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You've entered a place of clarity. Understanding. Peace. While you're here in Acadia, synth-kind welcomes you, as long as you welcome us.DiMA

Acadia is a location on the Island in 2287.


This pre-War astronomical observatory[1] was claimed by DiMA and Faraday as the site of their new synth colony. The observatory became a safe haven for synths who have fled the Institute in the Commonwealth.[2][3][4]


The observatory is sheltered by the natural terrain and a set of makeshift walls at the top of a small mountain, and the air is free of the Fog. The interior is divided into three distinct levels. The ground level contains the telescope dome and control center, where DiMA and Faraday reside. The intermediate level below contains a farm and infirmary, a couple of trading posts, and the main living quarters. The bottom level is used primarily for workshops and storage.

Through the entrance is a short corridor, with stairs down and Faraday's research room on the right behind doors that are initially locked until after first speaking with DiMA. Ahead is the main telescope dome occupied by DiMA, with Faraday and Chase also often present. The room is lined with computer banks, and has stairs leading up to a mezzanine across from another door to a second set of stairs down that is initially locked until after first speaking with Kasumi Nakano.

Downstairs in the intermediate level are the living quarters of several NPCs and synth refugees, including the medic and farm overseer Aster and the merchants Cog and Dejen. Finally, on the bottom level is Kasumi Nakano, who has fled to Acadia from the Commonwealth, believing that she is actually a synth. This level also features some storage rooms, with those to the northwest and north Master-locked and Expert-locked, respectively, and a terminal describing past and current projects near the northwest storage.


Notable loot[]

Ground level[]

Intermediate level[]

Bottom level[]

Related quests[]


Acadia appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor, and in the tabletop game Fallout: The Board Game.

Behind the scenes[]



  1. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Acadia is built out the remains of an astronomical observatory."
  2. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "The settlement of Acadia was founded as a refuge for freed synths who wish to live among their own kind."
  3. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Although it is primarily a refuge for synths, Acadia outwardly expresses a desire for peace with all the other residents of the island."
  4. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Some of the synth refugees in Acadia are Institute escapees who refused to get their memories wiped by the Railroad. Others underwent the process, but the memory wipe didn't take... or started to unravel."
  5. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor DLC