Happy 75 This is Tenpenny Tower radio! {trying to be a radio celebrity} 120
RadioHello Happy 75 You're listening to Tenpenny Tower radio, the sound of progress! {trying to be a radio celebrity} 121
RadioHello Happy 75 This is Tenpenny Tower radio, music and inspiring talk for forward thinking people. {trying to be a radio celebrity} 122
RadioTenpennyTalk1 RadioTenpennyTalk Happy 75 And now it's time for another Tenpenny Truism. {trying to be a radio celebrity} 123
RadioTenpennyTalk Happy 75 And now a Tenpenny Truism. {trying to be a radio celebrity} 124
RadioTenpennyTalk2 RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 The poor man wishes for prosperity. The rich man makes his own. {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 125
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 We must turn our thoughts away from that which is imperfect and impure. {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 126
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 On that vast plain of dust we will raise new cities, and like the Phoenix spread the wings of new life and take flight! {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 127
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 Never wonder for a moment if you are worthy of the benefits you possess. Rather wonder always if you have utilized them to their fullest. {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 128
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 All men were created equal. Not all men remain so. {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 129
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 The beggar must lay down his cup, for a man needs both hands to grasp the future. {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 130
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 Let us release our fears of the past into our hopes for the future! {(soothing thoughts) trying to be a radio celebrity} 131
RadioTenpennyTalk2 Neutral 50 The poor man wonders why he is poor. The rich man knows why he is rich. 132
RadioTenpennyTalk3 RadioTenpennyTalk3 Happy 75 This has been a Tenpenny Truism. {trying to be a radio celebrity} 133