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Fallout Wiki

Aligned stock is a weapon mod for various weapons in Fallout 76.


Replacing the standard stock with an aligned stock results in improved weapon recoil and hip-fire accuracy, but also in improved weapon weight. The mod for the Gauss shotgun additionally improves accuracy at the cost of reduced weapon durability.

Learning chance[]

Weapon Plans Learn chance
Combat rifle Learned from scrapping Very low (10%)
Hunting rifle
Laser gun
Lever action rifle
10mm submachine gun Low (15%)
Assault rifle
Combat shotgun
Double-barrel shotgun
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma gun
Pump action shotgun
Radium rifle
Ultracite laser gun
Gauss rifle Medium (20%)
Gauss shotgun Plan: Gauss shotgun aligned stock
Enclave plasma gun Unlearnable


10mm submachine gun
Assault rifle
Combat rifle
Combat shotgun
Double-barrel shotgun
Gauss rifle
Gauss shotgun
Hunting rifle
Laser gun
Lever action rifle
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma gun
Pump action shotgun
Radium rifle
Ultracite laser gun

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
10mm submachine gun mod_10mmSMG_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 002FD8F6 miscmod_mod_10mmSMG_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 002FD92B
Assault rifle mod_AssaultRifle_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 003128C7 miscmod_mod_AssaultRifle_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0031F1CE
Combat rifle mod_CombatRifle_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 002430BC miscmod_mod_CombatRifle_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0029D09F
Combat shotgun mod_CombatShotgun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 001F805E miscmod_mod_CombatShotgun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0030DCC0
Double-barrel shotgun mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0023D901 miscmod_mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_grip_FullStock_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0030DD2C
Enclave plasma gun mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0018C6DF miscmod_mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 003293DE
Gauss rifle mod_GaussRifle_grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0031392D miscmod_mod_GaussRifle_grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 00313933
Gauss shotgun mod_GaussShotgun_grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 00573736 miscmod_mod_GaussShotgun_grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 005A266F
Hunting rifle mod_HuntingRifle_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 002446D3 miscmod_mod_HuntingRifle_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0030DD67
Laser gun mod_LaserGun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0031299F miscmod_mod_LaserGun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 003129BD
Lever action rifle DLC03_mod_LeverGun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0003251D miscmod_DLC03_mod_LeverGun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 005255B0
Pipe bolt-action mod_PipeBoltAction_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 002D5D34 miscmod_mod_PipeBoltAction_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0030DDDB
Pipe gun mod_PipeGun_grip_FullStock_Recoil-HipAccuracy 002D5DE2 miscmod_mod_PipeGun_grip_FullStock_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0030DE44
Pipe revolver mod_PipeRevolver_grip_FullStock_Recoil-HipAccuracy 002D5EA5 miscmod_mod_PipeRevolver_grip_FullStock_HipAccuracy-Recoil 0030DEBF
Plasma gun mod_PlasmaGun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0018C43F miscmod_mod_PlasmaGun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 00329416
Pump action shotgun mod_PumpActionShotgun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0018AAE1 miscmod_mod_PumpActionShotgun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 004E025C
Radium rifle mod_RadiumRifle_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 0029573C miscmod_mod_RadiumRifle_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 004E994E
Ultracite laser gun mod_UltraciteLaserGun_Grip_Recoil-HipAccuracy 00312AA1 miscmod_mod_UltraciteLaserGun_Grip_HipAccuracy-Recoil 003ACE4C


  • Loose mods may randomly be found in the following regions:
    • The Forest (Hunting rifle, laser gun, pipe bolt-action and pump action shotgun)
    • Ash Heap (Assault rifle, combat rifle, combat shotgun, lever action rifle and ultracite laser gun)
    • Toxic Valley (10mm submachine gun, combat rifle, combat shotgun, double-barrel shotgun, hunting rifle, laser gun, pipe gun, pipe revolver, plasma gun and pump action shotgun)
    • Savage Divide (10mm submachine gun, assault rifle, combat rifle, combat shotgun, double-barrel shotgun, Gauss rifle, lever action rifle, pipe gun, pipe revolver, plasma gun, radium rifle and ultracite laser gun)
    • The Mire (Assault rifle, Gauss rifle, lever action rifle, radium rifle and ultracite laser gun)
    • Cranberry Bog (Assault rifle, Gauss rifle, radium rifle and ultracite laser gun)
  • Loose mods may also be for sale from vendors.
  • For Enclave plasma guns, this mod exists within the game files, but is otherwise unobtainable. It does not exist as a loose mod in-game, and will never appear attached to an Enclave plasma gun.


The majority of the loose mods is named different from the actual craftable mod:

  • The loose mod for the 10mm submachine gun is named aligned grip, not to be confused with the craftable mod of the same name.
  • The loose mods for the assault rifle, combat rifle, Enclave plasma gun, hunting rifle, laser gun, lever action rifle, plasma gun, pump action shotgun, radium rifle and ultracite laser gun are named comfort stock instead of aligned stock.
  • The loose mod for the combat shotgun is named comfort fullstock In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar instead of aligned stock.
  • The loose mods for the double-barrel shotgun, pipe gun and pipe revolver are named comfort full stock instead of aligned stock.
  • The loose mod for the pipe bolt-action is named comfort grip instead of aligned stock.