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This is a transcript for dialogue with Agatha.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 What the hell do you want? I hope you've decided to be more civil. 1
GREETING Disgust 50 No, I'm sorry. I tried to be nice to you and you decided to make fun of me. Well, this old lady doesn't put up with those shenanigans. 2
GREETING Surprise 90 Oh my goodness gracious! Seems like you've been gone forever. Please tell me you have good news. 3
GREETING Sad 50 No luck yet finding the Soil Stradivarius, eh? 4
GREETING Happy 50 Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh my, it's you. I-I wasn't expecting visitors all the way out here. 6
Surprise 50 My name's Agatha. What brings you to my home? 7
GREETING Neutral 50 My my my. You certainly do look a little bit worn out from your travels. 8
Surprise 50 Oh, just look at my terrible manners! I'm Agatha. It's so nice to meet you. 9
Happy 50 Now, what brings you all the way out here? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you decided to find me a violin? 11
GREETING Happy 90 Well, hello there. You look like you could use a rest. 12
Neutral 50 Oh, just look at my terrible manners! I'm Agatha. It's so nice to meet you. 13
GREETING Disgust 80 Mmmm-hmmm. What's that you're carrying? Is it something else to taunt me with? 14
GREETING Anger 80 I told you to get the hell out and I meant it! 15
GREETING Happy 60 Sit down a spell and relax. 16
GREETING Happy 50 You're a sight for these old eyes. 17
GREETING Happy 50 Well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. 18
MS17AgathaAngerTrack01 Whatever, grandma. Like I care. Anger 50 That's just about all I'm going to take from the likes of you! 19
Disgust 50 When you walked in, I thought you were different than the normal riff-raff that crawls out of the sand. I see now that I was wrong. 20
Anger 50 Come back and talk to me when you decide to be more civil. 21
I honestly don't give a shit. Anger 50 That tears it! 22
Disgust 50 I've been calm and patient with you, but you just seem determined not to return in kind. Fine. 23
Anger 50 Since you only understand rude behavior, allow me to demonstrate some for you. Get the hell out of my house! 24
MS17AgathaAngerTrack02 I'm sorry, the heat must be getting to me. My apologies. Neutral 50 Sigh. My husband told me once to always forgive and forget. I suppose I should take that advice now, rest his poor soul. 25
Happy 50 Consider the apology accepted, and your harsh words forgotten. 26
Again, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Disgust 50 I have a lot of patience, but you are really testing it. 27
Neutral 50 However, as I said before, forgive and forget. 28
MS17AgathaCT01 That's funny, I was about to ask you the same thing. Happy 50 Oh, don't worry about me. I'm just fine out here. 29
Neutral 50 My husband, rest his poor soul, saw to it that our house was well-protected from the elements and the inhabitants of the Wastes. 30
MS17AgathaCT02 Exploring. Neutral 50 Honestly, there is nothing much out here. Looking for sand? Rocks? We have plenty of that. 31
Happy 50 You're welcome to look around this area of course. Don't let me dissuade you. I'm just trying to save you some time. 32
Neutral 50 My husband built this place way out here for a reason, rest his soul. 33
MS17AgathaCT03 I prefer to keep my business to myself. And I suggest you do the same. Disgust 50 Hmph! Well. I see you have manners I'd come to expect from a Wasteland dweller. 34
Anger 50 All I've done is offer you safe harbor in my home. No need to get testy with me, young man! 35
I prefer to keep my business to myself. And I suggest you do the same. Disgust 50 Hmph! Well. I see you have manners I'd come to expect from a Wasteland dweller. 36
Anger 50 All I've done is offer you safe harbor in my home. No need to get testy with me, young lady! 37
MS17AgathaCT04 Oh, your husband's dead? I'm sorry. Happy 50 That's kind of you to say. 38
Neutral 50 Yes, he's gone. After he built this place, we spent many happy years together. 39
Neutral 50 We decided to cut off contact with the outside world and just depend on each other for comfort and company. 40
MS17AgathaCT05 I take it you don't get many visitors, then. Neutral 50 Apart from supply caravans, you're the first person to set foot inside my house in a long time. 41
Happy 50 It's not for lack of trying at this point, mind you. I am just far off the beaten path. 42
Sad 50 Living in this isolation protects me, but has also made me very lonely. 43
MS17AgathaCT05a Oh boo hoo. People die all the time. Anger 50 Well! That's the most insulting thing anyone has ever said to me! 44
Disgust 50 Here I offer my hospitality and you spit it right back in my face. 45
MS17AgathaCT06 Surely you haven't severed all contacts? Surprise 50 Oh goodness, no. I have a supply caravan that passes here maybe once a week. 46
Neutral 50 I trade with them for whatever I need and I stock up enough until they return. 47
MS17AgathaCT06a A frail old lady like yourself should be careful out here all alone. Happy 50 Old? Yes. Frail? No. 48
Neutral 50 I can still hold my own if I have to. My husband made me learn a thing or two about how to defend myself. 49
Happy 50 Besides, I have a caravan come through here about once a week to trade. They'd miss me if I was gone. 50
MS17AgathaCT06b Old lady alone, huh? Got anything valuable around? Neutral 50 Watch the sass, captain sassy-pants! 51
Neutral 50 I can still hold my own if I have to. My husband made me learn a thing or two about how to defend myself. 52
Neutral 50 Besides, I have a caravan come through here about once a week. They'd miss me if I was gone. 53
MS17AgathaCT07 What could you possibly have to trade? Neutral 50 Besides shelter? Well, I offer something in the way of entertainment: I play songs on my homemade violin and people trade me goods. 54
Neutral 50 If not in person, I use my husband's old radio set. The men in the caravan say it keeps their morale up on lonely nights in the Wasteland. 55
MS17AgathaCT08 That sounds risky. What if the caravan never arrives? Neutral 50 Well, I always have my husband's old radio set to fall back on. 56
Neutral 50 I used it once in an emergency when a group of Raiders was getting a bit too close for comfort to my house. 57
Neutral 50 Otherwise I use it to broadcast my so-called music I play from my homemade violin. 58
MS17AgathaCT08a Trade? This place is empty. What, are you a prostitute or something? Disgust 50 That's disgusting! I'm old enough to be your grandmother. I won't have that kind of talk in this house. 59
Disgust 50 I play songs on my homemade violin and people trade me goods. Sellbaby, indeed! 60
Neutral 50 If not in person, I play it over my husband's old radio set. The men in the caravan say it keeps their morale up on lonely nights in the Wasteland. 61
MS17AgathaCT09 Is there any way I can help? Happy 50 Now that you mention it, yes there is. 62
Neutral 50 My trading depends on my violin. Without it, I have nothing to play... no way to make music. 63
Neutral 50 If you can bring me a violin, a better one, I'd feel much more secure. 64
MS17AgathaCT09a Let's cut to the chase. Is there something you need? Neutral 50 You're very blunt. Not always a good trait, but sometimes it is the best way to get things done. 65
Neutral 50 My trading depends on my violin. Without it, I have nothing to play... no way to make music. 66
Neutral 50 If you can bring me a violin, a better one, I'd feel much more secure. 67
MS17AgathaCT10 Your husband's radio can broadcast across the entire Capital Wasteland? Neutral 50 Yes. My husband was very proud of the setup. He tinkered with that thing for years to get it working. 68
Sad 50 I've tried to use it to get what I need, but I've never gotten a reply. 69
MS17AgathaCT11 You built a homemade violin, huh? Impressive. Neutral 50 Thank you. While my husband had his hobbies, I'm afraid mine was making that sorry instrument. 70
Sad 50 I only wish I could replace it with something better. 71
MS17AgathaCT11Intelligence I guess a homemade violin is never quite in tune... Surprise 50 You are a clever one! 72
Neutral 50 Yes, that's exactly the problem that I have with it. It doesn't quite play all of the notes correctly and I have to constantly tinker with it. 73
MS17AgathaCTBackground01 Sorry to interrupt, but where can I find the violin? Happy 50 I'm sorry. I know I tend to ramble. Comes from being lonely. 74
Neutral 50 If you insist. I'll get right to the heart of the matter then. I'm looking for a particular violin, not just any. 75
Neutral 50 The violin you're looking for is called the Soil Stradivarius. It's located in Vault 92, where my great great grandmother once lived. 76
MS17AgathaCTBackground02 You have records from back then? Neutral 50 Of a kind, yes. Hilda sent a good deal of letters to my great grandmother Mary who passed them on, and so forth. 77
Neutral 50 I suppose the correspondence could be considered a diary of sorts. 78
MS17AgathaCTBackground03 2077? I can't even imagine that long ago. Happy 50 It certainly is a long time. That precious instrument has been through a lot. 79
Neutral 50 Anyway, Hilda was quite a special woman. Classically trained and exceptionally talented at the violin. 80
Neutral 50 Her pride and joy was her Stradivarius Violin. I can only imagine how exquisite this instrument must have been. 81
Neutral 50 When war reared its head, she was invited by Vault-Tec into Vault 92. They claimed the vault would be dedicated to preserving musical talent. 82
MS17AgathaCTBackground04 This already sounds kind of like a wild goose chase. Neutral 50 A famous man once said that patience is the companion of wisdom. If you shut your trap and listen, you might learn something. 83
Neutral 50 Anyway, Hilda was quite a special woman. Classically trained and exceptionally talented at the violin. 84
Neutral 50 Her pride and joy was her Stradivarius Violin. I can only imagine how exquisite this instrument must have been. 85
Neutral 50 When war reared its head, she was invited by Vault-Tec into Vault 92. They claimed the vault would be dedicated to preserving musical talent. 86
MS17AgathaCTBackground05 Musical talent? Why would they care about that? Neutral 50 Vault-Tec was always promoting the Vaults being used for the preservation of the arts and all that nonsense. 87
Neutral 50 Hilda couldn't pass on a chance to meet many of the other musical talents of the world, so she accepted their invitation. 88
Neutral 50 Then the bombs fell. The Vault was sealed, and my family never heard from her again. 89
MS17AgathaCTBackground06 This violin she owned, was it valuable? Surprise 50 Oh, absolutely irreplaceable! The Stradivarius violins are as unique as a painting or a sculpture... each one its own work of art. 90
Happy 50 I think the opportunity to use that fine instrument with her fellow accomplished musicians was more than a draw for Hilda. 91
Neutral 50 Then, the bombs fell. The Vault was sealed, and my family never heard from her again. 92
MS17AgathaCTBackground07 Actually, forget the stories... let's get to the point. Neutral 50 If you're that eager to get going I'll skip the story. I'm looking for a particular violin called the Soil Stradivarius. 93
Neutral 50 Its located in Vault 92, where my great great grandmother once lived. 94
MS17AgathaCTBackground08 After 200 years, how can you be certain the violin is in decent shape? Neutral 50 She kept it in a special pressurized case. Inside the case is the perfect temperature and humidity for the instrument. 95
Neutral 50 If the case is still functioning, the Stradivarius would be in perfect shape. 96
Neutral 50 Hilda's Stradivarius was named the Soil Stradivarius. All of them had names. That's what I want you to get. 97
MS17AgathaCTBackground09 So you want me to risk my ass for a violin that's probably rotted away by now? Disgust 50 Don't you think I've thought of that? 98
Neutral 50 She kept it in a special pressurized case. Inside the case is the perfect temperature and humidity for the instrument. 99
Neutral 50 Hilda's Stradivarius was named the Soil Stradivarius. All of them had names. That's what I want you to get. 100
MS17AgathaCTGetToIt More stories? Ugh... Neutral 50 You know, my mother always said a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. 101
Neutral 50 However, if you're that eager to get going I'll skip the story. I'm looking for a particular violin called the Soil Stradivarius. 102
Neutral 50 It's located in Vault 92, where my great great grandmother once lived. 103
MS17AgathaCTQuest01 A violin? That's hardly something that would have survived the war. Sad 50 Yes, very sad isn't it? Sad to think that no more musical instruments will ever be made the old way ever again. 104
Neutral 50 Sigh. Well, fortunately, I know where perhaps the last real violin in the world exists. 105
Neutral 50 If you give me your word that you will recover it, I will tell you more. 106
MS17AgathaCTQuest02 I'm interested, but what will you give me in return? Neutral 50 As you may have already guessed, I really have nothing of value. Material value, that is. 107
Happy 50 All I can offer you is the same I offer the caravans that trade with me. The frequency of my radio and the promise of beautiful music. 108
MS17AgathaCTQuest03 I'd get you a damn moon rock if you pay well enough. Disgust 80 It should be pretty obvious that I have nothing of value. 109
Neutral 50 All I can offer you is the same I offer the caravans that trade with me. The frequency of my radio and the promise of beautiful music. 110
MS17AgathaCTQuestAccept All right. I give you my word I'll do my best to recover a violin for you. Neutral 50 Oh, I don't think I've been this happy in years! As promised, here's the key to the ammunition box. It's right under the radio table. 111
Neutral 50 Before you leave, I have some information that may help you. At least a place to begin. 112
Neutral 50 It all starts with my great great grandmother Hilda back in 2077 before the bombs fell... 113
All right. I give you my word I'll do my best to recover a violin for you. Neutral 50 Oh, I don't think I've been this happy in years! 114
Neutral 50 I have some information that may help you. At least a place to begin. 115
Neutral 50 It all starts with my great great grandmother back in 2077 before the bombs fell... 116
MS17AgathaCTQuestAcceptGoodNatured You seem like a nice woman. Let me get that violin for you. Surprise 70 Well, that's just so sweet of you! 117
Sad 60 I feel bad sending you off with nothing like this. 118
Neutral 50 I have a small amount of ammunition that my husband left behind. A box of odds and ends. I don't think I've opened it in years. 119
Neutral 50 If you do this for me, you're welcome to take whatever you need. 120
MS17AgathaCTQuestAcceptLadyKiller If only you had something to help keep me safe, my little honey bee... Surprise 70 Oh my! I didn't know I still had the looks. 121
Happy 80 Well, you just made my day you sweet thing! Let me give you something extra to help you on your way. 122
Neutral 50 I have a small amount of ammunition that my husband left behind. A box of odds and ends. I don't think I've opened it in years. 123
Neutral 50 If you do this for me, you're welcome to take whatever you need. 124
MS17AgathaCTQuestAcceptSCMean Look, granny... Talk is cheap, but getting stuff isn't. Neutral 50 You have a lot to learn about dealing with people, young man. However, you're right. I need to think of your needs too. 125
Neutral 50 I have a small amount of ammunition that my husband left behind. A box of odds and ends. I don't think I've opened it in years. 126
Neutral 50 If you do this for me, you're welcome to take whatever you need. 127
Look, granny... Talk is cheap, but getting stuff isn't. Neutral 50 You have a lot to learn about dealing with people, young lady. However, you're right. I need to think of your needs too. 128
Neutral 50 I have a small amount of ammunition that my husband left behind. A box of odds and ends. I don't think I've opened it in years. 129
Neutral 50 If you do this for me, you're welcome to take whatever you need. 130
MS17AgathaCTQuestAcceptSCNice I want to help you, but that type of search could cost me greatly. Sad 50 You have a point. Perhaps I've been neglecting needs that you might have and being selfish. 131
Neutral 50 I have a small amount of ammunition that my husband left behind. A box of odds and ends. I don't think I've opened it in years. 132
Neutral 50 If you do this for me, you're welcome to take whatever you need. 133
MS17AgathaCTQuestHave You're in luck! I think I may already have what you're looking for. Surprise 90 Sakes alive! You mean you found a violin? 134
MS17AgathaCTQuestHave01 Yes, take this Stradivarius Violin I found in Vault 92. Happy 50 Oh my goodness! I must see it... please! 135
Surprise 50 It's like holding a chunk of history in the palm of my hands. Amazing, simply amazing. 136
Happy 50 I can't thank you enough. I wish I had something to give you, a more suitable reward for all your efforts. 137
Happy 50 All I can give you is the frequency to my radio set. Tune in whenever you feel like listening to the strains of an old woman's violin playing. 138
MS17AgathaCTQuestHave02 Maybe. You gonna give me something for it? Sad 80 Oh very well. I suppose I should have expected that from a Wastelander. Here's the key to my husband's ammo crate; take whatever you like. 139
Surprise 50 It's like holding a chunk of history in the palm of my hands. Amazing, simply amazing. 140
Happy 50 I can't thank you enough. I wish I had something to give you, a more suitable reward for all your efforts. 141
Happy 50 All I can give you is the frequency to my radio set. Tune in whenever you feel like listening to the strains of an old woman's violin playing. 142
MS17AgathaCTQuestHave03 Oh, you said violin? I thought you needed something else. Never mind. Disgust 70 Well then, you interested in helping me or am I just wasting my time? 143
MS17AgathaCTQuestWait I need some time to think about it. Neutral 50 I understand. Please don't mistake my evasiveness for mistrust. I am merely being cautious. 144
Neutral 50 Take your time, by all means. 145
MS17AgathaCTVault9201 Any idea where Vault 92 is located? Sad 50 That's the catch. I have no idea where it is. 146
Neutral 50 I'd suggest making your way to Vault-Tec Headquarters in the D.C. Ruins. That would be a good place to begin. 147
Happy 50 Good luck! 148
MS17AgathaCTVault9201a So, what am I supposed to do, scour the entire Wasteland asking about violins? Neutral 50 Manners are not your strong suit, eh? I can see this will be a purely business related transaction. So be it. 149
Neutral 50 I'd suggest making your way to Vault-Tec Headquarters in the D.C. Ruins. That would be a good place to begin. 150
MS17AgathaCTVault9202 I know where Vault 92 is... I'll head there right away. Surprise 50 You do? Amazing! 151
Happy 50 Thank you for this. You have no idea what this means to me. 152
Neutral 50 Good luck to you! 153
MS17Bailout Let me ask you about something else. Neutral 50 Well okay. 154
MS17FinAgathaTLFeeling How are you feeling, Agatha? Happy 50 Much better lately, thanks for asking. 155
Neutral 50 With the return of the Soil Stradivarius, everything has changed. It's like a long-lost family member has come home. 156
How are you feeling, Agatha? Sad 90 Actually, I'm feeling quite sad right now. I have all this beautiful music in my head and only a terrible homemade violin to play it on. 157
Disgust 70 Blast this old woman's body I'm stuck in! I know where I could get my hands on a better one, but it's too far and too dangerous for the likes of me. 158
Neutral 50 It's such a pity to imagine what's happened to the Soil Stradivarius violin after all this time resting in Vault 92. 159
MS17FinAgathaTLHowPlay You play live on the radio all the time? That must be exhausting! Happy 80 Oh, don't be silly! 160
Neutral 50 I record everything I play on the nice machines built into my husband's old radio gear. 161
Happy 80 That way you can hear the music anytime you want, and this old woman can get some well-needed beauty sleep! 162
MS17FinAgathaTLPLay Would you mind playing the violin for me? Happy 50 I would be delighted. 163
Would you mind playing the violin for me? Happy 50 Oh! Absolutely. It's the least I can do for all your efforts. 164
Would you mind playing the violin for me? Happy 50 I would love to play for you. 165
MS17FinAgathaTLSellBackViolin I've had a change of heart, Agatha. Here's your violin. Disgust 70 You actually got it back. I didn't think you'd bother after that stunt you pulled. 166
Happy 50 It's like holding a piece of history in the palm of my hands. Amazing, simply amazing. 167
Disgust 50 It may have been like pulling teeth, but at least you finally brought me the thing. Still, I'm lacking a suitable reward for what you've done. 168
Happy 50 All I can give you is the frequency to my radio set. Tune in whenever you feel like listening to the strains of an old woman's violin playing. 169
I just wanted to let you know I sold the Stradivarius to someone else. Anger 90 You son of a bitch! You know what that thing meant to me! 170
Anger 50 It was a family heirloom. It belonged rightfully in the hands of a musician, someone to appreciate its value, not to exploit it! 171
Anger 90 I can't believe you'd stab an old woman in the back like this! Get out! GET OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT! 172
MS17FinAgathaTLViolin Guess what I have for you? Surprise 50 My word! You actually found some REAL music paper? I didn't even think it possible. 173
Happy 50 Yet here it is. You've really outdone yourself this time. I knew getting the Stradivarius was a challenge, but this is just incredible. 174
Neutral 50 This is all too much... you deserve more than just a pat on the back. 175
Do you have any clue where I can find the music paper? Neutral 50 I'm afraid I don't. I'm surprised you didn't find any in Vault 92 knowing that it was a place where musicians used to live. 176
Happy 50 I would ask every merchant and just search the Wasteland. Perhaps one day you'll be in luck. 177
You should write your music down, to keep it preserved for the future. Neutral 50 Well, I suppose I could. They aren't my pieces of music by any stretch of the imagination though. 178
MS17FinAgathaViolin01 It doesn't matter. Everything gets lost with time. Neutral 50 You make a good point. I'm no spring chicken, so one day I'll be gone. 179
Fear 50 Oh my, what if I'm the last person on the planet to know these pieces of music? What if all the recordings have been destroyed? 180
Sad 50 To lose such beautiful music would be a shame. 181
MS17FinAgathaViolin02 You aren't going to live forever, you know. Disgust 50 What a vulgar way to put it. However, you're right. 182
Neutral 50 What if I was the last person on the planet that had those pieces of music committed to memory? 183
Sad 50 Imagine all those great works vanishing. It almost brings me to tears. 184
MS17FinAgathaViolin03 What do you need to get it done? Neutral 50 Well, I only need two things. My noggin and some music paper. 185
MS17FinAgathaViolin04 Then stop whining about it, and do it! Neutral 50 Well, darn it, I think I will! 186
Neutral 50 I remember all the notations. All I need now is some music paper to write it on. 187
MS17FinAgathaViolin05 Music paper? Let me guess... you don't have any. Neutral 50 Nope, I sure don't. I need the music paper to properly record the notes. 188
Sad 50 If I just wrote on anything, it may not look standard enough to teach everyone in the future to read from it properly. 189
Neutral 50 You think you can bring some to me? 190
MS17FinAgathaViolin06 Paper? Why not record it on a holotape? Disgust 50 Look around you. Do you see any fancy computers or high tech gizmos? 191
Neutral 50 My husband and I were never into that kind of junk. The most hi-tech thing we have is the radio setup, and even that was old before the bombs fell. 192
Neutral 50 I need the paper... it's all I know how to use. Can you help me? 193
MS17FinAgathaViolinNo Let me get back with you on this. Happy 50 Of course. There's no rush really, it was just an idea. Take your time. 194
Neutral 50 If you come across the paper on your travels, good. If not, I don't blame you one bit. 195
MS17FinAgathaViolinReward01 No, no. Having you write it down is reward enough. Happy 50 I'm speechless. Thank you. 196
Happy 50 You're welcome here any time. Consider my house as a safe haven if you're ever in the area. 197
Neutral 50 Now, let me get writing. So much to do! 198
MS17FinAgathaViolinReward02 Sure, I'll take whatever you can afford. Neutral 50 Well, like I told you before, I don't have wealth out here in the sticks, but I can certainly provide you something useful. 199
Neutral 50 My husband left me something else besides the radio setup. I think you'll find it useful. 200
Neutral 50 It's his old pistol. He tinkered with it some and used to practice with it all the time. Now I want you to have it. 201
MS17FinAgathaViolinReward03 It better be good. I busted my ass getting that paper. Disgust 50 Manners are not your strong suit, are they? 202
Anger 50 Here, take this pistol. It's all I have left. Use it to protect yourself, or shoot yourself in the foot for all I care. 203
Disgust 50 Now if you don't mind, I need to get some things done. Goodbye. 204
MS17FinAgathaViolinRewardSub01 No, no, no. You keep it. You may need it! Disgust 50 Nonsense. I've never fired a gun before in my life and I'm not about to start any time soon. 205
Happy 50 You take this thing and use it to protect yourself while you're out there. I'll be just fine. Here. 206
Happy 50 Now, scoot. I have a lot of music to write. 207
MS17FinAgathaViolinRewardSub02 Thanks, Agatha. It's more than I expected. Happy 50 You're welcome. Just keep it clean and repaired and it will never let you down. 208
Happy 50 Now, scoot. I have to get cracking on this music notation. 209
MS17FinAgathaViolinWait I suppose this one is a freebie too, eh? Neutral 50 I'm no richer now than I was before we met. All I can offer you is an old woman's thanks. 210
MS17FinAgathaViolinYES Hang on a minute. If you need paper, I already have it. Neutral 50 My word! You actually found some REAL music paper? I didn't even think it possible. 211
Neutral 50 Yet here it is. You've really outdone yourself this time. I knew getting the Stradivarius was a challenge, but this is just incredible. 212
Neutral 50 This is all too much... you deserve more than just a pat on the back. 213
Sure, I'll get the paper for you. Happy 50 Well, thank you. You've done so much for me already, I just don't know what else to say. 214
Happy 50 If you get the paper, head back here in time. There's no rush. 215
MS17TLGreatGrandmother Tell me a bit about your great-great-grandmother. Happy 50 She was quite a special woman. Hilda was her name. Classically trained and exceptionally talented at the violin. 216
Neutral 50 Her pride and joy was her Stradivarius Violin. I can only imagine how exquisite this instrument must have been. 217
Neutral 50 When war reared its head, she was invited by Vault-Tec into Vault 92. They claimed the vault would be dedicated to preserving musical talent. 218
Neutral 50 Happily, she accepted. After she entered Vault 92, the bombs fell, and the story as I know it ends. 219
MS17TLSoilStrad What do you know about the Soil Stradivarius? Neutral 50 Not too much I'm afraid. It was fabricated way back in 1714 by a famous Italian craftsman named Antonio Stradivari. 220
Neutral 50 He had made a bunch of Stradivarius violins actually, and each one was individually named over time to identify them. 221
Neutral 50 They are regarded as the most outstanding instruments ever made... and no two sound alike they say. Incredible. 222
Neutral 50 Since the bombs fell laying waste to most of the world, it may be safe to say that this could be the last surviving violin of its kind. 223
MS17TLSoilStrad01 How will I know the Stradivarius when I see it? Neutral 50 Well, from my great-great-grandmother's diaries, I have deduced that she had a special pressurized case created for it. 224
Sad 50 Hopefully, the Soil Stradivarius was in the case when she... well, you know. 225
How will I know the Stradivarius when I see it? Neutral 50 I can't really describe it in detail beyond the case. I've never seen it any other way. I'll know it's the real one when I have it in hand. 226
Neutral 50 You can fool the eyes, but not the ears. 227
MS17TLSoilStrad02 Is the Stradivarius worth a ton of caps? Fear 50 I hope you're not thinking of doing anything dishonest. You gave me your word. 228
MS17TLStradStatus Well, actually Agatha, I sold the Stradivarius to someone else. Anger 50 You son of a bitch! You know what that thing meant to me! 229
Anger 50 It was a family heirloom. It belonged rightfully in the hands of a musician, someone to appreciate its value, not to exploit it! 230
Anger 80 I can't believe you'd stab an old woman in the back like this! Get out! GET OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT! 231
Here's your violin, Agatha. Happy 50 Oh my goodness! I must see it... please! 232
Surprise 70 Oh my... it's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined! 233
Happy 50 I can't thank you enough. I wish I had something to give you, a more suitable reward for all your efforts. 234
Happy 50 All I can give you is the frequency to my radio set. Tune in whenever you feel like listening to the strains of an old woman's violin playing. 235
I'm still looking. Don't give up on me yet. Happy 50 I understand. I haven't given up hope... I know you'll find it. 236
MS17TLStradStatusLie I'm sorry, Agatha. I couldn't find the violin in Vault 92. <Lie.> Sad 50 I... I was afraid this was a possibility. The information I had received was sketchy at best. 237
Sad 50 Oh well. Perhaps this is a sign that I wasn't meant to follow in my ancestor's footsteps. 238
Sad 50 One day maybe I'll return to playing, or perhaps not. Either way, I thank you for your efforts. 239
MS17TLVault92 Do you have any information on Vault 92? Neutral 50 I'm sorry, I wish I did. All I know is that Vault-Tec intended it to be a protective environment for the world's musical talent. 240
Neutral 50 When the bombs fell, the Vault was sealed and the rest is a mystery. 241
Neutral 50 Perhaps when you find it, you can find some sort of a record of what occurred inside. 242
MS17TLVaultTecHQ Can you tell me anything about Vault-Tec Headquarters? Neutral 50 From what I gather, it's located in the ruins of D.C. I got the location from one of the supply caravans. 243
Neutral 50 They told me it had extremely high security and something they called a main frame inside. 244
Fear 50 I'd imagine it's quite dangerous. I'd be careful if I was you. 245
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 You can't get blood from a stone. I'd love to help you, but first we need to iron out the deal. 246
Happy 50 So, what do you say? 247


GOODBYE I have to go now. Fear 50 You can't go! After all that, you're not giving me the Stradivarius? 248
I have to go now. Fear 50 Please! I must have that violin! 249
I have to go now. Happy 50 I'm getting so excited I could scream! 250
I have to go now. Happy 50 Looks like a long hike to Vault 92. Be careful! 251
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Watch yourself out there! 252
I have to go now. Fear 50 Be careful, I don't want to be responsible for getting you killed. 253
I have to go now. Sad 50 No! Don't go! 254
I have to go now. Sad 50 Oh, please stay. There's so much more to tell. 255
I have to go now. Sad 50 Leaving so soon? 256
I have to go now. Fear 50 Watch yourself out there, the Wasteland is no place to be messing around. 257
I have to go now. Happy 50 Safe travels. 258
I have to go now. Happy 50 Come back soon. 259
I have to go now. Happy 50 Thanks for keeping an old lady company. 260
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 You have the violin! You've done it! 261
HELLO Surprise 50 Oh my word! Is that what I think it is? 262
HELLO Neutral 50 Oh my goodness... you've been fighting. 263
HELLO Neutral 50 Ugh, you look like you need a rest. 264
HELLO Neutral 50 I hope Vault Tec had some answers for you. 265
HELLO Sad 50 Hmmm... I don't see a case yet. No luck, huh? 266
HELLO Happy 50 If there's anything else you need to know, you go right ahead and ask. 267
HELLO Surprise 50 Oh my! I wasn't expecting any visitors. 268
HELLO Fear 50 I assure you, there's nothing valuable here. 269
HELLO Neutral 50 Well, don't just stand there, say something. 270
HELLO Neutral 50 Maybe we could chat if you have the time. 271
HELLO Disgust 90 What are you doing here? 272
HELLO Happy 50 You are welcome here any time. 273
HELLO Happy 50 Hey there. Come to use the radio set? 274
HELLO Happy 50 Always a pleasure when you visit. 275
HELLO Happy 50 Welcome back! 276
MS17FinViolinMusic MS17FinViolinMusic Neutral 50 277


RadioHello RadioHello Neutral 50 This next piece is dedicated to my old friend Crazy Wolfgang. No one can scour the Wasteland and find such oddities as you. 278
RadioHello Neutral 50 I'd like to play this next piece of music for the man out there who keeps an old lady alive and well. Doc Hoff, once again I thank you. 279
RadioHello Neutral 50 To the traveling merchant who only goes by the name Crow, I thank you for all the times you spent keeping me company. Enjoy the music, my love. 280
RadioHello Neutral 50 This is just a quick thank you to my new friend. Thank you for bringing me what I'd been searching for all these years. 281
RadioHello Neutral 50 Music has always been an important part of my life. I hope you enjoy listening to these pieces as much as I enjoy playing them. 282
RadioHello Neutral 50 Here is another lovely song for a lonely traveler wandering the Wasteland. You know who you are. 283
RadioHello Neutral 50 If my notes sound sweeter it's all thanks to a special someone who helped out a poor old lady living alone in the Wasteland. Thank you, my friend. 284
RadioHello Neutral 50 Remember, Agatha is with you on those cold nights. Just keep listening to this broadcast and I'll keep you company. It's the least I can do. 285
RadioHello Neutral 50 They say recent events have made the world seem like a better place. I hope all of you out there can smile and feel better knowing that it's true. 286
RadioHello Neutral 50 This next selection was one of my mother's favorites. I hope you'll enjoy hearing it as much as I enjoy playing it. 287
RadioHello Neutral 50 That song reminded me how wonderful these composers were. How delightful to have such an amazing imagination. 288
RadioHello Neutral 50 This is for all those people out there who take the time to help out those in need. Enjoy the music... you've earned it. 289
RadioHello Neutral 50 This next piece reminds me of something my husband said. "Friendship is like a violin. Even if the music stops, you'll still have the strings." 290
RadioHello Neutral 50 Just a word to my Wasteland friends out there. Stay safe, stay healthy and above all, stay happy. 291
RadioHello Neutral 50 I'm dedicating this next piece of music to my loving husband. May his soul find peace. 292